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TAULIA BUGS - January 12, 2023

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  • TAULIA BUGS - January 12, 2023

    We post TAULIA bugs here

  • #2
    1. In the "Search my invoices" section, 'From Amount' label has ":", but all the other labels don't have it.
    2. "Invoice Number" box accepts typing 'Letters' even tough invoice number contains only numbers.
    3. "From Amount" box accepts typing 'Letters'.
    4. "From Amount" box has no amount limit.
    5. "Showing 422 invoices" should contain "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
    6. Search results shows 32 pages with 10 result per page is not accurate for 422 total invoices.
    7. "Result Per Page" allows 10 results per page but there are 11 results in actual.
    8. Page numbers at the bottom of the page missing "Page 5".
    9. "Invoice #" column is misspelled.
    10. The last invoice date should be listed as 9/30/2011 but invoice date still listed the invoice from 1/10/2011.
    11. "Due Date" column is not showing the date information
    12. "PO#" column is not showing the PO# information.
    13. In "Status" column first line "Rejected" is misspelled.
    14. "Payment" columns is not showing the correct information or missing information
    15. 11. line is missing the "Action" button.
    16. "Amount" column is listed by descending order but 7. and 8. line mismatched.
    17. "Next" and "Previous" page buttons might be added in the page.
    18. Columns has issue with alignments


    • #3
      Taulia page bug report:
      1. Date format inconsistency: “6/5/2011” for “Invoice date” field and “29-Aug-2011” in search results table under “Inv. Date”.
      2. Date format inconsistency: “6/5/2011” for “Invoice date” field and “29-Aug-2011” in search results table under “PO #”.
      3. Date format inconsistency: “6/5/2011” for “Invoice date” field and “29-Aug-2011” in search results table under “Payment”.
      4. Date format inconsistency: “6/5/2011” for “Invoice date” field and “29-Aug-2011” in search results table under “Due Date”
      5. “Payment” column have confusing data year + time “2011-1248” replace it with uniformed format with month/date/year
      6. Search results contain “1-Oct-2011” which is out of search range “6/5/2011” to “9/30/2011”.
      7. Replace misspelled “Invoce #” column name in search results with “Invoice #”.
      8. Search results showing 11 rows instead of 10 selected in “Results per page” field.
      9. 11th row of search results missing “Actions” button.
      10. Under search results link to 5th page is missing.
      11. “Due Date” column is not a date format.
      12. Remove “Type” column all search results have same type.
      13. Wrong sorting order in “Amount” column between “$22,409.37” and “$22,376.00”.
      Last edited by Dimachka; 01-20-2023, 09:52 PM.


      • #4
        #1 provide link on logo product on start page
        #2 “Search my invoices” : provide all the label with the colon character at the end
        #3 “From amount:” miss “from” on textbox only have “to”
        #4“Invoice date” miss “from” on textbox only have “to”
        #5 inconsistence “Invoice date” field vs “Inv. Date” column bring to a single web format 06.5.2011
        #6. “Results per page” dropdown list box value 10 inconsistence with “search result” 11
        #7. Make the “Search” button resizable on hover.
        #8. Misspell column “Invoce #” should be “Invoice #”
        #9. Column “Due Date” and “PO #” discrepancy with they meaning
        #10. Row 7 in Search results “Inv. Date” 1-Oct-2011 it is unpossible results, because “Search my invoices” on “Invoice date” from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
        #11. Column “Amount” should sorts results on high to Low , because triangle show this.
        #12. Sorting order violation in “Amount” column: “$22,409.37” should go below “$22,376.00” hot above
        #13. “Status” column 1 row misspell, replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”
        #14. On column “Status” 4 row the tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid"
        #15. The binocular icon is missing its tooltip while the icons have one
        #16. “Actions” button missing in 11th row of search results table
        #17. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
        #18. Inconsistency between total number of invoices in search results (422) and number of invoices on 32 pages (32*11=352)
        #19. Suggestion: user name should be displayed next to the “Logout” link in the top right corner of the screen
        #20. Add currency indication to the “Amount” label: for example “Amount ($)”


        • #5
          #1 "Payment" column replace with "Payment Date" in search results.
          #2 "Due Date" column is misplaced with column "PO #"in search results.
          #3 Date format in search results not matching with assigned at label "Invoice date"
          #4 In pages list missing page "#5" in search results.
          #5 In search results "Showing 422 invoices" inconsistent with amount of invoices displayed per page.
          #6 In "Amount" column for invoices in 7th and 8th row inconsistent with ascending order in column.


          • #6
            1. Replace "From amount" label with "Amount from" in search "combo box"
            2. List box doesn't include filter for "rejected", "approved", "in progress" status
            3. "422 invoices" is not enough for 32 pages.
            4. "showing 422 invoices" should to be replace with "Showing 1-10 422 invoices"
            5. Different format of dates between "search" combo box and "" column"
            6. "Binoculars button should also report "invoice number" or it doesn't have any useful purpose
            7. Missing functional "actions" button in row #11
            8. All columns of searhing result should have a sorting option.
            9. Switch data of columns "Due date" and "PO#"
            10. Inconstintency of column "amount" is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00"
            11.Missing page #5 of searching results
            12. Date of Invoice # 1122339546 row #7 doesn't match search parameters.
            13. Considerig searching list box "customer" has a name of cutomers it also should to be in search results


            • #7
              #1.The word "Invoce #" is misspelled in the title of the first column
              #2. Titles “Due date” and “PO#” misused data in two columns
              #3. The row 11th missing button “Action”
              #4. Search results should display 10 rows instead of 11
              #5. Inconsistency in date formats: “Inv.Date” does not match search button filter for 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
              #6. The column “Type” should be removed as all invoices the same type
              #7. Inconsistency in sorting of the “Amount” column, $22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00"
              #8. The column “Status” misspelled word "Rejcted"
              #9. Data in the "Due Date" column is not provided in common date format.
              #10. Data in the "Inv Date" column is not provided in common date format.
              #11. Missing link to the page "5"
              #12. 32 pages will not cover 422 invoices, should add enough pages
              #13. Column “Payment " incorrect data format
              #14. Label "From amount" change to " Amount from"
              #15. Headers in “Search Results” are not aligned with columns


              • #8
                #1 Row "Invoice date" unable to type/paste numbers/symbols.
                #2 Inconsistency in row “Invoice date” range from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 but in column “Inv. date” raw 7 invoice dated 1-Oct-2011.
                #3 Row "Purchase order" contains "Binocular" symbol - remove it or insert the same to the rest rows.
                #4 Switch data at the column”Due date” and “PO #”.
                #5 Change the title “Payment” into “Payment date”.
                #6 Change data format in column “Inv.Date” and “Due date” and “Payment” and row "Invoice date "into month/date/year.
                #7 Suggestion: Column “User Manager” should indicate user name (login).
                #8 Equalize the width of all columns.
                #9 Change "Invoice date" label with "Invoice date from".
                #10 Row 1 column "Status" replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                #11 Logo "TAULIA" is not active.


                • #9

                  #1. 11 rows of test results are provided instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box
                  #2. "Actions" button is missing in row #11 of the search results table
                  #3. Link to page "5" under search results table is missing
                  #3' Provide link to page "5" under the search results table
                  #4. "Amount" column: sorting order is broken between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00"
                  #5. Replace "From amount:" label with "Amount from:" ->
                  Replace "From amount:" label with "Amount:"
                  #6. "Search my invoices" section: provide all the labels with colon ( : ) character at the end
                  #7. Remove "Type" column since all the docs on the screen are of same type
                  #8. Inconsistency in date formats used: "9/30/2011" for "Invoice date" fields and "5-Jun-2011" in search results table
                  #9. First column title: replace "Invoce" with "Invoice"
                  #10 32 pages are not enough to accomodate 422 search results
                  #11 Replace: "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"

                  #12. Remove binocular around textbook of "Purchase order:"
                  #13. Sorting for "Invoice date" is broken - it should not show date "1-Oct-2011" in search results table because in search parameters in "Invoice date" dates are "6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"
                  #14. Add search parameter for "Payment:"
                  #15. Add name of column for last column
                  #16. In "Status" column first row: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                  #17. Replace "Due date" title to "PO #" in forth column
                  #18. Replace "PO #" title to "Due Date" in fifth column
                  #19. Add search parameter for "Due Date:"
                  #20. Invoice numbers should be issued in turn depending on the date
                  #21. In "Payment" column should be amount
                  #22. Menu item "My details" should be inside menu "Profile"
                  #23. In "Amount:" textboxes missing symbol "$"
                  #24. Replace name of menu "Your customer" with "My customers"
                  #25. Purchase order numbers can not be the same
                  #26. Change alignment for numbers in "PO #" column to alignment on the right side
                  #27. Change alignment for values in "Amount" column to alignment on the right side
                  #28. The arrow for sorting values in "Amount" title is in the wrong direction
                  #29. Change alignment for dates in "Invoice date" column to alignment on the right side
                  #30. Change alignment for dates in "Due date" column to alignment on the right side
                  #31. Change alignment for numbers in "Invoice" column to alignment on the right side
                  #32. Add "from" between "Invoice date:" label and listbox with first date
                  #33. Add "from" between "Amount:" label and listbox with first amount
                  #34. Replace name of section "Search my invoices" with "Search invoices"
                  #35. Missing name of user in menu
                  #36. Missing current date on the page
                  #37. Inconsistency in listbox formats: Buttons "Actions" missed symbol is a double arrow on the right side
                  #38. Move menu "Cash Planner" from down menu to up menu
                  #39. Under the table in the links to the pages between page 10 and 32 should be "..." instead of ".."
                  #40. Add the link to "..." under the table
                  Last edited by IuliiaAkimova; 01-16-2023, 11:13 PM.


                  • #10
                    #1 "Invoice number" row lets you type in letters.
                    #2 "From amount:" row lets you type in letters.
                    #3 Change "Showing 442 invoices" to "Showing 1-10 of 442 invoices" at the top of the list.
                    #4 Change "Invoce#" in the first column title to "Invoice#".
                    #5 Switch titles "Due Date" in the 4th column and "PO#" in 5th.
                    #6 "Amount" column sorting option is inconsistent.
                    #7 In the invoices list, row 1, column 7 "Status": change "Rejcted" to "Rejected".
                    #8 "Results per page" parameter is inconsistent to the result of the search.
                    #9 Row 11 in the invoices list is missing "Actions" button.
                    #10 Invoices list is missing Page 5 at the bottom between 4 and 6.
                    #11 "Invoice date" parameter is inconsistent to the result of the search.
                    #12 "From amount" row does not specify the currency.
                    #13 Date formats are inconsistent, change "PO#" and "Payment" columns formats to mm/dd/yy.
                    #14 Remove "Type" column from the invoice list as it is not needed.
                    #15 Align column labels with the columns.
                    #16 Provide all labels with colon ( : ) character in the invoices list.
                    #17 Change "From amount:" to "Amount from:"
                    #18 "Invoice date" does not let you change data.


                    • #11
                      #1. Align characters to the right of the cell: All accounting values in each cell of the column - "Amount" in the Search Results Table.
                      #2. Add a date picker in the Search Parameters Area (HTML code: ...input type="date" .. ) to:
                      1. "Invoice Date" input text field
                      2. "to" input text field.
                      #3. Add the copyright notice (company's info): To the Website's page footer.
                      #4. Add security encryption to the site's domain name (URL): Buy SSL Certificate and perform other steps to migrate to HTTPS secure protocol.
                      #5. Fix the icon's tooltip for:
                      1. To the right of the "Purchase Order" text field ("binoculars" icon in Search Parameters Area). Currently, the tooltip is absent;
                      2. To the left of the cell - "Paid", 4th row, the column - "Status" in the Search Results Table. The current tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid"
                      #6. Add "Back" and "Next" arrows or buttons (links): To the "page counter" area, bottom, left of the Search Results Table.
                      #7. Provide the tooltip or another means of the example of: "Date" format to input in "Invoice date" and "to" input text fields in the "Search my invoices" area.

                      *Note: I am not including redundant bug fixes that were posted previously
                      Last edited by Alex-GB; 01-18-2023, 05:37 PM.


                      • #12
                        1. The word “Invoice” in the Title of the first column has a mistake (it’s wrote as Invoce)
                        2. The word “Rejected” in the Title of the Status column has a mistake (it’s wrote as Rejcted)
                        3. Missing page 5 in pagination (jn the bottom of the page)
                        4. The header of “Due Date” column doesn’t match column content
                        5. The header of “PO#” column doesn’t match column content
                        6. The last line of the results is missing a button “Actions”
                        7. There are 11 rows on the page instead of 10 as indicated in the “Results per page” listbox
                        8. Inconsistency in date formats “Invoice date” text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011) = Month written in letters not numbers
                        9. Inconsistency in date formats “Invoice date” text fields (6/5/2011 month/day/year) and the search results table (5-June-2011 day/month/year)
                        10. Mismatch between number of invoices“422” and pagination, too many for 32 pages
                        11. Different format for labels in the Section “Search my invoices” section, labels don’t have colon character at the end
                        12. According to the search results for “6/5/2011” to “9/30/2011” range the invoice “1-Oct-2011” should not be in the Search Results field
                        13. Sorting order violation in Amount column order line, amount $22,409.37 is more than amount $22,376.00
                        14. Incorrect title "Showing 422" instead of "Showing 1 - 10 from 422"
                        Last edited by LoraFl; 01-17-2023, 01:13 AM.


                        • #13
                          #1 in "Search my invoices" in "Invoice date" the date is in mm/dd/yy but in the ''Inv. date" column the date is in dd/mm/yy.
                          #2 in the "Amount" column icon is descending but the results are ascending.
                          #3 in column "Inv. date" the date 1-oct-2011 does not match with "invoice date" in Search my results.
                          #4 in column "Amount" in row 7 the sum is more than the sum in row 8.
                          #5 in column "Status" row 4 if put the cursor on the icon next to "Paid", the tooltip "Approved" appears instead of "Paid".
                          #6 column "Invoce" instead of "Invoice"
                          #7 in column "Status" row 1: Rejcted instead of Rejected.
                          #8 32 pages cannot fit 422 invoices if there are 10 in each page.


                          • #14
                            #1 Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected" under the seven column title "Status".
                            #2 In the column "Due date" and "PO#" needs to change place.
                            #3 Dates for "" and "PO#" not in order.


                            • #15
                              Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22621, Opera 94.0.4606.65.

                              #1. Columns' data of 'Due Date' and 'PO #' have been changed between each other
                              #2. Spreadsheet: column type should be deleted (there is no another data type besides 'Invoice')
                              #3. All labels should be with colon ':' symbol at the end (actually only 'From amount:' has one)
                              #4. 'From amount::' should be 'Amount from:'
                              #5. Spreadsheet: there is wrong date format in 'Inv. Date' data: should be mm-dd-yyyy
                              #6. Spreadsheet: the quantity of rows is 11 instead 10 must be, according Results per page
                              #7. Spreadsheet: there is no 'Actions' button in the row 11
                              #8. Spreadsheet: Misspelt 'Rejcted' - must be 'Rejected'
                              #9. Spreadsheet: 'PO #' column has exceeding bounders data: October's dates
                              #10. Spreadsheet: wrong data type in the 'Payment' column
                              #11. Spreadsheet: wrong order in 'Amount' column between '$22,409.37' and '$22,376.00'
                              #12. Among the links of the pages there is no '5' link
                              #13. Incorrect label 'Showing 422 invoices', should be 'Showing 1-10 of 442 invoices'
                              #14. Spreadsheet: first column title 'Invoce #' should be replaced with 'Invoice #'
                              #15. There is not enough pages (32) for the 432 results, according to 'Results per page' = 10
                              #16. The binocular button should be deleted, due to the same functional to 'Search' button
                              #17. Spreadsheet: Amount's arrow has wrong direction - should be from low to high
                              #18. 'Search' button should be aligned
                              #19. Spreadsheet: inconsistency between labels' and column data alignment, these should be aligned on the right side
                              #20. 'Invoice date' label above should be 'Invoice date from'
                              #21. Menu: button's name 'Your Customer' should be replaced with 'My customers'
                              #22. Inconsistency between must be similar labels in searching parameters and the spreadsheet below, should be 'Purchase order number' above instead 'Purchase order', according to the logic between 'Invoice number' and 'Invoice #' labels
                              get connect:

