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H-1 - Сообщения об ошибках в проекте Energy-Telecom

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  • #16
    Energy-Telecom bug report:
    #1. "First Name" field accepts a maximum of 30 characters instead of 31 characters
    #2. "Last Name" field accepts a maximum of 30 characters instead of 31 characters
    #3. "Street Address" field accepts a maximum of 100 characters instead of 255 characters
    #4. Missing requirements for the "Referred by" field
    #5. Misleading/Confusing error message when push the "Clear" button
    #6. "Zip:" field accepts non-digits, should be digits only
    #7. "ZIP" field accepts pasting of over 5 characters
    #8. "Tab" jumps across the line "Last name"


    • #17

      #01. "First Name" field receives only 30 characters instead of 31
      #02. "Last Name" field receives only 30 characters instead of 31
      #03. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255
      #04. "Referred by" field isn't "Reguired field" but if to submit the form with the empty field "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" message appears
      #05. "State" list box: remove "BC" because it is not US state
      #06. "Referred by" field doesn't have any requirements
      #07. "State" list box: replace "IND" abbreviation by "IN"
      #08. "ZIP" field accepts not only digits but letters
      #09. "ZIP" field when pasted accepts more than 5 digits, letters and special characters
      #10. "State" list box: replace "Other" by "HI" (Hawaii)
      #11. "Contact Information" area: TAB goes from "First Name" field to "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name" field
      #12. "Phone" fields accept digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #13. "Clear" button doesn't clear anything. If pushed confusing "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" message appears
      #14. "1. Cell Phone Service" area: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts when pasted digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #15. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" area: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts when pasted digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #16. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" area: "Total Bill" field accepts when pasted digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #17. "3. High Speed Internet Service" area: "Type of service" field accepts when pasted digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #18. "4. TV Service" area: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts when pasted digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #19. "5. Home Security Service" area: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts when pasted digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #20. "7. Gas and Electric Services" area: "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" and "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" fields accept when pasted digits, letters and special characters instead of only digits
      #21. "7. Gas and Electric Services" area: replace "I am opento using different provider" by "I am open to using different provider"
      #22. "Contact Information" area: the form can be submitted with "Email" field without "@" symbol
      #23. "Contact Information" area: the form can be submitted with empty "Email" field although it is a required field


      • #18
        #1. Requirements: no information provided on the “Referred by “field

        #2. “First name field : the input is be 30 character instead of 31 as per requirement
        #3. “ Contact Information” section: from “first name” TAB order jumps to “Referred
        #4. The application failed to send an email upon(после) form submission
        1. Open a new application window
        2. Fil out all the fields in the “contact Information” section
        3. Push “Submit “ button – observe ( наблюдать):the error message pops up : “Cant send email”
        #5. “Contact Information” requirements: please, specify are all the inputs limited to English character set
        #6. Misleading / confusing error message pops up upon pushing the “Clear” button
        # 7. "ZIP" accepts Lettes and Digits same. Should be just digits.
        #8. The section 7 " Gas and Electric Services" option "I am opento using different provider" Misspelled word " opento" with "open to".
        #9. Section "State" list of State USA has 49 , should be 50.
        #10. “ Clear” button does not work – it clears nothing.
        #11. Button "Submit" and "Clear" have different size of letters.


        • #19
          "Last name" field: the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
          "Street Address" field: the input is limited by 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
          "City" field: the input is limited by 49 characters instead of 50 as per requirements
          "State" list-box: "BC", "IND", "Other" are non-existant, remove them from the list
          "State" list-box: IN, NV and HI shold be added to the list
          "ZIP" field: accepts letters instead of digits only
          "ZIP" field: accepts pasting more than 5 characters as per requirements
          "ZIP" field: accepts pasting letters instaed of digits only as per requirements
          "ZIP" field: accepts pasting special characters instaed of digits only as per requirements
          "Email" field: accepts 1063 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
          "Email" field: accepts "space" character - email can not contain "space" character
          "Email" field: do not accept "_" character, like a lot of emails have
          "Phone" field: accepts pasting letters instaed of digits only as per requirements
          "Phone" field: accepts pasting special characters instaed of digits only as per requirements
          "Referred by" field after submiting form shows as required field - it shold have an asterisk
          "Email" field is required, but there is no warning message if it is empty


          • #20
            1. Requirements: no information provided on the "Referred by" field
            2. "First name" field: the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
            3. "Contact Information" section: from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
            4. Failed to send an email upon form submission
            5. In the ‘State’ field an 'other' must be at the end of the list.5. Open a new application window
            6. Fill out all the fields in the "Contact Information" section
            7. Push "Submit" button - observe: the error message pops up: "Can't send email"
            8. The field “ZIP” accepts typing of letters
            9. “ZIP” field accepts pasting of letters/special characters and more than 5 characters
            10. "Contact Information" requirements: please, specify - are all the inputs limited to "English" character set
            11 Misleading/confusing error message pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
            12. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accept pasting letters
            13. "My monthly bill is approximately" field needs to accept only 4 digits
            "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different styles
            14. "Cell Phone Service" box, "Current Provider" field: add in list "Other"
            15. "Cell Phone Service" box, "My monthly bill is approximately" field must not accept letters
            16. "My monthly bill is approximately" field only needs to accept 4 digits
            17. "Months left on current contract" field add in list "More"
            18. "Number of phones on plan" field: list must have values not more than 5
            19. "Clear" button does not work - it clears nothing


            • #21
              #1. When all the required field fills out and push the button "Submit" shows the error message "<b></b> not built on the hosting server."
              #2. Form cleaning function is not work. When we push the button "Clear", shows "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
              #3. "State:" field in Contact Information recommend calculate county by "ZIP".
              #4. State: "BC", "IND" in listbox is wrong.
              #5. State: "IN", "HI", "NV" in listbox is missing.
              #6. State: "Other" in listbox should moved to the end of the list.
              #7. "Email:" field is accept adress without caracter "@".
              #8. "Referred by:" is not required field, but if field is empty - error message pops up.
              #9. "1. Cell Phone Service", Current Provider: has only four items, should to add item "other provider".
              #10. "1. Cell Phone Service", "My monthly bill is approximately:" field is accept not only digits.


              • #22

                #1 "Contact Information" section from "Fist name" TAB order jump to "Referred by" instead "Last name"
                #2 Failed to send an email upon form submission.
                1. Open a new application window
                2. Fill out all the fields "Contact Information" sections
                3. Push "Submit" button - to observe the error message pops up: "Сайт не настроен на сервере"
                #3 "Contact Information" requirements: please specify - are all the inputs limitet to "English" limited set.
                #6 Button "Clear" doesn't work How it should work
                #7 "Email:" field is implemented not as a required field as defined by requirements
                #8. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                #9. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                #10. "State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing


                • #23

                  #1. "First name" and "Last name" fields: the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
                  #2. “Street Address” field: the input is limited by 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
                  #3. "Zip Code" - You can't fill the 'Zip Code' field by typing, don't accept to typing more than 5 symbols and field accept not only digits.
                  #4. "Zip Code" - You can fill the 'Zip Code' field with an unlimited amount of characters, by copying and pasting them, not by typing them manually.
                  #5. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
                  #6. "1. Cell Phone Service", "My monthly bill is approximately:" field is accept not only digits.
                  #7. State: "BC", "IND" in listbox is wrong.
                  #8. "State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing
                  #9. Button "Clear" doesn't clear any fields and back an Error 17896.
                  #10. The section 7 " Gas and Electric Services" option "I am opento using different provider" Misspelled word " opento" with "open to".
                  #11. Requirements: "Referred by" field doesn't have any requirements.
                  #12. "Referred by" field doesn't have any descriptions.
                  #13. "Contact Information" area: the form can be submitted with "Email" field without "@" symbol
                  #14. "1. Cell Phone Service", Current Provider: has only four items, should to add item "other provider".
                  #15. "1. Months left on current contract", should to add item "more".

                  Last edited by alexabr; 06-20-2023, 02:06 AM.


                  • #24
                    #1. “First name” field accepts input a maximum of 30 characters instead of 31.
                    #2. “Last name” field accepts input a maximum of 30 characters instead of 31.
                    #3 “Street Address” accepts input a maximum of 110 characters instead of 255.
                    #4. State "BC", "IND" in the listbox is wrong.
                    #5. State "IN", "HI", "NV" in listbox is missing.
                    #6. Listbox “State” displays 49 states instead of 50.
                    #7. “ZIP” field accepts pasting more digits than 5.
                    #8. “ZIP” field accepts pasting letters and special characters.
                    #9. “Email” field accepts input special characters, which are not used for creating email addresses. Example: “!#$%”.
                    #10. “Email” field accepts input unlimited characters.
                    #11. "Email" field accepts the "space" character.
                    #11. “State” field should be filled in automatically after filling in the “ZIP” field.
                    #12. “Phone” field accepts pasting letters and special characters.
                    #13. TAB-order springs from “First name” field to “Referred by” field instead to “Last name” and to next.
                    #14. Pushing the “Clear” button doesn’t clear anything. A confusing message appears: “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
                    #15. “My monthly bill is approximately” field of “Cell Phone Service” area accepts input letters.
                    #16. “My monthly bill is approximately” field of “Cell Phone Service” area pasting letters and special characters.
                    #17. “Primary Phone Number” field accepts pasting letters and special characters.
                    #18. “My monthly bill is approximately” field of “Local/Long Distances/International Service” area accepts pasting special characters and letters.
                    # 19. “Total Bill” accepts pasting special characters and letters.
                    # 20. “My monthly bill is approximately” field of “High Speed Internet Service” area accepts pasting special characters and letters.
                    #21. “My monthly bill is approximately” field of “TV Service” area accepts pasting special characters and letters.
                    #22. “My monthly bill is approximately” field of “Home Security Service” area accepts pasting special characters and letters.
                    #23. “My monthly bill is approximately (summer):” field of “Gas and Electric Services” area accepts pasting special characters and letters.
                    #24. “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):” field of “Gas and Electric Services” area accepts pasting special characters and letters.
                    Last edited by Artur Gaidar; 06-21-2023, 12:57 AM.


                    • #25
                      BUG REPORT “ENERGI-TELECOM”
                      1. “Last Name” field: the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                      2. Requirements: no information provided on the "Referred by" field
                      3. "Contact Information" section: from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
                      4. "Contact Information" requirements: please, specify - are all the inputs limited to "English" character set
                      5. Misleading/confusing error message pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
                      6. "Clear" button does not work - it clears nothing
                      7. "State" field: names go the states should be in alphabetical order
                      8. "ZIP" field allows you to enter / paste letters, not just numbers
                      9. "ZIP" field accepts pasting of over 5 characters
                      10. "Phone" field allows you to paste letters, not just numbers
                      11. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                      12. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                      13."State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing
                      14. "State" list box: remove "Other" optionfrom the list
                      15. "State" list box: remove "--" optionfrom the list
                      16. "State" list box: remove Canadian states (BC...) from the list
                      17. When a value is selected in the "Phone" field, the user cannot enter text over the selection
                      18. When value is selected in the "ZIP" field user cannot type over the selection
                      18'. Cannot type over the selected text
                      1. Type 94040 into the "ZIP" field
                      2. Selected the typed string
                      3. Type 9 to the "ZIP" field over the selected string
                      Observe: typing does not replace the selected string as expected#14. When value is selected in the "ZIP" field user cannot type over the selection
                      19. "Email" field requirements: indicate which characters can be accepted
                      20. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
                      21. "Email" field : empty field - after Submit no error message appears


                      • #26
                        #1 “First Name” text field: accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                        #2 “Last Name” text field: accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                        #3 “Street Address” text field: accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                        #4 “State” drop-down list: remove “BC” (Canadian state)
                        #5 “State” drop-down list: remove “Other”
                        #6 “State” drop-down list: remove “--”
                        #7 “State” drop-down list: add “HI” for Havai, the state is missing
                        #8 “State” drop-down list: add “NV” for Nevada, the state is missing
                        #9 “State” drop-down list: replace "IND" with "IN" for Indiana
                        #10 “State” drop-down list: make in alphabetical order
                        #11 “ZIP” text field: accepts pasting more than 5 digits
                        #12 “ZIP” text field: accepts pasting characters
                        #13 “ZIP” text field: accepts letters
                        #14 “ZIP” text field: accepts non-existent zip codes (for example “99999”)
                        #15 “ZIP” text field: doesn’t accept/paste a new value when a previous value selected
                        #16 Clarifying Requirements for “Email” text field: what kind of special characters should be
                        #17 "Email" text field: accepts more than 255 characters
                        #18 "Email" text field: accepts “space” character
                        #19 "Email" text field: the form can be submitted with an empty field, no error message
                        #20 "Email" text field: the form can be submitted without the "@" symbol, no error message
                        #21 “Best Way To Contact Me”: makes sense to replace “drop-down list” with “radio button”
                        #22 "Contact Information" section: replace the label “Best Way To Contact Me” with “Contact Me”
                        #23 "Contact Information" section TAB order: Input focus moves from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
                        #24 ”Contact Information" section TAB order: Input focus moves from "Best Way To Contact Me" TAB order jumps to "Current Provider" instead of "Referred by”
                        #25 “7. Gas and Electric Services” section: replace the label “ My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” with “My monthly bill is approximately in summer”
                        #26 “7. Gas and Electric Services” section: replace the label “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” with “My monthly bill is approximately in winter”
                        #27 “7. Gas and Electric Services” section: replace the label “I am opento using different provider” with “I am open to using a different provider”
                        #28 “Clear” button: doesn't clear any fields and back an Error 17896


                        • #27
                          Contact Information" section in field:



                          • #28
                            Last edited by Liudmyla Boiko; 06-26-2023, 12:01 PM.


                            • #29
                              #1. In Requirements no information for "Referred by" field.
                              #2. Field information "First name" accept no more 30 characters.
                              #3. Field information "Last Name" accept only 30 characters instead of 31.
                              #4. Field information "Street address" accept no more 100 characters, this mismatch to the declared 255.
                              #5. Field information "State" contains fiction state - "Other".
                              #6. Field information "ZIP" let accept fiction ZIP code, for example "00000".
                              #7. Field information "ZIP" let accept more characters than 5 when you make a copy from somewhere.
                              #8. In Field information "ZIP" you allows to paste not only digits, but special characters too, for example - "+".
                              #9. Field information "Email" accept more than 255 characters - 1063.
                              #10.Field information "Email" lets write button "space", but "space" don't should be in mail.
                              #11.Field information "Email" don't lets write "_", but this is special character too. If you will copy "_" from other field, you can paste him in field information "Email".
                              #12.If you push the button "TAB" from field "First name", you can get in field "Referred", but expected result - field "Last Name".


                              • #30
                                #. The input field for "First Name" and "Last Name" accepts letters, numbers, and special characters, although it is assumed that only letters are accepted.
                                #. You can use special characters in the "Street address" input field.
                                #. The input file for "City" accepts special characters and numbers.
                                #. The list box for "State" is not organized alphabetically.
                                #. The Status list box is empty.
                                #. The "State" list box contains inputs that are not identified as any states in the US.
                                #. The list box for 'State' gets the wrong input for the state.
                                #. The data field for "ZIP" accepts letters.
                                #. The data field for "ZIP" accepts invalid zip codes.
                                #. The "Email" input field accepts invalid emails and a very large number of characters.
                                #. In the "Recommended" input field, you can use special characters and numbers.
                                #. The “Recommended” data entry field is not indicated as a required field, but without filling this field, the application cannot be submitted.
                                #. Wrong TAB order, focus moves from "First name" to "Recommended" and "Last name".

