#1 Data in the “Payment” column is not provided in a common date format (like MM/DD/YYYY)
#2 Missing data (empty space) in the “Payment” column for the rows of invoices with the status “Rejected”, “In Process”, “Approved”.
#3 Inconsistency in date formats between columns “Inv. Date”, “PO #” and “Payment”
#4 Missing header for the last column, with “Actions” buttons.
#5 Remove “Refresh” menu item since it has the same functionality as “Search” button, therefore “Refresh” is redundant.
#6 Remove binoculars icon next to “Purchase order” text field since it has the same functionality as “Search” button and therefore is redundant
#7 Header “PO #” should be replaced with “Purchase order” for keeping consistency with search parameters
#8 Inconsistency in headers order compared to labels order in list of search parameters. Logically the headers from left to right should be following the labels top-to-bottom order: “Invoice number”, “Customer”, “Purchase order”, “Amount”, “Invoice Date”, “Status”. If the columns like “Due Date” and “Payment” are needed, it should be relevant labels created in search parameters list.
#9 Icons in “Status” column should be removed as they are redundant and irrelevant
#10 Inconsistency in data format in “Due Date” column, some data is made of 5 digits while some is made of 6 digits.
#2 Missing data (empty space) in the “Payment” column for the rows of invoices with the status “Rejected”, “In Process”, “Approved”.
#3 Inconsistency in date formats between columns “Inv. Date”, “PO #” and “Payment”
#4 Missing header for the last column, with “Actions” buttons.
#5 Remove “Refresh” menu item since it has the same functionality as “Search” button, therefore “Refresh” is redundant.
#6 Remove binoculars icon next to “Purchase order” text field since it has the same functionality as “Search” button and therefore is redundant
#7 Header “PO #” should be replaced with “Purchase order” for keeping consistency with search parameters
#8 Inconsistency in headers order compared to labels order in list of search parameters. Logically the headers from left to right should be following the labels top-to-bottom order: “Invoice number”, “Customer”, “Purchase order”, “Amount”, “Invoice Date”, “Status”. If the columns like “Due Date” and “Payment” are needed, it should be relevant labels created in search parameters list.
#9 Icons in “Status” column should be removed as they are redundant and irrelevant
#10 Inconsistency in data format in “Due Date” column, some data is made of 5 digits while some is made of 6 digits.