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Taulia Bug Reports - SU4

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  • Taulia Bug Reports - SU4

    Please, report your findings in that topic

  • #2
    1. In menu items "Search my invoices" missing ( : ).
    2. In menu "Results per page" value "10", does not match the number "11" of rows found.
    3. The link to page number "5" is missing at the bottom under the table.
    4. First column title: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice".
    5. "Actions" button is missing in the 11th row of the table.
    6. "Status" column, first row of the table: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
    7. "Amount" column, incorrect sorting of ascending price order between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00".
    8. Mismatch of date formats between: "Invoice date" fields "9/30/2011" and "PO" column "28-Sep-2011 ".
    9. 32 pages are not enough to accomodate 422 search results.
    10. Format "Due Date" column does not match date format.
    11. Replace "From amount" label with "amount from".
    12. "Status" column, fourth row: incorrect tooltip for "Paid".
    13. "Download list": inconsistency of the icon image with tooltip.
    14. "Amount"column: sorting mismatch to the arrow icon next to the title.
    Last edited by InnaHavryliuk; 03-23-2023, 07:33 PM.


    • #3
      1. Search column is missing (no magnifier)
      2. Results per page the column says 10 and the page says 11 results
      3. label " invoice" column is misspelled
      4. Missing "Actions" button 11th row
      5. Date format inconsistency:" 9/30/2011” for “Invoice date” in column "Inv. Date" on the 7th row (1-Oct-2011)
      6. The page "5" is missing in the search results
      7. The data in " Due Date" column does not provide dates
      8. "Due Date" column is misplaced with column "PO #"in search results.
      9. 32 pages not enough for showing 422 search result invoices


      • #4
        1. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, 4th row, “Status” column, change the tooltip from "Approved" to "Paid".
        2. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, bottom row, the "Action" button is missing.
        3. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, bottom row is inconsistent with "Results per page" value specified in the search parameters.
        4. In "Search my invoices" section, the binoculars button behind "Purchase order" text box, lacks the tooltip.
        5. The pagination section lacks the link to 5th page.
        6. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, "Type" column is redundant because we are in the "Invoices" folder.
        7. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, "Due Date" column value are not dates.
        8. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, change "Invoce #" column head title to "Invoice #".
        9. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, 7th row isn't within the date range specified in the search parameters.
        10. All labels in "Search my invoices" section should have a colon after their titles.
        11. There is an inconsistency between date formats in search parameters and search results.
        12. There is an inconsistency between 422 results and 32 pages in pagination.
        13. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, in "Status" column, change "Rejcted" to "Rejected".
        14. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, in "Amount" column, 7th and 8th rows are not sorted correctly.
        15. In “Showing 422 invoices” section, the "Amount" column sorting chevron should be pointed up for ascending order.
        Last edited by vchalyk; 03-22-2023, 04:30 AM.


        • #5
          1. Search results: absent the link to page 5
          2. Search results contain 11 rows insted 10 as per "Results per page"
          3. Search results: Type colomn is redandent
          4. Search results, lable column 1: replace "Invoce #" to "Invoice #"
          5. Search results: 32 pages is not enough for accommodate 422 search results 10 per page
          6. Search results: 11 row is deprived "Actions" button
          7. Inconcistancy date format betwen "Invoice date" fields and "Inv. Date" colomn
          8. "Due Date" and "PO #": discrepancy betwen titles and content columns
          9. Search results, 1 row, "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" to "Rejected"
          10.Search my invoices: 6 of 7 lables not have colon characters at the end
          11.Search my invoices, From amount: in front of 1 text field should be "from"
          12.Search my invoices, Invoice date: in front of 1 text field should be "from"
          13.Search results: result showing in 7 row is from "1-Oct-2011", which contradicts "Invoice date" (to 9/30/2011)
          14.Mouse pointer not changes to "hand mouse pointer" when mouse pointer over "Actions" button
          15.Search results, "Amount" column: incorect sorting order in 7 and 8 rows
          16.Search results, "Amount" column: arrow near by label aimed down, which means descending sorting order. Column sorted as ascending order
          17. Floppy disk icon usually used for designation save process, not for downloading. Replace to appropriate icon
          18. "Showing 422 invoices" replace to "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
          19.Tooltip is absent anywhere except Floppy disk icon and refresh icon
          20."Search my invoices" area: empty place on the right side looks not very well
          21.Leftmost top corner, Taulia badge: usually same badge contain a link to home page.


          • #6

            1. "Actions" button is missing in the row 11
            2. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
            3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
            4. Replace "Showing 422 Invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 Invoices"
            5. "Type" column is redundant since all the search results are of the same type (invoice)
            6. Sorting order violation in “Amount” column: “”$22,403.37’’ should go below “$22,376.00”, not above
            7. “Amount” column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
            8. Leftmost column title: replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”
            9. Misspelled word in first row/”status” column: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”
            10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page “5” is missing
            11. “Search my Invoices”: provide all the labels with the colon character at the end
            12. “Amount” column: all items should be align to the period character
            13. “Inv.Date” column: values “1-Oct-2011” (7th row), “22-Sep-2011” (3rd row) are out of the specified range in label “Invoice data”
            14. “Due date” and “PO #” titles are mixed up with each other. The column title "Due Date" switch with the column title "PO #"
            15. “Inv.Date” column and “PO #” must obey to “DD-MMM-YYYY” date format
            16. Wrong mouse icon when any of the paginator menu elements are in focus. It is showing mouse icon for text boxes, not for elements with Click option
            17. Missing sorting capability for columns other than “Amount”
            18. Inconsistency in dates format between table items in columns “Inv.Date”, “Due Date” and “Invoice date field(?)”
            19. Centers of columns do not match centers of columns headers (for example: “Inv. Date” header should be aligned with column contents)
            20. Add “Customer” column to the table
            21. Add label “Due Date”to the search filters above the table
            22. “Invoice number”, “Purchase order” fields: should be allowed only numbers or digits values for input
            23. Wrong mouse icon when any of the buttons “Actions” in the last column of the table are in focus. It is showing mouse icon for text boxes, not for elements with Click option
            24. Mistake in space-formatting in the top part of menu “User Manager | Profile | Help| Logout”: after the word “Help” the space character should be added
            25. Status column: label “Paid” (in 4th raw) has wrong tooltip (It shows “Approved ” instead of “Paid”)

            Possible bugs

            26. Add currency indication to the “Amount” label: for example “Amount ($) (not sure about this bug)
            27. Tooltip for “binocular” icon in “Search my invoice” is missing ( also not sure about this bug)


            • #7
              1. Column "Type" is unnecessary because all the items on this page are Invoices.
              2. "Amount" column: data isn't arranged in a defined by the triangle icon descending order.
              3. "Amount" column: 7 and 8 row are mixed up, $22,409.37 should go after $22,376.00.
              4. "Invoice date" field (9/30/2011) doesn't imply the presence of 1-Oct-2011 (7th row) in a list.
              5. Different date formats in "Invoice date" field (9/30/2011) and "Inv.Date" columns (29-Aug-2011), must be identical.
              6. Columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are mixed up.
              7. "Search my invoices" table: replace "From amount" with "Amount from".
              8. "Search my invoices" table: colon should be added after every label.


              • #8
                1. The column " Invoice # " written incorrect
                2. The first row, column status "Rejected" misspelled
                3. The column "Due date" mismatch should be there are dates ( day, month and year )
                4. Labels under "Search my invoices" don't have colons.
                5. Label "From amount" should be "Amount from"
                6. Under column "PO#" all row have a just dates instead of purchase order numbers.
                7. In column "Amount's" all rows should to start from smaller to greater amount instead of that all amounts in all rows disorderly.
                8. Button "Actions" on 11 row is missing.


                • #9
                  1. The label of all columns on the page of "Showing 422 invoices" need to be centered.
                  2. "Showing 422 invoices" section: 7 out 8 labels of columns are missing their dropdown lists.
                  3. The TAB order on the page "taulia" should be left-toright/top-to-bottom all over the page.
                  4. The dropdown list of column "Amount" doesn't work.
                  5. The tooltip on the icon of paid in 4th line of the column "Status" to replace "Approved" with "Paid".


                  • #10
                    1. Column "Amount: Align value by a point
                    2. Dropdown lists after label "Amount" column of "Showing 422 invoices" section: disable controls because a user cannot use them
                    3. On MacOS in Google Chrome "Showing 422 invoices": alignment of "Inv.Date", "PO #", "Status" columns does inconsistency the alignment in other browsers
                    4. Tab order mismatch rule left-to-right/top-to-bottom: TAB doesn't select all active elements site (ex. menu buttons, page links)
                    5. 4th row "Showing 422 invoices" sector in the column "Status: "Tooltip of the icon before "Paid" mismatch value "Paid"


                    • #11
                      1. "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,367.00"
                      2. Replace "From amount:" label with "Amount from:"
                      3. Add "Customer" column for the search results table
                      4. Inconsistency in amount formats used: "$100.00" for column "Amount" in search table result and "100" for "From Amount:" and "1000000" for "to:" in search parameters
                      5. Column "Amount", column "Payment": align text to the right edge
                      6. Under search results table add arrow "Next page" and "Previous page"
                      7. Remove icon "Binocular" for label "Purchase order"
                      8. Label "Purchase order" replace with label "Purchase order #"
                      9. Search parameters: add label "Payment" with data input field
                      10. In the search result table add name of the last-right column with buttons "Actions"
                      11. Column "Payment" in search result table: clarify data, payment date is expected
                      12. Top search panel: folder "Your customers" replace with folder "My customers"
                      13. In search results table column "Due date": order numbers should not be repeated, clarify data
                      14. Column "Amount": mismatch of arrow and the sorting in the column
                      15. Replace "Invoice date:" label with "Invoice data from:"
                      16. Column "Invoice", "Inv. Date", "Due Date", "PO#", "Status": align text to the center
                      17. Top of the search parameters: replace title "Search my invoices" with "Search invoices"
                      18. Paginate navigation the button: replace ".." with "..."
                      19. Make button "Search" like a default button
                      21. Add toggle for parameters "Hide search parameters"
                      22. Column "PO #" in search results table: mismatch between the column name and the content.
                      23. Column "Due Date" in search results table: mismatch between the column name and the content.
                      Last edited by Alona M; 03-22-2023, 02:25 PM.


                      • #12
                        1. No username in the header (good to have - handy) 1.jpg

                        2. The filter is selected with a result of 10 lines, but shows 11.

                        3. There is no numbering as such (very convenient for filtering).

                        4. Selected to filter from June to September, but shows up to October.

                        5. There is no "Actions" button on the last line.

                        6. The number of documents does not correspond to the declared number - against all laws of mathematics (32 sheets * 11 lines = 352 documents. Declared - 422!).

                        7. The sorting of the documents is only provided in the column "Amount".

                        8. The "Diskette" icon ("Save") does not correspond to the value of the "Download" button. 8.jpg

                        9. The outline of all the buttons in the header is missing.

                        I apologise for my English - I use the translator "DeepL".
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          1. Column "Type" has only "Invoice" as the type, which is irrelevant information since the page represents invoices.
                          2. Label "Invoice date" and Columns "Inv. Date" and "PO #" use different formatting for dates.
                          3. Label "Showing 422 invoices" does not equate what 32 pages could display
                          4. Label "Purchase order" across text box exists a binocular's icon. This seems redundant when a button "Search" already exists.
                          5. Label "From amount:" has a colon character at the end, this provides inconsistency with other label's that do not have a colon character.
                          6. Missing button "Actions" on row 11
                          7. Contributing to report in (6.) Label "Results per page" is set to 10. When there is 11 rows being displayed.
                          8. Column "Amount" displays incorrect ordering. Where row 7 and 8 should be flipped.
                          9. Column "Invoce #" is misspelled and should be "Invoice #"
                          10. Button "Refresh" seems useless when all web browsers have refresh buttons built into them.
                          11. All columns under "Showing 422 invoices" seem to be misaligned to the right, instead should be centered for better readability.
                          12. Column "Due Date" displays numbers do not appear to represent any real dates or are formatted to look like a date.
                          13. Column "Payment" displays incorrectly formatted date of when payment was paid.


                          • #14
                            1. Missing action button in row 11.
                            2. Collum 5 "Due Date" and collum 6 "PO#" are the wrong places.
                            3. The function to sort collum amount doesn't work correctly, the rows 7 and 8 are mixed.
                            4. The triangle in the amount label show results incorrectly.
                            5. In the label "Results per page" the data "10" is not the same count as in the table rows.
                            6. In the first collum, the label "Invoce" must be correct to the "Invoice".
                            7. In the row where re is lable "Showing 422 invoices" should be "Results per page" like "1-10" or "1-11".
                            8. The invoice date 6/5/2011 must be more clear to know where is the month and where is the day because it makes it confusing.
                            Last edited by aleksandrsd; 03-22-2023, 04:15 PM.


                            • #15
                              1. Inconsistency in ranking of values in “Amount” column, rows 7 – 8 in search results table
                              according to descending order.
                              2. Absence of colon character following 8 titles of 9 in the “Search my invoices” section.
                              3. Nonconformity of date formats in “Invoice date” search fields of “Search my invoices” section (d/m/year) and “Inv. Date” colon of search results table (d-mon-year).
                              4. Inconsistency of values “all” and “10” in dropdown lists of “Invoice status”and “Results per page” titles to quantity of pages in pagination of search results table in condition of “Showing 422 invoices” in the top of search results table.
                              5. Misspelling in title of first search results column “Invoce #”.
                              6. Misspelling in first row of “Status” column “Rejcted”.
                              7. Presence of eleventh search results row in violation of chosen “10 results per page” condition.
                              8. Format of values in column “Due Date” is not corresponding to its titles.
                              9. Format of values in column “PO #” is not corresponding to its titles.
                              10. Searching result “1-Oct-2011” in row 7 of “Inv. Date” column is irrelevant to searching request conditions.
                              11. Missed pages 5, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,43 in pagination of search results table in condition of searching request (10 per page) and status of search results table (“Showing 422 invoices”).
                              12. Missed “previous”/“next” buttons in pagination of search results table.
                              13. “Purchase ordersearching title in “Search My Invoices” section or “Purchase Orders” section tab is excessable.

                              Last edited by Aleksandar; 03-22-2023, 05:23 PM.

