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Energy-Telecom Bug report Sep 15 Homework

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  • Zip Code does not accept any typing in MSIE browser. User can paste though.
    TAB order stops working after getting the the ZIP field Opera browser.
    ZIP code field accepts more than 5 characters.
    “First Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
    “Last Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 32
    “State” list box: remove ‘BC’ since it’s a Canadian state
    “State” list box: HI and NV are missing
    “State” list box: Replace IND WITH with IN for state Indiana
    “State” list box: remove ‘OTHER’ option from the list
    “Street address’’ accepts no more than 100 characters instead 255 per requirement
    “Reffered by”field behaves as it is a required field.
    ‘’ Email’’ field has an asterisk assigned but it’s not really required.
    “Clear” button does not clear the form
    “Clear button invokes misleading error message “Invalid Data”
    Inconsitency between GUI implementation in between “Clear” and ‘Submit’ button
    ZIP code field should accept digits only.-or- (ZIP code field accept non-digits.)


    • 1. "First name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements when paste or type
      2. "Fist Name" field: should leading and trailing spaces be trimmed
      3 "Last name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements when paste or type
      4 "Last Name" field: should leading and trailing spaces be trimmed
      5. "First name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements when paste or type
      6. “State” listbox contains 48 US states instead of 50
      7. “State” listbox contain 1 Canada state “BK”
      8. “State” listbox contain extra element “other”
      9. “ZIP” field accepts input of more than 5 digits by pasting
      10. “ZIP: field accepts input of all characters by pasting
      11. “Email” field is not required
      12. “ZIP” field doesn't allow to paste or insert over other digits instead of already entered
      13. “Phone” field accepts any characters by pasting
      14. “Phone:” field: when entering digits on the keypad the cursor doesn't move from first field to next one
      15. “Best Way To Contact Me:” labe; is on 2 lines. Should be on 1 line.
      16. “Referred by:”: the label doesn't have asterisk while system requires filling out that field
      17. By clicking “Submit” button after all required field are filled out error message “Can't send email”comes out
      18. “State” listbox contains “IND” instead of “IN”
      19. “Contact Information” section: fields order is broken. By pressing “TAB” button on a keyboard on the “First Name” field cursor goes to “Referred by” then to “Last Name”
      20. “Clear” button has 90% height of “Submit” button and another font size
      21. By clicking “Clear” button website shows confusing/misleading notification “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
      22. “State:” listbox: order of the states is broken. “AZ” should be after “AR” and “WV” shoud be after “WI”
      23. Form description on the second line from the top has a logical mistake. “Please fill out this form and our representative will provide you with the money saving offer.” There should be “CONTACT” instead of “PROVIDE” or there is shouldn't be the “WITH”
      24. "Street address” field accepts 100 characters MAX instead of 255 as per requirements when paste or type
      25. “ZIP” field accepts non-existent ZIP
      26. “ZIP” field allows to submit ZIP not matching with state


      • 1.*Last name* text field accept 30 characters instead 31 as required.
        2.“First Name” accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
        3."Email": text field accepts more than 255 characters.
        4."State" : there are 49 states in the list box instead of 50.
        5."ZIP" accepts letters as well as digits.
        6."Street Address" field eligible to accepts 100 characters instead 250.
        7."City" field accept invalid city.
        8.''State'' included the word (other)...this is not a state.
        9.''State'' Indiana is misspelled ,replace ''IND'' to ''IN''.
        10.''State '' field missing HI ,DC and NV.
        11.“Email” accepts invalid email address which doesn’t have symbol.
        12."ZIP" field accepts more than 5 characters if you paste them.
        13."Phone" field accepts pasting letters.


        • 1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
          2. "First Name" field should leading and trailing spaces be trimmed
          3. "Contact Information" TAB order: Input focus moves from "First Name" field to the "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name" field
          4. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
          5. "Last Name" field should leading and trailing spaces be trimmed
          6. "Street Adress" field accepts 100 characters MAX instead of 255 as per requirements
          7. Replace the "IND" "IN" for Indiana in "State" listbox
          8. "State" listbox has not state Hawaii (HI) and Nevada (NV)
          9. "BC" and "Other" in "State" listbox should be remove
          10. Push the "Submit" button pops up error message "Can't send email"
          11. "Email" field is not processed as a required field, which it should be by the requirements
          12. "Email" field accepts more 255 characters instead of 255 characters as per requirements
          13. "Phone" field accepts pasting of non-digits
          14. "ZIP" field accepts input (pasting and typing) of letters
          15. "ZIP" field accepts input (pasting) of special characters
          16. "ZIP" field accepts input (pasting) of over 5 characters
          17. Inconsistency in "Referred by" field. It is processed as a required field, but it is not given the asterisk
          18. "Referred by" field has not a requirements
          19. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form
          Last edited by Linard; 05-22-2023, 02:24 PM.


          • #1. Requirements: no information provided on the “Referred by “field

            #2. “First name field : the input is be 30 character instead of 31 as per requirement
            #3. “ Contact Information” section: from “first name” TAB order jumps to “Referred
            #4. The application failed to send an email upon(после) form submission
            1. Open a new application window
            2. Fil out all the fields in the “contact Information” section
            3. Push “Submit “ button – observe ( наблюдать):the error message pops up : “Cant send email”
            #5. “Contact Information” requirements: please, specify are all the inputs limited to English character set
            #6. Misleading / confusing error message pops up upon pushing the “Clear” button
            # 7. "ZIP" accepts Lettes and Digits same. S
            hould be just digits.
            #8. The section 7 " Gas and Electric Services" option "I am opento using different provider" Misspelled word " opento" with "open to".
            #9. Section "State" list of State USA has 49 , should be 50.
            #10. “ Clear” button does not work – it clears nothing.
            #11. Button "Submit" and "Clear" have different size of letters.

