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Talia Bugs - SU3

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  • #61

    1. There are 11 search results instead of 10 as per "Results per page"


    • #62
      Bug reports on Taulia

      1. On the field text "Results per page" is "10". it should be "11".
      2. The word "Invoce#" is written wrong.
      3. On 11 row of invoice doesn't have a button "Actions"
      4. Page number 5 is missed from list of pages.
      5 .The word on the column "Inv. Date" is written wrong.
      6. The word "Rejcted" from column "Status" is written wrong.
      7. "Due Date" and "PO #" are swapped with places.
      8. The word "From amount:" is written wrong.
      9. On the column ''Inv. Date" date are written wrong MDY.
      10. On the column "PO #" date are written wrong MDY.
      11. In the text field "Search my invoices" on "Invoice number" list of invoice number are missed.
      Last edited by alinaciobanu; 10-28-2022, 09:19 PM.


      • #63
        Talia bug reports:
        #1 Search results should display 10 rows not 11 (as indicated in “Result per page” list box)
        #2 Column “Type” is redundant (all viewed results are of the same type)
        #3 Change label of Column “PO#” to “Due Date” and vise versa.There is a mismatch in content of that columns.
        #4 “Amount column”: inconsistency between actual ascending sorting order and the arrow direction which is near the column title.
        #5 “Amount column”: inconsictensy in sorting order. Place “$22,409.37” under “$22,376.00”.
        #6 “Actions” button is missing in the row#11
        #7 Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
        #8 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
        #9 Misspelling word. First column title replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
        #10 Misspelling word. In the column “Status” in the first row replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.
        #11 Missing “5” page link in enumeration search results of pages.
        #12 In the “Search my invoices” block in the row “Invoice date” the word “from” is missing.
        #13 The earliest invitation date in the “Search my invoices” block in the row “Invoice date” is 6/5/2011 and in the “Showing 422 invoices” block in the “Inv. Date“ column is 3-July-2011.
        #14 The latest invitation date in the “Search my invoices” block in the row “Invoice date” is 9/30/2011 and in the “Showing 422 invoices” block in the “Inv. Date“ column is 1-Oct-2011.
        #15 "Search my invoices" block: provide all the label with the colon character at the end.
        #16 Inconsistency in date formats: “Invoice date” field (6/5/2011) & “Inv. Date” column (5-June-2011).Context mistake in the “Search my invoices” block at the “customer” row should be replaced “customer” with “provider”. or in the “customer” list box must be the information about the customer (name, ID, etc.).
        #17 Data in column "Amount" should be align to right side.
        #18 In the column "Purchase order" there are rows with same value "40988", "30998".


        • #64
          1. Data in "PO #" column and data in "Due Date" column should be swapped.
          2. In "Due Date" column purchase order # "40988" repeats 7 times and "30998" repeats 2 times.
          3. In top navigation container first link "User Manager". Please make sure it's not "User Settings".
          4. Search result header arranged to the right, but all other data in columns arranged center.
          5. Between buttons 10 and 32 should be 3 dots instead of 2 dots.


          • #65
            Taulia bug report

            1. Search results should display 10 rows not 11 (as indicated in “Result per page” list box)
            2. Column “Type” is redundant (all viewed results are of the same type)
            3. Change label of Column “PO#” to “Due Date” and vise versa.There is a mismatch in content of that columns.
            4. “Amount column”: inconsistency between actual ascending sorting order and the arrow direction which is near the column title.
            5. “Amount column”: inconsictensy in sorting order. Place “$22,409.37” under “$22,376.00”.
            6. “Actions” button is missing in the row#11
            7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
            8. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
            9. Misspelling word. First column title replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
            10. Misspelling word. In the column “Status” in the first row replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.
            11. Missing “5” page link in enumeration search results of pages.
            12. In the “Search my invoices” block in the row “Invoice date” the word “from” is missing.
            13. The latest invitation date in the “Search my invoices” block in the row “Invoice date” is 9/30/2011 and in the “Showing 422 invoices” block in the “Inv. Date“ column is 1-Oct-2011.
            14. "Search my invoices" block: provide all the label with the colon character at the end.
            15. Inconsistency in date formats: “Invoice date” field (6/5/2011) & “Inv. Date” column (5-June-2011).
            16. Context mistake in the “Search my invoices” block at the “customer” row should be replaced “customer” with “provider”. or in the “customer” list box must be the information about the customer (name, ID, etc.).
            17. Data in column "Amount" should be align to right side.
            18. In the column "Purchase order" there are rows with same value "40988", "30998".


            • #66
              Taulia bug report:
              1. On the field text "Results per page" is "10". it should be "11". 2. First row of "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
              3. In the search results, line 7 does not match the query by date.
              4. The word "Invoce#" is written wrong.
              5. There is no page number 5 in the page selection menu with results: "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32"
              6. "Due Date" and "PO #" are swapped with places.
              7. The icon of "Download list" is incorrect. Use the right icon for download button.
              8. On the column ''Inv. Date" date are written wrong MDY.
              9. Remove search icon since it repeats "Search" button.
              10. "Search my invoices" field names do not have colon characters, except "From amount:"
              11. The total number of pages listed (32), results per page selected (10) - this would gain 320 invoices, but “Showing 422 invoices.
              12. Column “Type” seems redundant - the whole search section is “invoices”, tab selected is “invoices”.
              13. Button “Actions” is missing in the last row of results on page 1.
              14. "1-Oct-2011" invoice should not get into search results for "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range.
              15. Info in "Payment" column is not clear. Please check what info should be there.
              16. Add "Next" button to Pagination to go to the next search page.
              17. The "Status" column, in the 4th row, the description text of the "paid" icon is reads "Approved".


              • #67
                Taulia bugs.

                #1. Section "Search my invoices": all labels need to have colon character in the end.
                #2. Inconsistency in section "Search my invoices": "Search" button alligns to the right instead of to the left as others items of this section.
                #3. Section "Search my invoices": replace label "Purchase order" with label "Purchase order number".
                #4. Section "Search my invoices": icon "binoculars" has no tooltip.
                #5. Replace "422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                #6. Search result table has 11 rows of invoices instead of 10 as "Results per page" listbox.
                #7. Results table title: misspelled "Invoce #" vs "Invoice #".
                #8. Misspelled status of the first row: "Rejcted" vs "Rejected".
                #9. Due date column: the format is not date format.
                #10. Column "Type": the column is redundant because all the results are of type "Invoices".
                #11. Table title: text in cells should be aligned to the left as in the rows bellow.
                #12. Inconsistensy in table of search results: dates in column "Inv.Date" are earlier than dates on column "Po #".
                #13. Inconsistency of date formant in columns "Inv. Date", "Po #" and "Invoice date" text fields in the section "Search my invoices".
                #14. Amount sorting order is ascending instead of being descending as per arrowhead in the column title.
                #15. In row 4 of column "Status" the icon has tooltip text "Approved" instead of "Paid".
                #16. Column "Payment": unclear what type of data should be represented here.
                #17. In search results table there is no button "Actions" in row 11 as in another rows.
                #18. Column Amount there is sorting inconsistency: "$22,376.00" goes below "$22,409.37" instead of the order being opposite.
                #19. Search results table title: misspelled "Inv. Date" vs "Inv. date".
                #20. Cell "1-Oct-2011" of column "Inv. Date" is out of range specified in search papameter "Invoice date".
                #21. Links below the table: all links are missing, there is only text there.
                #22. Links below the table: link to page 5 is missing.
                #23. Links below the table: replace ".." with "...".
                #24. Search results: 32 pages are not enough to show 422 results.
                #25. Column "Amount": incorrect format of the amounts, use the money format of the amounts: "$1 000,00".
                #26. Section "Search my invoices": there is just one item in each listbox.


                • #68
                  #1. Suggestion: Implement "binocular" search icon for "Invoice number" string in "Search my invoices".
                  #2. Suggestion: replace the title of the second column from the right "Payment" with "Payment date".
                  #3. Account status name "1122339225": "Rejcted" replace with "Rejected".
                  #4. The "taulia" product icon is not active to navigate to the home page.
                  #5. In "Search my invoices" when clicking the dropdown listbox "Invoice status" it is not possible to select the invoice status.
                  #6. "Payment" column data is not in a common date format.
                  #7. In the line numbers of pages in the gap from 10 to 32: replace two dots with ellipsis (8 9 10...32).
                  #8. When hovering over the page number buttons, you cannot click the page number to go to the page (hover does not work).
                  #9. Suggestion: In the "Type" column, show the types of invoices, or remove the "Type" column.
                  #10. In the invoice "1122339044" for the "money" icon: replace the "Approved" tooltip with "Paid


                  • #69
                    Taulia Bug Reports:

                    #1. "Search my invoices" Section has unnecessary colon character
                    #2. "Showing invoices" [Actions] button is not presented
                    #3. "Showing invoices" Due date and PO# column names should be swapped
                    #4. "Search my invoices" Replace 'Invoice date' with 'Invoice date from'
                    #5. "Showing invoices" 11 search results presented instead of 10
                    #6. "Showing invoices" Invoice# column name is misspelled as (Invoce#)
                    #7. "Showing invoices" One result is shown out of search dates range
                    #8. "Showing invoices" Link to page 5 is not presented in Pagination
                    #9. "Showing invoices" Rejected status icon is misspelled as (Rejcted)
                    #10. "Showing invoices" Pagination is missing some functionality (Back and Next buttons, Go to Page)
                    #11. "Showing invoices" Purchase order (PO#) numbers have multiple duplicates
                    Last edited by Irina14; 10-30-2022, 04:15 PM.


                    • #70
                      1. There are 11 results per page instead of 10
                      2. Pagination links do not work
                      3. Pagination does not have the 5th link
                      4. The data “TO#” and “Due Date” columns are confused
                      5. The 11th result does not have an Actions button
                      6. Many invoices have the same “Purchase order#” (40988)
                      7. Invoice status dropdown list doesn’t show any other option besides “All”
                      8. Results per page dropdown list doesn’t show any other option besides “10”
                      9. Customer dropdown list doesn’t show any other option besides “General Electric”
                      10. Invoice # 1122339546 date (1-Oct-2011) does not match “Invoice date condition”
                      11. “Invoce #” column title should be changed to “Invoice #”
                      12. “Rejcted” status name should be changed to “Rejected”
                      13. 1st, 2th, 7th, and 8th invoices are mismatched according to Amount in descending order


                      • #71
                        1. The word 'Invoice' in the Invoice column of the table is misspelled.
                        2. There is no 5th page.
                        3. Sorting by amount is incorrect.
                        4. There is no "Actions" button on the last field of the table.
                        5. "Due date" and 'PO#' should be changed.
                        6. Results per page shows 11 results instead of 10.
                        7. Invoice date to shows larger period that suppose to - October instead of September.
                        8. The word "Rejected" in the Status column is misspelled.
                        9. Purchase orders numbers seems duplicated, but have different date and amount.
                        10. The number of pages do not match the number of invoices: if 422 invoices - should be 43 pages with 10 results per gage.


                        • #72
                          Renewed Bug report:
                          #1 – Link to the page 5 doesn't exist
                          #2 - Columns "Due Date" and "PO#" in the invoice list are swapped
                          #3 – Text field "Invoice date" doesn’t let type inside
                          #4 - Menu "Invoice status" has no other items, but "all"
                          #5 - Menu "Results per page" has no other items, but "10"
                          #6 – Menu of "Amount" column doesn't open
                          #7 – Pushing the "Actions" buttons brings to no activity
                          #8 – Selecting the menu titles "Home", "Purchase order" etc. brings to no activity
                          #9 - 32 pages with 10 results on each are not enough to accommodate “422 invoices”, as shown
                          #10 – Pushing the button "Download list" brings to no activity


                          • #73
                            Taulia reports:

                            1. "Action" button is missing in row number 11.
                            2. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice".
                            3. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing.
                            4. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" Listbox), not 11.
                            5. "Inv.Date" field: in 7 row the "1-Oct-2011" date is outside of the range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields.
                            6. Misspelled word in the first row "Status" column.
                            7. Inconsistency between the date format in "Invoice date" label and "InvDate" column.
                            8. Name "DueDate" column and "PO" column inconsistency content of the column.
                            9. In the left bottom corner between "10" and "32" the wrong symbols "..". Must be "...".
                            10. Under the search table too long a distance between "1" and "2".
                            11. In "Search my invoices" to make the colon character near the each label at the end.
                            12. Data in "DueDate" and "PO #" are incorrectly for these columns. Maybe should swap the names of these columns with each other?


                            • #74
                              1. Suggestion: the very first line - looks like "Manager" is the "User", if this is the case a colon is needed after "User" or another text decoration to define "Manager".
                              2. Suggestion to check whether "Profile" tab in the first line duplicates "My Details" tab in the second line.
                              3. In the second line "Your Customer" should be changed to "Customers" for the sake of consistency (being on a Manager’s account page reference to "Your Customer" deemed to be incorrect).
                              4. "Invoice number" in the first column of the search parameters table should be followed by a colon.
                              5. "Customer" in the first column of the search parameters table should be followed by a colon.
                              6. Binoculars sign located after "Purchase order" search field is unnecessary (excessive).
                              7. "Purchase order" in the first column of the search parameters table should be followed by a colon.
                              8. "Purchase order" in the first column of the search parameters table should be amended as "Purchase order number" or "Purchase order #".
                              9. "Invoice date" in the first column of the search parameters table should be followed by a colon.
                              10. "Invoice date" for the sake of consistency should be amended as "Invoice date from".


                              • #75
                                Taulia bug reports:

                                #1. "Search my invoices" section: add colon characters to all labbles at the end.
                                #2. In column header "Invoce #" replace to " Invoice #".
                                #3. In first raw of Invoices replace "Rejcged" to "Regected".
                                #4. As the "Results per page" shows "10" of "Search my invoices" section , the last search result of Invoice is extra.
                                #5. Link to the page numeration "5" is missing.
                                #6. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011)
                                #7. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                                #8. In "Amount" list box there is a mismatch of the sign that shows the list from small to big.
                                #9. The order of raw for Invoice# "1122339546" and "1122339546" should be change due to the "Amount".
                                #10. The last raw of Invoices is missing the "Actions" button.
                                #11. The binocular icon is missing ths tooltip.
                                #12.Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages, it is not enough to accomodate that number of invoices.

