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Online class September 6, 2022 OrangeHRM testing (homework)

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  • #31
    #1 On the right corner main page, click the" Book a Free Demo" button. In the Dropdown menu, "Country" at the end of the dropdown menu has names of the islands/Citi " South sandvich Island", "St.Helena", "St Pierre and Miquelon" .
    #2 " Your full name*" text field accepts characters and numbers.
    #3 When you fill out the form "Book a Free Demo" with two digits in the " Phone number*" text field, the application will give you to submit it.
    #4 In "PIM" Tabbed "Employee list" menu always stays selected in black color.


    • #32
      #1. "LOGIN Panel" section: provide "Need an account? SIGN UP/REGISTER" option.
      #2. "LOGIN Panel" section: provide "Remember me" check box option.
      #3. "LOGIN Panel" section: provide "Forgot Your Password?" option along with "LOGIN" button
      #4. "LOGIN Panel" section, upper textfield: add label "Email:" or "Username:"
      #5. "LOGIN Panel" section, lower textfield: add label "Password:"
      #6. "LOGIN Panel" section: provide an option to sign up/register with social media account.
      #7. Logo "HR for ALL" is not active when being navigated over by mouse pointer or pushed on.
      Last edited by Tetiana Naumovych; 10-09-2022, 06:30 PM.


      • #33
        assumption of requirements:
        for all pages
        follow GUI requirements
        1) login
        1. valid login and valid password allow to log in in the account and application.
        2. password is hidden with bullets.
        3. invalid combination of login/password doesn't have an access to application
        2) for pages
        4. all button have to work
        5. should be able to type in all fields
        6. all links should be relevant

        test data: username -admin, password-password.

        GUI and usability testing without test cases.

        Test cases.
        # Title Instruction Expected result Pass/Fail Bug report #
        log in 1 valid login and valid password type valid username and valid password, push "login"/enter successfully
        log in application
        P -
        2 valid login -invalid password type "valid username and invalid password and push "login"/enter warning message about Invalid credentials P -
        3 invalid login-valid password type invalid username and valid password and push "login"/enter warning message about Invalid credentials P -
        4 change password 1. push "edit"
        2. type valid password and create new password and save
        3. log out
        4 log in with new password
        log with new password
        P -

        Bug reports:

        1. Mismatch in data: number of employee in the page “admin-organisation-general information” -74 and on the page “admin-organisation-location” -73 (don’t updated after adding an employee). And the list of employes on the page “ PIM-Employee list” consist of 74 members.
        2. Test email don’t sent on the page “admin- configuration” dropdown “Email configuration” .
        3. don’t show numbers of results and pages in “ PIM-employee list” by choosing criteria for search.
        4. Link to the “training” at the “help&training” is wrong.
        5. Link to the “support” at the “help&training” is wrong.
        6. Link to the page on LinkedIn is wrong.

        Environment: Mac OC monterey 12.6, Safari 15.6.1

