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H-1 - Сообщения об ошибках в проекте Energy-Telecom
#1. Title of column #1 "Invoce #" should be change to "Invoice #".
#2. Column "Type" is redundant.
#3. Column "Due Date": the data format doesn't match the column name.
#4. Column "PO #": the data format doesn't match the column name.
#5. Format of date in "Inv. Date" and "PO #" is inconsistency to format of date in the search field "Invoice date".
#6. Column "Inv. Date" row #7: value "1-Oct-2011" out of range of values specified in "Invoice date" filds.
#7. Pagination: page #5 is missing.
--------------- Bug Report Energy-Telecom---------------
#1. Contact information "First Name", "Last Name" accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 characters
#2. Contact information "Street Adress" accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 characters
#3. Contact information "State" list box has one of the values "Other"?
#4. Contact information the "ZIP", "Phone" field allows you to paste not only digits
#5. Contact information "Email" accept max 1063 characters instead of 255 characters
#6. Contact information section: from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
#7. Contact information no field requirements "Referred by", it can accept digit value?
#8. The "Clear" button when you press it, an error message appears on the screen
#9. Contact information "State" field: names go the states should be in alphabetical order
#10. "My monthly bill is approximately" all the fields can paste the letters
#11. Contact information "State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing
#12. Contact information "State" the states names should be in alphabetical order
#13. Contact information "State" list box has abbreviation "BC"?
#14. Contact information "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
Last edited by Artem C; 06-18-2023, 03:04 AM.
#1. Fill out all the fields in the "Contact Information" section, upon form submission - observe: the error message pops up: "Can't send email".
#2. The Botton "Clear" doesn't work.
#3. "First name" and "Last name" fields: the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
#4. "Referred by " field is missing the special character of Indicates required field
#5. "Zip" field should only input digitals as per requirements
#7. "State" field: names go the states should be in alphabetical order
#8. "Contact information " section: from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name".
#9. "Contact information " section: from "Best Way To Contact Me" TAB order jumps to "Current Provider" of "Cell Phone Service" section instead of "Referred by".
#10. "Email" field is the required field, but don't input, form submission.
#11. "Street Address", "City", "Email" fields dos not work arrow Botton for autocompleted.
#12. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field should be only input digits.Last edited by NikOlia; 06-16-2023, 04:35 PM.
#1. "First name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead no more 31 characters
#2. "Last name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead no more 31 characters
#3. "Street Address" field accepts no more 100 characters instead no more 255 characters
#4. "State" list box : remove "BC" - it is not a US state
#5. "State" list box : "HI" state is missing
#6. "State" list box : "NV" state is missing
#7. "State" list box : "IND"-incorrect state abbreviation , correct - "IN"
#8. "State" list box : "IND" after push" Submit" button changes to "--"
#9. "State" list box : "IND" asterisk does not change color from blue to red after push "Submit" button
#10. "State" list box : "Other" - put at the end of the list of states
#11. "ZIP" field can type letters
#12. "ZIP" field can past 6 digits
#13. "ZIP" field can past letters and special characters
#14. "Email" field accepts 256 characters
#15. "Email" field : impossible type "_" - underscore special character
#16. "Email" field : empty field - after push "Submit" button no error message appears
#17. "Email" field : empty field - after push "Submit" button asterisk does not change color from blue to red
#18. " Referred by" field : empty field - after push "Submit" button an error message appears (as with a required field)
#19. Missing Requirements for "Referred by" field
#20. After push "Clear" button confusing error message pops up.
#21. "Clear" button does not work, user can not clear the form.
#22. "Contact Information" section : from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name".
Last edited by Larisa L; 06-28-2023, 03:42 AM.
- 1 like
#1. Missing Requirements for "Referred by" field".
#2. "First name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead no more 31 characters
#3. "Last name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead no more 31 characters
#4. "Street Address" field accepts no more 100 characters instead no more 255 characters
#5. "ZIP" field can type letters
#6.. "ZIP" field can past more than 5 digits
#7. "ZIP" field can past letters and special characters
#8. "Email" field : impossible type "_" - underscore special character
#9. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
#10. In Requirements change the number of characters for "Email" field from 255 to 50 ( according to the standard)
#11. "Email" field : impossible type "_" - underscore special character
"Energy-Telecom" Bug Report.
1. "First name" field: the input is limited by 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirements.
2. "Last name" field: the input is limited by 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirements.
3. "Street address" field: the input is limited by 100 characters, instead of 255 as per requirements.
4. "State" list box: value #37 - "Other" is not a state, delete.
5. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN".
6. "State" list box: "Hi" and "NV" states are missing.
7. "Zip" field: accepts typing/posting letters.
8. "Zip" field: accepts posting special characters.
9. "Zip" field: accepts posting more than 5 digits.
10. "Email" field: accepts more than 255 characters.
11. "Email" field: is imprinted not as a required field as defined by requirements.
12. "Email" field: doesn't accepts "_" - underscore special character.
13. Filled out all the fields in "Contact Information" section upon form submission; the error message pops up: "Cant send email".
14. "Clear" button doesn't work.
15. Missing Requirements for "Referred by" field.
"Energy-Telecom" Bug Report.
#1 "First name" and "Last name" field: accepts no more 30 characters instead no more 31 characters
#2 "Street Address" field: accepts no more 100 characters instead no more 255 characters
#3 "State" list box: in string #37 "Other" is not state
#4 "State" list box: in string #14 "IND" replace on "IN"
#5 "State" list box: in string #1 it is not state BI, remove
#6 "State" list box: not states NV (Nevada) and HI (Hawaii) to add
#7 "ZIP" field: when copy and paste text in field accepts all characters instead 5 characters (only digit)
#8 "Email" field: accepts more 250 characters
#9 "Email" field: when copy and paste text in field. accepts special characters "_" but when
enter text it is not work
#10 "Email" field: do not work how require field
#11 "Phone" field: when copy and paste text in field, accepts all characters no more 3-3-4
#12 "Referred by" field: work how required field
#1. The "First Name" text field accepts up to 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirement.
#2. The "Last Name" text field accepts up to 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirement.
#3. "Contact Information" section: from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name".
#4. "Email:" field is implemented not as a required field as defined by requirements.
#5. Missing requirements for the "Referred by" field.
#6. Misleading error message "Error 17896" when push "Clear" button.
#7. "ZIP" field accepts typing/pasting of letters & pasting of special characters instead of being digits only.
#8. "ZIP" field accepts pasting of over 5 characters.
#9. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
#10. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
#11. "State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing.
#12. "Clear" button doesn't work.
=====Energy-Telecom Functionality Testing (BUG REPORTS)=====
#1. There are no information in requarements about field "Referred by:"
#2. "First Name:" field the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 requred.
#3. "Referred by:" field not marked as Required but when this field is empty form return message "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
#4. Contact Information section:TAB order from "First Name:" field jump to "Referred by:" instead of jump to "Last Name:"
#5. Required field "State:" have does non-existent State named "Other"
#6. Clear button dont clear fields.
#7. "Cell Phone Service" section, field "My monthly bill is approximately: $" section acept to input letter characters.
#8. "High Speed Internet Service" section have misspelled in text field "Wireless Aircard Provider" where words "Air" "Card" lost the space between
#9. "Gas and Electric Services" section have misspelled in text field "I am opento using different provider" where words "open" "to" lost the space between.Last edited by ivan.chernetsov; 06-18-2023, 11:59 AM.
#1. Error encountered while submitting the form. Please ensure that all required fields are filled correctly. The error message: "Can't send email".
#2. "First Name" field accepts a maximum of 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
#3. "Last Name" field accepts a maximum of 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
#4. "Street Address" field accepts a maximum of 100 characters instead of 255 characters.
#5. "Street Address" field accepts 1 character.
#6. "State" listbox to delete non-existent state: BC, IND.
#7. "State" listbox to add the missing states: HI, IN, NV.
#8. "State" listbox to move the "Other" button to the end of the list.
#9. Replace the value of the tabindex attribute with 2 in the "Last name" field.
#10. The "Email" field should accept a value in accordance with RFC 5322, which states that an email should consist of a username and domain separated by the "@" special character. However, in practice, it accepts any input.
#11. "Email" field accepts 393 characters despite the limitation of 255 characters.
#12. "Email" field can be submitted empty.
#13. It is not valid when the "First name", "Last name", and "Address Street" consist solely of special characters.
#14. Please add requirements for the 'Referred by' field.
#15. "Zip" field should only accept digits, but it currently allows letters and special characters.
#16. "Phone" field allows the insertion of any characters through the context menu.
#17. Typically, the form is submitted when the "Enter" key is pressed.
#18. The input fields for monetary amounts should remove leading zeros if the number is greater than zero.
#19. The monetary fields accept negative numbers for submission.
#20. Please add requirements for the "Email" field.
#21. When you click the "Clear" button, an error message occurs.
#1. Requirements: no information provided on the "Referred by" field
#2. "First name" field: the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
#3. "Contact Information" section: from "First name" TAB order jumps to "Referred by" instead of "Last name"
#4. The application failed to send an email upon form submittion
1. Open a new application window
2. Fill out all the fields in the "Contact Information" section
3. Push "Submit" button - observe: the error message pops up: "Can't send email"
#5. "Contact Information" requirements: please, specify - are all the inputs limited to "English" character set
#6. Misleading/confusing error message pops up upon pushing the "Clear" button
#7. "Clear" button does not work - it clears nothing
#8. "Referred by" field behaves as it is a required field and it doesn't have asterisk
#9. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31
#10. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255
#11. "State" list box: remove "BC" since it is Canadian state, not US
#12. "State" list box: HI and NV states are missing
#13. "State" list box: replace IND with IN for state of Indiana
#14. "State" list box: remove "Other" optionfrom the list
#15. "ZIP" field: should accept digits only
#16. "ZIP" field: accept pasting letters and special characters
#17. "ZIP" field: should accept only 5 digits pasted
#18. "Email" field has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required
#19. "Phone" field should accept only digits pasted
#20. When value is selected in the "ZIP" field user cannot type over the selection
#21. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different styles
#22. "Cell Phone Service" box, "Current Provider" field: add in list "Other"
#23. "Cell Phone Service" box, "My monthly bill is approximately" field must not accept letters
#24. "My monthly bill is approximately" field only needs to accept 4 digits
#25. "Months left on current contract" fiels add in list "More"
#26. "Number of phones on plan" field: list must have values not more than 5
"2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" box:
#27. "Primary Phone Number" field should only accept digits
#28. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accept pasting letters
#29. "My monthly bill is approximately" field needs to accept only 4 digits
"3. High Speed Internet Service" box:
#30. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accept pasting letters
#31. "My monthly bill is approximately" field needs to accept only 4 digits
"4. TV Service" box:
#32. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accept pasting letters
#33. "My monthly bill is approximately" field needs to accept only 4 digits
"5. Home Security Service" box:
#34. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accept pasting letters
#35. "My monthly bill is approximately" field needs to accept only 4 digits
#1. When you input all data except 'State' field, and submit it, you can see an error that you need to input 'State' and ‘Zip Code’ even when it's filled
#2. You can fill the 'Zip Code' field with an unlimited amount of characters, by copying and pasting them not by typing them manually
#3. The refresh button or F5, doesn’t refresh the form if you have submitted it before, even when you didn’t fill required fields.
#4. When you have submitted a filled or empty form, and want to clear it out, by using a ‘Clear’ button, you can see a pop-up window with ‘Error 17896- Invalid data request, please call support or restart your computer’. But if you clean the cache of this page, all fields clean out.
#5. In the ‘State’ field an 'other' must be at the end of the list.
#6. The ‘First name’ field can accept only 30 characters instead of prescribed 31
#7. The ‘Last name’ field can accept only 30 characters instead of prescribed 31
#8. The 'Phone’ field accepts symbols if they were copied and pasted in it.
#9. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts symbols if they were copied and pasted in it, if you type characters manually it accepts only digits and letters.
#10. "Total Bill:" field accepts symbols if they were copied and pasted in it, if you type characters manually it accepts only digits and letters.
#11. The tooltip name ‘I am opento using different provider’ is misspelled correct word is ‘open to’
#12. You can fill the 'comment' field with an unlimited amount of text, (I have pasted the first chapter of the ‘Harry Potter’ book), so it can cause an overload on the page, when the specialist will review the form.
#13. When you have filled all of the fields in the form, the ‘Submitting...’ button becomes gray/ non-active.
#8. In the “Referred by” field: when the input is empty, the message “* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by” pops up, but this field is not required
#9. URL is broken and the page doesn’t open
steps to reproduce:
1. Open a new application window
2. Fill out all the fields in the “Contact Information” section except the field “Best Way To Contact Me:” - leave “select”
3. Push “Submit” button - observe:
“This site can’t be reached
Check if there is a typo in www.energy-telecom.org.
#10. “Last Name” field: the input is limited by 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
#11. “Street Address” field: the input is limited by 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
#12. The field “Email” isn’t required, but indicates like mandatory
#13. The “State” list box: the state of “HI” and “NV” aren’t included in the list
#14. The “State” list box: delete “BC” and “Other”
#15. After submitting the form with all the required fields completed, the website displays a server configuration error “Website www.energy-telecom.portnov.com not configured on server”. The server responds with a “301” mistake, indicating a redirection issue
#16. The field “ZIP” accepts typing of letters
#17. “ZIP” field accepts pasting of letters/special characters and more than 5 characters
#18. “Phone” field accepts pasting of letters/special characters instead of digitals as per requirements
#19. “My monthly bill is approximately:” field accepts typing letters and pasting letters/special characters
#1 ZIP text field, accepts letters characters instead digits only
#2 Tab switch is not consistent
#3 Lable "Referred by:" is not indicate like required field when it is empty and submited form
#4 Lable "Best Way To Contact Me:" displayed in 2 rows, will look better if it will be displayed in 1 row
#5 If copy alphabetic characters and paste in "Phone" field it accepts