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TAULIA BUGS - January 12, 2023

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  • #91
    #1 Data in the “Payment” column is not provided in a common date format (like MM/DD/YYYY)

    #2 Missing data (empty space) in the “Payment” column for the rows of invoices with the status “Rejected”, “In Process”, “Approved”.

    #3 Inconsistency in date formats between columns “Inv. Date”, “PO #” and “Payment”

    #4 Missing header for the last column, with “Actions” buttons.

    #5 Remove “Refresh” menu item since it has the same functionality as “Search” button, therefore “Refresh” is redundant.

    #6 Remove binoculars icon next to “Purchase order” text field since it has the same functionality as “Search” button and therefore is redundant

    #7 Header “PO #” should be replaced with “Purchase order” for keeping consistency with search parameters

    #8 Inconsistency in headers order compared to labels order in list of search parameters. Logically the headers from left to right should be following the labels top-to-bottom order: “Invoice number”, “Customer”, “Purchase order”, “Amount”, “Invoice Date”, “Status”. If the columns like “Due Date” and “Payment” are needed, it should be relevant labels created in search parameters list.

    #9 Icons in “Status” column should be removed as they are redundant and irrelevant

    #10 Inconsistency in data format in “Due Date” column, some data is made of 5 digits while some is made of 6 digits.


    • #92
      1. Text field “Invoice number”: allows to input unlimited characters
      2. Text field “Invoice number”: allows input non digital characters
      3. Text field “Purchase order”: allows input non digital characters
      4. Text field “Purchase order”: allows to input unlimited characters
      5. Text field “From amount”: allows input non digital characters
      6. Text field “to” (next after “From Amount”): allows input non digital characters
      7. Text field “From amount”: value cannot be negative
      8. Text field “to” (next after “From Amount”): value cannot be negative
      9. Text field “From amount”: allows to input unlimited characters
      10. Text field “to” (next after “From Amount”): allows to input unlimited characters
      11. Search parameter "From amount ... to": value "to" cannot be less than "From"
      12. Text field “Invoice date” readonly
      13. Text field “to” (next after “Invoice date”) readonly
      14. All labels in “Search parameters” should have colon at the end of text
      15. Column “Invoce” in the table: misspelled - should be “Invoice” instead of “Invoce”
      16. Unnecessary column “Type”
      17. Column “Inv. Date”: has improper Date format, should be mm/dd/yyyy
      18. Column “Due Date”: has invalid values, should be Date
      19. Column “PO#”: has invalid values, should be digital
      20. Sorting on a column “Amount” in the wrong order, with the icon “Sort arrow” down order should be “high to low”
      21. Rows in column “Status” with value “Rejected”: misspelled, should be “Rejected” instead of “Rejcted”
      22. Column “Payment”: has improper Date format, should be mm/dd/yyyy
      23. Wrong number of rows in the table: number of table rows does not match to “Results per page” value
      24. Last row in the table has no button “Actions”
      25. Text with the number of invoices in the table header does not correspond to the number of pages. For 422 invoices the number of pages should be more than 32
      Last edited by AlexOvchinkin; 02-01-2023, 09:14 PM.


      • #93
        1. On the menu "Your customer" has to be "My customer"
        2. The link to page 5 in the Search Results field is missing
        3. In the "Invoices" tab "Showing 422 invoices" has to be a "Showing first 10 invoices" and etc
        4. In the "Search my invoices" field has to be provided with a colon ( : ) at the end
        5. In "Amount" column the amount "$22,409.37" is greater than the amount "$22,376.00"
        6. The header of the “PO #” column in the "Invoices" tab doesn’t match the column content
        7. The header of the “Due Date” column in the "Invoices" tab doesn’t match the column content
        8. In the Search Results field the word "Rejcted" has to be "Rejected"
        9. In the Search Results field the header "Invoce #" has to be "Invoice#"
        10. In the Search Results field the column "Type" has to be deleted, otherwise there is only one type
        11. The field "Invoice status" has to have "Rejected", "Paid", and "In process" option
        12. The field "Results per page" has to have "5" and "25" options, otherwise this column has to be deleted if no other options
        13. In the Search Results field by searching invoice date "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" there should not be the invoice “1-Oct-2011”
        14. In the Search Results field 32 pages have less than 422 invoices.


        • #94
          1. The spelling of "Invoice #" in the first column title is incorrect.
          2. 'Invoice' numbers allows letters
          3. The data in the "Due date" and "PO#" columns are misused in the titles.
          4. The 11th row is missing the "Action" button.
          5. The search results should display 10 rows instead of 11.
          6. The date format in "Inv. Date" is inconsistent and does not match the search button filter of 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011.
          7. The "Type" column should be removed as all invoices are of the same type.
          8. The "Amount" column has an inconsistent sorting issue, with "$22,409.37" appearing above "$22,376.00".
          9. The spelling of "Rejected" in the "Status" column is incorrect.
          10. The data in the "Due Date" column is not in a standard date format.
          11. The data in the "Inv Date" column is not in a standard date format.
          12. There is a missing link to page 5.
          13. The 32 pages will not cover 422 invoices and more pages need to be added.
          14. The data format in the "Payment" column is incorrect.
          15. The label "From amount" should be changed to "Amount from".
          16. The headers in the "Search Results" are not aligned with the columns.


          • #95
            Taulia bugs
            1. “Actions” button is missing in the row #11.
            2. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
            3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per “results per page” listbox).
            4. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
            5. “Type” column is redundant since all the search results are of the same type (invoice).
            6. Sorting order violation in “Amount” column “$22,409.37” should go below “$ 22,376.00”, not above.
            7. “Amount” column inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title.
            8. Page numbers at the bottom of the page missing "Page 5".


            • #96
              1. "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" to "Rejected"
              2. Column title, replace "Invoce" to "Invoice"
              3."Search my invoices" section: provide all the labels with colon character ( : ) at the end
              4. Date formats : "6/5/2011" in "Invoice date" and "5- Jun-2011" in search results table
              5. 11 rows of test results, instead of 10 "Results per page"
              6. Remove "Type" column since all the docs on the screen are of the same type
              7. "Action" button is missing in row 11 of the search results table
              8. Page "5" under search results table is missing
              9. "Amount" column: swap amount "$22,409.37" and "22,376.00"
              10. Replace "From Amount" label with "Amount from"
              11. "Amount" column: sign shows from "high to low", instead at the result search table shown from "low to high"
              12. "Search my invoices" section: "Invoice date" to "9/30/2011" mismatch in search results table "22-Oct-2011" "1-Oct-2011" "31-Oct-2011" "13-Oct-2011"
              13. Swap columns title "Due Data" and "PO #"


              • #97
                #1. 11 rows of test results are provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box
                #2. "Actions" button is missing in row #11 of the search results table
                #3. Link to page "5" under search results table is missing
                #3' Provide link to page "5" under the search results table
                #4. "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00"
                #5. Replace "From amount:" label with "Amount from:"
                #6. "Search my invoices" section: provide all the labels with colon ( : )character at the end
                #7. Remove "Type" column since all the docs on the screen are of same type
                #8. Inconsistency in date formats used: "9/30/2011" for "Invoice date" fields and "5-Jun-2011" in search results table
                #9. First column title: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"
                #10 32 pages are not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                #11 Replace: "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"

                #12 Search result in row 7 under “Inv. Date” Column showing 1-Oct-2011
                which is inconsistent with "Invoice date" “to” list box range
                #13 Change “Due Date” column name to “PO #”
                #14 Change “PO #” column name to “Due Date”
                #15 Label “Date” “to” text field should be 1,000,000.(should reflect numbers with coma format)
                #16 “Invoice date” label change to “Invoice date from”.
                #17 First search results row change “Status” to “Rejected”
                #18 Under “Search my invoices” section add ( : ) at the end of all labels.
                #19 Under Search Results between links to pages 10 and 32 replace “..” to “…”


                • #98
                  1. The word "Invoce #" is misspelled in the title of the first column
                  2. Titles “Due date” and “PO#” represent wrong columns.
                  3. Search results should display 10 rows instead of 11
                  4. Inconsistency in date formats: “Inv.Date” does not match search button filter for 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
                  5. Inconsistency in sorting of the “Amount” column, $22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00"
                  6. The column “Status” misspelled word "Rejcted"
                  7. 32 pages will not cover 422 invoices, should add enough pages
                  8. Headers in “Search Results” are not aligned with columns


                  • #99
                    1.In the colum "Due date" is wrong number, s/b no more than 147 days
           the colum "invoice #" is a wrong number of lines, it sown as 11, s/b 10


                      1. Correct the title "From amount:" to "Amount from:"
                      2. In the "Search for my invoices" section, specify all labels with a colon ( : ) at the end, or remove it in "From amount:"
                      3. In the "Search for my invoices" section, in the "Invoice date" field, change the date format.
                      4. 11 rows of test results are provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box
                      5. In the "Results per page" field, the number of invoices found does not match the number of pages.
                      6. The "Results per page" field is missing a quick jump to page 5.
                      7. First column title: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"
                      8. "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00
                      Last edited by OleksandrSsalii; 03-15-2023, 11:16 PM.


                        1. Missing a link to page “5” of search results
                        2. Missing an “Actions” button in the row #11
                        3. In the first row of “status” column the word “Rejcted” is misspelled
                        4. Remove the column “Type” since it is redundant
                        5. The header of the first column “Invoce #” is misspelled
                        6. Replace “Showing 422 Invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 Invoices”
                        7. The “Due Date” column data is not provided in a common date format
                        8. Data in a “PO #” is not provided in a common date format. Please make sure it is the way it should be.
                        9. Labels on the top of the page in “Search my invoices” section are missing colon signs at the end, except row #4
                        10. The “Amount” column datais not in ascending order. Please make sure it is the way it should be
                        11. Replace 10 rows per page instead of 11, as per “Results per page” state


                        • #1 The search result table should contain invoices from 6-5-2011 to 9-30-2011 while it contains October invoice 1122339546 in a row #7
                          #2 "Results per page" parameter is set "10" while the search result table shows 11 results
                          #3 Pagination contans 32 pages wich is not enough to accomodate 412 search results. Correct amount is 43 pages
                          #4 "Invoce" column name is misspeled
                          #5 "Rejcted" status of invoice is misspeled
                          #6 "Due Date" and "PO#" columns are mixed up
                          #7 "Amount" columns sorting arrow shows descenting order while actual order is ascending
                          #8 Pagination of search results: link to page "5" is missing
                          #9 Most of the labels in "Search my invoices" parameters doesn't have colon character ( : ) at the end
                          #10 "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00"
                          #11 Last row in the search results table doesn't have "Actions" button
                          #12 Inconsistency in date formats used: "9/30/2011" in "Search my invoices" vs "30-Sep-2011" in "Inv Date" column
                          #13 The search results table's data is not aligned with columns names
                          #14 Search parameter "From amount" should be replaced with "Amount from"
                          #15 Search parameter "Invoice date" should be replaced with "Invoice date from"
                          #16 "Inv. Date" column name is the only one with abbreviated word
                          #17 "Invoice number" input field accepts all characters while invoice numbers are consist of digits only
                          #17 "Purchase order" input field accepts all characters while purchase order numbers are consist of digits only
                          #18 "From amount" input fields accept all characters but amount could be only in digits
                          #19 "Logout" button as an action button should be named "Log out"
                          #20 "Customer" dropdown list's highlighted area doesn't match it's boudaries
                          #21 "Invoice status" dropdown list's highlighted area doesn't match it's boudaries
                          #22 "Results per page" dropdown list's highlighted area doesn't match it's boudaries
                          #23 "Actions" buttons column has unfunctional empty label which changing the cursor when hovering over that area

