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H1 - Talia Bug Reports

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  • #16
    Talia bug reports:

    #1. No 5 page in pagination
    #2. In 11th row no button "Action"
    #3. Not correct word "Invoce" on title leftmost column
    #4. 11th row in table when "Results of page" value "10"
    #5. In column "Amout" arrow show not correct descending order dight
    #6. "Results Invoices" have results wich not applicable date in 7th row 3 column - Oct.
    #7. Not enogh 32 pages for 422 resoults if show 10 or 11 row


    • #17
      #1. On page 1 are displyed 11 results instead of 10;
      #2. Invoice on row 7 with date "1-Oct-2011" is outside requested search results field.
      #3.32 pages of search results is not enough to accomodate "422" invoices.
      #4. Name of column 1 should be "invoice".
      #5.Column 6 "Amount": results displayed not correct row 7 and 8 should be swap .
      #6. "Amount" column: sorted in Ascending order instead of Descending order as per arrow in the column title


      • #18
        1. Almost all labels in the "Search my invoices" section missing colon ( ":" character) .
        2. "Binoculars" icon link leads to "".
        3. "Showing 422 invoices" section shows 11 results instead of 10 as per "Results per page" setting.
        4. 11'th row in "Showing 422 invoices" section missed "Actions" button.
        5. Page lincs under "Showing 422 invoices" section missing link to page number 5.
        6. It is only 32 page links under "Showing 422 invoices" section which is not enough to provide all 422 invoices even with 11 rows per page.
        7. Misspelling in the name of the first field of the "Showing invoices" section. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
        8. Status of the invoice #1122339225 (first result) has a misspelling. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
        9. Field "Type" is redundant because Search can provide invoices only.
        10. "Due Date" field doesn't provide date values ("Due Date" column name is most likely confused with the "PO #" name).
        11. "PO #" field doesn't provide purchasing order numbers ("PO #" column name is most likely confused with the "Due Date" name).
        12. When "Amount" arrow set in descending position (arrow points down) the result is provided in ascending order.
        13. Date format in "Search my invoices" settings and in "Showing invoices" section is inconsistent (10/29/2011 vs 29-Aug-2011).
        14. While all results in "Showing invoices" section is sorted by amount in ascending order, the invoice # 1122339546 (7'th row of the first page, amount $22,409.37) is above the invoice # 1122339134(8'th row of the first page, amount $22,376.00).
        15. Many results in the "Due Date" field repeats itself (40988 for 7 times, 30998 for two times). If the results in the "Due Date" column refers to Purchase Order numbers then isn't they have to be unique?
        16. "Showing invoices" section show "Inv. Date" result that is above the range "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011" set by "Invoice date" setting of the "Search my invoices" section. (Invoice # 1122339546, Inv. Date 1-Oct-2011)
        17. Only "Amount" field name has a sorting arrow. Recommend to add a sorting arrow to other column names too, except for "Status" and "Payment".
        18. Inconsistency of the column naming format of the "Showing invoices" section: "Payment" column name doesn't have a "#" sign to its right, wile "Invoce #" and "PO #" has.


        • #19
          Bug repot "Taulia"

          1. In columns "Due Date" and "PO #" the information in the rows does not match the column names. Maybe the column names are mixed up.
          2. In column "Amount" in lines 7 and 8 amounts not sorted correctly "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00", accordingly the lines are sorted in correctly.
          3. In column "Type" all values "Invoice". Since this table is only for Invoice, this column is not needed.



          • #20
            Шт addition to "2022 open-class" bug-list:

            #12. Inv. date in row #7 does not match sort period of "Inoice date" label
            #13. "PO #" colomn has incorrect format of results
            #14. "Inv. date", "Payment" and "Due date" columns results have inconcistency in format to "Inoice date" label: should be "mounth/date/year"
            #15. Pop-up icon in row #4 "Status" coloumn shoild be "Paid", not "Approved"
            #16. Glass-button after "Purchase order" label is redundant since we already have "search button" ?
            #17. Too much place after "Action" button
            #18. Align to the right edge all columns results
            #19. Column with "Actions" buttons does not have title
            #20. Fields according to Labels "Invoice number", "Purchase order" and two labels "Purchase order" ("from" "to") should contain only digits
            #21. "Due date" colomn has incorrect format of results
            #22. Replace ".." in a page navigation to ellipsis
            #23. Too many space between "1" and "2" in page navigation
            #24. Too many space in "log in" row between "User Manager" "Profile" and "Help"


            • #21
              TAULIA Bug Reports
              #1 column "invoices" # missing letter I
              #2 "Due Date" with "PO #" swap
              Last edited by Linkaa87; 06-08-2023, 10:39 AM.


              • #22
                #1. Misspelled word "Invoice" in the title of the leftmost column
                #2. Remove 11th row of search results to comply with "Results per page" value of "10"
                #3. Pagination: page "5" is missing
                #4. "Amount" column: sorted in Ascending order instead of Descending order as per arrow in the
                column title
                #5. 11th row: the "Actions" button is missing
                #6. 32 pages of search results is not enough to accomodate "422" invoices
                #7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                #8. "Status" column, 4th row: replace "Approved" tooltip with "Paid"
                #9. "Invoice" column, 7th row: "1-Oct-2011" is outside the range specified in "Invoice date" fields

                10. "Status" colum, 1st row: Misspelled word "Rejected"
                11. "Due Date" colum: the content doesn't match column title
                12. "PO #" colum: the content doesn't match column title
                13. "Due Date" colum: column title "Due Date" replace "PO #"
                14. "PO #" colum: column title "PO #" replace "Due Date"
                15. delete column "Type": "Invoice" value is the same for all rows
                16. The "Download List" icon doesn't correspond to the "Download List" label
                17. "Search my invoices" box: add at the end of each label ":"
                18. "From amount:" label: add "$" in front of the textfield "100"
                19. "From amount:" label: add "from" in front of the textfield "100"
                20. "From amount:" label replace "Amount:"
                21. "Invoice date" label: add "from" in front of the textfield date
                22. "Search my invoices" box: "Search my invoices" replace by "Search invoices"
                23. "Search my invoices" box: "Customer" has no other choice but "General Electric"
                24. Logo "taulia" sould be link
                25. "Results per page" label: add other options for selecting the number of invoices
                26. Menu item "My Details" replace by "Profile"
                27. Menu item "Your Customer" replace by "My Customer"


                • #23
                  #row of search "Invoice date" does not match to result column. The row contains only digit, column contains digits and letters.
                  #every labels miss a colon except "From amount"
                  #at the bottom of the page where page numbers "Next page" button is missed.


                  • #24
                    #1. Label "From amount" come with a colon at the end. Another labels aren't
                    #2. In the upper left "Binoculars" is missing tooltip
                    #3. Title of column "PO#" and Title of column "Due date" should change places
                    #4. Format of columns "Invoice date" and "PO#" should be as per format of label "Invoice date"


                    • #25
                      #1. “From amount” replace “Amount from”
                      #2. “Invoice date” replace “Invoice date from”
                      #3. “Due Date” replace “PO#”
                      #4. “PO#” replace “Due Date”
                      #5. Incorrect output results per page. “Results per page is 10” so 11th row is an extra


                      • #26
                        #1. The word (Invoce) is wrong,on table top on the left hand.
                        #2. Inconsistency: miss the page (#5) from (32) pages.
                        #3. The page has (11 rows) but on the Results per page: 10th.
                        #4. Incorrect (reaction of the mouseto the Action button).
                        #5. Not enough (pages) for (422 invoices).
                        The (Tooltip of the Label Paid) showing (Approved), on the 4th row.
                        #7. (Invoice number,Customer,Purchase order,Invoice date,Invoice status,Results per page) doesn't have the sign (colon) only (From amount ) has,on the
                        (Search my invoices)
                        #8. Invoice date showing from (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011) but on the Table you can see (months after 1-Oct-2011, 22-Oct-2011, 31-Oct-2011,13-Oct-2011).
                        Amount's arrow showing (Descending order) but on the Table showing (Ascending order).
                        Last edited by Yevhenii Domin; 06-08-2023, 06:15 PM.


                        • #27
                          #1. Title in the first column : Misspelled word "Invoice"
                          #2. Status name in the column "Status", first row : Misspelled word "Rejected"
                          #3.Pagination: page "5" is missing
                          #4. Pagination : When you hover the cursor over other pages, the appearance of the cursor does not change, from which we can conclude that page navigation is not available
                          #5. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
                          #6. Column "Amount" : sorted in Ascending order instead of Descending order as per arrow in the column title
                          #7. Showing 422 invoices : 11 lines are shown, which does not meet the search criteria "Results per page" - "10"
                          #8. 11th row: the "Actions" button is missing
                          #9. Download list : Replace the floppy disk icon with the generally accepted down arrow icon
                          #10. Logo doesn't have a hyperlink to the Home page
                          #11. Menu "User Manager Profile Help Logout" : Replace "Logout" on "Log Out"
                          #12. "Search my invoices" : When you hover the cursor over the "Invoice date" fields, its appearance does not change, which means, that these fields are not available for entering dates.
                          #13. Pagination:There are no arrows to move in the page numbering area.
                          #14. "Invoice date": Align the date format in the table with M/D/Y.
                          #15. 3th column 7th row: The value of 1-Oct-2011 leaves the search range
                          #16. Column "Status" 3th row: tooltip "Approved" instead "Paid"
                          #17. In search table swap column names "Due Date" and "PO#"
                          #18. Column "Amount", 7th and 8th rows: the sorting sequence is broken.
                          #19. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 from 422 invoices"
                          #20. "Search my invoices" section: replace "From abount:" label with "Amount from:"
                          #21. "Search my invoices" section: аt the end of each menu items add character ":", except "From amount"
                          #22. 3th column: Replace the name "Inv.Date" with "Invoice Date"
                          #23. "Purchase order": remove binoculars icon
                          #24. 5th column: Replace the name "PO#" Purchase order"


                          • #28
                            #1. In Pagination: page 5 missing.
                            #2. The number of selected rows to show does not match the number specified to show.
                            #3. Search my invoices:no common recording format
                            #4. When you hover over "Paid" appears "Approved" tooltip
                            #5. The last line is missing a button "Actions"
                            Last edited by OlhaVatsyk; 06-10-2023, 03:01 PM.


                            • #29
                              Taulia bug reports:
                              #1. Replace the title "Due Date" column 4th with title "PO#"
                              #2. Replace the title "PO#" column 5th with title "Due Date"
                              #3. "Payment" column: date format is incorrect
                              #4. "Status" column, first row: misspelled word "Rejected"
                              #5. "Amount" column, 8th row: sorted in Descending order instead Ascending order
                              Last edited by GulnazMusi; 06-11-2023, 12:20 PM.


                              • #30
                                #1. The ":" colon character is missing at the end labels of "Search y invoices" filters.
                                #2. Title of search result table showing number "422", but 32 pages per 10 table rows is mismatch quantity 422.
                                #3. Last row of search results: the "Actions" button is missing.
                                #4. "Results per page" filter set 10 results it is not comply with 11 rows in search results table.
                                #5. Search my invoices not contain text fields in accomodate with columns of search result table.
                                #6. Column "Invoice#" is misspelled.
                                #7. Column "Amount" show descending arrow in column title while column sorted in ascending order.
                                #8. Payment column show inconsistece date format.
                                #9. Invoice date fields contain date format as mm/dd/yyyy missmatch with date format of search results dd/mm/yyyy.
                                #10."Inv. Date" column, contain result with date "1-Oct-2011" it is outside of range by filter in "Invoice date" fields.
                                #11. Page 5 is missing in pagination of search results.
                                #12. "Results per page" filter set 10 results it is not comply with 11 rows in search results table.
                                #13. "Status" column 4th rows showing tooltip "Approved" on "Paid" status.

