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H1 - Talia Bug Reports

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  • #31
    Taulia bug reports

    #1. In the blue Headlines row is misleading icon for the "Download list".

    #2. Inconsistent date format in the "Inv. Date" column with the "Search my invoices" field.

    #3. Column name does not match column data.

    #4. The column name "Due Date" does not match column data.

    #5. The column name "PO #" does not match column data.


    • #32
      #1 Logo "Taulia TM" has no link.
      #2 Mismatch between names and their content in columbs "Due Date" and "PO #".
      #3 Date "1-Oct-2011" in the line #7 is not included in the period between "6/5/2011" and "9/30/2011".
      #4 The columb "Type" is redundant in the folder "Invoices".
      #5 In paginetion page #5 is missing.


      • #33
        1. In the search results table no links to the previous and next page
        2. “Download” button in search results table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering
        3. “Refresh” button in search results table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering
        4. “Search” button in “Search my invoices" table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering
        5. “Hide search parameters” button in “Search my invoices" table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering
        6. “Download” button use icon of saving.
        7. An extra binoculars icon has been placed in the “Search my invoices” section, opposite the “Purchase Order” label
        8. No link to the home page on the main logo “Taulia”
        9. The image of the main logo “Taulia” is not clear
        10. Sum in 7th row doesn’t match order in “Amount” column


        • #34
          Bug reports for "Taulia":
          #1. Mismatch beetween align contents in columns and align names columns.
          #2. Content in column "PO #" mismatch for self name
          #3. Content in column "Due Date #" mismatch for self name
          #4. Mismatch result of the search "Invoice date" from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 and results which shows in column "Inv. Date" - present row 1-Oct-2011


          • #35
            Taulia Bug Report

            #1. In the first row under the column "Status" in search results table: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
            #2 11 rows of test results are provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box.
            #3 In search results table column "Due date" and "PO#" mixed up in places.
            #4."Actions" button is missing in row #11 of the search results table.
            #5 In the row #4 under the column "Status"in search results table, when you hover the mouse over the status "Paid", a pop-up window appears status "Approved".
            #6. Link to page "5" under search results table is missing #3' Provide link to page "5" under the search results table.
            #4. "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00".
            #5. Replace "From amount:" label with "Amount from:".
            #6.In the 4th column suspiciously displayed the same purchase order “40988” (seven times) with different invoices.
            #7 In the 4th column suspiciously displayed the same purchase order “30998” (two times) with different invoices.
            #8 "Search my invoices" section: provide all the labels with colon (character at the end).
            #9. Remove "Type" column since all the docs on the screen are of same type.
            #10. Inconsistency in date formats used: "9/30/2011" for "Invoice date" fields and "5-Jun-2011" in search results table.
            #11. First column title: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice".
            #12 32 pages are not enough to accomodate 422 search results.
            #13 Replace: "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
            #14 In the left corner above the search parameters instead of “User Manager” use the name of the current logged in user.


            • #36
              TAULIA BUG REPORTS

              #1. "Search my invoices": add colons to each label as on the "From amount" label.
              #2. "Due date" column of search results doesn't comply the meaning of the values of its column.
              #3. "PO#" column of search results doesn't comply the meaning of the values of its column.
              #4. "Status" column, 1st row: in the word "Rejcted" add a missing letter "e".
              #5. "PO#" column, 3rd row: "22-Oct-2011" is outside the range.
              #6. "PO#" column, 7th row: "31-Oct-2011" is outside the range.
              #7. "PO#" column, 10th row: "13-Oct-2011" is outside the range.


              • #37
                9 багов разобрали на уроке, следующие:
                10. Remove column "TYPE".
                11. Adjust columns, everyone should be under their own label
                12. Replace in 1th row: "Status" column "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                13. In search queries, after each table, put a colon.
                14. Add "column line numbering" before "invoice column".
                15. Column "PO#" swap with "Due Date".
                16.In column "Payment" not specified month and day of payment.
                Last edited by Liudmyla Boiko; 06-16-2023, 02:47 PM.


                • #38
                  #1. The botton "ACTION" is missing in the 11 row.

                  #2. The word "INVOCE" in the title of leftmost column is misspelled , correct "INVOICE".

                  #3. "5" is missing in the pagination.

                  #4. "Results per page" value of "10" , should to remove 11th row.

                  #5. "32 pages" is not enough to accommodate "422" invoices.

                  #6. "invoice date" from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, but in 7th row column "
                  Inv. Date" 1-Oct-2011" is outside the range.

                  #7. "AMOUNT" column the arrow should be ascending order instead of descending order.


                  • #39
                    The labels "User Manager", "Profile", "Help", "Logout", aren't perform any functions if they were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on it).
                    The labels "Home", "Purchase Orders", "Payments", "My Details", "Cash Planner", "Your Customer" aren't perform any functions if they were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on them).
                    The labels "Invoice", "Type", "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "PO#', "Amount", "Status", "Payment", aren't exactly over their rows.
                    The buttons "Actions", aren't perform any functions if they were pressed.
                    The option button "Search" doesn't perform any functions if they were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on this).
                    The labels "Download list", "Refresh", "Hide search parameters" doesn't perform any functions if they were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on this).

                    The letters can be type on the text field of labels "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount".
                    The letters can be paste on the text field of labesl "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount".
                    Any characters (period, comma, flush, etc.) can be type on the text field of labels "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount".
                    Any characters (period, comma, flush, etc.) can be paste on the text field of labels "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount".
                    The numbers can be type on the text field of labels "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount".
                    The numbers can be paste on the text field of labels "Invoice number","Purchase order", "From amount".

                    In menu item of label "Customer" can't be selected other item than "General Electric"
                    In menu item of label "Invoice status" can't be selected other item than "All"
                    In menu item of label "Results per page" can't be selected other item than "10"

                    In label "Invoice date" can't be typing any date than that already exist (on the both text field).
                    ​​​​​​​The black arrow which is near the title "Amount" doesn't perform any functions (mouse pointer doesn't changes shape if mouse dragged on this).
                    Last edited by Kate_G; 06-13-2023, 11:31 AM.


                    • #40
                      #1. Title of column #1 "Invoce #" should be change to "Invoice #".
                      #2. Column "Type" is redundant.
                      #3. Column "Due Date": the data format doesn't match the column name.
                      #4. Column "PO #": the data format doesn't match the column name.
                      #5. Format of date in "Inv. Date" and "PO #" is inconsistency to format of date in the search field "Invoice date".
                      #6. Column "Inv. Date" row #7: value "1-Oct-2011" out of range of values specified in "Invoice date" filds.
                      #7. Pagination: page #5 is missing.


                      • #41
                        №1. In the "Search my invoices," provide all rows with a colon.
                        №2. In the field “to” associated “Invoice date” need to change a date format.
                        №3. Inconsistency of total invoices count to total page count, if each page has 10 results.
                        №4. There is a mistake in the column table “Invoice”. Replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”.
                        №5. “Type” column is redundant since all the search results are of the same type.
                        №6. Columns “PO #” and “Due Date” are mixed up in places.
                        №7. The column “Amount” needs to align to the right side.
                        №8. Amount “$22,409.37” must be below in the column than “$22,376.00”
                        №9. In the invoice “1122339044” date of payment precedes the formation date of the invoice.
                        №10. The status “Rejected” in a column “Status” has a mistake. Replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.
                        №11. The row for invoice “1122338095” is missing an “Actions” button .
                        №12. There isn’t a link to page 5.
                        №13. In the pagination section, replace the character '..' with '...' before the final page number.
                        №14. An arrow of the column “Amount” has an incorrect direction.
                        №15. The field “Invoice number” is able to input letters, although an invoice has only numbers.
                        №16. The field “From amount” is able to input letters.
                        №17. The fields “From amount” and associated field “to” are able to input an unlimited number of numbers .
                        №18. According to the search conditions, results should not be later than “30/01/2011”. However there is an invoice with a date “01.10.2011”.
                        №19. The column “Payment” shows meaningless information.
                        №20. Columns are skewed.
                        №21. In the pagination section, hyperlinks are disabled.
                        №22. The binoculars icon is meaningless since there is a “Search” button.
                        №23. Hovering over the icon binoculars must show a tooltip like hovering over the icon of “download” or “refresh”.
                        №24. The invoice #1122339044 have status “Paid” with tooltip “Approved”.
                        №25. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
                        Last edited by Artur Gaidar; 06-15-2023, 09:28 AM.


                        • #42
                          #1. "Search my invoices": ":" missed after each labels except the 4th row.
                          #2. "Search my invoices", 3rd row: add the tooltip.
                          #3. "Download list": replace the "Download" icon on the icon with the arrow pointing down.
                          #4. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 0f 422 invoices".
                          #5. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results.
                          #6. Pagination: page "5" is missing.
                          #7. Remove 11th row of search results to comply with "Results per page" value of "10".
                          #8. 11th row: the "Actions" button is missing.
                          #9. Misspelled word "Invoice" in the title of the leftmost column.
                          #10. "Inv. Date" column, 7th row: "1-Oct-2011" is outside the range specified in "Invoice date" fields.
                          #11. Titles of 4th and 5th columns "Due Date", "PO #": titles are mixed up in places.
                          #12. "Amount" column: Sorting order violation, "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above.
                          #13. "Amount" column: sorted in Ascending order instead of Descending order as per arrow in the column title.
                          #14. "Status" column, 1th row: Misspelled word "Rejected".
                          #15. "Status" column, 4th row: replace "Approved" tooltip with "Paid".


                          • #43
                            #1 In "Search my invoices": Invoice date is set 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, but there is row with invoice date: 1-Oct-2011
                            #2 Under ''Due Date'' is not date, probably it must swap with "PO #"
                            #3 In "Results per page" is set 10, total pages is 32, but "Showing 422 invoices"
                            #4 Format date under ''Inv. Date'' is not match with in ''Invoice date''
                            #5 On page show 11 rows instead 10 in accordance to ''Results per page''
                            #6 Ascending sorting in row 7 and row 8 is not consistent


                            • #44
                              ------------------------TAULIA BUG REPORTS---------------------------------

                              #1. The "action" button is missing at the bottom in row 11
                              #2. Not enough 32 pages to accommodate 422 results
                              #3. Results in column label "Result per page" in listbox should be 10, but not 11
                              #4. Violation of the order of issuing results in the column "Amount" inconsistently
                              #5. Need to replace "invoce" to the "invoice" in column title
                              #6. In the numbering of the results: there is no link to page "5"
                              #7. In the table titles "Due date" and "PO#," swap the names of the columns
                              #8. In column "Inv. Date" some dates not in the range "Invoice date"
                              #9. "Customer" list contains only one organisation and dont have "other" option
                              #10. Fields in "Invoice date" coldn't accept any inputs
                              #11. "Invoice status" list doesn't contains any points exept "all"
                              #12. "Results per page" list doesn't contains any points exept "10"
                              #13. The tooltip at column "Status" in row #4, should be changed from "Approved" to "Paid"
                              #14. Need to replace "Rejcted" to the "invoice" first row column "Status"
                              #15. Dont change coursor when it stands above head of each column, sorting couldnt work
                              #16. Ascending sorting in row 7 and row 8 is not consistent


                              • #45
                                1. Headings unaligned with columns content.
                                2. Table rows unnumbered.
                                3. The logo in header doesn't contain the link to the homepage.
                                4. Search parameters. Unreadable binocular icon.
                                5. There is no link to the page 5 at the bottom of the table.
                                6. Row 1 - Status. Misspelling in word "Rejected".
                                7. "Search my invoices" section. The colon is only in "From amount:"
                                8. Search parameters. Missing word "from" in "invoice date".
                                9. The table header says "Showing 422 invoices", while actually 32 pages with 11 results cannot be more than 331.
                                10. Table header. Misspelling in word "Invoice".
                                11. There are set "10 results per page" while actually, 11 indicated.
                                12. Row 11. "Actions" button missing.
                                13. Row 7. The search result doesn't meet search parameters. "1-Oct-2011" is not in the search date range "6/5/2011- 9/30/2011".
                                14. Amount column. The "up-down triangle" icon indicates descending order while actually there is ascending order.
                                15. Rows 7 and 8 should be swapped: Search results are in amount ascending order, but Row 7 amount is bigger than Row 8 amount.

