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Taulia Bug Reports - SU4

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  • #46
    1. Invoice "1122339546" does not match "Invoice date" search gap: it's date "1-Oct-2011" and search gap ends on "9/30/2011".
    2. Add payment date foe invoices that had "Status" "Active" changed to "Paid".


    • #47
      The labels "User Manager", "Profile", "Help", "Logout", are not perform any function if it were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on them).
      The labels "Home", "Purchase Orders", "Payments", "My Details", "Cash Planner", "Your Customer" are not perform any function if it were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on them).
      The labels "Invoice", "Type", "Inv. Date", "PO #", "Amount", "Status", "Payment" are not exactly over their columns.
      The buttons "Actions" are not perform any function if it were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on them).
      The mouse pointer changes shape to sign like "I" instead of a palm with index finger if the mouse dragged on buttons "Actions".
      The option button "Search" does not perform any function if it were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on this).
      The label "Download list", "Refresh", "Hide search parameters" are not perform any function if it were pressed (mouse pointer changes shape if mouse dragged on this).
      The letters can be type on the text field of label "Invoice number".
      The letters can be paste on the text field of label "Invoice number".
      Any characters (period, comma, flush etc.) can be type on the text field of label "Invoice number".
      Any characters (period, comma, flush etc.) can be paste on the text field of label "Invoice number".
      The numbers can be type on the text field of label "Invoice number".
      The numbers can be paste on the text field of label "Invoice number".
      The letters can be type on the text field of label "Purchase order".
      The letters can be paste on the text field of label "Purchase order".
      Any characters (period, comma, flush etc.) can be type on the text field of label "Purchase order".
      Any characters (period, comma, flush etc.) can be paste on the text field of label "Purchase order".
      The numbers can be type on the text field of label "Purchase order".
      The numbers can be paste on the text field of label "Purchase order".
      The letters can be type on the text field of label "From amount".
      The letters can be paste on the text field of label "From amount".
      Any characters (period, comma, flush etc.) can be type on the both text field of label "From amount".
      Any characters (period, comma, flush etc.) can be paste on the both text field of label "From amount".
      In menu item of label "Customer" can not be select other item than "General Electric".
      In menu item of label "Invoice status" can not be select other item than "All".
      In menu item of label "Results per page" can not be select other item than "10".
      In text field of label "Invoice date" can not be typed any date other than that already exists (on the both text fields).
      The black arrow which is near the title "Amount" does not perform any function if it were pressed (mouse pointer does not changes shape if mouse dragged on them).
      Last edited by Kate_G; 04-02-2023, 02:58 PM.


      • #48
        #1. Missing "user" and "profile" name
        #2. In rows #7 and #8 sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not ascending order
        #3. In row #1 sorting order violation in "Status" column: replace "rejcted" with "rejected"
        #4.In rows #3, #7, #10 dates do not match the sort requirement
        #5. "Amount" column has inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title (descending)
        #6. Text field of "Invoice number" can enter letters and symbols
        #7. Text field of "Purchase order" can enter letters and symbols
        #8. Text field of "From amount:" can enter letters and symbols
        #9. Text fields of "Invoice date" unable to select date
        #10. Text field of "Customer" has not list box
        #11. Text field of "Invoice status" has not list box
        #12. Text field of "Results per page" has not list box
        #13. Unable to sort "Invoce #" column by ascending and discending
        #14. Unable to sort "Invoce #" column by ascending and discending
        #15. Unable to sort "Inv. Date" column by ascending and discending
        #16. Unable to sort "Due Date" column by ascending and discending
        #17. Unable to sort "PO #" column by ascending and discending
        #18. Unable to sort "Status" column by ascending and discending
        #19. Unable to sort "Payment" column by ascending and discending
        #20. Missing name and sorting of "Action" column
        #21. Enumeration of pages: page link "1" is too far from other page links
        #22. Enumeration of pages: page links do not active
        #23. In row #4 in "Status" column new message writes "Approved" instead "Paid"
        #24. In row #1 in "Status" column new message writes right "Rejected"
        Last edited by Iurii_G; 04-02-2023, 09:04 AM.


        • #49
          #1. In the search results table no links to the previous and next page.
          #2. “Download” button in search results table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering.
          #3. “Refresh” button in search results table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering.
          #4. “Search” button in “Search my invoices" table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering.
          #5. “Hide search parameters” button in “Search my invoices" table are not highlighted when the cursor is hovering.
          #6. “Download” button use icon of saving.
          #7. An extra binoculars icon has been placed in the “Search my invoices” section, opposite the “Purchase Order” label.
          #8. No link to the home page on the main logo “Taulia”.
          #9. The image of the main logo “Taulia” is not clear.
          #10. Sum in #7th row doesn’t match order in “Amount” column.
          #11. Amounts in the "Amount" column are shown in the opposite consistency from the set.
          #12. The table headers are shifted to the right in relation to the table data.
          #13. The "Results per page" window becomes active after clicking on the "Invoice status" label.
          #14. Text field “Invoice number” should only accept numbers.
          #15. It makes sense to place the "PO #" column next to the "Inv. Date”.
          #16. Remove the "#" sign from the "Invoce #" column name.
          #17. Remove the "#" sign from the "PO #" column name.
          #18. Replace the text field of "Invoice date" with “DatePicker”.
          #19. No dates in the "Payment" column when viewing the table.
          #20. There are no fields in the "Invoice status" dropdown list: "Rejected", "Paid", "In process", "Approved".

