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Energy-Telecom Bug report Oct 25 Homework

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  • #31
    1.The field of email does not have validation.
    2.The field "Referred by" is not required but there are validation for empty field.
    3.The mouse pointer changes when hovering over some headings and labels in the form, as for input.
    4. States dropdown list contains incorrect the symbols: "Other", IND, BC.
    5. States dropdown list doesn't contain symbols: "DC" and "HI".
    6. The states dropdown list has wrong ordering symbols (for example symbol "MA" should be before "ME").
    7. If you push button "Clear" then there will show popup with error: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!".
    8. Error message:"Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" has extra space before exclamation points.
    9. Error message:"Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" has too much exclamation points.
    10. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have different high and font size.


    • #32
      #1."Referred by:" field behaves as it is required field
      #2."Email" have asterisk (*) blue color insted of red
      #3."First Name" text field accept 30 characters insted of 31 as per requirements
      #4."Last Name" text field accept 30 characters insted of 31 as per requirements
      #5. "Street Address" text field accepts 100 characters insted of 250 as per requirements
      #6. "City" text field accepts 49 characters insted of 50 as per requirements
      #7."State" list box, remove "BC" since it is a Canadian state, not USA
      #8."State" list box, remove "Other" option
      #9."State:" list box : HI and NV states is missing
      #10."State:" list box : replace the "IND" with "IN" for state of Indiana
      #11. "ZIP" text field accepts letters insted of digital as per requirements
      #12."ZIP" text field accept more than 5 characters with pasting as per requirements
      #13."Email" accept more than 250 characters as per requirements
      #14.Contact Information "Phone" text field accepts pasting letters
      #15. 1.Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box is missing "AT$T"
      #16. 1.Cell Phone Service"Current Provider" list box add option "other"
      #17. 1.Cell Phone Service "My monthly bill is approximately" accept letters,insted of only digital please make sure it is the way it should be
      #18. 1.Cell Phone Service "Months left on current contract:" list box have just 10 months, please make sure it is the way it should be
      #19. 1.Cell Phone Service "Number of phones on plan" list box,reduce the number of numbers to choose from "1-100" to "1-5" and more
      #20. 2.Local/Long Distances/International Service "Primary Phone Number" text field accepts pasting letters
      #21. 2.Local/Long Distances/International Service "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts pasting letters
      #22. 2.Local/Long Distances/International Service "Total Bill:"text field accepts pasting letters
      #23. 3. High Speed Internet Service "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accepts pasting letters
      #24. 4.TV Service "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts pasting letters
      #25. 5.Home Security Service "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accepts pasting letters
      #26. 7. Gas and Electric Services "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" text field accepts pasting letters
      #27. 7. Gas and Electric Services "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" text field accepts pasting letters
      #28. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form
      #29. "Clear" button invokes misleading error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


      • #33
        #1. "Email" field is not a required field, but it comes with an asterisk
        #2. "Reffered by" field does not have an asterisk although it behaves like a required field
        #3. "ZIP" field accepts letters
        #4. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box is missing "Other"
        #5. Cell Phone Service: "Current Provider:" list box is missing other providers like "Mint mobile", "AT&T","Boost mobile", "Visible"
        #6. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts letters and should be limited
        #7. Cell Phone Service: "My monthly bill is approximately: better to avoid input and provide value ranges
        #8. Cell Phone Service: "Months left on current contract:" list box, 10 months is not enough
        #9. Contact Information form: "State" list box "BC" is not a US state, need to remove
        #10. Contact Information form: "State" list box "HI" is missing
        #11. Contact Information form: "State" list box "IND" need to be renamed to "IN"
        #12. Contact Information form: "State" list box "NV" is missing
        #13. Contact Information form: "State" list box need to add "DC" like Washington DC and possibly "US Territories"
        #14. Contact Information form: "State" list box "Others" does not make sense


        • #34
          #1. The "Referred by" field must be marked with "*" as it is required.
          #2. The line "My monthly bill is approximately" reproduces the spelling of letters and numbers.
          #3. When selected, the line "Minutes on plan" contains incorrect values.
          #4. When selected, the line "Months left on current contract" shows 10 months instead of 12.
          #5. The line "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" contains an incorrect number of months.
          #6. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons in different sizes and fonts.
          #7. When you click the "Clear" button, it gives an error - an invalid data request, asking you to contact technical support or restart the computer.
          Last edited by Evgeniya Kusgnareva; 11-07-2022, 09:36 AM.


          • #35
            1. "First Name" text field: accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31;
            2. "Last Name" text field: accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31;
            3. "Street Address" text field: accepts maximum 100 characters instead of 255;
            4. "State" list box: "BC" item is extra, because there is no state in the US with this abbreviation;
            5. "State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing;
            6. "State" list box: instead of item "IND" should be "IN" for Indiana;
            7. "State" list box suggestion: option "Other" should be in the end of the list as it in other lists of the form;
            8. "ZIP" text field: accepts any characters, not digits only;
            9. "ZIP" text field: one can paste a string, which is more than 5 characters long;
            10. "Email" text field: marked with asterisk as required field but one can successfully submit form without filling it;
            11. "Email" text field: accepts more than 255;
            12. "Email" text field: there is no validation for the presence of the characters "@" and "." in email address;
            13. "Phone" text field: one can paste a string, which consists of any characters, not digits only;
            14. "Referred by" text field: is not marked with asterisk as a required field, but as a fact it is required. When submit a form without this text field filled one get an error;

            15. "Current Provider" list box: missing "Other" in the list;
            16. "Months left on current contract" list box: item "More" is absent;
            17. "I am opento using different provider" checkbox: misspelled in "opento";
            18. "Clear" button: do not clears the form, causes error: "Error 17896 - Invalid tata request. Please call..."
            19. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons: are differ in design and size, not consistent in terms of GUI;
            20. No default button in the form.
            Last edited by dmurashev; 11-06-2022, 08:40 AM.


            • #36
              #1. Section: "Contact information" label "referred by:" doesn't have asterisk
              #2. Section: "Contact information" "Zip code" field accept to paste more then 5 characters
              #3. Section: "Contact information" "Zip code" field accept to paste special characters
              #4. Section: "Contact information" "State" field has the option to choose "other state"
              #5. Section: "Contact information" "Email" accept all special characters Requirements: E-Mail (accepts letters, digits, some special characters – @ . – _ )
              #6. Section: " Cell Phone Service" "Current Provider:" doesn't have "other" provider
              #7. Section: "Contact information" "City" label accept to write more than 50 characters Requirements: "No more than 50. Required field."
              #8. Section: "Contact information" "First Name" accept only 30 characters Requirements: " No more than 31. Required field."
              #9. Section: "Contact information" "Last Name" accept only 30 characters Requirements: " No more than 31. Required field."

              Last edited by Maslov Alex; 11-06-2022, 10:42 AM.


              • #37
                Energy-Telecom bugs reports.

                Section "Contact Information":
                #1. "Email" text field is not implemented as a required field as specified in requirments.
                #2. "Referred by" text field is implemented as a required field though it is not specified like requiered field in requirments.
                #3. "First Name" textfield accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 as specified in requirments.
                #4. "Street Address" accepts only 100 characteds instead of 255 as specified in requirments.
                #5. "State" list box contains non-U.S. territories items: BC, OT.
                #6. "State" list box contains "Other" item instead of requirments specified U.S. states only.
                #7. "State" list box: "HI", "NV", "WI" items are missing.
                #8. "State" list box: misspel in item "IND", should be "IN".
                #9. Validation of requirments of "State" list box: it is better to add to the list not only states but "D.C." and U.S. depended territorits: Puerto Rico, etc.
                #10. "Zip" text field allows to input letters.
                #11. "Zip" text field allows to input special charactets while pasting.
                #12. "Zip" text field allows to input more than 5 characters while pasting.
                #13. "Email" text field accepts more than 255 characters though it should be accept not more than 255 according requirments.
                #14. "Email" text field accepts special characters which cannot be a pat of email address ("#","~"," ", etc.).
                #15. "Phone" text fields 1,2,3 allow to paste letters and special characters.
                #16. "Phone" GUI inconsistency: no need "-" symbol after "(" between text field 1 and text field 2.
                #17. "Best Way To Contact Me:" label GUI inconsistency: should be written like in sentences - started whit capital letter, other words with a lowercase letter.
                #18. Section "Contact Information": tab order is illogical.
                #18.1. No automatically tab order after typing "Phone" text field 1 to text field 2 and to text field 3. (Like in item "Primary Phone Number" in section Section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service").
                #19. Section "Contact Information": no default input focus.
                #20. "City" does not calculated by "ZIP" code.
                #21. After label "We will keep your information strictly confidential." it is better to add check box "I agree to the processing of my personal data by Energy-Telecom". If check box is checked the button "Submit" is activated, otherwise it is disabled.

                Section "1. Cell Phone Service":
                #22. Dropdown list after label "Current Provider" has no item "Other".
                #23. Replace checkboxes "I am happy with my current provider", "I am open to using different provider" with radio buttons.
                #24. "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to input letters.
                #25. "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to paste special characters.
                #26. Inconsistency: after label "Minutes on plan" dropdown list has irregular steps of values.
                #27. Dropdown list after label "Months left on current contract:" has not full set of months' values (should be 0-24).
                #28. Dropdown list after label "Number of phones on plan:" has too much items (should be 1-5 and "More").
                #29. Check boxes "I like my handset" and "I am interested in updating my handset" should be replaced whith the same radio boxes.
                #30. Check box "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" is located in current section incorrectly. Better to move to the "3. High Speed Internet Service" section.
                #31. It is better to replace text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately" with dropdown list whith actual values.

                Section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service":
                #32. Text fields after label "Primary Phone Number:" 1,2,3 allow to paste letters and special characters.
                #33. "Primary Phone Number" GUI inconsistency: no need "-" symbol after "(" between text field 1 and text field 2.
                #34. Radio buttons after label "Bundled with:" have no "None" item.
                #35. Text field after label "Total Bill:" allows to paste letters and special characters.
                #36. Text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to paste letters and special characters.
                #37. It is better to replace text field after label "Total Bill:" with dropdown list whit actual values.
                #38. Section item "I am interested in Unlimited Calling:" is misleading: cannot understand which type of Phone service it is reffered to.
                #39. Items "International calls included?" and "Long distance included?" should be moved to the top of the section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service". If these radio bottons both selected "No" other velue of the section should be disabled.

                Section "3. High Speed Internet Service":
                #39. Text field after lavel "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to paste letters and special characters.
                #40. It is better to replace text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately:" with dropdown list whit actual values.
                #41. Radio boxes after "Type of service:" should be move to the top of the section "3. High Speed Internet Service".
                #42. Radio boxes after "Type of service:" should have item "None". If radio botton "None" is selected other items of the section should be disabled.
                #43. In "Type of service:" subsection: if check box "Wireless Aircard" is checked text field after label "Provider:" should be replaced whit dropdown list.
                #44. Radio button after label "Bundled with:" should have item "None".

                Section "4. TV Service":
                #45. It is better to add the section with check box "I do not have TV Service". If it is checked other items are disabled.
                #46. Text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to paste letters and special characters.
                #47. Radio button after label "Bundled with:" should have value "None".
                #48. It is better to replace text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately:" with dropdown list whith actual values.

                Section "5. Home Security Service":
                #49. It is better to replace text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately:" with dropdown list whith actual values.
                #50. Text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to paste letters and special characters.

                Section 6. Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
                #51. Inconsistancy between section title and check box item (no information about Video Phone). It is misleading if the service is able to use Video Phone.

                Section "7. Gas and Electric Services":
                #52. Text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" allows to paste letters and special characters.
                #53. Text field after label "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" allows to paste letters and special characters.
                #54. It is better to replace text fields after label "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" and "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" with dropdown lists whith actual values.
                #55. It is better to add the section with item "My monthly bill is approximately (offseason, spring, fall):" with text field or dropdown list.
                #56. Check box "I am opento using different provider": misspelt words "open to".

                Buttons below the form:
                #57. Inconsistensy between buttons "Submit" and "Clear" sizes.
                #58. After inputing invalid data in each field and pushing button "Submit" warning messeges are pointed only at ZIP Code, Phone Number and Phone Number for Local/Long Distances/International Service items.
                #59. After inputing correct date and pushing button "Submit" no email is sending to the email which inputed in the form.
                #60. After pushing button "Clear" the misleading message is apirred.
                #61. After pushing button "Clear" the form is not cleared.

                Inconsistency in sense.
                #62. Radio boxes "Bundled with:" in different sections are bundled. It is better to make some connection of them.
                Last edited by Macaroff; 11-06-2022, 12:52 PM.


                • #38
                  1. There is no a default field to input
                  2. TAB order moves from the field "First Name" to the field "Referred by" instead the "Last Name"
                  3. TAB order doesn't move to the Radio button “TV” in the block "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"
                  4. TAB order doesn't move to the Radio button “Both” in the block "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"
                  5. TAB order doesn't move to the Radio buttons NO in the field "International calls included in the block "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"
                  6. TAB order doesn't move to the Radio buttons NO in the field "Long distance included?" in the block "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"
                  7. TAB order doesn't move to the Radio buttons NO in the field "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" in the block "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"
                  8. Replace name of checkbox “I am opento using different provider” on “I am open to using different provider”
                  9. Change size of button “Clear” according to size of button “Submit”
                  10. Required field “Referred by” doesn’t has asterisk in the block 1.”Contact Information”
                  11. Field “E-mail” isn’t consisted in the required fields message
                  12. Input information isn’t deleted using button “Clear”
                  13. There is no “Other” in the list of “Current provider” in the block 1.”Cell Phone Service”
                  14. The message “Internal service error” appears after entering 255 characters in the text field “Street address ”
                  15. There is no an addition text field to input information after choose “other” in the list of States
                  16. The text field “ZIP code” allows to input letters
                  17. The text field “ZIP code” allows to paste special characters
                  18. The text field “Email” accepts more than 255 characters
                  19. The characters appears outside the boundaries of the text filed “Email” after entering 255 characters in this field and submitting
                  20. The message “Required fields” appears after input valid phone number in the text field “Phone” in the block 1.”Contact information”
                  21. The text field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters
                  22. There is no an addition text field to input information after choose “other” in the list of Current provider in the block 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service"
                  23. There is no an addition text field to input information after choose “other” in the list of Current provider in the block 3. “High Speed Internet Service”
                  24. There is no an addition text field to input information after choose “other” in the list of Current provider in the block 4. “TV Service”
                  25. There is no an addition text field to input information after choose “other” in the list of Current provider in the block 5.”Home Security Service”
                  26. There is no an addition text field to input information after choose “other” in the list of Current provider in the block 7.”Gas and Electric Services”
                  27. The page Internal Server Error opens after submitting filling in information on the page “Energy-Telecom Service Review”
                  28. The error message appears after pushing the button “Clear” to clear the filling out fields in the form


                  • #39
                    Energy-Telecom bugs reports.

                    1. "First name" field: should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as is accepts now.
                    2. "Last name" field: should accept up to 31 characters, not 30 as is accepts now.
                    3. "Street address" field accepts no more than 100 characters, instead of 255 as per requirements.
                    4. Please, provide the minimal amount of characters for "Street address" field.
                    5. In list box "State" contains incorrectly value "Other".
                    6. In "State" list box: value "BC" incorrectly.
                    7. In "State" list box: "HI" Hawaii and "NV" Nevada states are missing.
                    8. In "State" list box: misspelled "IND" state. Must be "IN".
                    9. "ZIP" field accepts letters.
                    10. "ZIP" field accepts "Paste" special characters, letters, more than 5 digits.
                    11. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters, which is inconsistent with the requirements.
                    12. "Email" field accepts the empty values.
                    13. "Email" field has an asterisk, but is not assigned as a required field.
                    14. "Phone" field accepts "Paste" letters and special characters.
                    15. "Referred by" field doesn't have an asterisk, but it gives an error message.
                    16. In the "ZIP" field allows to enter "00000" and submit the form.
                    17. Tab function is not in logical order.
                    18. "Cell Phone Service" section: in "Current provider" list box are missing values "AT&T" and "Other".
                    19. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters and "Paste" special characters
                    20. Suggestion: in "Cell Phone Service" section to will do a radio button to allow users to select one item at a time.
                    21. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Primary Phone Number" accepts "Paste" letters and special characters.
                    22. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts "Paste" letters and special characters.
                    23. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Total Bill" accepts "Paste" letters and special characters.
                    24. "High Speed Internet Service" section: "Provider" field accepts digits and special characters.
                    25. "Gas and Electric Services" section: " I am opento using different provider" replace with " I am open to using different provider".
                    26. Inconsistencies between “Submit” and “Clear” buttons according to GUI guidelines: shapes, fonts are different.
                    27. Pushing “Clear” button gives an error message.
                    28. "TV Service" section: radio buttons have various designs.
                    29. "High Speed Internet Service" section: align the radio buttons on the same level.
                    30. "High Speed Internet Service" section: "Wireless Aircard" align the spacing.


                    • #40
                      Energy telecom

                      #1. “First name” 30 characters not 31

                      #2. “Last name” 30 characters not 31

                      #3. “Street Address” 100 characters not 255

                      #4. In the “state” list box, “NV” is missing

                      #5. In the “state” list box, the states are not in alphabetical order

                      #6.In the “state” list box, replace “IND” with ”IN”

                      #7. “Zip” accepts characters not only digits

                      #8. “Email” more than 255 characters

                      #9. “ Email” is a required field but doesn’t appear in the list of “missed required fields”

                      #10. “Phone” all 3 fields if copy paste accept characters not only digits

                      #11. Tab order doesn’t move in consecutive order after “First name”

                      #12. “Referred by” does not have an asterisk but is shows in the list of required fields

                      #13. Cell phone service: ”current provider” list box should have a “Other” option

                      #14. Cellphone service: “current provider” check box allows to check both options instead of one

                      #15. Cell phone service: ”current provider” list box is missing ATT

                      #16. “My monthly bill is approximately” field should should limit the input to not more than 4 digits

                      #17. “Months left on current contract” should offer choices 0-24 not 0-10

                      #18. ”Number of phones on plan” shouldn’t offer more than 20 phones on plan

                      #19.” My monthly bill is approximately” allows too many digits

                      #20. “Total Bill” allows too many digits

                      #21. Local/Long Distances/International Service: “Primary Phone Number” “My monthly bill is approximately”, “Total Bill” if copy paste, accept characters not only digits


                      • #41
                        BUG REPORT ENERGY-TELECOM
                        1. No default input focus on the page
                        2. “REFERRED BY” field behaves as it is a required field.
                        3. “EMAIL” field has an asterisk assigned but it is not in the requirements.
                        4. “FERST NAME” field accepts digits and characters instead of letters.
                        5. “FERST NAME” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 per requirements.
                        6. “LAST NAME” field accepts numbers and characters instead of letters.
                        7. “LAST NAME” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 per requirements.
                        8. “ZIP:” field accepts letters and digits instead only digits.
                        9. “STATE” list box: remove “BC” first Item.
                        10. “STATE” list box: remove “OTHER”.
                        11. “STATES” list box: replace "IND" with "IN".
                        12. “STREET ADDRESS” field accepts no more than 100 characters instead 255 per requirement.
                        13. “EMAIL” field accepts no more than 100 characters instead 255 per requirement.
                        14. Cell phone service “CURRENT PROVIDER” list box is missing “AT&T”.
                        15. Cellphone service “CURRENT PROVIDER” list box: add the option “OTHER”.
                        16. “MY MONTHLY BILL IS APPROXIMATELY” accept letters.
                        17. “MY MONTHLY BILL IS APPROXIMATELY” limit input to no more 4 digits.
                        18. Cell Phone Service “MONTHS LEFT ON CURRENT CONTRACT” should offer choices from 0 to 24, not 10
                        19. Cell Phone Service “NUMBER OF PHONES ON PLAN” should offer less choice.
                        20. “SUBMIT” and “CLEAR” button are not consistent in GUI.
                        21. “CLEAR” button does not clear the form but invokes misleading error message.


                        • #42
                          #1. "Referred by" isn’t marked with asterisk as required field, error message displays when text field is left blank, and the form is submitted.
                          #2. "Email" field marked with asterisk as required, doesn't not display error message "Email is required" when text field is left blank, and the form is submitted.
                          #3. In each section of application "Current provider" drop down list is not in alphabetical order.
                          #4. "Months left on current contract" drop down list has only 10 months.
                          #5. "Number of phones on plan" drop down list contains too many superfluous items.
                          #6. In "Number of phones on plan" drop down list contains misleading "More" item, should be replaced with "Other".
                          #7. "Best Way To Contact Me" drop down list is not in alphabetical order.
                          #8 "State" drop down list is not in alphabetical order.
                          #9. In "State" drop down list only 48 out of 50 states are listed.
                          #10. "BC" in drop down list of States, doesn't belong to the state of USA.
                          #11. In "State" drop down list, state of "Hawaii (HI) and Nevada (NV)" is missing.
                          #12. In "State" drop down list, misleading entry of "other" is present.
                          #13. In section "Cell Phone Service" below "Current Provider" two check boxes should be replaced by radio buttons since choices are mutually exclusive.
                          #14. In "Number of receivers" drop down list is misleading "More" item, should be replaced with "Other".
                          #15. In "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" in drop down list is misleading "More" item, should be replaced with "Other".
                          #16. "Clear" button is not the same size as a "Submit".
                          #17. In section "High Speed Internet Service" text field "Provider" doesn't have a drop-down list, which is not consistent with the rest of the form.
                          #18. Every field of "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters via paste function.
                          #19. Field "Phone" accepts letters via paste function.
                          #20. In section "Cell Phone Service" text field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters.
                          #21. Text field "ZIP", accepts letters, instead of digits only, as per requirements.
                          #22. Text field "Email" doesn't accept a special character " _ "
                          #23. Text field "Email" accepts more than one "@" character.
                          #24. Text field "Email" accepts multiple blank spaces in email address.
                          #25. Text field "Email" accepts "." special character instead of "@".
                          #26. Entering a valid Zip code doesn't automatically output expected City and State.
                          #27. Clicking on "clear" button fires error message instead of clearing the form.
                          #28. When you type in a valid email, the error message "Can't send email" displays.
                          #29. Text field "Phone number" accepts letters via paste function.
                          #30. Text field "Comments" contains unnecessary expand button which allows user to expand text field beyond the bounds of the form, resulting in malformed rendering.
                          #31. "First name" field does not accept 31 characters, only 30 characters accepted.
                          #32. "Last name" field does not accept 31 characters, only 30 characters accepted.
                          #33. "Street Address" field does not accept 255 characters, only 100 characters are accepted.
                          #34. "Minutes on plan" drop down list is out of order.


                          • #43
                            1) Contact Information field: Validation error message "Please enter the name of the person you were reffered by" dispalyed after submition.
                            2) Contact Information field: Email is not required field by requirements
                            3) Contact Information field: First name field accepts less than 31 characters (30 characters only)
                            4) Contact Information field: Last name field accepts less than 31 characters (30 characters only)
                            5) Contact Information field: Street Address field accepts less than 255 characters (100 characters only)
                            6) Cell phone service section doesn't have option "Other" at current provider dropdown menu
                            7) "Please enter a valid Primary Phone Number for Local/Long Distances/International Service" message displayed as required field
                            8)Home page button is missing after registration is completed
                            9) Contact Information field: Invalid State "BC" in the State list box
                            10) Contact Information field: "HI" State in the State list box is missing
                            11) Contact Information field: Misspel "IND" in the "IN" state in the State list box
                            12) Contact Information field the “state” list box, “NV” is missing
                            13) Contact Information field: ZIP code field accepts all zero characters
                            14) Contact Information field: Email accepts more than 255 characters (1063 characters)
                            15) Local/Long Distances/International Service: “Primary Phone Number” “My monthly bill is approximately”, “Total Bill” accept vary characters not only digits if copy-paste
                            Last edited by Gusar777; 11-07-2022, 08:17 AM.


                            • #44
                              1. "Email" field has an asterisk, but not really required. Make "Email" text field required
                              2. "Email" field has accept non-valid form email. Make it on email format only
                              3. "Email" field has more than 255 characters
                              4. "Referred by" field has error message when no input, make "Referred by: field no required
                              5. "State" list box - add "NV" state
                              6. "State" list box - add "HI" state
                              7. "State" list box has incorrect reduction "IND". Replace "IND" with "IN"
                              8. "State" list box - delete "BC" state
                              9. "State" list box put "other" in the end or beginning list
                              10. "ZIP" text field accept non-digits. Make field digits only
                              11. "Best way to contact me" make phrase in two lines "Best way" and "to contact me"
                              12. There is no default button. Make "accept" button by default
                              13. There is no default field. Make "First name" field by default.
                              14. Contact information: "TAB order" - after "first name" field goes "referred by" field. Make "referred by" the last one in this case.
                              15. "Phone number" all 3 fields in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              16. "Cell phone Service" section, "Current provider" list box. Add "other" in the list
                              17. "Cell phone Service" section, "My monthly bill" field accept non-digits. Make this field digits only
                              18. "Cell phone Service" asection, "My monthly bill" field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              19. "Cell phone Service" section, "Month left.." list box has only 10 month. Make 24 months.
                              20. "Cell phone Service" section, "Month left.." list box add "More" in list
                              21. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Primary Phone Number" field: all 3 fields in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              22. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "My monthly bill" field in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              23. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "My monthly bill" field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              24. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Total Bill" field in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              25. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" asection, "Total Bill" field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              26. "High Speed Internet Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              27. "High Speed Internet Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              28. "TV Service" section, "My monthly bill..." field in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              29. "TV Service" section, "My monthly bill..." field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              30. "Home Security Service" area, "My monthly bill..." field in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              31. "Home Security Service" section, "My monthly bill..." field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              32. "Gas and Electric Services" section, "My monthly bill...summer" field in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              33. "Gas and Electric Services" section, "My monthly bill...summer" field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              34. "Gas and Electric Services" section, "My monthly bill...winter" field in Firefox and Chrome accept non-digits when they copy pasts in field
                              35. "Gas and Electric Services" section, "My monthly bill...winter" field accept more than 5 characters. Make field with 5 characters only
                              36. "Clear" button make misleading error
                              37. "Clear" button don't clear the form
                              38. "Gas and Electric Services" section, "I'm opento using..." checkbox has misspelled "opento". Make "open to"
                              39. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons is inconsistency.


                              • #45
                                #1. "Referred by" is not a required field
                                #2. "Email" is not requested as required field
                                #3. "ZIP" code is not corresponded statement for (digits only) requirement, because accepts non-digits
                                #4. “My monthly bill is approximately” should limit input to 5 digits
                                #5. “Months left on current contract:” list box: “More” option is missing.
                                #6. “My monthly bill is approximately:” $ field must be only digit field.
                                #7. “I am opento….” Should be “I am open to”
                                #8 "Clear" button does not clear data on page
                                #9. Inconsistency between “Clear” and “Submit” buttons
                                #10. "Clear" button shows error ‘’ Error 17896……”

