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Energy-Telecom Bug report Sep 15 Homework

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  • #31
    1.''First Name '' text field accepts 30 characters intestead of 31.
    2.''Last Name '' text fied accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    3. ''Street Address'' accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
    4.''State'' list box accepts less then 50 states.
    5. In'' State" list box are not in alphabetic order.
    6.''Zip'' text field should accept only digits but not letters.
    7.''State'' list box State Indiana error in abbreviation.
    8.''Field zip code accepts letters , not only digits.
    9. “Phone” field accepts pasting non digit characters.
    10.Cell Phone Service. “Months left on current contract” list box includes options for 0-10 months. Expand options to 0-24 months to conform with options in “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately” list box.
    11.“Cell Phone Service” section, “Current Provider” list box: “AT&T” option should be added to the list.
    12.Gas and Electric Services" the field "My monthly bill is approximately (winter )" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after "
    13.Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" should be the same size.
    14."Months left on current contract" list box should have options up to 12 months instead of 1


    • #32
      *1. “First Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31

      *2. “Last Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31

      *3. “Street Address” field accepts no more 100 character and not 255

      *4. “State” list box shouldn’t have “Other” item

      *5. “Zip” code should accepts digits only

      *6. “Email” field is not working as a required field as per requirements

      *7. “Email” text field accepts more than 255 characters

      *8. “Phone” text field allow to paste non digit characters

      *9. “Clear” button does not clear the fields

      *10. Inconsistency between “Submit” and “Clear” buttons view

      *11. “Referred by” field acts as it is a required field


      • #33
        1. Field “First Name” accepts digits
        2. Field ”Last name ” accepts digits
        3. Field “Street Address” should have format digit first (123…..), characters second(ABCDE…….) only
        4. Field “City” accepts digits
        5. Field “State” has list of 49 states and option “other”
        6. Field “State ” has state’s name is “BC”. United States does not have this state.
        7. Field “State” has state’s name is “IND” instead “IN”.
        8. Field “ZIP” accepts characters.
        9. Field “Email” requires to have only one symbol “@”.
        10. Field “Current Provider” does not have list of all providers in the market.
        11. Field “My monthly bill is approximately” does not have option to use ”.” for cents like (123.34)
        12. Field “Months left on current contract” supposed to starts from “0 -24”.
        13. Field “Number of phones on plan” has limitation to “5” phones by carrier.
        14. Field “ZIP” accepts “00000”.
        15. Button “Clear” gives “Error 17896 -Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!”
        16. The length of field “Street Address ” is really long for digits and name of the street.
        17. Field “State” supposed to add two more state “HI” and “NV” to the list.
        18. Field “Email” indicates required field but it does not.
        19. “Gas and electric services” section has one word is misspell “opento”.


        • #34
          "Energy Telecom" Bug Report

          1. "First Name" field accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31 required
          2. "Last Name" field accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31 required
          3. "Street Address" field accepts maximum 100 characters instead of 255 required
          4. List box of "State" field contains "BC" choice. Should be deleted.
          5. List box of "State" field contains "Other" choice. Should be deleted.
          6. List box of "State" field contains "IND" choice. Should be changed to "IN".
          7. List box of "State" field doesn't contains "HI" choice. Should be added.
          8. List box of "State" field doesn't contains "NV" choice. Should be added.
          9. "ZIP" field accepts all types of characters. Should accept only digits.
          10. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255 required.
          11. There is no possibility to finish inputting data and move to the next field by clicking "Enter" or "Right arrow" button. The feature should be added.
          12. There is no possibility to move between fields using "Right/Left/Up/Down arrow" buttons. The feature should be added.
          13. There is no possibility to move between fields using "Enter" buttons. The feature should be added.
          14. There is inconsistency in using "TAB" button to switch the fields/windows. "Referred by" field goes after "First Name". It should go after "Best way to contact me" field.
          15. Inputting digits to the first field of "PHONE" label there should be a possibility for automatic switching to the next left consistent field.
          16. Inputting digits to the first field of "Primary PHONE NUMBER" label in the Chapter #2 there should be a possibility for automatic switching to the next left consistent field.
          17. If user clicks "Submit" with an error result and than clicks "back" arrow on the URL line, the field "Submit" becomes unable.
          18. "Email" field has to be changed as required field
          Last edited by serhiipeka; 09-19-2022, 07:38 PM.


          • #35
            #1. "First name " text field accepts less then 31 characters
            #2. "Last name " text field accepts less then 31 characters
            #3. "Zip" text field accepts letters
            #4. "State" list box displays wrong states (BC, other)
            #5. "State" list box missing NV state
            #6. "Email" text field displays blue asterisk
            #7. "Contact information" list TAB order is not correct
            #8. "Clear" button is not working
            #9. TAB order in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" list is not correct


            • #36
              1. "Referred by" field should not be required filed
              2. "Email" is not shown as a required fiald
              3. "First name" field accepts only 30 characters
              4. "Last name" field accepts only 30 characters
              5. "Street address" field accepts only 100 characters
              6. "Zipcode" field accepts any characters when user pastes
              7. "Zipcode" field shouldn't accept all 00000 digit
              8. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
              9. "Phone" field accepts other characters instead of didgits
              10. "My monthly bill is approximately" field in Section 1 accepts letters instead of digits when the user types
              11. "My monthly bill is approximately" field in all Sections accepts other characters instead of digits when user pastes
              12. "Total Bill:" accepts other characters instead of digits when user pastes
              13. "Clear" button" doesn't clear text field's text
              14. "Inconsistency in "Submit" and "Clear" button (Size is different)
              15. "Tab" function doesn't work properly


              • #37
                Energy Telecom Bugs:

                1. Tab order violation: "Last Name" field should take input focus after press Tab key in the "First Name" field. Actually "Referred by" field takes input focus
                2. Suggestion: "First Name" field should have default input focus
                3. Inconsistency: "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different appearance
                4. "Referred by" field behaves as a required field
                5. "ZIP" field accepts non digit characters
                6. "ZIP" field allows to paste more than 5 characters
                7. "State" listbox contains wrong "BC" item
                8. "State" listbox should not have "Other" item
                9. "Email" field accepts 1063 characters, not 255 as required
                10. "Email" field accepts non valid email address with more than one @ character
                11. "Email" field accepts non valid email address without @ character
                12. "Phone" text fields allow to paste non digit characters
                13. "Cell Phone Service": "Current Provider" should have "Other" item
                14. "Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to type non digit characters
                15. "Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract" listbox should have "11" item
                16. "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
                17. "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "Total Bill" field allows to paste non digit characters
                18. "High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
                19. "TV Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
                20. "Home Security Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
                21. "Gas and Electric Services": Misspelled word "opento" should be replaced with "open to"
                22. "Comments" text field has no limit for user input text length
                23. The error message shown after press "Clear" button. Form is not cleared
                24. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters, not 31 as required
                25. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters, not 31 as required
                26. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters, not 255 as required
                27. Incosistency: In the "State" listbox replace "IND" item with "IN"
                28. "Email" field dosn't behave as a required field
                29. Suggestion: Replace "My monthly bill is approximately" text fields with list boxes with bill amount range items (0-50, 50-100, and so on)
                Last edited by skorb; 09-19-2022, 02:05 PM.


                • #38
                  1. Label "Emails" has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required.
                  2."First Name " field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                  3."Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                  4. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form.
                  5. Zip code field should accepts only digits, not letters.
                  6. "Referred By" field behaves as it is a required field.
                  7. "Number of phones on plane" the input should not be more than 5.
                  8. "State " list box: remove "Other" option from the list.
                  9. " State" list box: "BC" is not a state of the US.
                  10. "State" list box: IND instead IN for state of Indiana.
                  11. Cell phone service: " Current Provider" list box is missing "AT&T".
                  12." Months left on current contract:" in the list box provide 10 months not 12.
                  13. "Streets Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
                  14. "My monthly bill is approximately": limit input to no more 4 digits.
                  15. In section 7 "I am opento using different provider" provide space between "open" and "to".


                  • #39
                    1. Label "State" don't have the last 50 state
                    2 Label "State" shouldn't have option "Other"
                    3. Label "State" in the list box should be deleted BS
                    4. Label "State" in the list box should be deleted state HI
                    5. Label "State" in the list box should be deleted state NV
                    6. Label "State" state IN should replace instead of IND
                    7. Label "Referred by" can be unnecessary
                    8. Label "Current Provider" don't have all phone providers and don't have buttom "Other"
                    9. The "Contact Information" header should be in the blue line
                    10. The header "Conact Information" should have number one of numeration.
                    11. The header "Cell Phone Service" should have number two of numeration.
                    12.The buttom "Select" should be nerby from Label "Minutes of Plan"
                    13. "Minutes of Plan" box shouldn't have 30 min. That's a not enough of minutes for a plan.
                    14. In the box "Minutes of Plan" the arrangement of minutes is increase but not with the same interval.
                    15. In the label of "I last upgraded my phone approximately" in the "Select" box should be 12 months, but it is have only 10.
                    16. All headers numeration should be changed for one number up.
                    17. In the header "Local/Long Distances/International Service" the label "Total bill" maybe not be needed.
                    18. In the header "High Speed Internet Service" the box of label "Provider" should be nerby.


                    • #40
                      1."First name" the text filed accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      2."Last name" the text field should be 31 characters instead of 30.
                      3."State": listbox no applicable "other" in the and
                      4."State" all of the states inconsistency. Must be alphabetical order.
                      5."Zip" field allows letters. Should digits only.
                      6."Email: Should not be marked with an asterisk it is not really request.
                      7."Phone" the text field accepts letters and other characters.
                      8.Cell Phone Service "Current Provider': List box missing AT&T line.
                      9.Current Provider: does not give more "other" option.
                      10."My monthly bill is approximately": list box allows a large numbers of digits. No more $ digits
                      11."Months left on current contract": should offer choices 0- 24 , not 10
                      12."Number of phones on plan": the input should not be more than 5
                      13.Local/Long Distances/International Service "Current Provider: don't need "other" function.
                      14.Local/Long Distances/International Service "Total Bill": cannot allow more than 4 digits


                      • #41
                        #1. “First Name:” text field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31.

                        #2. “Last Name:” text field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31.

                        #3. “First Name:” text field accepts digits, should be characters only.

                        #4. “ Last Name:” text field accepts digits, should be characters only.

                        #5. “Street address:” text field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255.

                        #6. "City:" text field accepts digits, should accepts characters only.

                        #7. "State:" list box: change abbreviation "IND" to "IN" for Indiana State.

                        #8. "State:" list box: remove "Other", it is unnecessary in the list.

                        #9. "State:" list box: remove "BC" from option list, not a State in US.

                        #10. "State:" list box: add "HI" to the option list for the Hawaii State.

                        #11. "State:" list box: add "NV" to the option list for the Nevada State.

                        #12. "Zip:" field accepts non-digits, should be digits only.

                        #13. "Me:" list box: is missing option "Other".

                        #14. "Email:" text field is accepting 430 characters, instead of no more than 255 characters.

                        #15. "Clear" button does not clear the form.

                        #16. "Clear" button causes misleading error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical

                        support or restart your computer !!!"

                        #17. When submitting the form "Referred by:" field acts as it is a required field.

                        #18. "Email:" label has an asterisk assigned to it, but is not really required when submitting the form.


                        • #42
                          1. "Referred by" field is not a required field.
                          Expected result: The user can live this field blank. Actual result: error message "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by".
                          2. "First name" field doesn't accept 31 characters. Expected result: field should accept 31 characters. Actual result: field accepts 30 characters.
                          3. "Last name" field doesn't accept 31 characters. Expected result: field should accept 31 characters. Actual result: field accepts 30 characters.
                          4. "Street address" field doesn't accept 255 characters. Expected result: field should accept no more than 255 characters. Actual result: field accepts no more than 100 characters.
                          5. List box "State" includes state "BC" which is out of the required 50 states.
                          6. List box "State". "Other" is out of the required 50 states. Expected result: 50 states. Actual result: 50 states with "Other".
                          7. List box "State". State "Indiana" is misspelled. Expected result: "IN". Actual result: "IND".
                          8. List box "State" missing "Hawaii" state. Add "HI" to the list box.
                          9. List box "State"missing state "Nevada" Expected result: "NV". Actual result: list box missing "NV".
                          10."ZIP" field accepts 6 digits paste. Expected result: accept 5 digits. Actual result: possible to paste 6 digits.
                          11. "Email field" accepts more than 255 characters. Expected result: "Email field" accept 255 characters. Actual result:"Email field" accepts more than 255 characters.
                          12. "Phone" field accepts letters pasted. Expected result: "Phone field " accept only digits. Actual result: "Phone field " accepts letters pasted.


                          • #43
                            Test Energy-Telecom Service(Specific Data Requirements):

                            1. Field “First Name” only 30 characters can be entered vs 31 in requirements
                            2. Field “Last Name” only 30 characters can be entered vs 31 in requirements
                            3. Field “E-mail” if the data is empty, no error is shown, the fields are required
                            4. Field “E-mail” accept to add much more than 255 characters as required
                            5. Field “E-mail” does not recognize the special character “@” required for e-mail address
                            6. Field “Street” contain more than 255 characters as requirements
                            7. Field “City” contain more than 50 characters as requirements
                            8. Field “State” missed 2 states, shown 48 states
                            9. In field “State” no need to specify the option “others”
                            10. Field “ZIP” allows you to add data “00000” whish doesn`t exist
                            11. Field “Phone” allows typing special characters and letters with copy past
                            12. In field “Current Provider” in “Cell Phone Service” direction “others” option is missing from list box
                            13. Field “My monthly bill is approximately” in “Cell Phone Service” direction allows typing letters
                            14. Button “Clear” doesn`t clear entered data
                            15. After push “Clear” button appears alarm window with text “error 17896 – invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer” !!!”


                            • #44
                              Energy telecom bug report
                              1. “First name “ field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 character
                              2. “Last name “ field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 characters
                              3. “Street Address” field accepts only 149 characters instead of 255 characters
                              4. "State” field list box is missing the following states DC,HI,IN,NV,PR (source of truth taken from the USPS API)
                              5. “State” field has the option “other” is irrelevant
                              6. Indiana state abbreviation (IN) is misspelled in state field as “IND” in “state” field
                              7. “ZIP code ” field has to accept only digits but it accepts letters as well.
                              8. “Zip code” field accepts more than 5 digits when user is pasting the data
                              9. “Zip code” field data has to be validated with the US zip code
                              10. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters
                              11. “Phone“ text field accepts letters when user copy & pastes
                              12. Input focus cursor is not following the order when pressing the TAB key
                              13. Required field symbol “*” is not rendered with the correct color for “E-mail” field
                              14. Specify the correct requirements when the required field is empty
                              15. “Referred by “ doesn’t have a asterisk symbol but it behaves as a required field
                              16. “Clear” button when clicked has to clear the data but it throws the error message “Invalid data request”
                              17. Both “Submit” & “clear” buttons are not of the same size
                              18. Default input focus should start in the “First name “ field
                              19. In the Gas and services section the check box label is misspelled , replace"opento" to "open to"
                              20. In the High speed internet section the label "Provider" has to be aligned properly
                              21. In the Local/Long distances international services section "International calls included?" label has a question mark is that the way it should be
                              22. In the Local/Long distances international services section "Long distance included?" label has a question mark is that the way it should be
                              Last edited by Anusha; 09-19-2022, 03:16 PM.


                              • #45
                                1. In the "First Name" field under "Contact Information" section numerical symbols are accepted. Please replace numerical symbols with letters.
                                2. Remove BC in the "State" field under "Contact Information" section.
                                3. Replace IND with IN in the "State" field under "Contact Information" section.
                                4. In the "City" field numbers are accepted. Replace numbers with letters.
                                5. Add ATT under "Current Provider" in the "Cell Phone Service" section.
                                6. "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts 11 digits. Change that to no more than 4.
                                7. "Clear" button doesn't clear the entered fields.
                                8. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons don't match. Make them look the same.
                                9. Replace "opento" with "open to" under "Gas and Electric Services" section.
                                10. Add "Other" to the drop down menu in the "Current Provider:" field under "Cell Phone Service".

