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TAULIA BUGS - May 9, 2023

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  • #31
    Site testing:
    Bug report on Taulia

    • Navigation Components - not active
    • Input Controls - not active
    • Pagination - not active
    • Buttons are not active

    Header block

    1. The “taulia” logo is not active. The logo is not associated with the main page of the site.
    2. “Invoices” button - lights up even when another menu button is pressed.
    3. Menu buttons are not active (there is no transition to other pages of the site): “Home”, “Purchase Orders”, “Payments”, “My Details”, “Cash
    Planner”, “Your Customer”, “User Manager”, “ Profile”, “Help”, “Logout”.
    4. Block "Menubar" does not stick to the top of the page (when scrolling the cursor, the menu is not visible, goes to the top).

    Content block: Input Controls - #invoiceSearchParams

    1. In the field “Invoice number” there is no mask for filling the field. The number of entered characters is not limited.
    2. In the field “Customer” – only one element is specified in Select, the element is not active.
    3. In the field “Purchase order” - the number of entered characters is not limited. The “binoculars” icon is not active.
    4. In the field “From amount:” – there is an extra colon symbol “:”.
    The colon must either be removed from the end of the text in the From Sum label or added to the end of all labels for consistent formatting.
    5. In the field “From amount:” – the left field does not have a minimum, the right field does not have a maximum.

    6. In the field "Invoice date" - in the left and right fields there is no possibility to select and enter the date.
    7. In the “Invoice status” field - only one element is specified in Select, the element is not active.
    8. In the “Results per page” field - only one element “10” is indicated in Select, the element is not active, the switch does not work.
    “10” – does not correspond to the number of opened “Invoice” accounts in the “Showing 422 invoices” block. The number of open accounts on the first page is 11.
    9. The “Search” button is not active, the search is not carried out by the entered parameters.
    10. No input format hint: None of the input fields on the form contain input format hints or suggestions.

    Content block: Showing 422 invoices - #invoiceSearchResults

    1. In the header of the block “Showing 422 accounts” - an incorrect number is indicated. There are 11 accounts opened on the first page. The
    pagination contains 32 pages. Should be 352 accounts.
    2. In the header of the block “Showing 422 accounts”, the inscription “Download list” is not active. When you click on this inscription, the page does
    not change the content, but changes the address to:
    3. In the header of the block “Showing 422 accounts”, the inscription “Refresh” is not active.
    4. In the name of the first column of the table there are 2 errors "Invoce #" instead of "Invoice".
    5. In the column “Inv. Date” – the date is not entered using the mask: MM-DD-YY.
    6. Columns "Due Date" and "PO #" - do not match the content, mixed up. In the Due Date column, the date format must be MM-DD-YY.
    In the "PO#” column is the order number.

    7. There is a Select element in the title of the “Amount” column. This element is not active for selection. The functionality of the Amount column
    label sort indicator: when you hover over it, nothing happens, perhaps this sort indicator of the Amount column is not clickable.
    8. The rows of the column "PO #" 2,3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 have the same number 40988.
    9. Rows 4 and 8 of the "PO #" column have the same number 30998.
    10. Incorrect sort order of the column "Amount": the contents of the column are displayed in reverse order (ascending), this does not correspond to
    the label indicating that the column should be sorted in descending order.
    11. The contents of rows 7 and 8 of the "Amount" column are displayed out of order (not in ascending order).
    12. Incorrect mask for the contents of the “Payment” column. The dates are incorrect. The numbers do not correspond to the number of days in a
    month and do not correspond to the number of months in a year.
    13. The buttons on the right “Actions” are not active. There is no transition. No action is taken.
    14. Pagination at the bottom of the page is broken: page “5” is missing.
    Last edited by Amirkhanova Munira; 05-17-2023, 06:40 PM.


    • #32
      Taulia bug reports:

      #1. In the result list "Due date" and "PO #" columns are showing each other's data.

      #2. The 7th row of the search results is outside of date parameters.

      #3. The "Amount" column with the arrow points to a descending order showing ascending orders.

      #4. The 8th row of the search results is greater than the row after it, should be the other way around.

      #5. The tab orders are only going through the "Search my invoices" section.

      #6. In the 1st row of the search results the status "Rejected" is misspelled.


      • #33

        #1. Mouse navigation is disabled at the bottom of the page, where all pages are listed.
        #2. Column “due dates” consists the numbers instead of dates.
        #3. Numbers in the column “amount” did not follow ascending order.
        #4. 5-Jun-2011 is outside of the range specified in the "Invoice date" settings
        #5. Dates in Column “Inv. Date” is not follow ascending order.
        #6. Said showing 422 invoices while actually showing 11.
        #7. Inconsistency in numbers in the “due dates” column some have 5, and some have 6 numbers in number.
        #8. Not all column has a sorting option like the column “ amount”


        • #34
          Taulia bug report

          #1 Search result section: Word “Rejcted” in a first row of the table, column “Status” written incorrectly

          #2 Search result section: In the last row of the table “Action” button is missing

          #3 Search result section: Incorrect amount of search results in the table. Must be 10 instead of 11.

          #4 Search result section: Column "Amount" has arrow points to descending order while the actual sorting order is ascending

          #5 Search result section: Word “Invoce #” in the name of the column in the table of the search results written incorrectly

          #6 Search result section: Pagination "5" of search results is missing

          #7 Search result section: Invoice dates from October 1, 2011 are outside of the search parameters

          #8 Search result section: The data in a column “Due Date” have incorrect format.

          #9 Search result section: The data in a column “PO#” have incorrect format.

          #10 "Search my invoices" section: Invoice date field “to” has incorrect date format

          #11 The alignment of the table’s columns name looks irrelevant to the alignment of the rest of the data in the table.

          #12 "Search my invoices" section: Only one label “From amount:” section has “:” character.

          #13 The amount of pages(32) in pagination is not enough to show all 422 results.

          #14 Search result section: The “Refresh” button is active but doesn’t work

          #15 "Search my invoices" section: The “Search” button is active but doesn’t work

          #16 "Search my invoices" section: The “Hide search parameters” link is active but doesn’t work


          • #35
            Bug Reports (short description) of GUI for “Taulia” page.
            1. Search results table: 11 rows instead of 10 shown in “Results per page” field.
            2. Search result table: the last row is missing the “Actions” button.
            3. Search result table: pagination link to page 5 is missing.
            4. Search result table: 32 pages are not enough to accommodate 422 invoices.
            5. Search result table: replace “Invoce #” column title with “Invoice #” (misspelling)
            6. Search result table: “Amount” column sorting: The arrow points to descending order while the actual order is ascending.
            7. Search result table: the Invoice date “1-Oct-2011” is out of the range specified in the “Invoice date” settings.
            8. “Search my invoices” section: most of the labels are missing a “ : ”character.
            9. Inconsistency in used date formats: “9/30/2011” in “Search my invoices” section vs “28-Sep-2011” in “Invoice Date” and “PO #” columns in Search result table.

            1. Search result table: “Due Date” column and “PO #” column are mixed up.
            2. Search results table title: replace “showing 422 invoices” with “showing 10 out of 422 invoices”
            3. Search result table: the meaning of numbers in “Payment” column is confusing.
            4. Missing hover effect when hovering over the Taulia logotype.
            5. The top navigation panel is not freeze
            6. The drop menu looks not like the drop menu but like the Popover or a dialogue (modal) window.
            7. “Search my invoice” section: binoculars icon doesn’t have a tooltip.
            8. “Search my invoices” section: replace “From amount” with “Amount from”.
            9. Search result table: in the “Status” column replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected” (misspelling)
            10. Search result table: “Amount” column sorted from least to greatest except “$22,376.00” which violates this order.
            11. Search result table: a cursor doesn’t change to the hand pointer when hovering over the “actions” button.
            12. “Search my invoice” section: binocular icon doesn’t provide a visible indication (outliner) when TABbing through the menu with the TAB button.
            13. “Search my invoice” section: use commas to separate thousands for numerals that have 5 or more digits. For example 1,000,000
            14. Loss of functionality when making a reflow (zoom in) on the page
            15. (Improvement) Search result table: each column label is not aligned with the column it belongs to. Align to the left or to the center.
            16. (Improvement) “Search my invoices” section: each second word in each label should start with Capital letters.


            • #36
              1. "Search my invoices" section: provide all the labels with a colon ( : ) character at the end
              2. "Search my invoices" section: Change label “From amount: “ to “Amount from: ”
              3. Inconsistency in data formats across the page: "9/30/2011" in "Search my invoices" vs "30-Sep-2011" in "Inv Date" column
              4. "Search my invoices" section: “Results per page” should be a text field instead of the dropdown list.
              5. Replace: "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
              6. No consistency between column names and the labels in the "Search my invoices" form
              7. Replace "Invoce #" column title with "Invoice #"
              8. Remove the "Type" column since all the docs on the screen are of the same type
              9. The column "PO #" rows 2,3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 have the same number 40988.
              10. Rows 4 and 8 of the "PO #" column have the same number 30998.
              11. The “PO #” column should use a consistent format with two digits for the day of the month, with a leading zero for single-digit days.
              12. The columns in the table are not correctly aligned with their column labels.
              13. “Due Date” and “PO #” column results are swapped
              14. Replace " Rejcted" in the “Status” column with "Rejected"
              15. The invoice dated "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range specified in the "Invoice date" settings
              16. "Amount" column sorting: The arrow points in descending order while the actual sorting order is ascending
              17. "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00"
              18. “Amount” column: results displayed in a format that contains unnecessary zeroes after the decimal point.
              19. “Payment” column labeling unclear: should be labeled by an informative name, like “Payment period” or “Payment range”.
              20. Incorrect mask for the contents of the “Payment” column. The dates are incorrect
              21. 11 rows of test results are provided instead of 10 as per the "Results per page" list box
              22. The "Actions" button is missing in row #11 of the search results table
              23. 32 pages are not enough to accommodate 422 search results
              24. The Link to page "5" under the search results table is missing
              25. Missing row numbers indicator.

