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Taulia Bug Reports - SU4

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  • #31
    1. The label "From amount:" allows the user to type "letters" and "special characters #$% etc." The text field should only accept numbers.
    2. The label "to" in the 4th row from the top allows the user to type "letters" and "special characters #$% etc." The text field should only accept numbers.
    3. In column "Inv. Date" the date in a row 7th "1-Oct-2011" does do not match with an excpected search result, from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range.
    4. In the column "Inv. Date" the dates are not in the correct format "month/day/year".


    • #32
      #1 Header logo link is missing. Header logo not linking to the homepage.
      #2 Names formats of "Search my invoices" and names formats of search result table are different.
      "Invoice number" and "Invoce #"; "Purchase order" and "PO # ";
      #3 Name "Invoce #" in the table misspell. Replace the "Invoce #" with an "Invoice #"
      #4 Suggestion: Format the name "From amount:" replace with "Amount: from"
      #5 Suggestion: After the name "Invoice date" add "from"
      #6 Invoice data format types and styles are different.
      Data format in "Search my invoices" contains Month/Day/Year ("6/5/2011").
      Data format "Inv. Date" of the table contains Day-Month abbreviation- Year (" 29-Aug-2011").
      #7 In "Results per pages" entered 10, but numbers of showing invoices in table equal 11.
      #8 Something wrong with number of invoices or count of pages in the table.
      It's impossible showing 422 invoices in 32 pages if each of the pages contains only 10 invoices.
      #9 In the table, column "Amount" results should be sort by descending, but they are sorted by ascending.
      #10 In the table,"Due Date" and "PO #" columns name Inconsistent with columns contents.
      #11 In the first row of column "Status" word "Rejcted" misspell. Replace the "Rejcted" with a "Rejected".
      #12 The title of the table aligned at the right border, but rows aligned at the center.


      • #33
        #1. Bottom left corner of the page: navigation arrows of search results are missing "Prev"; "Next"
        #2. Rows 6 and 9 of "Status" column have "Aproved" labels. Please, make sure they are relevant.
        #3. "From amount" both text fields allow users to type and paste letters, and upper case characters. Make sure it is the way it should be.
        #4. "Invoice number" text field allow users to type and paste letters, and upper case characters. Make sure it is the way it should be.
        #5. In "Search my invoices" section, replace "Invoice date" with "Invoice date from".
        #6. In "Search my invoices" section, replace "From amount" with "Amount from".
        #7 "Search my invoices" section "Invoice date" both text fields do not switch to input focus (do not allow to type)
        #8 "Status" column, 4th row, icon "Paid", when pointed with mouse arrow, has inconsistent pop up icon "Approved". Please change to "Paid".
        #9 Page's links at the bottom are disabled. Please fix it.
        #10 3rd column's tag "Inv.Date" has shortened format. Make sure it is the way it should be.
        #11 "Amount" column has disabled "ascending/descending" function. Please fix it.
        #12 "Search my invoices" section, missing sign or word "#"/ "number" in "Purchase order" tag. Please fix it.
        Last edited by mozgotest; 10-09-2023, 08:03 PM.


        • #34
          1."invoce #" should be "Invoice #"
          2.Delete row #11 from results list. It must be 10 (as well as in "Results per page" listbox)
          3."Actoin" button is missing in the 11th row.
          4.5th page is missing at the bottom of the page
          5.There is an error in sorting the invoices by amount from lesser to greater: the invoice with the amount "$22,409.37" is higher than the invoice with the amount "$22,376.00"
          6.Inconsistency between "Showing 422 invoices: 32 pages do not hold 422 invoices in total


          • #35
            1. Top right corner words "User" and "Manager" shall be separated by a pipe symbol.
            2. "Search my invoices" field: all labels shall have a colon ":" sign at the end.
            3. "Search my invoices" field: "Invoice number" field fits more than 10 digits and letters, whilst invoice numbers are 10 digit numbers.
            4. "Search my invoices" field: "Purchase order" binocular/search button does not generate search result.
            5. "Search my invoices" field: "From amount" will be more correct to put "Amount from", as it continues further "to". It will make logical "AMOUNT FROM - TO".
            6. "Search my invoices" field: "Invoice date" shall be added "from", as it continues further "to".
            7. "Search" button of the "Search my invoices" field is inactive.


            • #36
              1.The "Search My Accounts" buttons must have a colon after the name.
              2. Search results contain 11 lines instead of 10 according to "Results per page".
              3. page #5 is missing.
              4.The second and third rows in the "Quantity" column do not have the currency written.
              5.Columns Payment term and order number are mixed up.
              6.The results on the page should be 10, but there are 11.
              7.There should be 422 invoices shown, but there are only 352.
              8.There is no "Action" button at the end of the last row in the table.
              9.The first row in the status column change from "rejected" to "paid"
              10.The format of dates in the column of payment is not correct.
              11. In the column "Date of account" is the parameter until September 30, 2011, but in the table on line 7 is the date October 1.
              12. When hovering the cursor over the table pages, they are not clickable.
              13. In the column "Payment" there are no dates in lines: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9,
              Last edited by Slash; 03-26-2023, 08:33 PM.


              • #37
                Тест проводился в браузере "Гугл Хром" (версия 111.0.5563.64) на устройстве "Macbook 14/ M1" (версия Ventura 13.2.1)

                1. не чёткая картинка логотипа в левом верхнем углу
                2. Заголовки таблицы сдвинуты вправо по отношению данных таблицы
                3. В первой строке "Invoice #1122339225" в колонке "Status": заменить "Rejcted" на "Rejected"
                4. В первом заголовке "Invoce#" заменить на "Invoice#"
                5. В результате поиска количество страниц 10, а показывает 11
                6. Ложное срабатывание строчки ввода при нажатии на её название
                7. Ложное срабатывание строчки ввода при нажатии на "Invoice status", срабатывает строчка "Results per page"
                8. Нет ссылки номера страницы "5"
                9. В поисковой строке "Invoice status" не даёт другого выбора функции, только "All"
                10. В поисковой строке "Customer" не даёт другого выбора, только "General Electric"
                11. В поисковой строке "Results per page" не даёт другого выбора, только значение "10"
                12. В поисковой строке "Invoice date" (6/5/2011) не изменить на другую дату
                13. В поисковой строке "Invoice date" "to (9/30/2011)" не изменить на другую дату
                14. Не верный формат даты в строке "Invoice date (6/5/2011)"
                15. Не верный формат даты в строке "Invoice date to (9/30/2011)"
                16. Кнопка с изображением бинокля при нажатии не активна
                17. Кнопка "Search" не активна
                18. Кнопка "Download list" не активна
                19. Кнопка "Hide search parameters" не активна
                20. При нажатии кнопки "Actions" нет ни каких действий
                21. В хедере, не активна кнопка "Home"
                22. В хедере, не активна кнопка "Payments"
                23. В хедере, не активна кнопка "My Details"
                24. В хедере, не активна кнопка "Cash Planner"
                25. В хедере, не активна кнопка "Your Customer"
                26. В хедере, не активна кнопка "User Manager"
                27. В хедере, не активна кнопка "Help"
                28. В хедере, не активна кнопка "Logout"
                29. Нет регистрации пользователя
                30. Номера "Invoice" сортируются не по порядку
                31. В 11 строке нет кнопки "Actions"
                32. В разделе "Search my invoices" в 8 из 9 меток отсутствует знак двоеточие в конце
                Last edited by EvgenyZolotov; 03-24-2023, 02:12 AM.


                • #38
                  1 page number transition is not performed
                  2 Invoice date fields are not changed, time format cannot be changed
                  3 missing "page 5"
                  4 Amount sorting between "1122339546" and "1122339134" not in ascending order of amount
                  5 point 11 (1122338095) there is no Actions button
                  6 inability to change date in Invoice date fields
                  7 "refresh" doesn't work, update doesn't happen
                  8 Results per "page 10", but the table gives "11 points", it is not possible to change the number of points
                  9 sorting produces date "1-Oct-2011", which is not within the sort range from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011"
                  10 "Due Date" outputs numbers instead of date based on cell format
                  11 Search button is not active
                  12 "Download list" icon download is not active
                  13 invoice sorting is not possible for any of the items, there is no active button


                  • #39
                    1. 11 invoices in search result page are displayed instead of 10 which are require in "Results per page".
                    2. 6 labels in "search my invoices" section are missing colon characters at the end.
                    3. The "Due Date" column provides data not in date format.
                    4. The "PO#" column provides data in a common date format.
                    5. Invoice #11 in search result table doesn't have "Actions" button.
                    6. The word "Rejected" is misspelled in "Status" column in first row.
                    7. The title "Invoice#" in first column from left side is misspelled.
                    8. To display 422 invoices by 10 invoices per page 32 pages is not enough.
                    9. Page 5 is missing at the bottom of the page on the left side.
                    10. Invoice #1122339546 has s date "1-Oct-2011" and can not be as a search result for "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range.
                    11. In the "Amount" column the sum "22,409.37" should come after sum "22,376.00", because amount sort from low to high.
                    12. Column "Type" is not necessary in the search result table, because user already know that opened folder "Invoices".
                    13. Rows 2,3,5,6,7,9,11 in search result table have the same data in "Due Date" column.
                    14. Date format in search field "Invoice date" and date format in search result table in "Inv. Date" column are different.
                    Last edited by TatianaZaznova; 03-24-2023, 09:05 PM.


                    • #40
                      1. Links "User Manager", "Profile", "Help", "Logout",
                      "Home", "Invoices", "Purchase", "Orders", "Payments", "My Details", "Cash", "Planner", and "Your Customer" in the navigation field do not have a navigation link;
                      2. The Taulia logo in the site header doesn't refresh the page;
                      3. In the site navigation, the Invoices button is highlighted;
                      4. The Logout button is written separately;
                      5. The button "Hide search parameters" does not work;
                      6. Missing clear search options button;
                      7. In the search my invoices group, there is no colon in the names of the input fields;
                      8. Block for Search my invoices has no functionality in strings;
                      9. On the top line of the search result are not working links Download List, Refresh;
                      10. From the list of results, the system gives 422 results;
                      11. Columns in the results table "Showing 422 invoices" the name of the columns does not match the result given by the system;
                      12. The number of output rows in the results does not match the number specified in the Results per page condition;
                      13. Numbered pages with results do not have links to go to the page;
                      14. There is no page number 5 in the page numbering with the results;
                      15. Taulia page won't load content files;
                      16. Missing Footer;
                      17. Amount Sorting Works Per Turn;


                      • #41
                        #1. Incorrect column name "Invoce #". Correct to "Invoice #"
                        #2. Column "Inv. Date" incorrect data in the string 7: beyond the filter border.
                        #3. Columns "Due Date" and "PO": mixed up values or incorrect data type.
                        #4. Showing more rows in table than value in List box "Results per page"
                        #5. "Search button" is unfocused
                        #6. Value "1-Oct-2011" in Column "Inv. Date" is beyond the boarder of the interval on "Invoice date"


                        • #42
                          1. "Actions" button is missing in Invoice 1122338095.
                          2. Names of the columns "Due date" and "PO #" are mixed.
                          3. 11 results per page instead of 10 (as mentioned in filters).
                          4. Dates in "Inv. Date" and "Due Date" are in a Date-Month-Year format, not in a Month-Date-Year.
                          5. Invoice 1122339546 (10/1/2011) is beyond the "Invoice Date" filter criteria (6/5/2011-9/30/2011).
                          6. In the column "Amount" $22,409.37 is higher than $22,376.00.
                          7. There's a misspelling in a "Invoce #" column title.
                          8. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 rows have the same "Due Date".
                          9. Page 5 is missing.
                          10. The "Invoice Date" field in filters should contain "from" before the first date.


                          • #43
                            1. In the search results table, line 10 shows a result that does not fall within the date search range “ Invoice date
                            2. Suggestion: remove # from column headings “Invoice#” and “PO#”
                            3. Different used date formats in the field “Invoice dateand in the table of results in the column “"
                            4. Suggestion: in the search section “Invoice date and in the column of the search results table “Inv.Data” bring the name to one value “Invoice dateand without abbreviation
                            5. Missing heading in rightmost column in results table
                            6. In the field “Results per page” value 10 values, in fact 11 values
                            7. Missing page 5 in search results
                            8. 422 invoices cannot be displayed on 32 pages with a value of "10" in “Result per page”. Add pages in search results
                            9. Column heading “PO#” does not reflect the content of the results in the column
                            10. Column heading “Due Data ” does not reflect the content of the results in the column
                            11. The sorting of values from smallest to largest in the “Amount” column on lines 7 and 8 is broken.
                            12. Suggestion: remove the column “Type” with the values “Invoice”, since it duplicates the open page “Invoice ”
                            13. In the table of results in the column "Status" in line 1, the value "Rejcted" is replaced by " Rejected "
                            14. In the results table, in the column "Status" in line 4, in the tooltip , replace the value “Approved” with “Paid ”
                            15. Absent sign ":" (sign colons) in sections search “Invoice number”, “Customer”, “Purchase order”, “Invoice date”, “Invoice status”, “Results per page
                            16. Suggestion: add a field in the search results to indicate the reflected page range (1-10, 11-20, 21-30,…)
                            17. BINOCLES button is not active
                            18. In the search results table, line 10 shows a result that does not fall within the date range of the search.
                            19. the column heading in the search results " INVOCE#" with "INVOICE#"


                            • #44

                              1.Title for first column is misspelled. Written "Invoce" should be "Invoice"
                              2.Row number 11 should be on the next page as recommended above Results per page should be 10 therefore in result the action button is missing in row 11.
                              3. "Due Date" title for 4th row should be located in row 5.
                              5. "PO #" title for 5th row should be located in 4th row.
                              6. Menu titled Search my invoice either missing ( : ) in 6 options or needs need to remove 1 ( : ) after Title "From amount"
                              7. In menu "Search my invoices" in 5th row title "Invoice date" stated that invoices showing should be from June to September , but has multiple invoices that are dated after September date.
                              8. Page 5 is missing if you look in lower left corner.
                              9. In 6th column title "Amount" the numbers should be going from lowest to highest, but is not 110.00 is lower than 110.10 therefore should 110 should be above or before 110.10, same goes for $22,409.37 and $22,376.00.
                              10. In menu "showing 422 invoices" 7th column and first row word "rejcted" should be spelled "Rejected"
                              11.Menu title "Showing 422 invoice" is incorrect because 32x10 or 32x11 does not equal to 422 it is less than 422..
                              12. In the menu "showing 422 Invoices" 2nd column titled "Type" is not needed, because first column is titled "Invoice"
                              13. Not sure how same PO# can have different Invoice number and different Invoice date, so is due date.
                              14. When clicking page number on the bottom does not respond.
                              15. Different format of writing Invoice date in menu "search my invoices" and in menu "showing 422 invoice. suggestion to keep same style.
                              16.In menu "search my invoices" 2nd row "customer" when clicking down only shows one client not sure if there should be more.
                              17.In menu "search my invoices" 3nd row " title Purchase order Binnacles button not active.
                              18..In menu "search my invoices" 6th row " title "Invoice status" only one option. Either take out drop down button or add more options.
                              19. .In menu "search my invoices" 7th row " title "Results per page" only one option. Either take out drop down button or add more options.
                              20. .In menu "search my invoices" 7th row " title "Results per page" I would suggest to write 1-10, 11-20...
                              21. Title column "Payment" should be renamed to "Paid date" because its only showing dates for paid invoices.
                              22. In column titled "Payment" I suggest writing the date in the same stile as all dates should be.

                              Last edited by alenaeskova; 03-27-2023, 10:36 AM.


                              • #45
                                #1. 11 rows of test results are provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box
                                #2. "Actions" button is missing in row #11 of the search results table
                                #3. Link to page "5" under search results table is missing. Provide link to page "5" under the search results table
                                #4. "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00"
                                #5. Replace "From amount:" label with "Amount from:"
                                #6. "Search my invoices" section: provide all the labels with colon ( : ) character at the end
                                #7. Remove "Type" column since all the docs on the screen are of same type
                                #8. Inconsistency in date formats used: "9/30/2011" for "Invoice date" fields and "5-Jun-2011" in search results table
                                #9. First column title: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"
                                #10. 32 pages are not enough to accommodate 422 search results
                                #11 Replace: "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                                #12. "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                                #14. Column title: replace "PO #" with "Due Data"
                                #15. "Inv. Date" column: date is not sorted in order
                                #16. "PO #" column (Due Date): data is not sorted in order
                                #17."Search my invoices" label: capitalize every word "Search My Invoices"
                                #18. "Invoice number" label: capitalize every word "Invoice Number"
                                #19. "Purchase order" label: capitalize every word "Purchase Order"
                                #20. "From amount" label: capitalize every word "From Amount"
                                #21. "Invoice date" label: capitalize every word "Invoice Date"
                                #22. "Invoice status" label: capitalize every word "Invoice Status"
                                #23. "Results per page" label: capitalize every word "Results Per Page"
                                #24. "Purchase order" field: remove special icon

