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Energy-Telecom Bug report Sep 15 Homework

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  • #91
    1. ”First name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31

    2. ”Last name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31

    3. “Street Address”field accepts only 100 characters only

    4. “State” listbox has only 48 US states instead of 50

    5. “State” listbox: remove “BC” because it is Canadian province

    6. “State” listbox: remove option “other”

    7. “State” listbox: replace “IND” with “IN” because of misspelling

    8. “ZIP” field accepts letters input instead of digits only

    9. “ZIP” field allows to PASTE more then 5 digits an other characters

    10. “ZIP” field accepts non-existing ZIP codes

    11. “Referred by” field shows as required after submitting a form

    12. “Email” field is accepting email address which doesn’t contain special character “@”

    13. “Email” field switched to not required after submitting an empty form

    14. “Email” field accepts more then 255 characters

    15. Incomplete requirement for required field message

    16. Misleading error message pops up once user pushing the “clear” button

    17. Inconsistency in TAB field switch order


    • #92
      1. “First Name” field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements.
      2. Unable switch pressing Tab keyboard key from “Fist Name” to “Last Name” on the first attempt. The cursor switch to “Referred by:” field and then I have to press key again to get “Last Name” field.
      3. “Last Name” field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements.
      4. “Street Address” field accepts 100 characters MAX instead of 255 as per requirements.
      5. “State” field list box: remove “BC” as non-existent postal abbreviation in USA.
      6. “State” field list box: add to list “HI” (Hawaii State).
      7. “State” field list box: add to list “NV” (Nevada State).
      8. “State” field list box: replace the abbreviation “IND” with the correct version of post abbreviation for Indiana State “IN”.
      9. “State” field list box: there is no State “Other” in USA. Remove “Other” as non-existent post abbreviation.
      10. List of all states post abbreviation should be alphabetically order in “State” field.
      11. "ZIP" code field accepts letters.
      12. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of 6 and more characters.
      13. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of letters.
      14. “ZIP” code field accepts non real existing ZIP for current State.
      15. Confusing/Misleading error message pops up when user pushes the "Clear" button.
      16. “Email” field accepts MORE than 255 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
      17. “Email” field asterisk remains blue with empty field after customer push button “Submit”.
      18. The form can be Submitted with non-correct Email address, which doesn’t include special characters “@”.
      19. Unable switch Tab pressing keyboard key from “Best Way to Contact Me” to “Referred by”. The cursor switch to “Current provider” field in the “1. Cell Phone Service” section.
      20. “Referred by” field indicates as a required field when Submit form.
      21. Section “7. Gas and Electric Service”: replace “I am opento using different provider” to “I am open to using different provider”.
      22. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: provider’s names should be in alphabetically order.
      23. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “Mint Mobile” provider to the list box.
      24. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “AT&T Wireless” provider to the list box.
      25. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “Visible” provider to the list box.
      26. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “Xfinity Mobile” provider to the list box.
      27. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “US Mobile” provider to the list box.
      28. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “Metro by T-Mobile” provider to the list box.
      29. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “Cricket Wireless” provider to the list box.
      30. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “Google Fe” provider to the list box.
      31. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: replace “Version” to the correct “Verizon Wireless”.
      32. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: remove “Sprint” provider as unactual after folding to T-Mobile.
      33. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: remove “Nextel” provider as unactual after folding to T-Mobile.
      34. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”, “Current provider section”: add “Other” to the list box.
      35. “My monthly bill is approximately” in Section “1. Cell Phone Service” accepts letters, should accepts only digits.
      36. “My monthly bill is approximately” in Section “1. Cell Phone Service” accepts 11 characters, should accept no more than 4 digits.
      37. “Months left on current contract” field should have “11”.
      38. “Months left on current contract” field should have “12”.
      39. “Number of phones on plan” list box allows to select from 1 to 100 numbers, that is impossible for HOUSEHOLDS per a requirement. It should allow to select from “1” to “5” and include option “More”.
      40. “My monthly bill is approximately” in Section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” accepts 11 characters, should accept no more than 4 digits.
      41. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: remove all providers from list box as unactual.
      42. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “AT&T Internet” to the list.
      43. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Verizon Internet” to the list.
      44. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Xfinity Internet” to the list.
      45. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Cox Internet” to the list.
      46. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Spectrum Internet” to the list.
      47. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Mediacom Internet” to the list.
      48. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Astound Broadband” to the list.
      49. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “CenturyLink Internet” to the list.
      50. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Frontier Internet” to the list.
      51. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “HughesNet Internet” to the list.
      52. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Optimum Internet” to the list.
      53. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Viasat Internet” to the list.
      54. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Suddenlink Internet” to the list.
      55. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: provider’s names should be in alphabetically order.
      56. Section “3. High Speed Internet Service”, “Current provider” field: add “Other” to the list box.
      57. “My monthly bill is approximately” in Section “3. High Speed Internet Service” accepts 11 characters, should accept no more than 4 digits.
      58. “My monthly bill is approximately” in Section “4. TV Service” accepts 11 characters, should accept no more than 4 digits.
      59. “My monthly bill is approximately” in Section “5. Home Security Service” accepts 11 characters, should accept no more than 4 digits.
      60. “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” in Section “7. Gas and Electric Services” accepts 11 characters, should accept no more than 4 digits.
      61. “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” in Section “7. Gas and Electric Services” accepts 11 characters, should accept no more than 4 digits.
      62. Pushing the button “Clear” doesn’t clean form.
      63. Buttons “Submit” and “Clear” has different size.


      • #93
        Energy - Telecom Service

        #1. “First Name” text field accepts all characters as required
        #2. “First Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead 31 as required
        #3. “Last Name” text field accepts all characters as required
        #4. “Last Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead 31 as required
        #5. “Street Address” text field accepts all characters as required
        #6. “Street Address” text field accepts 100 characters instead 255 as required
        #7. “City” text field accepts all characters as required
        #8. “City” text field accepts 50 characters as required
        #9. “State” offering list box is not in an alphabet order
        #10. “State” list box is missing “HI” (Hawaii) state
        #11. “State” list box is missing “NV” (Nevada) state
        #12. “State” list box has “BC” it is not a state
        #13. “State” in a list box replace “IND” with “IN” (Indiana)
        #14. “State” in a list box word “Other” move to the top
        #15. “Zip” text field accepts more than 5 digits characters through copy/paste
        #16. “Zip” text field accepts letter characters through copy/paste
        #17. “Email” text field accepts more than “255 digits, letters, some special characters” instead “255 digits, letters, some special
        characters” as required
        #18. “Email” text field accepts other than only Email format
        #19. “Phone” 3 text fields accepting “3-3-4 any characters” through copy/paste instead “3-3-4 digits only) as required


        • #94
          #1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
          #2. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements.
          #3. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters Max instead of 255 as per requirements.
          #4. "State" listbox: remove "Other" option from the list.
          #5. "State" listbox: remove "BC" since there is no such state in the USA.
          #6. "State" listbox: "HI" (Hawaii) state is missing.
          #7. "State" listbox: replace "IND" with "IN" for state of Indiana
          #8. "State" listbox: "NV" (Nevada) state is missing
          #9. "ZIP" code field accepts letters
          #10. "ZIP" code field accepts special characters
          #11. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of 6 and more characters
          #12. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of letters
          #13. "Email" field has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required
          #14. "Referred By" field behaves as if it is a required field
          #15. "Clear" button does not clear the form
          #16. "Clear" button invokes misleading and confusing error message "Invalid data"
          #17. Inconsistency between GUI implementation in between "Clear" and "Submit" buttons
          #18. No default button in the form
          #19. Cell Phone Service section: "Other" option is needed
          #20. " Months left on current contract": must be 0-24 months instead of 10.
          #21. Replace "Best Way To Contact Me" with "Best way to contact me".
          #22. "1. Cell Phone Service" section" , "Number of phones on plan" listbox offers excessive amount of options. Reduce it to 5 instead of 100
          #23. "7. Gas and Electric Services" section, last row: replace "opento" with "open to"

          Last edited by Tetiana Naumovych; 09-28-2022, 05:23 PM.


          • #95
            1. The "First Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
            2. The "Last Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
            3. The "Street Address" text field doesn't accept 255 characters as required.
            4. The "State" list box includes not only the US Post office API.
            5. The "ZIP" text field is able to type in letters in the digits-only field.
            6. The "ZIP" text field is able to paste letters in the digits-only field.
            7. The "ZIP" text field is able to paste sp. characters in the digits-only field.
            8. The "ZIP" text field is able to paste over 5 characters into the field.
            9. The "ZIP" text field should input only the existing US zip codes.
            10. The "Email" text field accepts more than 255 characters.
            11. The "Phone" text field is able to paste letters where the digits only are required.
            12. The "Phone" text field is able to paste sp. characters where the digits only are required.
            13. The "Error 17896 - Invalid data request" message is displayed after pushing the "Clear" button.
            14. The "Referred by" field: the requirement is completely missing for the field.
            15. The "Referred by" field has no asterisk, but it behaves as if it is a required field.


            • #96
              1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
              2. "ZIP" code field accepts letters
              3. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of 6 and more characters
              4. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of letters
              5. Confusing/Misleading error message pops up when the user pushes the "Clear" button
              6. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
              7. "Email" field accepts typing more than 255 characters.
              8. The " Way To Contact Me" are supposed to be in a low case letter.
              9. The " Clear" button doesn't clear the form.
              10. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section there is a misspelling of "opento".


              • #97
                1. ‘First Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31
                2. “Last Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31
                3. “State” list box is missing Hi and NV state options
                4. “State” list box” : Remove “BC”.
                5. “State:” List Box replace “IND” to “IN”. Add to "State" list box code state "NV".
                6. Zip Code should accept digits only
                7. 'Email” field does not act as a required field
                8. 'Referred by” field acts as it is a required field
                9. “Phone number” field accepts letters if you copy/paste them
                10. “Street address” field accepts no more than 100 characters, instead of 255 per requirement
                11. “Clear” button does not clear the form
                12. "Clear " button its not some size for "Submit" button.
                13. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section there is a misspelling of "opento".


                • #98
                  Energy-Telecom requirements and functionality bug report:

                  1. FIRST NAME text field accepts only 30 characters, not 31 characters
                  2. LAST NAME text field accepts only 30 characters, not 31 characters
                  3. STREET ADDRESS text field accepts no more than 100 characters
                  4. EMAIL text field has asterisk, but it is not required field
                  5. Remove state "BC" from STATE list box
                  6. Add state "HI" to STATE list box
                  7. Add state "NV" to STATE list box
                  8. Incorrect format, change state "IND" to "IN" in STATE list box
                  9. Remove "Other" from State list box
                  10. TAB order works incorrectly, when you tab from FirstName, LastName text field should be active, not ReferredBy text field
                  11. ZIP list box accepts any digits and not valid zip code
                  12. EMAIL list box accepts incorrect email format such as "111111111" or "aaaaaaaa"
                  13. EMAIL list box accepts more than 255 characters
                  13. Improper grammar, change "Best Way To Contact Me:" to "Best Way To Contact Me By:"
                  14. CLEAR button does not clear the form
                  15. Inconsistent format in CLEAR and SUBMIT button
                  Last edited by Elena Viss; 09-27-2022, 01:50 PM.


                  • #99

                    Environment: MacOC Monterey 12.6 Safari 15.6.1
                    Severe bugs:

                    1. Label "email" with asterisk doesn't work as a required field.
                    2. Label "Referred by" isn't required field but looks like required.
                    3. Error message is appeared when click the button "Clear".
                    4. Appeared error message after clicking the button "Clear" is misleading.
                    5. Text field "First Name" accepts typing and with "Paste" only 30 characters opposite required no more than 31.
                    6. Text field "Last name" accepts typing and with "Paste" only 30 characters opposite required no more than 31.
                    7. Text field "Street Address" accepts typing and with "Paste" only 100 characters opposite required no more than 255.
                    8. Missing 1 state in list box "State".
                    9. "Other" in list box "State" is redundant.
                    10. Inconsistency in list box "State": not from a to z.
                    11. "BC" is redundant in list box "State".
                    12. Misspelling in list box "State": change "IND" into "IN".
                    13. Missing states "NV" and "HI" in the list box "State".
                    14. Default button "Submit" conflicts with "Clear".
                    15. Field "ZIP" allows to type letters instead only digits (note: after "Submit" there is a error message about wrong ZIP).
                    16. Field "ZIP" allows paste here more than 5 all characters.
                    17. "ZIP" takes "00000" without error message.
                    18. "Email" accept typing and pasting more than 255 characters.
                    19. "Email" allows use common forbidden to use special characters "& +=<>,'-...".
                    20. "Email" accepts more than 255 characters.

                    Not severe:

                    21. Add "Other" at the end at the list box "Current provider" in section "1.Cell Phone Service".
                    22. "My monthly bill is approximately" in section "1.Cell Phone Service" accepts letters.
                    23. Add "Other" in "Months left on current contract" with input own option.
                    24.Reduce list box "Number of phones on plan" to 6 options "1,2,3,4,5 and more".
                    25. Misspelling in "7.Gas and Electric Services": change into "I am open to".
                    26. Different size of buttons "Submit" and "Clear".
                    27. Automatically fill the "State" according ZIP code is better.


                    • Bug report on Energy-Telecom:

                      1. Text field "First name:" acceptance max 30 characters instead 31.

                      2. Text field "Last name:" acceptance max 30 characters instead 31.

                      3. Text field "Street Address:" acceptance max 100 characters instead 255.

                      4. List box "State:" has a non-existent state code "BC".

                      5. List box "State:" doesn't have state code of Hawaii "HI".

                      6. List box "State:" doesn't have state code of Nevada "NV".

                      7. List box "State:" has a misspell in line with Indiana state code: "IND" instead "IN".

                      8. Delete line "Other" from the list box "State".

                      9. In text field "ZIP:" allow to enter letters instead of digits only.

                      10. Text field "ZIP:" accepted invalid zip code "11111" instead of show the error "Please enter correct ZIP code".

                      11. Text field "ZIP:" allow to past more than 5 letters or special characters.

                      12. Text field "Email:" accepted more than 250 symbols.

                      13. Submitting form with empty required text field "Email:" doesn't show the error "Please enter your Email".

                      ​​​​14. Submitting form with empty required text field "Email:" the indicator of required field "*" still blue, not red.

                      15. Submitting form with wrong e-mail address syntax in Text field "Email:" is accepted, instead of showing the
                      error "Please enter a valid Email address".

                      16. Text field "Referred by:" is not required field, but when submit form with that empty field the error
                      "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" shows up.

                      17. Pushing the button "Clear" show the error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or
                      restart your computer !!!" instead of clear the form.

                      18. Text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" in "Cell Phone Service" form section accepted letters instead of only digits.

                      19. List box "Months left on current contract:" in in "Cell Phone Service" form section doesn't have "11" and "12" lines.

                      20. Misspell in option "I am opento using different provider" in "Gas and Electric Services" form section: "opento" instead "open to".


                      • Energy-Telecom - bug report

                        #1. "Email" field is not required field
                        #2. "Referred by:" text field is required field
                        #3. "State" listbox missed state Hawaii (HI)
                        #4. "State" listbox missed state Nevada (NV)
                        #5. Remove state "BC" from "State" listbox
                        #6. Remove "Other" from "State" listbox since this is an extra item
                        #7. Replace "IND" (Indiana) with "IN" in "State" listbox
                        #8. No alphabetical sorting in "State" listbox
                        #9. "First Name:" text field accepted 30 characters instead of 31
                        #10. "Last Name:" text field accepted 30 characters instead of 31
                        #11. "Street Address:" text field accepted 100 characters instead of 255
                        #12. "Email:" text field accepted more than 255 characters
                        #13. "ZIP:" text field accepts letters
                        #14. "ZIP:" text field accepts special characters when copy paste
                        #15. "ZIP:" text field accepts 6 characters when copy paste
                        #16. "Phone:" text field #1 accepts special characters when copy paste
                        #17. "Phone:" text field #2 accepts special characters when copy paste
                        #18. "Phone:" text field #3 accepts special characters when copy paste
                        #19. "Phone:" text field #1 accepts letters when copy paste
                        #20. "Phone:" text field #2 accepts letters when copy paste
                        #21. "Phone:" text field #3 accepts letters when copy paste
                        #22. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "Cell Phone Service" section accepts letters
                        #23. Replace "Best Way To Contact Me:" with "Best way to contact me:"
                        #24. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "Cell Phone Service" sector accepts letters.
                        #25. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "Cell Phone Service" sector accepts special characters when copy paste
                        #26. "Number of phones on plan:" in "Cell Phone Service" sector
                        Last edited by Vagram; 10-10-2022, 11:29 AM.


                        • 1. The text field “Email” in the section Contact information is not required. If you leave it empty and push the “Submit” button, the warning message “Please enter your City” does not appear.
                          2. Please add asterisk next to the label “Referred by”, as the text field “Referred by” is required because: (i) it is in “Contact information” section, (ii)The warning message “Please enter the name of the person you were referred by” does appear, if you leave the text field empty
                          3. The list box “Best Way To Contact Me” has no asterisk and no warning message appears if there is none of the options selected. However “Best Way To Contact Me” is part of “Contact information” section.
                          4. Only 30 characters can be typed (or pasted) into the text field “First name” instead of 31.
                          5. Only 30 characters can be typed (or pasted) into the text field “Last name” instead of 31.
                          6. TAB order is not logical (starting from the “First name”). If you select “First name” text field and push TAB, the pointer goes to “Referred by” text field instead of “Last name” field.
                          7. TAB order is not logical (starting from the “Best Way To Contact Me”). If you select “Best Way To Contact Me” text field and push TAB, the pointer goes to the “Current Provider” text field instead of “Referred by”.
                          8. Only 100 characters can be typed )or pasted) to the text field “Street address”
                          9. Requirements validation. The USA consists of the 50 states + 1 district (the District of Columbia). Please change the requirements.
                          10. The list box “State” has 49 states instead of 50. The possible options are: “None”, “1 of 49 states”, “Other”.
                          11. The states are not listed in alphabetical order (from A to Z) in the list box “State”. The 1st option is “BC” instead of “AL”
                          12. The states are not listed in alphabetical order (second letters form A to Z) in the list box “State”. The option “AZ” goes before “AR”.
                          13. The text field “ZIP” accepts typing and pasting the uppercase and lowercase letters.
                          14. The text field “ZIP” accepts pasting of the 6 digits.
                          15. The text field “ZIP” accepts pasting of the special characters.
                          16. Requirements validation. There is no info on what special characters should not be accepted in the “Email” text field.
                          17. Requirements validation. There is no info that the special character “@” has to be in the text field “Email” in order input is accepted.
                          18. Requirements validation. 255 characters are no long for e-mail addressThere is no info on what special characters should not be accepted in the “Email” text field.
                          19. Text field “Email” does not allow typing the special character “_”, but allow pasting “_”.
                          20. Text field “Email” allows you to type or paste more than 255 characters.
                          21. All 3 test fields “Phone” in the “Contact information” section allow you to paste upper- and lowercase letters and special characters.
                          22. The list box “Current Provider” in the “Cell Phone Service” section has no “Other” option, while other rest list boxes “Current Provider”, placed in the different sections have such an option.
                          23. The text field “My monthly bill is approximately” of the section “Cell Phone Service” allows you to type upper- and lowercase letters and paste special characters.
                          24. All text fields “My monthly bill is approximately” except for the section “Cell Phone Service” allows you to paste upper- and lowercase letters and special characters.
                          25. The text field “Total Bill” of the section Local/Long Distances/International Service“” allows you to paste upper- and lowercase letters and special characters.
                          26. The options order in the list box “Minutes on plan” is not logical, despite it descending (from the smallest on the top to the biggest number on the bottom), the option “unlimited” goes before “30”.
                          27. The list box “Months left on current contract:” of the Section “1. Cell Phone Service” has the option “Prepaid” which makes no sense.
                          28. The list box “Months left on current contract:” of the Section “1. Cell Phone Service” has options from 0 to 10. Add the option “more than 10” or “other”.
                          29. The test field “Primary Phone Number” allows you to paste upper- and lowercase letters and special characters.
                          30. TAB order in the section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” does not allow selecting the radio buttons “TV” and “Both”. Put pointer to “My monthly bill is approximately” text field, push TAB, it goes to “Internet” radio button, push TAB again, pointer goes to “Total Bill” text field instead of the “TV” radio button.
                          31. TAB order in the section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” does not allow selecting the radio buttons “No”. Put pointer to “Total Bill” text field, push TAB, it goes to “Yes” radio button, push TAB again, the pointer goes the another “Yesl” radio button instead of “No” radio button.
                          32. Same problem as # 30 and 31 in the sections “3. High Speed Internet Service” and “4. TV Service”.
                          33. The list box “Months left on current contract:” of the Section “4. TV Service” has the option “Prepaid” which makes no sense.
                          34.The list box “Months left on current contract:” of the Section “4. TV Service” has options from 0 to 24. Add the option “more than 24” or “other”.
                          35. The test box “8. Comments” allows input 829.040 characters.
                          36. There is an option to scale the text box “8. Comments” by holding and moving the triangle on the bottom of the right corner by mouse pointer.
                          37. The error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” pop up after pushing the button “Clear” no matter if any fields are filled or empty.
                          38. The “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” (that pops up after pushing the button “Clear” no matter if any fields are filled or empty) is misleading.
                          39. The size of the buttons “Submit” and “Clear” and the font size are different.
                          40. The space is missing between words “open” and “to” in the label “I am opento using different provider” in the section “7. Gas and Electric Services”.


                          • 1. ''First Name'' field accepts no more than 30 characters instead 31 .
                            2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 instead 31 characters .
                            3. "Street Address" filed accepts only 100 max instead 255 characters per requirement .
                            4."State" list box: Replace IND with IN for state of Indiana .
                            5. "State " list box : Remove "BC" it is Canadian state .
                            6."State" list box remove "Other" option from the list .
                            7. "State" list box missing "NV" for Nevada State and "HI" for Hawaii State .
                            8. "Zip" code filed accepts non-digit ( should accept digit only ).
                            9. "Zip " code filed accepts non existing US zip code
                            10. "ZIP" code field accepts to paste more than 5 characters .
                            11. "Email " accepts more than 255 characters .
                            12. "Phone" field accepts letters and special characters if copy/paste .
                            13." Reffered by" field has no Asterix symbol( * ) , is not under required field , but is on Contact Information card
                            14. "Clear " button does not clear the form .
                            14. "Clear " button , mislead error massage pops up on the screen when user push the button .
                            15. "Submit" and "Clear" button should be the same size .


                            • 1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
                              2. "ZIP" code field accepts letters
                              3. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of 6 and more characters
                              4. "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of letters
                              5. Confusing/Misleading error message pops up when the user pushes the "Clear" button
                              6. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements
                              7. "Email" field accepts typing more than 255 characters.
                              8. The " Way To Contact Me" are supposed to be in a low case letter.
                              9. The " Clear" button doesn't clear the form.
                              10. In the "Gas and Electric Services" section there is a misspelling of "opento".


                              • 1. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form.
                                2. "Email" field is not required field.
                                3. "First Name" text field accept maximus 30 characters instead of 31.
                                4. "Last Name" text field accept maximus 30 characters instead of 31.
                                5. "Street Address" text field accept maximus 100 characters instead of 255.
                                6. "State" list box contain "Other" which is not a state.
                                7. "State" list box contain 48 States instead of 50.
                                8. "ZIP" text field accepts letter characters instead of digits only.
                                9. "ZIP" text field accepts pasting of over 5 characters (including numbers and special characters).
                                10. "Referred by" field behaves like required field.
                                11. Requirements validation: "First Name" and "Last Name" shoud probaly accept letters characters only (not all characters).

