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TAULIA BUGS - May 9, 2023
Bug reports:
#1 Inconsistency in sorting order between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00" (row #7 and row #8).
#2 Provide input focus for "Invoice number" text field on page load.
#3 Replace tooltip for "Status" icon in 4th row with "Paid" instead of "Approved".
#4 Data in column "Due Date" does not contain Dates.
#5 Data in column "PO #" does not contain Purchase order numbers.
#1 Remove "Type" column. Looks like all search results will be Type: invoice.
#2 Align columns names in search results table to the left or to the center.
#3 Add the thousands separator (comma) in "From amount:" text fields.
#4 Rename "From amount:" label with "Amount from:"
#5 Provide a tooltip for binoculars icon in "Search my invoices" form (after "Purchase order" text field).
#6 Replace: "Showing 422 invoices" with "Found 422 invoices. Showing 1-10".
Bug report
#1. Top right of the page: replace "Logout" with "Log out"
#2. "Hide search parameters" not allocated as a function button
#3. Top selection row: "Your Customer" replace with "My Customer"
#4. Binoculars icon next to the input box "Purchase order" is not needed
#5. "Search my invoices" section: replace "From abount:" label with "Amount from:"
#6. Icon "Downoad list" does not match value
#7. Mouse cursor arrow on buttons "Actions" enters text input mode
#8. Mouse cursor arrow on all column titles enters text input mode
#9. Mouse cursor arrow on all page numbers enters text input mode
#10. Missing "Previous" and "Next" page buttons
1 Replace "User Manager" with "User: Manager" in menu title
2 Inconsistency in data format: "From amount" text field is "100" and "Amount" in search result table is "$100.00"
3 "Hide search parameters": change color to black
4 Search result area: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
5 Search result area: invoice dated "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range specified in "Date from" search parameter
6 Search result area: invoices have same "PO #" "40988" and "30998"
7 Pagination of search result: navigate mouse cursor over numbers of result pages. They are not links.
8 Search result area: add "Customer" column to search result table
9 Search result titles: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice Number"
10 Search result titles: replace "Inv. Date" with "Invoice Date"
11 Search result titles: replace "PO #" with "Purchase Order"
12 Search result titles: replace "Status" with "Invoice Status"
13 Search result titles: replace "Payment" with "Payment Number"
14 Search my invoices area: add "Payment Number" to search parameters
15 Search my invoices area: remove "Purchase order" label and text field from "Search my invoices" block (There is another folder for "Purchase Orders"_
16 Search my invoices area: remove binocular icon.
17 Inconsistency in size and color "Search" and "Actions" buttons
18 Inconsistency in spelling words in labels and folder tabs - each word starts from capital letter.
19 Inconsistency in date format used: "6/5/2011" vs "Sep-9-2011"
20 Search result titles: replace "Invoce #" column title with "Invoice #"
21 Search results have 11 results instead of 10 as per "Results per page" settings.
22 Search result area: missing "Action" button in last row of search result
23 Pagination of search result: link to page "5" is missing.
24 Search result area: 32 pages are not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
25 Search result area: replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
26 Search result area: "PO #" contains dates and "Due Date" contains numbers. Replace column titles.
27 Search result area: remove "Type" column as search is on "Invoices" folder
28 Add colon (symbol to the end of labels in "Search my invoices" block
29 Search my invoices area: replace "From amount" with "Amount From"
30 Search result area: inconsistency in result order by "Amount" in "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00"
31 Search result area: "Amount" column in search results has ascending sorting order instead of descending as the arrow points.
01. titles of columns "Due Date" and "PO #" should be swapped
02. there is no page 5 in pagination
03. "Type" column is redundant because there are only invoices here
04. triangle in "Amount" column title is upside down, wrong sorting
05. swap around rows 7 and 8 in "Amount" column
06. there are 11 search results but must be 10
07. "Search my invoices" area: date range is to 30.09 but results in table span October
08. "Actions" button is missing in row 11
09. add colons to all labels in "Search my invoices" area
10. cursor doesn't convert in the hand when mousing over page numbers in pagination
11. there are 32 pages (354 invoices) in pagination but there are 422 invoices in reality
12. replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 from 422 invoices"
13. column titles: cursor doesn't convert in the hand
14. replace Rejcted to Rejected in column title
15. replace Invoce # to Invoice # in column title
16. column "Amount": alignment must be on the dot
17. row 4 in table: when mousing over "Paid" title "Approved" appears
18. there are 2 dots in pagination but must be 3
19. there no arrows for moving (< << >> >) in pagination area
20. different date format in "Search my invoices" area and in the search results
21. invalid 6-digit zip codes in "Due date" column; USA codes should be 5-digits
22. logo doesn't have a hyperlink to the Home page
23. no username in upper row of the page although there is "Logout"
24. "Search my invoices" area: "Search" button should be on the left for the convenience
25. no triangles for sorting in column titles except "Amount" column) in the table
1- "Invoice date" field doesn't allow any typing or changing of dates
2- The check boxes "Customer", "Invoice status" and "Results per page" don't show more options to select, only 1 option.
3- "Results per page" shows "10" when in fact there are 11.
4- Button "Search" top on "Search my invoices" should be on the left side
5- All of the labels "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status" and "Results per page" should have a colon by the end.
6- "Invoce" should be fixed for "Invoice".
7- "Results per page" has only 10 pages, when in fact there are 422 invoices total, which is not enough to accommodate all of them.
8- "Inv. Date" is out of order, must be ascending.
9- Page number 5 is missing
10- "Amount" column should be fixed in a order of ascending
11- Inconsistency in date formats, used "29-Aug-2011" in "Inv. Date" vs "6/5/2011" in "Search my invoices".
12- Missing some informations on "Payment" row.
13- The button "Actions" is mission on the last row.
14- Mouse pointer doesn't work properly to navigate pagination area.
15- Mouse pointer doesn't work properly to select "Actions"
16- Fix the "2 dots" on pagination area for 3.
17- Fix "Rejcted" for "Rejected" in column title
18- "Amount" column should not have should not have the triangle for sorting
Bug report:
#1. The column "Invoce #" mistake in a word "Invoice #”.
#2. The column "Inv. Date" short form of "Invoice Date”.
#3. In the row for invoice 1122339225, the status "Rejected" is misspelled as "Rejcted”.
#4. The currency format in the "Amount" column is inconsistent - some values are displayed with a dollar sign while others use commas to separate thousands.
#5. There is an inconsistency between rows 7 and 8, where the sums are $22,409.37 and $22,376.00, respectively.
#6. The 11th row on the first page is missing an "Action" button.
#7. After the 4th page, there is no 5th page and the 6th page is displayed instead.
#8. The header of the table indicates 422 invoices, but this is more than the expected number of 32*11=352 invoices.
#9. In the search form, "Results per page" is set to display 10 results, but there are actually eleven results displayed in the table.
#10. The search form is not working. When you try to change any of the fields and then push the 'search' button, nothing happens.
Bug reports
#1. Section "Search my invoices": label "From amount" replace with "Amount from".
#2. Inconsistency in money format used: "$100.10" in "Amount" column vs "100" and "1000000" in "From amount" text fields.
#3. Column "Type" is excessive.
#4. Column "Amount" has wrong sorting order: "$22,376.00" follow "$22,409.37".
#5. Column "Due Date" and "PO#" have wrong data.
#6. Pagination in search result table: one dot is missing.
#7. Label "Invoice date" replace with "Invoice date from".
#8. Column "Payment": data format unknown.
#9. Print page option is absent.
Bug report TAULIA:
1. Filter by date from 6/5/2011-9/30/2011. In the results we have an invoice from 1-Oct-2011 - 31-Oct-2011. Filter result mismatch
2. Results filter - 10 pages, and we have 11 displayed
3. 32 pages will not be enough for 422 invoices, since 10 invoices are displayed on this page
4. The Due Date and PO# column headings need to be swapped.
5. The Amount column sorted the amounts in reverse, from the smallest to the largest
6. The Amount column , sum sorting inconsistency $22,409.37 ; $22,376.00
7. Not all invoices have values in the Payment column
8. Not all invoices have a button "Action"
9. Fix bug in status name Rejcted with Rejected
10. Invoices : 1122338089, 1122339500, 1122339135, 1122339199, 1122339546,1122339226, 1122338095 assigned the same number - 40988
11. 5 page is not displayed in the list of pages
12. Inconsistency in date format used: "6/5/2011" vs "Sep-9-2011"
13. Fix spelling error in Invoce column name on Invoice
Bug reports on Taulia
#1 No secure connection protocol (https)
#2 The site is not adapted for mobile applications
#3 The website icon image is missing. The code contains a link to the icon <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">
#4 Diferent between value web site's name <title>Taulia: Search invoices</title> and name Search my invoices
#5 Column contents are not aligned in Showing 422 invoices area
#6 Replace column value "Due Date" with "PO #" in Showing 422 invoices area
#7 Mistake on first line "Rejcted". Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
#8 There is no prohibition on entering text in the fields "Invoice number", "Purchase order"
#9 There is no prohibition on entering symbols in the fields "From amount:"
#10 There is no date selection from the calendar in the field "Invoice date"
#11 There is no activity mouse for choosing a link when hovering over the mouse pointer in the Showing 422 invoices area: 1 2 3 4 ...
#12 The 3rd line of code is missing the end of closing tag
#13 The Line 14 of code has no "charset" attribute
#14 In the css code, the space class of the hr and hr tag have the same color for background-color: #fff and color: #fff.
#15 The site has no copyright information
#16 There is no button Actions on line 11 in invoice #1122338095
#17 Not active list box item in column 6 "Amount"
#18 In the invoice display area, replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing quantity corresponding to the required page"
#19 In the invoice display area, change the date display format to Month-Day-Year
#20 Missing page 5 value at the bottom of the page list
1. Most labels in "Search my invoices" section lack colon ( : ) characters at the end.
2. "Search my invoices" panel should be replaced with "Search "My invoices".
3. Label in "Search my invoices" section "From amount" should be put as "Amount from".
4. Label in "Search my invoices" section "Invoice date" should be put as "Invoice date from".
5. Label in "Search my invoices" section "Purchase order" lacks "#" character at the end.
6. In "Search my invoices" section "Purchase order" search button has an outdated design (binoculars instead of magnifying glass)
7. In "Search my invoices" section "From amount" shows the excessive data range (100- 1mln).
8. Inconsistency in date format used: "9/30/2011" in "Search my invoices" section vs "30-Sep-2011" in "Invoice date" column of Search results table
9. "Search" button in "Search my invoices" section is very remote to the right.
10. "Clear" button in "Search my invoices" section is missing.
11. The search results table lacks a numeration column.
12. In search results table replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
13. In search results table replace "Invoce #" column title with "Invoice #" (misspelling).
14. In search results table "Amount" column sorting: the arrow points to the descending order, while the actual sorting order is ascending.
15. In search results table "Inv.Date" is abbreviated vs the rest of the column titles (inconsistency).
16. In search results table "Inv.Date" column shows the dates outside of the specified range.
17. In search results table "Due Date" column is not in a date format.
18. In search results table replace "PO #" column title with "P.O.#".
19. In search results table "PO #" column outputs dates instead of purchase order numbers.
20. In search results table "Status" column: replace "rejcted" with "rejected" (misspelling).
21. In search results table "Payment" column: date format is incorrect (2011-1248).
22. In search results table replace "Payment" column with "Payment date".
23. The search results table shows 11 rows instead of 10 selected.
24. The last row of search results table lacks the "Actions" button.
25. Pagination of search results: link to page "5" is missing.
26. Pagination of search results: no "Previous page" & "Next page" buttons.
27. 32 pages of search results are not enough to facilitate 412 search results.
Bug reports on Taulia
First of all we need requirments!
1. Small menu in header needs to be aligned to the right side of the page.
2. Main menu in header needs to be aligned to the right side of the page.
3. All labels must end by ":".
4. After input "Purchase order" need delete link "binoculars".
5. Label "From amount:" needs to be changed on "Amount from:".
6. Label "Invoice date" needs to be changed on "Invoice date from:".
7. Button "Search" in "Search my invoices" needs to be aligned to the right side of the page.
8. In search result table all titles need to be aligned to the left side of the page.
9. Title "Invoce #" replace with "Invoice #".
10. Column "Type" needs to be hiden because we already on the page of "Invoices".
11. Title "Inv. Date" replace with "Invoice date".
12. Column "Due Date" needs to be hiden because "Due Date" is not required in form.
13. Title "PO #" replace with "Purchase order #".
14. Column "Payment" needs to be hiden because "Payment" is not required in form.
15. The order of the columns in the table must match the search form: "Invoice #", "Purchase order #", "Amount", "Invoice date", "Status".
16. Dates in column "Invoice date" sorted incorrectly need to be from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011".
17. Dates in column "Invoice date" need to be in the same format as in form: mm/dd/yyyy and the same separator character "/".
18. Invoice dated "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range specified in "Invoice date" setting.
19. In column "Purchase order #" wrong data: there are dates, but need purchase order numbers.
20. In column "Amount" incorrectly sorted order prices: need from max to min.
21. 11th row needs to be hiden from table.
22. In column "Status" status "Rejcted" replace with "Rejected".
23. Paginate buttons are missing button "5".
24. Paginate buttons need to be 43 because we have 422 invoices in search result and we show 10 per page.Last edited by SergeyKatis; 05-17-2023, 05:19 PM.
Bug Reports on Taulia
#1 First row in “Status” column: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.
#2 Inconsistency between the date format: “9/30/2011” in “Search my invoices” and “29-Aug-2011” in “Inv. Date” column.
#3 Text input field in “Search my invoices” allows indefinite amount of characters.
#4 “From amount” input field allows letters instead of numbers only.
#5 “Invoice date” field does not allow to change the date.
#6 “Invoce #” column should read “Invoice #”.
#7 Values of columns “Due Date” and “PO #” should be interchanged.
#8 Inconsistency between requested invoice date “6/5/2011-9/30/2011” and result “1-Oct-2011”.
#9 Multiple invoices in search result table have identical PO # “40988” and “30998”.
#10 Page “5” is missing from the pagination of search results.
#11 Unnecessary element (binoculars icon) in “Search my invoices” should be removed.
#12 Replace “Logout” with “Log Out” at page’s right top corner.
#13 “Hide search parameters” button border is missing.
#14 Total amount of invoices shown (422) differs from amount that 32 pages can accommodate.
#15 Tab order is disrupted after “Purchase order”.
#16 All labels in “Search my invoices” field should contain a colon in the end.
#17 Dates in column “Inv. Date” are not sorted in order according to the search request (6/5/2011-9/30/2011).
#18 “1-Oct-2011” in “Inv. Date” search result does not match the search criteria (6/5/2011-9/30/2011).
#19 Last row of the search result table is missing an “Actions” button.
#20 Search result table is showing 11 rows instead of 10 as requested in “Results per page” field.Last edited by Maryna Kostash; 05-15-2023, 09:33 AM.
“App Bar”:- “Taulia logo” functionality: the cursor does not change when hovering over the “Taulia logo”, indicating that it is not linked to a homepage URL when clicked.
- Menu button “Invoices” functionality: the button “Invoices” remains highlighted when cursor moves out of the button's active zone.
- “App Bar” functionality: the “App Bar” doesn't stick to the top of the page while scrolling down.
- Uneven distribution of labels and associated input fields and dropdown menus across the area.
- Missing input format hint: none of the input fields in the form provide any input format hints or suggestions.
- Incorrect placement of "Results per page" label and input field: the "Results per page" label and input field should be positioned outside the search form, on the same line and close to the "Search" button.
- Inconsistent Colon Placement in Labels: the colon should either be removed from the end of the text in the "From amount" label or added to the end of all labels for consistent formatting.
- “Customer” dropdown menu: cursor does not change to a hand pointer on hover.
- "Purchase order” binocular icon functionality: the functionality of the binocular icon next to the "Purchase order" field is unclear. If its intended purpose is to suggest and indicate existing purchase order numbers in the database while input, then the functionality should be moved to the input field itself, and the icon could be removed.
- “From amount” naming: suggest rename “From amount” to “Amount” and move the indicators “from” and “to” to the input text fields as hints.
- “From amount” input field UI: suggest to replace both input fields with a "Number Picker Dialog".
- “Invoice date” input field functionality: when hovering over the “Invoice date” input field, nothing happens, and the cursor does not change its form, indicating that the input field is not active.
- “Invoice date” input field UI: suggest to replace with functional “Date Picker Dialog”.
- “Invoice status” dropdown menu: cursor does not change to a hand pointer on hover.
- “Invoice status” dropdown menu length: the “Invoice status” dropdown menu is too long. It should be of a reasonable length.
- “Results per page” dropdown menu: cursor does not change to a hand pointer on hover.
- "Results per page” naming: suggest renaming the label "Results per page" to "Rows per page" for clarity.
- "Results per page" dropdown menu length: the “Results per page" dropdown menu is too long. It should be of a reasonable length.
- Icon next to the "Download list” button meaning: the icon located to the left of the "Download list” button means "Save", which is inconsistent with the button label. The icon should be replaced with an appropriate one that matches the intended functionality.
- The "Download list" button doesn't highlight when hovering over it: the button should highlight or change color when the mouse cursor is hovered over it, additionally indicating that it is clickable.
- "Download list" button active zone: the active zone of the "Download list" button extends beyond the boundaries of its label.
- The “Refresh" button doesn't highlight when hovering over it: the button should highlight or change color when the mouse cursor is hovered over it, additionally indicating that it is clickable.
- "Download list" button and “Refresh" button insufficient separation: the active zones of both buttons are not adequately separated from each other and are positioned too closely, which can result in unintended activation of one of the buttons.
- No consistency between column names and the labels in the "Search my invoices" form.
- The columns in the table are not properly aligned with their column labels.
- "Due Date" and "PO #" columns Incorrect labeling: the content of the "Due Date" and "PO #" columns are swapped. The "Due Date" column displays the purchase order number, and the "PO #" column displays the due date of the order.
- "Invoce #” column label misspelled: should be replaced as "Invoice #”.
- Incorrect number of rows displayed in the table: there are 11 rows displayed in the table, but according to the selected parameter in the 'Search My Invoices' form, there should be only 10.
- The "Inv. Date" column does not follow a consistent format for the day of the month: some days being represented with a single digit and others with two digits. The column should use a consistent format with two digits for the day of the month, with a leading zero for single-digit days.
- The “PO #” column should use a consistent format with two digits for the day of the month, with a leading zero for single-digit days.
- “PO #” column rows 2,3,5,6,7,9,11 sharing the same number 40988.
- “PO #” column rows 4,8 sharing the same number 30998.
- “Amount” column label sorting indicator functionality: nothing happens then hovering over it, perhaps that "Amount" column sorting indicator is non-clickable.
- “Amount” column incorrect sorting order: the content of the column is displayed in reverse order (ascending), which does not match the label indicating arrow that the column should be sorted in descending order.
- “Amount” column content displayed in incorrect format: the amount displayed in format that contains unnecessary zeroes after the decimal point.
- “Amount” column row numbers 7 ($22,409.37) and 8 ($22,376.00) not sorted correctly in ascending order: they should be swapped to match the current ascending order.
- “Payment” column labeling unclear: should be labeled by informative name, like “Payment period” or “Payment range”.
- “Payment” column is unclear in its purpose and contents: if the intention is to reflect the payment period in years, then there are inconsistencies in the dates in the column. These inconsistencies include end dates that are up to 750 years in the past from the start year and end dates that are 100 years in the future.
- Missing row numbers indicator.
- Page number indicators on the bottom of the page: cursor does not change to a hand pointer on hover.
- The webpage page does not adjust itself to fit the smaller screen size, resulting in horizontal scrolling and content overflow.
- The webpage is not adapted for mobile devices.
- “Showing invoices” amount vs numbers of pages mismatch: displayed 11 results per page, it means should be 39 pages in total, but there are only 32.
- No sequence in the display of page numbers: the page numbering skips from 4 to 6, with page number 5 missing.