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Energy-Telecom Bugs - Sept 12, 2023

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  • #16
    Energy Telecom Bug report:

    #1. '"First name" only excepts 30 characters not 31 per requirements.

    #2. "Last name" only excepts 30 characters not 31 per requirements.

    #3. "Zip" accepts 5 characters (digits only), letters accepted.

    #4. "State " List Box offering the list of all 50 states, only 49 accepted, "Other" is in the place of the 50th missing state.

    #5. High Speed Internet Service section: PROVIDER button is unable. ( unclickable)

    #6. Cell Phone Service section: " Months left on current contract"- 10 months listed only instead of 12 months.


    • #17
      #1. "First Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 required.
      #2. "Last Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 required.
      #3. “Street address” text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 required.
      #4. “State” text field list listed 49 states instead of 50 required.
      #5. “State” text field listed BC (British Columbia) and it listed in not alphabetical order.
      #6. “State” text field listed word “Other” as one of required 50 states.
      #7. “ZIP” text field accepts upper and lower-case letters instead required (digits only)
      #8. “ZIP” allows “Copy/Paste” unlimited number of letters instead required 5 characters (digits only)
      #9. “Email” text field if kept empty, not listed as missed or required field after submitting, and symbol “*” remains blue instead of red.
      #10. “Email” text field accepts 1063 characters instead of 255 required.
      #11 “Phone” text field allows “Copy/Paste” letters in 3-3-4 chars instead required (digits only)
      #12. “Referred by” text field become as required (missed) field after push “Submit” button.
      Last edited by lelik1; 09-21-2023, 05:46 PM.


      • #18
        Energy-Telecom Bugs report:
        #1.text field “First Name:” accepts no more than 30 characters
        #2.text field “Last Name:” accepts no more than 30 characters
        #3.When starts push Tab buttom from “First Name:” label, the "Last name" label is not the logical Tab buttom order.
        #4."State:" Only 49 States offered from 50 existing States
        #5.Label" State" All states are not in alphabetical order.
        #6.Label "State" Misspelling "IN" state. Replace "IND" for "IN" Indiana state.
        #7.Label "State" Do not have "HI" Hawaii state.
        Last edited by Evgeny Mikhaylov; 09-21-2023, 04:52 PM.


        • #19
          Energy-Telecom Bugs!

          #1. Contact information "State" list box, remove "BC" from the list
          #2. Contact information "State" list box "Hawaii" is missing
          #3. Contact information "State" list box "NV" is missing

          #4. Contact information "State" list box "Other" is redundant
          #5. After submitting all *required fields in the form, no Email was sent to the customer
          #6. The "Zip" field accepts letters instead of Digits only.

          #7. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters instead of digits only
          #8."Minutes on plan" list box selection "Other'' does not provide more plan options
          #9. "Months left on current contract" selection list box "11-12" months are missing
          #10. "Total Bill" field accepts letters and special characters if you paste it


          • #20
            Energy-Telecom Functionality Testing (BUG REPORTS) as per requirements from "Energy-Telecom requirements" webpage. September 21, 2023

            1. Input to the “First name” field is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements.

            2. Input to the “Last name” field is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements.
            3. Input to “Street Address” field is limited to 100 characters, not 255 as per requirements
            4. “State” list box only contains 49 out of the 50 total states in the US.
            5. The 5-character limit requirement for “ZIP” field is avoidable through a copy/paste action, with a limit of 253 characters.
            6. “ZIP” field accepts letters as input, but an error message is shown in case the data is submitted. Suggestion: No input other than digit-characters should be possible.
            7. Input to “Email” field is limited to 1063 characters, not 255 as per requirements.
            8. “Phone” field accepts letters and special characters as input through a copy/paste action, but an error message is shown in case the data is submitted. Suggestion: No input other than digit-characters should be possible.
            9. All fields should trim leading and trailing spaces (Ex: “ username “)
            10. Tabbing navigation is broken: Tabbing from “First Name” in “Contact information” box, jumps directly to “Referred by”. Tabbing in boxes labelled with number 2 – 7(“2. Local/Long Distances/International Service”, “3. High Speed Internet Service”, etc. ) does not follow logical order on all “Yes/no” selectable options (Goes up/down but not left/right).
            11. “Referred by” field is left empty when email to sales lead is generated even when it is filled correctly on the form.
            12. Error message is shown when “clear” button is pressed; “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”. There is no contact information for technical support and restarting the computer does not fix the issue.


            • #21

              BUG REPORTS “Energy-Telecom Service Review”

              #1 Input to the "First name" field is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements
              #2 Input to the "Last name" field is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements
              #3 Input to the "Street Address" field is limited to 100 characters, not 250 as per requirements
              #4 To the “ZIP” field can be entered with digits and letters, not 5 digits only as per as requirements
              #5 Input to the "Email" field unlimited characters, not 255 as per requirements
              #6 Inconsistency in the “State” list box: BC (British Columbia) is listed in not alphabetical order like others states
              #7 In the "State" list box is listed only 49 states instead of 50
              #8 In the "State" list box, the word "Other" is listed instead of the 50th state, it is not meet the requirements
              #9 To the
              “Phone” field can be copy and past digits and letters, not digits only as per as requirements
              #10 Inconsistency in the "
              Current Provider" list box in the 1st section "Cell Phone Service": there is no "Other" selection in the list, as well as in other sections with the " Current Provider" list box
              #11 In the check box item “I am opento using different provider” in the 7th section the words “opento” should be indicated separately - “open to”, because it contains the verb ‘open’ and the preposition “to”


              • #22

                1.First name accepted of 30 characters
                2.last name accepted of 29 characters
                3. city accepted all characters, state(50) zip acepted (5 numbers)
                4. referred.. un known
                5.Clear button not functional.


                • #23
                  Bug report Energy-Telecom 9/21/23
                  "Contact information" block
                  #1. In a "Contact Information" block, form doesnt check is information about locasion is correct (ex. if user gonna type a New-York in a "Sity" field and florida in a "State" fireld form doesnt care)
                  #2. In a "State" list box no "Nevada" state (NV)
                  #3. In a "State" list box no "Hawaii" state (HI)
                  #4. In a "State" list box need to delete British Columbia state (BC), it is not a part of USA
                  #5. Theare no need to place "Other" button in a "State" list box
                  #6. In a "ZIP" field user can type letters, not digits only as per requirements
                  #7. A field "reffered by" dont have a star, but it is a required field
                  #8. In a "Email" field user can type more than 255 characters

                  "Cell Phone Service" block
                  #9. In a "Current Provider" list box should be an item "Other"
                  #10. In a "My monthly bill is approximately" field user should type digits only
                  #11. After "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" list box need to add "month ago"

                  "Gas and Electric Servisces" Block
                  #12. In a "I am open to use a different provider" radio button words "open" and "to" writing together

                  #13. "Clear" button on a bottom of page isnt work properly
                  Last edited by Oleksandr Spivak; 09-21-2023, 06:45 PM.


                  • #24
                    BUG REPORT
                    # 1 Field " best way to contact me" does not have an Asterix icon when.
                    # 2 Field " Referred by" does not have an Asterix icon.
                    # 3 The "Clear" button does not clear the filled fields.
                    # 4 If you specify the wrong mail, "" it will not even be like an error.
                    # 5 "High-Speed Internet Service" in the "Current Provider" row, we can't select "other".
                    # 6 "TV Service" in the "Months left on plan:" row, we can't select "more".
                    # 7 In the "States" column, 49 states are listed, not 50.
                    # 8 In the "States" column, the names are not listed alphabetically, and the "other" button is in the middle of the list.


                    • #25
                      #1 If we change the browser from Safari to Chrome, then the “Phone” field accepts copied letters, not only digits.
                      #2 The form cannot be submited without the information in “Referred by” field, there is no asterisk, that this is a required field.
                      #3 “Current Provider” field in section “Cell Phone Service” should have option “other” or more American providers must be added to this field.

                      #4 “ZIP” field accepts letters, not only digits.
                      #5 There are only 49 states in “States” field (not 50).
                      #6 “Street address” field accepts only 100 characters, not 255.
                      #7 “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters.


                      • #26
                        1. ZIP text field: accepts letters. As per requirements, should only accept digits.
                        2. State list box: missing values, should have 50 states to select as per requirements, but has less.
                        3. State list box: BC value is not a US state, per requirements should only have 50 US states.
                        4. "Cell phone service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" text field: accepts letters, but should only accept digits and symbols.
                        5. "Cell phone service" section, "Minutes on plan" list box: if selected "other", no text field to enter specific value.
                        6. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" field: replace colon character with a question mark.
                        7. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: no consistency with using upper case and lower case letters in words.
                        8. "Gas and Electric Services" section: misspelling in the very bottom text line. Replace "opento" with "open to".
                        9. "Clear" push button at the very bottom of the page error: when pushed comes up with message: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                        10. "Contact Information" section: * (star) symbol before "Email" inconsistent in color with other star symbols. Replace with red star symbol.


                        • #27
                          Test cases
                          #1. Text field "First Name" input tR4%,17 accepted.
                          #2. Text field "First Name" input 31 characters accepted.
                          #3. Text field "First Name" input 32 characters allowed only 31characters.
                          #4. Text field "First Name" paste 32 characters allowed only 31characters.
                          #5. Text field "First Name" left empty text field "First Name" is required field can't be empty.
                          #6. Text field "Last Name" input tR4%,17 accepted.
                          #7. Text field "Last Name" input 31 characters accepted.
                          #8. Text field "Last Name" input 32 characters allowed only 31characters.
                          #9. Text field "Last Name" paste 32 characters allowed only 31characters.
                          #10. Text field "Last Name" left empty text field "Last Name" is required field can't be empty.
                          #11. Text field "Street Address" input tR4%,17 accepted.
                          #12. Text field "Street Address" input 255 characters accepted.
                          #13. Text field "Street Address" input 256 characters allowed only 255 characters.
                          #14. Text field "Street Address" paste 256 characters allowed only 255 characters.
                          #15. Text field "Street Address" left empty text field "Street Address" is required field can't be empty.
                          #16. Text field "City" input tR4%,17 accepted.
                          #17. Text field "City" input 50 characters accepted.
                          #18. Text field "City" input 51 characters allowed only 50 characters.
                          #19. Text field "City" paste 51 characters allowed only 50 characters.
                          #20. Text field "City" left empty text field "City" is required field can't be empty.
                          #21. List Box "State" select one of the offered states accepted.
                          #22. List Box "State" left empty list Box "State" is required field can't be empty.
                          #23. Text field "ZIP" input 12345 accepted.
                          #24. Text field "ZIP" input 123456 allowed only 5 characters.
                          #25. Text field "ZIP" paste 123456 allowed only 5 characters.
                          #26. Text field "ZIP" input qwert allowed digits only.
                          #27. Text field "ZIP" paste qwert allowed digits only.
                          #28. Text field "ZIP" input ,/.'; allowed digits only.
                          #29. Text field "ZIP" paste ,/.'; allowed digits only.
                          #30. Text field "ZIP" left empty text field "ZIP" is required field can't be empty.
                          #31. Text field "Email" input tR4@17 accepted.
                          #32. Text field "Email" input tR4/17 allowed only some special characters.
                          #33. Text field "Email" paste tR4/17 allowed only some special characters.
                          #34. Text field "Email" input 255 characters accepted.
                          #35. Text field "Email" input 256 characters allowed only 255 characters.
                          #36. Text field "Email" paste 256 characters allowed only 255 characters.
                          #37. Text field "Email" left empty text field "Email" is required field can't be empty.
                          #38. 3 text fields "Phone" left empty text field "Phone" is required field can't be empty.
                          #39. 3 text fields "Phone" input 123-123-1234 accepted.
                          #40. 3 text fields "Phone" input 1234-123-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #41. 3 text fields "Phone" input 123-1234-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #42. 3 text fields "Phone" input 123-123-12345 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #43. 3 text fields "Phone" input 12w-123-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #44. 3 text fields "Phone" input 123-12w-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #45. 3 text fields "Phone" input 123-123-123w only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #46. 3 text fields "Phone" input 12\-123-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #47. 3 text fields "Phone" input 123-12\-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #48. 3 text fields "Phone" input 123-123-123\ only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #49. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 1234-123-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #50. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 123-1234-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #51. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 123-123-12345 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #52. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 12w-123-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #53. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 123-12w-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #54. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 123-123-123w only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #55. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 12\-123-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #56. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 123-12\-1234 only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).
                          #57. 3 text fields "Phone" paste 123-123-123\ only accepting 3-3-4 chars format (digits only).


                          #1 Input to the text field "First name" is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements.
                          #2 Input to the text field "Last name" is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements.
                          #3 Input to the text field "Street Address" is limited to 100 characters, not 250 as per requirements.
                          #4 List Box "State" has only 49 elements not the list of all 50 states as per requirements.
                          #5 List Box "State" has element "Other" which doesn't match any state Alpha codes.
                          #6 List Box "State" has element "BC" which doesn't match any state Alpha codes.
                          #7 List Box "State" has element "IND" instead "IN".
                          #8 List Box "State" doesn't have element "HI" which match Alpha code Hawaii state.
                          #9 List Box "State" doesn't have element "NV" which match Alpha code Nevada state.
                          #10 in Text field "ZIP" can paste more 6 characters not 5 as per requirements.
                          #11 in Text field "ZIP" can paste special symbols not digits only as per requirements.
                          #12 in Text field "ZIP" can paste letters not digits only as per requirements.


                          • #28

                            1. "Email:" field is implemented not as a required field as defined by requirements
                            2. "ZIP" field accepts typing/pasting of letters & pasting of special characters instead of being digits only
                            3. When value is selected in the "ZIP" field, it is not possible to print new value
                            4. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                            5. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                            6. "State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing
                            7. Remove Canadian states from the "State" list (BC...)
                            8. "Email" field doesn't accept typing of the underscore (_) character
                            9. Misleading/Confusing error message when push the "Clear" button
                            10. Basic Validation of email format requested


                            • #29
                              September 22 , 2023

                              Bug report: “Energy-Telecom Service Review”


                              #1 Input to the field "First name" is limited 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements : (First Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field)

                              #2 Input to the field "Last name" is limited to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements : (Last Name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field)

                              #3 Input to the field “Street Address" is limited to 100 characters, not 255 as per requirements : (Street Address:text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field)

                              #4 Dropdown list box “State” : missing states names : 1. Hawaii HI 2. Nevada NV

                              #5 Dropdown list box “State” : there are non-existent states names : 1. BC 2. Other

                              #6 Dropdown list box “State” : misspell abbreviation IND , instead of IN (Indiana)

                              #7 Dropdown list box “State” : should present abbreviation states in alphabetical order

                              #8 Button “Clear” located bottom page “Energy-Telecom Service Review“ doesn’t working


                              • #30
                                TC for Phone field

                                - 3-3-4 chars

                                - digits only

                                - required field

                                - accepts typing and paste

                                id title instruction Expect actual pass/fail

                                #1 digits/3-3-4/type 386-284-6057 accept accept pass

                                #2 digits/4-4-5/type 3867-2845-60575 386-284-6057 accept pass

                                #3 digits/4-4-5/paste 3867-2845-60575 386-284-6057 accept pass

                                #4 digits+let/type 38O-28A-6O57 38-28-657 38-28-657 pass

                                #5 digits+let/paste 38O-28A-6O57 38-28-657 38O-28A-6O57 failed

                                #6 digits+sp.char/type 38@-28!-605* 38-28-605 38-28-605 pass

                                #7 digits+sp.char/tpaste 38@-28!-605* 38-28-605 38@-28!-605* failed

                                #8 required field 386-284-6057 no error for Phone field no error pass

                                #9 required field n/a error message: 'Please enter your Phone number' pass

                                bug report

                                #1 Tree fields of Phone field accept pasting of sp.char instead of digits only per rec

                                #2 Tree fields of Phone field accept pasting of letters instead of digits only per rec

