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Online class September 6, 2022 OrangeHRM testing (homework)

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  • #16

    1. Top right corner "Join OrangeHRM community" tab: The link leads to non-existing page. "The requested page could not be found" error displayed.

    2. "Time" => "Reports" => "Employee Reports": "Project name" and "Activity name" list box are not required selections. Either remove asterisks (*) or add required field function to those list boxes.

    3. "Leave" => "Entitlements" => "Employee Entitlements": Add asterisk (*) to "Employee" field, since this is a required field.

    4. "Recruitment" => "Vacancies": broken link, the page is not displayed properly, buttons are not functioning.

    5. Top right corner "Help and Training" drop down menu, "Bug Tracker": The link leads to OrangeHRM application download (HR management app) instead of Bug Tracker.

    6. TAB order throughout the web application: It is impossible to identify which field is selected by TAB, no visual identification.

    7. Labels throughout the application: Colon is missing.

    Admin/Organization/General Information
    Admin/Configuration/Email configuration
    Time/Attendance/My records
    Time/Attendance/Punch In/Out
    Time/Attendance/Employee records
    Performance/Add KPI
    Performance/Copy KPI
    Performance: Add Review
    My info/Personal Details
    My info/Contact details
    My info/Job
    My info/Tax exemptions

    8. PIM/Configuration/Optional fields: move focus on “Configuration” tab instead of neighboring “Employee list” tab.
    Screen Shot 2022-09-26 at 6.31.41 PM.png

    The following reports may WORK AS DESIGNED (since no requirements available, we assume all fields should be functioning):
    9. "My info" => "Job": All fields are disabled, no option to edit.
    10. "My info" => "Salary": No information provided, no option to edit/add.
    11. "My info" => "Tax Exemptions": All fields are disabled, no option to edit.
    12. "My info" => "Report-to": No information provided, no option to edit/add.


    1. "Employee", "Supervisor name", "Reviewer" input fields throughout the web application: Instead of input fields with "Type for hints" instructions, use list boxes.
    Last edited by Gelik; 09-26-2022, 04:33 PM.


    • #17
      1. Page ‘login’ does not have “forgot password” option.
      2. Page ‘login’ does not have “sign up” option.
      3. Page “try for free”, in the “phone number” field accepts non-digit characters
      4. Page “contactst us”, in the “phone number” field accepts non-digit characters
      5. Page “contact us”, in “job title” listbox dropdown is disable.


      • #18
        Test cases of Orange HRM
        Was using Windows 11 OS, Microsoft Edge browser
        ID Description Instruction Expected result Actual result Past/fail
        1 Valid login/valid password Admin/password Logged in Logged in past
        2 Valid login/invalid password Admin/pasword Error: invalid combination Error: Csrf token validation failed
        3 Invalid login/valid password Administration/password Error: invalid combination Error: invalid credentials
        4 Masking password type 1234567 shown in bullets
        5 "Copy" menu item on Password NA Disabled Disabled
        6 "Cut" menu item on Password NA Disabled Disabled
        7 Select “PIM” menu, “Configuration” under menu, “Data import” under menu, “Select file” field No input (means don’t download anything) "Required field" message "Required field" message
        8 Select “PIM” menu, “Configuration” under menu, “Data import” under menu, “Select file” field Download file more than 1Mb Error message: 413 Request Entity Too Large Error message: 413 Request Entity Too Large
        9 Select “PIM” menu, “Configuration” under menu, “Custom fields” under menu, “Field name” field No input (means empty field) "Required field" message "Required field" message
        10 Select “PIM” menu, “Configuration” under menu, “Custom fields” under menu, “Screen” field No input (means empty field) "Required field" message "Required field" message
        11 Select “PIM” menu, “Configuration” under menu, “Custom fields” under menu, “Type” field No input (means empty field) "Required field" message "Required field" message
        12 Select “Leave” menu, “Entitlements” under menu, “Add leave entitlements” under menu, “Employee” field No input (means empty field) "Required field" message "Required field" message
        Select “Leave” menu, “Entitlements” under menu, “Add leave entitlements” under menu, “Entitlements” field No input (means empty field) "Required field" message "Required field" message


        • #19
          1. Click “Help & Training”- “Support” - enter email- enter phone number: Field “phone number” eccept more than 10 digital/ special characters/ letters
          2. Field “Date of Birth” in Employee list accepte future dates
          3. Field “ Driver’s License Number” in Employee list accept special characters
          4. Field "SIN number” in Employee list accept letters and special characters
          5. PIM-Employee List - Contact Details - Countries in drop down menu not by alphabetical order
          6. PIM-Employee List -Emergency Contacts: Field “Home telephone” eccept less than 10 numbers
          7. PIM-Employee List -Emergency Contacts: Field “Mobile” eccept less than 10 numbers


          • #20
            Orange HRM.
            Windows 10, Google Chrome Version 105.0.5195.127 browser.
            #1. Login page: pushing LinkedIn icon does not direct you to correct link for OrangeHRM LinkedIn profile.
            #2. "LOGIN Panel" is missing "Forgot password" link.
            #3. "Recruitment" tab: "Hiring manager" list box has only one option, should have list of Hiring Managers to choose from.
            #4. "My info" tab: "Zip/Postal code" text field should be digits only.
            #5. Valid Login/invalid password in "LOGIN Panel" shows error message "Invalid Credenrials", change to "Invalid Login or password"
            #6. "Leave" Tab: "Leave List" menu item in "Show Leave with Status" label has "Pending approval" check box checked. All of them should be unchecked.
            #7. "PIM" tab, when select menu item "Employee List" table of employees has unnecessary "Sub Unit" column.
            #8. "Time" tab: when navigating to "Attendance" menu Item and Clicking "Punch In" option, the "Time" field has incorrect data format.


            • #21
              Orange HRM

              Mac OS Monterrey12.3 - Safari
              1. Login Page - Confusing and misleading error message after typing in invalid combination login/password.
              2. Homepage - main logo “OrangeHRM” is not clickable.
              3. All “date of birth” text fields accept date from future or unreal date from past.
              4. My info - Job- button “edit ” is missing.
              5. My info - Contact-details - Text field “Zip code” accepts letters and special characters.
              6. My info - Emergency Contacts - Text field “home telephone” acts as required but asterisk is missing.


              • #22
                Login Panel.

                #1. After entering valid Login and invalid password "Csrf token validation failed" message is displayed which is not a common message.
                #2. After entering invalid Login and valid password "Invalid credentials" message is displayed which is not a common message.
                #3. Link to Company's supposed LinkedIn profile redirects to LinkedIn General registration page, but not Company's Profile.

                PIM, Employee Tab.

                #1. "Support" link redirects to the Company's Main Page instead of Technical Support Contacts
                Steps to reproduce: Choose "Help & Training" drop list at the right upper corner, choose "Support".

                #2. "Training" link doesn't work. Message "Page not found" is displayed.
                Steps to reproduce: Choose "Help & Training" drop list at the right upper corner, choose "Training"

                #3. "Ads-on" link redirects to the Company's Main Page.
                Steps to reproduce: Choose "Help & Training" drop list at the right upper corner, choose "Adds-On".

                #4. "Join OrangeHRM Community" button redirects to nonworking page. Message "Error detail: The requested page could not be found." is diplayed.


                • #23
                  1. LOGIN page: no "forget password" button
                  2. LOGIN page: no "Register" or "Create account" button
                  3. In Search Field: Size of "ADD" button is inconsistent
                  with "Search", "Delete", "Reset" buttons.
                  4. PIM menu Employee List ID column: inconsistency in
                  decreasing order (line 7,19,20,21)
                  5. Recruitment menu Vacancies link: inconsistent design with
                  rest of website.


                  • #24

                    valid account: admin/password

                    Invalid password: passvord

                    ID/Title Instructions Expected result. Actual result. Pass/Fail

                    1. Valid login/ valid password Type admin/password Logged in Logged in. Pass

                    2. Valid login/ valid passw., paste. Paste admin/password Logged in. Logged in. Pass

                    3. Valid login/ invalid passw. Type admin/passvord Error message. “Invalid credentials” Pass

                    4. “Cut” menu on passw. disabled N/A Disabled Disabled Pass

                    5. “Copy” menu on passw. disabled N/A Disabled Disabled Pass

                    6. Masking password Type 12345 Shown in bullets. Bullets Pass

                    6. Masking password,paste Paste 12345 Shown in bullets. Bullets Pass

                    7. New user Registration Push Register button Dialog box to register Absent button Fail

                    8. LinkedIn icon Click Linkdin icon LinkedIn page is reached LinkedIn reached Pass

                    9. Facebook icon ClickFacebook icon Facebook page is reached Facebook reached Pass

                    10. Twitter icon Click Twitter icon Twitter page is reached Twitter reached Pass

                    11. YouTube icon Click YouTube icon YouTube page is reached YouTube reached Pass


                    • #25
                      1. In “Admin” Tab “Username” Field is typo, needs to be changed for User Name (separately).
                      2. In “PIM” Tab, Employee Section Job Title Field contains a list box shows up with nonsense titles when you click it (for example, rrrr, -PP), needs to be removed.
                      3. In “PIM” Tab, Configuration Section ("Optional Fields" item from the drop down menu ) - all check boxes are not active.
                      4. In “PIM” Tab, Configuration Section ("Reporting methods" menu item) allows to check both check box options in one time, which is logically not right.
                      5. In “Leave” Tab, Leave List Section, “Reset” button doesn’t work correctly, it doesn’t clear all fields.
                      6. In “Leave” Tab, Assign Leave Section, “Reset” button is absent at all to clear the data from input.


                      • #26
                        OrangeHRM testing
                        Using MacBook, Safari

                        #1. "Login Panel" section: Add the name " Login" to the first field.
                        #2. "Login Panel" section:Add the name "Password" to the second field.
                        #3. "Login Panel" section:Missing "Forgot the password" button.
                        #4."Login Panel" section: Missing "Sign up" button.
                        #5. "Login Panel" section: Missing "Clear" button.
                        #6."Employee List" Section: Missing the separate column "Middle name".


                        • #27
                          Project: OrangeHRM
                          GUI Testing:
                          #1 Verify that dialog window includes field "User name''
                          Expected result: pass
                          #2 Verify that dialog window includes field "Password''
                          Expected result: pass
                          #3 Verify that dialog window includes button "Login''
                          Expected result: pass
                          #4 Verify that dialog window includes fields "Forgot password"
                          Expected result: pass
                          #5 Verify that dialog window includes fields "Cancel"
                          Expected result: pass
                          #6 Verify the option "cut" from a drop-down menu is disabled.
                          Expected result: pass
                          #7 Verify the option "paste" from a drop-down menu is disabled.
                          Expected result: pass
                          #8 Verify that dialog window has a "register" (sign-in) button (link)
                          #9 Verify the message for each mandatory required field.

                          Functional testing:
                          #9 Verify that "User name" field behaves as required field.
                          Steps: Open the login dialog window/ leave "User name" field blank/ press "login" button.
                          Expected result: failed
                          #10 Verify that "Password" field behaves as required field.
                          Steps: Open the login dialog window/ leave "password" field blank/ press "login" button.
                          Expected result: failed
                          #11 Verify the "User name" field is case sensitive.
                          Steps: Enter valid "User name" in the user name field in lower case format
                          Expected result:
                          #12 Verify the "User name" field is case sensitive.
                          Steps: Enter valid "User name" in the user name field in uppercase format
                          Expected result:
                          #13 Verify the "Password" field is case sensitive.
                          Steps: Enter valid "Password" in the user name field in lower case format
                          Expected result:
                          #14 Verify the "Password" field is case sensitive.
                          Steps: Enter valid "Password" in the user name field in uppercase format
                          Expected result:
                          #15 Verify the "User name" field have appropriate capacity limits.
                          Steps: review technical requirements.
                          #16 Verify the "User name" field characters capacity matches the requirements.
                          -16.1 Min. amount of characters-1
                          Expected result: failed
                          -16.2 Min. amount of characters
                          Expected result: pass
                          -16.3 Max.amount of characters
                          Expected result: pass
                          -16.4 Max.amount of characters +1
                          Expected result: failed
                          #17 Verify the "Password" field characters capacity matches the requirements.
                          -17.1 Min. amount of characters-1
                          Expected result: failed
                          -17.2 Min. amount of characters
                          Expected result: pass
                          -17.3 Max.amount of characters
                          Expected result: pass
                          -17.4 Max.amount of characters +1
                          Expected result: failed
                          #18 Verify if the "User name" has restrictions of the input type (letters, digits, special characters)
                          Steps: review the technical requirements.
                          #19 Verify if the "Password" has restrictions of the input type (letters, digits, special characters)
                          Steps: review the technical requirements.

                          #20 Verify the page UI doesn't change in another browsers listed in technical requirements.
                          Steps: open page link in applicable browser.
                          Expected result: pass.
                          #21-40: reproduce test cases from 1to 19 in the new browser.
                          #41 verify if the user can log from the duplicating page in the same browser session.
                          #42 Verify if the user can login using the same credentials from the different browsers at the same time.


                          • #28
                            1.Text box "First name" and "Last Name" in "Add employee" tab accepts non latin characters and digits.
                            2. Text box "Employee ID " in "Personal details" folder accepts letters.
                            3.Text box "SSN " in "Personal details" folder accepts letters.
                            4.Text box "SSN " in "Personal details" folder does not have min/max number of characters acceptance
                            5.Text box "Driver's License Number " in "Personal details" folder accepts does not have min/max number
                            of characters acceptance
                            6."Date of Birth" box allows to choose and save todays date.
                            7. "Add attachment" tab has the line "* Required field", but there is no required sign in this tab.
                            8. Text box "Comment" in "Add attachments" accepts non latin characters.
                            9. In"PIM" folder, choosing "Add employee" tab,"Employee List" is shown as elected in gray box,
                            not the "Add employee" tab.
                            10. In the "Recruitment" tab, the "Vacancies" tab linkes the user to different UI.


                            • #29
                              1.Text box "First name" and "Last Name" in "Add employee" tab accepts non latin characters and digits.
                              2. Text box "Employee ID " in "Personal details" folder accepts letters.
                              3.Text box "SSN " in "Personal details" folder accepts letters.
                              4.Text box "SSN " in "Personal details" folder does not have min/max number of characters acceptance
                              5.Text box "Driver's License Number " in "Personal details" folder accepts does not have min/max number
                              of characters acceptance
                              6."Date of Birth" box allows to choose and save todays' date.
                              7. "Add attahment" tab has the line "* Required field", but there is no required sign in this tab.
                              8. Text box "Comment" in "Add attachments" accepts non latin characters.
                              9. In"PIM" folder, choosing "Add employee" tab,"Employee List" is shown as elected in gray box,
                              not the "Add employee" tab.
                              10. In the "Recruitment" tab, the "Vacancies" tab linkes the user to different UI.


                              • #30
                                Login Page
                                1. Has missed “Remember Me” checkbox.
                                2. Has missed “Forgot Username/Password?” functionality.
                                3. Has missed “Remember Me” functionality.
                                Admin Page
                                4. User Management/Add/ Add User Page/ “Confirm Password” field no message: “Required” if no input.
                                PIM page
                                5. “Employee List” page title highlighted instead of “Add Employee” page when “Add Employee” page opened.
                                6. “Employee List” page title highlighted instead of “Configuration”/ Optional Fields when “Optional Fields” page opened.

