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Energy-Telecom Bug Reports - SU4

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  • Energy-Telecom Bug Reports - SU4

    Please, report your findings in that topic

  • #2
    #01. Please, clarify the requirements: what is the error message if a required field is left empty?
    #02. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
    #03. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
    #04. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
    #05. "State" listbox: Please, include into the requirements that the content of the list should be taken from the US Post Office API
    #06. "Referred by" field has no asterisk, but it behaves as it is a required field
    #07. Missing requirements for the "Referred by" field
    #08. "ZIP" field accepts typing of letters instead of being digits only
    #09. "ZIP" field accepts pasting of letters, special characters instead of being digits only
    #10. "ZIP" field accepts pasting of over 5 characters
    #11. "ZIP" field: please, implement validation of the input for being a valid US zip code
    #12. "ZIP" field: user cannot type over the selection when value is selected
    #13. "Email" field isn't implemented as a required field as defined by requirements
    #14. Suggestion for "Email" field: please, implement Basic Validation of email format
    #15. "Current Provider" listbox in "Cell Phone Service" section: please, include "Other" in the list
    #16. User cannot clear the form with "Clear" button
    #17. Confusing/Misleading error message pops up when user pushes the "Clear" button


    • #3
      #1. "Email" must be a required field, but it is really doesn't.
      #2. Form can't be safe without filling out the field "Reffered by".
      #3. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form.
      #4. When push the button "Clear" appear message on the screen "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
      #5. Field "First name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
      #6. Field "Last name" accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
      #7. Field "Street address" accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
      #8. Field "State" offers 49 states instead of 50.
      #9. Field "State" offers an option "Other".
      #10. Field "ZIP" accepts letters instead of digits.
      #11. Field "Email" accepts more than 255 characters.
      #12. Field "Phone" allows paste letters in the text fields.
      #13. In the section " Cell Phone Service": "Current provider" list doesn't have an option "Other".


      • #4
        #1 List box offer only 48 states, but should offer all 50 states.
        #2 Text field "First Name:" accepts only 30 characters.
        According to the Requirement, text field "First Name:" should accept 31 characters.
        #3 Text field "Last Name:" accepts only 30 characters.
        According to the Requirement, text field "Last Name:" should accept 31 characters.
        #4 Text field "Street Address:" accepts only 100 characters.
        According to the Requirement, text field "Street Address:" should accept 255 characters.
        #5 Text field "City:" accepts only 20 characters.
        According to the Requirement, text field "City:" should accept 50 characters.
        #6 Tab order violation: input focus moves from List Box "Me" to the List Box "Current Provider:" field ("Referred by:" escaped)
        #7 "Email" field marked sign "*" as required but isn't implemented required. According to the Requirement, "Email" field should be required .
        #8 "Referred by" field implemented required. According to the Requirement, "Referred by" field shouldn't be required.


        • #5
          # 1. ZIP Code field accepts non digits.
          #. 2. "First name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead of 31.
          #3. "Last name" field accepts no more 30 characters instead of 31.
          #4. "State" list box : remove "BC" because it is a Canadian State, not US.
          # 5. "Email" field is marked with asterisk but it is not required.
          # 6. The "Clear" button doesn"t clear the form.
          # 7. Cell phone service : "Current Provider" list box "Other" option is needed.
          # 8. "My monthly bill is approximately" limit input to no more than 4 digits.


          • #6
            1. ZIP code does not accept any typing of letter and special character, but you can paste letters, and special characters.
            2. "Contact Information" TAB order: Input focus moves from "First name" field to the "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name" field
            3. ZIP code field accepts more than 5 characters
            4. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
            5. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
            6. "State" list box: remove "BC" since it is a Canadian state, not US.
            7. "State" list box: remove HI and NV states are missing
            8. "State" list box: remove "Other" option from the list
            9. "State" list box: replace IND with IN for state of Indiana
            10. "Street address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 per requirement
            11. "Referred By" field behaves as it is a required field
            12. "Email" field has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required
            13. "Clear" button does not clear the form
            14. "Clear" button invokes misleading error message "Invalid data..."
            15. Inconsistency in "Referred by" field status: it is processed as a required field, but it is not given the asterisk
            16. The application does not send an email upon completion. "Can't send email" error message pops up
            17."Phone" list box shouldn't accept letters, It lets you paste letter
            18. Phone" list box shouldn't accept special characters, it lets you paste special characters
            19.Cell phone service "current provider" list box is missing "AT&T"
            20. Cell phone service "current provider" list box is missing "Other" option is needed
            21.My monthly bill is approximately : limit input to only 4 digits
            22. Number of phones on plan should not be more than 8
            23. "Months left on current contract:" should offer choices 0-24, not 10 months.
            24. Home security, "current provider:" List box should have option "None"
            25.All list boxes "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts pasting letters, and shouldn't be allowed
            26. All list boxes "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts pasting special characters, and shouldn't be allowed

            Happy Path test FAILED no further testing can be done as of now.


            • #7
              Energy-Telecom BUG REPORT
              1. "Contact Information" TAB order: Input focus moves from "First Name" field to the "Reffered by" Field instead of "Last Name " Field.
              2. Remove "BC" from "Satate" listbox.
              3. Remove "Other" from "Satate" listbox.
              4. NV and HI states are missing in the "Satate" listbox.
              5. Replace "IND" to "IN" for Indiana state in the "State" listbox.
              6. Clarifying Requirements: is the application to be used by US customers ONLY?
              7. The application does not send email upon complited. "Can't send email" error message pops up.
              8. "First Name" field accepts only no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per Requirements.
              9. "Last Name" field accepts only no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per Requirements.
              10. "Email" field is not precessed as required field as it should be by Requirements.
              11. "Street Adress" field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as by the Requirements.
              12. "ZIP" field should not accept input of letters (by typing nor by pasting).
              13."ZIP" field should not accept input of over 5 digits (by pasting).
              14."ZIP" field should not accept input of special characters (by pasting).
              15."Phone" field should not accept input of non digits (by pasting).
              16. Clarifying Requirements: no requirements given for the "Reffered by" field.
              17. Inconsistency in the "Reffered by" field status: it is processed as required but it is not given the asterics.

              18. "1. Cell Phone Services" : add "Other.." to "Current Provider" droplist.
              19. "1. Cell Phone Services" : add "Your answer" Field to type in if "Other.." will be selected in "Current Provider" droplist.
              20. "1. Cell Phone Services" : Clarifying Requirements:"My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept characters or digits only?.
              21. "1. Cell Phone Services" : Clarifying Requirements:"Months left on current contract:" should be limited by 10?
              22. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" Section: add "Other.." to "Current Provider" droplist.
              23. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" add "Your answer" Field to type in if "Other.." will be selected in "Current Provider" droplist.
              24. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" Section: "Primary Phone Number:" accepts characters by pasting.
              25. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": Clarifying Requirements:"My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept characters or digits only?.
              26. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": "Bundled with:" add "None" choise or enable deselection.
              27. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": check if both fields "My monthly bill is approximately:" and "Total Bill:" are needed.
              28. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": change "International calls included?" to "Are International calls included?"
              29. "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": change "Long distance included?" to "Is Long distance included?"
              30. Should "3. High Speed Internet Service" and "4. TV Service" Fields be disabled to type or paste if in Field "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" "Bundled with" "Internet" or "TV" or "Both" selected?
              31. "3. High Speed Internet Service" Section: add "Other.." to "Current Provider" droplist.
              32. "3. High Speed Internet Service" add "Your answer" Field to type in if "Other.." will be selected in "Current Provider" droplist.
              33. "3. High Speed Internet Service": Clarifying Requirements:"My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept characters or digits only?.
              34. "3. High Speed Internet Service", "Type of service:" choose check boxes or radio buttons type of controls, not both.
              35. "3. High Speed Internet Service", "Type of service:" has "Provider" choise again. check if itt is needed?
              36. "3. High Speed Internet Service" has repeated question "Bundled with".
              37. "4. TV Service" has repeated question "Bundled with".
              38. "4. TV Service" Section: add "Other.." to "Current Provider" droplist.
              39. "4. TV Service" add "Your answer" Field to type in if "Other.." will be selected in "Current Provider" droplist.
              40. "4. TV Service": Clarifying Requirements:"My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept characters or digits only?.
              41. "5. Home Security Service" Section: add "Other.." to "Current Provider" droplist.
              42. "5. Home Security Service" add "Your answer" Field to type in if "Other.." will be selected in "Current Provider" droplist.
              43. "7. Gas and Electric Services" should be divided into 2 sections or include questions for gas and electricity separately.
              44. "7. Gas and Electric Services": Clarifying Requirements:"My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" should accept characters or digits only?.
              45. "7. Gas and Electric Services": Clarifying Requirements:"My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" should accept characters or digits only?.
              46. "7. Gas and Electric Services" space missing in "I am opento using different provider". Change to "I am open to using different provider"
              47. Inconsistency in the "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" Primary Phone Number:" Field status: it is processed as required and asterics appears if section is felled with some information.

              should test be done after asterics marked fields are filled and email is not able to be send?
              is there any sence to check sections 1-7?


              • #8
                BUG Report “energy-telecom”
                1. Field "Last name" accepts no more, than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                2. Field "First name" accepts no more, than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                3. Field "Street adress" accepts no more, than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                4. Remove “BC” ( it’s not a US state) from the listbox “State”
                5. Remove “Other” from the listbox “State”
                6. NV anf HI states and DC are missing in the listbox "State"
                7. Replace "IND" with "IN" for the state of Indiana in the listbox "State"
                8. Field ZIP” field should not accept input (by paste) of over 5 characters
                9. FieldZIP” should not accept input of special characters (by pasting them)
                10. FieldZIP” should not accept input of letters (by typing or by pasting)
                11. FieldPhone” should not accept input of non-digits (by typing or by pasting)
                12. Inconsistency in field "Referred by" status: it is processed as a required field, but it is not given the asterisk
                13. Inconsistency in field "Email" status: it is given the asterisk, but it is not processed as a required field,
                14. The application does not send an email upon completion. "Can't send email" error message appears.
                15. Clarifying Requirements: is the application to use by US customers ONLY
                16. "Contact Information" TAB order: Input focus moves from field "First name" to the field "Referred by" instead of field "Last name"
                17. “Clear" button does not clear the form. error message appears “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!”
                18. Fields “My monthly bill is approximately” in sections “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service“, “3.High Speed Internet Service”, “4. TV Service”, “5. Home Security Service” , “7.Gas and Electric Services” should not accept input of special characters and letters (by pasting them)
                19. Fields “Primary Phone Number”, “Total Bill:” in section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service“ should not accept input of special characters and letters (by pasting them)
                20. Clarifying Requirements: Fields "Months left on current contract:" in section “Cell Phone Service” only 10 months.
                21. Field “I am opento using different provider” in section “Gas and Electric Services” replace “opento” with “open to”


                • #9
                  Tested with Google Chrome Version 111.0.5563.147 (Official Build) (64-bit)

                  Form link does not have SSL Certificate. There may be some problems with displaying in different browsers

                  Happy Path: I had an error "Can't send email" with the required fields completely filled in. The error resulting in the failure to submit the form was not highlighted in any way. The happy path did not pass, in theory you can not test any further, but:

                  1. The "First Name:" field contains only 30 characters, but required to contain 31 characters
                  2. After filling in the field "First Name:" and pressing the "Submit" button, if the form is not sent because the missing data are filled in incorrectly, the "First Name:" field cannot be edited. There is no such requirement. (Hard to reproduce)
                  3. The "Last Name:" field contains only 30 characters, but required to contain 31 characters
                  4. The "Street Address:" field contains only 100 characters, but required to contain 255 characters
                  5. When I type in a fields "First Name:", "Last Name:", "City:", "Street Address:" strings consisting of characters ""#;%:?*() -_+" and press "Submit" button, the string is reset to empty, but the field correctness indicator skips empty value (red star lights up in blue). Does not meet the requirements of "Accepts all characters." and "Required field." (aren't there too many bugs for one task?)
                  6. For dropdown "State:" add one more state to 50 states
                  7. For dropdown "State:" remove "other"
                  8. For dropdown "State:" replace "IND" with "IN"
                  9. For dropdown "State:" - when selecting from have a large number of states, it is worth testing the "autocomplete dropdown" element
                  10. Field "ZIP:" supports non-existent ZIP codes. For example "00000". (probably not important if not specified in requirements)
                  11. Field "ZIP:" function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop"violates the "5 characters" and "digits only" requirements (but despite the possibility of entering invalid data, the system still asks "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" and the correctness indicator lights up red)
                  12. Pressing "Clear" button gives error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" and does not clear the form
                  13. For the "Email:" field, enter the value without the "@" and "."
                  14. For the "Email:" field, you can enter a value greater than 255 characters
                  15. For the field "Phone:" when using the function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop" you can enter not only digits
                  16. "1. Cell Phone Service" in the dropdown "Current Provider:" you must add the value "Other"
                  17. "1. Cell Phone Service" can use the radio button for "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider"
                  18. "1. Cell Phone Service" for the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" only numbers and separator should be entered
                  19. "1. Cell Phone Service" for dropdown "Months left on current contract:" there is no possibility to enter values more than 10. Add "More" value
                  20. "1. Cell Phone Service" can use the radio button for "I like my handset" and " I am interested in updating my handset"
                  21. For "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" fields "Primary Phone Number:" comments are similar to item 15.
                  22. For "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" field "My monthly bill is approximately:" only digits and a separator should be entered with using function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop"
                  23. For "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" field "Total Bill:" only digits and a separator should be entered with using function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop"
                  24. For "3. High Speed Internet Service" field "My monthly bill is approximately:" only digits and a separator should be entered with using function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop"
                  25. For "4. TV Service" field "My monthly bill is approximately:" only digits and a separator should be entered with using function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop"
                  26. "4. TV Service" for the dropdown "Number of receivers:" perhaps a value of "0" should be added
                  27. "4. TV Service" for the dropdown "Months left on plan:" should be added value "More"
                  28. For "5. Home Security Service" field "My monthly bill is approximately:" only digits and a separator should be entered with using function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop"
                  29. For "7. Gas and Electric Services" fields "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" and "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" only digits and a separator should be entered with using function "copy and paste" or "drag and drop"
                  30. For "7. Gas and Electric Services" correct "I am opento using different provider" to " I am open to using different provider"
                  31. "8. Comments" if you hold and drag the mouse pointer to the bottom right corner then the layout of the site breaks
                  Last edited by Alex USA; 04-03-2023, 11:00 AM.


                  • #10
                    1.Field "Last name" accepts no more, than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements
                    3.ZIP code field accepts more than 5 characters
                    4. "State" list box : remove "BC" because it is a Canadian State, not US.
                    5.Text field "City:" accepts only 20 characters.
                    6."State" listbox: Please, include into the requirements that the content of the list should be taken from the US Post Office AP
                    7.Cell phone service "current provider" list box is missing "Other" option is needed


                    • #11
                      1. “Referred by:” field doesn’t have a red asterisk.
                      2. “Email:” field has an assigned asterisk but it is not really required
                      3. No email validation performed (“test:” is accepted as a valid email)
                      4. Provide “Referred by:” field with an asterisk as a required field.
                      5. “First name:” field accepts at most 30 characters instead of 31.
                      6. “Last name:” field accepts at most 30 characters instead of 31.
                      7. “Street Address:” field accepts at most 100 characters instead of 255.
                      8. “Email:” field accepts more than 255 characters
                      9. “State” list box: remove “BC” since it is a Canadian state, not US
                      10. “State” list box: HI and NV states are missing
                      11. “State” list box: replace IND with IN for the state of Indiana.
                      12. “State” list box: remove “Other” option from the list box.
                      13. “Current Provider:” list box: add “Other” option to the list.
                      14. TAB order from “First name:” field leads to a wrong field (it leads to “Referred by:” instead of “Last name:”)
                      15. TAB order from “Best Way To Contact Me:” field leads to a wrong field (it leads to “Current Provider:” list box in the next section instead of “Referred by:” field)
                      16. Zip code field accepts more than 5 characters when copying and pasting text into it
                      17. Zip code field accepts non-digits
                      18. “Referred by:” field behaves as a required field
                      19. “Clear” button does not clear the form
                      20. Suggestion: verify a behavior of the checkbox below the list box “Current Provider:” in the 1st section (user can select both checkboxes at the same time)
                      21. Suggestion: verify a behavior of the check box below the list box “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:” in the 1st section (user can select both checkboxes at the same time)
                      22. “* Phone:” field on the top of the page and “Primary Phone Number:” field in 2 section accept non-digits when copying and pasting text into them
                      23. Different behavior of the mouse icon when hovering on “months” label in the 1st section and “Provider:” label in the 3rd section: when pointing at “months” label mouse icon is “text select”; when pointing at “Provider:” label mouse icon is “normal select”
                      24. Limit the number of decimal digits in “My monthly bill is approximately:” field (currently accepts 0.1234567)
                      25. Restrict the value of “My monthly bill is approximately:” field (do not allow “0”)
                      26. Disable entering non-digit values in: ”My monthly bill is approximately:” (in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th sections), “My monthly bill is approximately (summer):” (in 7th section), “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):” (in 7th section); (currently able to paste non-digit values)
                      27. Replace “I am opento using different provider” with “I am open to using different provider”
                      28. “Provider:” field in 3rd section: replace input field with list box
                      29. Comment field can be resized, which breaks the website layout

