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Energy-Telecom Bug report Sep 15 Homework

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  • #76
    Energy-Telecom service

    #1. “First name” field accepts only 30 characters.
    #2. “First name” field accepts digits also.
    #3. “First name” field accepts all other characters.
    #4. “Last name” field accepts only 30 characters.
    #5. “Last name” field accepts digits also.
    #6. “Last name” field accepts all other characters.
    #7. “Street address” field accepts less then 255 characters.
    #8. “State” list box offering only 49 states.
    #9. “State” list box offering “Other” variant also.
    #10. In “State” list box “NV” is absent.
    #11. “State” list box accepts “Other” after pushing default button.
    #12. “State” list box offers Canadian state – BC.
    #13. In “State” list box the state “IND” should be “IN”.
    #14. “City” field accepts punctuation characters also.
    #15. “ZIP” field accepts letters also.
    #16. “Email” field accepts all characters. Make sure it should be like that.
    #17. “Email” field accepts more then 255 characters.
    #18. Not required “Reffered by” field is provided with error message “Please enter…”.
    #19. “ZIP” field accepts not existing USA zip codes.

    #20. “Current provider” list box “Other” option is needed.
    #21. “Current provider” list box does not offer all providers.
    #22. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts 11 digits.
    #23. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letters also.
    #24. “My monthly bill is approximately” field does not accept “.”. It mismatches in other sections with the same text field.
    #25. “Months left on the current contract” list box offers only 10 months.
    #26. “Number of phones on plan” list box offers 100 and more.
    #27. “I last upgraded my phone approximately” list box offers 24 months and has “More” option.
    #28. In the section it is possible to check more than 1 “check box”.
    #29. After pushing default button/ “Submit” button data of “Months left on the current contract” list box, “Number of phones on plan” list box and “I last upgraded my phone approximately” list box disappeared.

    0. “My monthly bill is approximately” list box accepts 11 digits.
    #31. “Total bill” list box accepts 11 digits.
    #32. “Primary phone number” has no asteriks.
    #33. “My monthly bill is approximately” list box accepts characters also.

    #34. “My monthly bill is approximately” list box accepts characters also.
    #35. “Wireless Aircard” radio button location is confusing - under check boxes.
    #36. “Provider” text field loses input information after “Submit”.

    #37. “Months left on plan” list box accepts 24 months.

    #38. Check box “I do not have home…” has “.” at the end of the sentence. It mismatches with other check boxes in all sections.

    #39. “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” accepts more than 2 digits after “.”.
    #40. “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” accepts more than 2 digits after “.”.
    #41. Check box “I am opento…” should be “I am open to…”.

    #42. The system does not recognize the input data as existing or not. After default button there is message “Thank you for your participation”.

    #43. Inconsistency between GUI implementation in between “Submit” and “Clear” buttons.

    #44. “Clear” button invokes misleading error message “Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”.
    Last edited by Marina86; 09-21-2022, 01:01 AM.


    • #77
      #1. When you click the "submit" button and there is no entered data, a blue asterisk in the "Email" line doesn't change its color to red.
      #2. The error message "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" is confusing because the field is not required
      #3. List Box offering the list of 49 state, not 50.
      #4. "ZIP" text field, accepts other characters, not only digitls.
      #5. Replace checkboxes on "I am happy with my current provider" and "i am open to using different provider" options with radio buttons
      #6. Section 1 "1. Cell Phone Service" "Current Provider:" add option "others" in iist boxes (if it is possible).
      #7. Section 1 "1. Cell Phone Service" "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field, accepts all characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #8. In Contact Information form: Mismath between "State" and "ZIP".
      #9. In Contact Information form: In text field "First name" fits 30 characters, not 31.
      #10. In Contact Information form: In text field "Last name" fits 30 characters, not 31.
      #11. In Contact Information form: In text field "Street Adres" fits 100 characters, not 255.
      #12. In Contact Information form: When copying and pasting in text field "City" fits 51 characters (more than 50).
      #13. In Contact Information form: When copying and pasting in text field "ZIP" fits 6 and more characters (more than 5).
      #14. In Contact Information form: When copying and pasting in text field "ZIP" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #15. In Contact Information form: When copying and pasting in text field "Phone" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #16. Section 1, list "Months left on current contract" list Box with list expand list to 24 months.
      #17. Section 2, when copying and pasting in text field "Primary Phone Number:" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #18. Section 2, when copying and pasting in text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #19. Section 2, when copying and pasting in text field "Total Bill:" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #20. Section 3, when copying and pasting in text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #21. Section 4, when copying and pasting in text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #22. Section 5, when copying and pasting in text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #23. Section 7, when copying and pasting in text field "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #24. Section 7, when copying and pasting in text field "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" fits other characters, but needs to accept digits only.
      #25. After pressing "clear" button an error window appears, that confused.
      #26. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are of different sizes.
      #27. "Submit" button and "Clear" button have different fonts.
      #28. In the requirements: validation for TIME and DATE fields is required, but no TIME or DATE fields are present.
      #29. In Contact Information form, in "States" dropdown menu: the states HI, NV and Washington DC are missing; IN is misspelled as IND; BC should be removed.
      #30. In Contact Information form, in "States" dropdown menu: the states list should be sorted alphabetically.


      • #78
        1. First name field only accepts 30 characters instead of 31
        2. Last name field only accepts 30 characters instead of 31
        3. Street Address field only accepts 100 character instead of 255
        4. State field : “BC” state is not in USA and should be removed
        5. Zip-code filed: accepts more than 5 digits if being pasted
        6. Zip- code field accept letters if being pasted
        7. Zip-code field accepts non existent ZIP Code of 00000
        8. Zip code text field accepts special character if being pasted
        9. Email field accepts more than 255 characters instead of 255
        10. When user doesn’t enter email, user doesn’t get required message
        11. Clear button does’t clear and show error message
        12. There’s typo mistake at heading #7 “ I’m opento “ and it should be I’m open into “


        • #79

          1.Area: "Contact Information" Section: "ZIP" Field letters are accepted as numbers
          2.Area:"Contact Information" section: "First Name" text field accept 30 characters instead of 31
          3.Area:"Contact Information" section: "Last Name" text field accept 30 characters instead of 31
          4. Area:"Contact Information" section: "Email" text field accept more than 255 characters
          5.Area: "Contact Information" section: "List Box" in the "State" field only 48 states out of the 50
          6."Clear" button isn't functional
          7."Clear" button has different size then" Submit" button
          8.Area: "Cell Phone Provider" Section: "Current Provider" Doesn't have all Providers
          9.Area: "Cell Phone Provider" Section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field letters are accepted as numbers
          10.Area "Cell Phone Provider" Section:


          • #80
            1# Text field "First Name" accepts only 30 characters

            2# Text field "Last Name" accepts only 30 characters

            3# Text field "Street Address" accepts only 100 characters

            4# Tist Box "State" accepts 49 states, and 1 with the title "Other"

            5# Text field "Referred by" is not Required field but have message "no input=empty field"

            6# Checkboxes "Cell Phone Service" no have sense, user can take oll options from a set

            7# Clear button does not clear the fields message "Error 17896"


            • #81
              Energy-Telecom Functionality Testing (BUG REPORTS)

              #1.The "First Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements.
              #2.The "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements.
              #3.The "Street Addrees" field accepts 100 characters MAX instead of 255 as per requirements.
              #4.The "State" List Box accept 49 states MAX instead of 50 as per requirements.
              #5.The "State" List Box the "Other" option should be at the bottom of the list of states.
              #6.The "ZIP" code field accepts letters.
              #7.The "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of 6 and more characters.
              #8.The "ZIP" code field accepts PASTING of letters.
              #9.The "Zip" code field accept "Non-existent ZIP".
              #10.The "Email" text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters more 300 characters instead 255 as per requirements.
              #11.In the emty field "Phone", when you press the "Submit" button the asterisk lights up in red.
              #12.The "Best Way To Contact Me" field should not be written in capital letters, exept for the first word "Best way to contact me".
              #13.In the "Reffered by" field must be entered in letters only.
              #14.The "Current Provider" field in "Cell Phone Service" offers a choice of not the entire list of possible telecom operators.
              #15.The "My monthly bill is approximately" field in "Cell Phone Service" should not be written a letters.
              #16.The "Numbers of phones on plan" field in "Cell Phone Service" contains too large a list of phones.
              #17.The "My mounthly bill is approximately" field in "Local/Long Distance/International Service" allows too many digits to be entered.
              #18.The "Total Bill" field in "Local/Long Distance/International Service" allows too many digits to be entered.
              #19.The "My mounthly bill is approximately" field in "High Speed Internet Service" allows too many digits to be entered.
              #20.The "My mounthly bill is approximately" field in "TV Service" allows too many digits to be entered.
              #21.The "My mounthly bill is approximately" field in "Home Security Service" allows too many digits to be entered.
              #22.The "My mounthly bill is approximately (summer)" field in "Gas and Electric Service" allows too many digits to be entered.
              #23.The "My mounthly bill is approximately (winter)" field in "Gas and Electric Service" allows too many digits to be entered.
              #24.The "Reffered by" field data entered, but when the "Submit" button is cliked throws an error- "Please enter the name of the person you were reffered by".


              • #82
                Bug report"Energy-Telecom Service"
                #1. The "Name" text field accepts 30 characters. There are 31 characters in the requirements.
                #2. The"Last name" text field accepts 30 characters. There are 31 characters in the requirements.
                #3. The text field "Street address" accepts no more than 100 characters long.
                #4. In the list box "State", the word BC does not match the name of the state.
                #5. In the list box "State" the word "other" does not match the name of the state.
                #6. In the list box "State" is an incomplete list of states. You need to add "HI" and "NV".
                #7. The "ZIP" text field accepts more than 5 characters when using copy-paste.
                #8. The "ZIP" text field accepts letters. The requirements do not include this condition.
                #9. The Email text box does not accept the underscore (_) character. The requirements state that all characters are accepted.
                #10. The 3 "Phone" text boxes accept letters if you apply copy-paste.
                #11. The text field "Referred by" is not marked as a required field, it asks you to fill in this field.
                Last edited by Inna Klyuchkovska; 09-22-2022, 06:10 PM.


                • #83
                  Energy-Telecom requirements bug reports
                  ================================================== ==================================================
                  REQ1. First name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                  Bug report: "Contact information" form: "First Name" field has accepted only 30 characters instead of 31 characters

                  REQ2. Last name: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.
                  Bug report: "Contact information" form: "Last Name" field has accepted only 30 characters instead of 31 characters.

                  REQ3. Street Address: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.
                  Bug report: "Contact information" form: "Street Address" input field accepts 100 characters maximum instead of 255 characters allowed

                  REQ4. States: list box offering the list of all 50 states
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" form: List box "State" include 48 real states instead of 50;
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" form: List box "State" has option “Other”. This option is not necessary;
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" form: List box "State" presents states in random type. Much comfortable would be present in alphabetical order;

                  REQ5. ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (5 digits only). Required field.
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" form: "ZIP" field accepts pasting more then 5 characters;
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" form: "ZIP" field accepts pasting not only digits but special characters and letters;
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" form: "ZIP" field accepts pasting more than 5 characters;

                  REQ6. Email: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 only. Required field.
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" required fields: "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters;
                  Bug report: - "Contact information" required fields: "Email" field - it's not "required field". So asterisk of this field has to be delete.

                  REQ7. Phone: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.
                  Bug report: "Contact information" form: "Phone" field accepts pasting 3-3-4 characters not digits only but special characters and empty space too.

                  REQ8. “Cell phone service” part, “Current provider” list box offering the list of some
                  (main popular) providers in your state and has a option to choose “Other”
                  Bug report: “Current provider” list box offering the list of some providers in state but hasn’t option “Other”.

                  REQ9. “Cell phone service” part, “My monthly bill is approximately” text field,
                  accepts 5 characters (5 digits only).
                  Bug report: “Cell phone service” part, “My monthly bill is approximately” field: accepts fill out 11 characters (digits, letters).

                  REQ10. “Cell phone service” part, “Minutes on plan” list box shows digiting intervals
                  with using special characters “<” and “>”.
                  Bug report: - “Cell phone service” part, “Minutes on plan” field: list box shows digiting intervals without using special characters “<” and “>”;
                  Bug report: - “Cell phone service” part, “Minutes on plan”: if users will get changes with special characters “<” and “>”, option “Unlimited” could be disabled;

                  REQ11. “Cell phone service” part, “Number of phones on plan” list box digits includes“1”, “2”, “3” and option “More”
                  Bug report: “Cell phone service” part, “Number of phones on plan” list box digits includes from “1” to “100” it's too much;

                  REQ12. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “Primary Phone Number” field: accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only).
                  Bug report: “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “Primary Phone Number” field: accepts pasting 3-3-4 characters not digits only but special characters and empty space too;

                  REQ13. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “Bundled with” field:shows 3 options “Internet”, “TV” and “Both”.
                  Bug report: “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “Bundled with” field: shows 3 options “Internet”, “TV” and “Both”. When users make a choice one of them (Internet” or “TV” or “Both”), then they (users) can’t cancel previously choice. Much better if users would be have option of cancel previously choice using second click (for example).

                  REQ14. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “International calls included” field: shows 3 options of choice “Yes”, “No” and “I don’t know”.
                  Bug report: “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “International calls included” field: shows only 2 options of choice “Yes”, “No”.

                  REQ15. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “Long distance included” field:
                  shows 3 options of choice “Yes”, “No” and “I don’t know”.
                  Bug report: “Local/Long Distances/International Service” part, “Long distance included” field: shows only 2 options of choice “Yes”, “No”.

                  REQ16. “High Speed Internet Service” part, “Bundled with” field: shows 3 options “Internet”, “Phone” and “Both”.
                  Bug report: “High Speed Internet Service” part, “Bundled with” field: shows 3 options “Internet”, “Phone” and “Both”. When users make a choice one of them (Internet” or “Phone” or “Both”), then they (users) can’t cancel previously choice. Much better if users would be have option of cancel previously choice using second click (for example).

                  REQ17. “TV Service” part, “Bundled with” field: shows 3 options “Internet”, “Phone” and “Both”.
                  Bug report: “TV Service” part, “Bundled with” field: shows 3 options “Internet”, “Phone” and “Both”. When users make a choice one of them (Internet” or “Phone” or “Both”), then they (users) can’t cancel previously choice. Much better if users would be have option of cancel previously choice using second click (for example).

                  Bug report:18. “Gas and Electric Service” part, “I am opento using different provider” field: word “opento” has to be separate between words “open” and “to”.

                  Bug report:19. On the bottom of page, buttons “Submit” and “Clear” must be in one size and style.
                  Attached Files


                  • #84
                    1. Text field “First Name” accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
                    2. Text field “Last Name” accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
                    3. Text field “City” accepts no more than 49 characters instead of 50 characters.
                    4. Text field “Street Address:” accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 characters.
                    5. Text field “Email” accepts more than 255 characters.
                    6. Text field “Email” accepts invalid email address which doesn’t have symbol @
                    7. Text field “Email” accepts invalid email address with no domain ( )
                    8. Box list “State”: Add state “NV” for Nevada.
                    9. Box list “State”: Add state “HI” for Hawaii.
                    10. In the box list “State”: replace “IND” with “IN” for state Indiana.
                    11. In the box list “State”: remove “BC” from the list, there is no state “BC” in USA.
                    12. In the box list “State”: remove redundant row “other” in the list.
                    13. Text field “ZIP” accepts letters when type from keyboard instead of only digits.
                    14. Text field “ZIP” accepts letters from copy/paste menu instead of only digits.
                    15. Text field “ZIP” accepts more the 5 characters from copy/paste menu instead of only digits.
                    16. Text field “ZIP” accepts special characters from copy/paste menu instead of only digits.
                    17. Text field “ZIP” accepts invalid zip code with valid address.
                    18. Text field “Phone” accepts special characters from copy/paste menu instead of only digits.
                    19. Text field “Phone” accepts letters from copy/paste menu instead of only digits.


                    • #85
                      1. *street Address* text field accept only 100 characters instead of *No more than 255* as required
                      2. *Phone* text field accept characters through copy/paste
                      3. *Phone* text field accept special characters through copy/paste
                      4. Error message do not shows *Email* text field as required field
                      5. Error message indicates *Referred by* text field as required although it is not
                      6. *ZIP* text field accept not valid zip codes
                      7. *City* text field allows type numbers
                      8. *First name* text field allows type numbers
                      9. *Last Name* text field allows type numbers
                      10. *ZIP* text field accept characters through copy/paste
                      11. There is no Default Button Assignment
                      12. TAB button is not subject to a logical process ( in *Contact Information* section is just from 1st selected text field than goes to the last one, than in *Local/Long Distances/International Service section in not select *TV*, *Both*, *No* )
                      13. *Current Provider* in *Cell Phone Service* section are missing *Other* from list box
                      14. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allows type 11 characters in text field
                      15. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allows type letters
                      16. *Number of phones on plan:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allow to choose up to 100 on list box, but no one in the USA is not offering more than 30 total in 1 phone plane
                      17. *Primary Phone Number:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
                      18. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in the text field
                      19. *Bundled with:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section are not allows to uncheck from check box
                      20. *Bundled with:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section are missing *None* check box
                      21. *Total Bill:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
                      22. *Total Bill:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
                      23. *International calls included?* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box
                      24. *Long distance included?* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box
                      25. * I am interested in Unlimited Calling:* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box
                      26. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
                      27. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
                      28. *Type of service:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section are not allows to uncheck the check box
                      29. *Bundled with:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section are not allows to uncheck the check box
                      30. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *TV Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
                      31. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *TV Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
                      32. *Bundled with:* in *TV Service* section are not allows to uncheck the check box
                      33. *Months left on plan:* in *TV Service* section are missing *other* on list box
                      34. *Current Provider:* in *Home Security Service* section are missing *None* from the list box
                      35. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Home Security Service* section allows to paste characters in text field


                      • #86
                        #1. *state* list box includes BC ( British Columbia )
                        #2. *state* list box are missing Nevada (NV), Hawaii (HI) from the list box
                        #3. State of Indiana mark as *IND* instead *IN* in the list box
                        #4. Other in *state* list box are on the bottom of the list instead of being on top
                        #5. *Street Address* text field accept all special characters
                        #6. *street Address* text field accept only 100 characters instead of *No more than 255* as required
                        #7. *Phone* text field accept characters through copy/paste
                        #8. *Phone* text field accept special characters through copy/paste
                        #9. Error message do not shows *Email* text field as required field
                        #10. Error message indicates *Referred by* text field as required although it is not
                        #11. *ZIP* text field accept not valid zip codes
                        #12. *City* text field allows type numbers
                        #13. *First name* text field allows type numbers
                        #14. *Last Name* text field allows type numbers
                        #15. *ZIP* text field accept characters through copy/paste
                        #16. There is no Default Button Assignment
                        #17. TAB button is not subject to a logical process ( in *Contact Information* section is just from 1st selected text field than goes to the last one, than in *Local/Long Distances/International Service section in not select *TV*, *Both*, *No* )
                        #18. *Current Provider* in *Cell Phone Service* section are missing *Other* from list box
                        #19. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allows type 11 characters in text field
                        #20. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allows type letters
                        #21. *Number of phones on plan:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allow to choose up to 100 on list box, but no one in the USA is not offering more than 30 total in 1 phone plane
                        #22. *Primary Phone Number:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
                        #23. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in the text field
                        #24. *Bundled with:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section are not allows to uncheck from check box


                        • #87
                          Bug report Energy-telecom

                          1."First name" field accepts 30 letters instead 31.
                          2."Last name" field accepts 30 letters instead 31.
                          3. "Street address" field accepts 100 characters instead of 255
                          4."State" field should not have option "other" in the list box.
                          5. "State" field all the states in the list box should go in the alphabetical order.
                          6. "State" field has state BC in the list box doesn't exist. BC should be deleted.
                          7. "State" field are 49 states in the list box instead of 50.
                          8. "State": field HI (Hawaii) is missing in the list box.
                          9. "State" field NV(Nevada) is missing in the list box.
                          10."State" field Indiana is misspelled. Replace IN instead of IND.
                          11. "ZIP" field accepts letters as well as digits.
                          12. "Email" text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                          13. "Email" field accepts all special characters.


                          • #88
                            1) In the "Contact Information" section "First Name:" text field accepts 30 characters
                            2) In the "Contact Information" section "Last Name:" text field accepts 30 characters
                            3) In the "Contact Information" section "Street Address:" field only accepts 100 characters
                            4) In the "Contact Information" section "State:" Combo Box only shows 49 States
                            5) In the "Contact Information" section "BC" option in the "State:" Combo Box is not an abbreviation that exists for any of the 50 states
                            6) In the "Contact Information" section the option for the state of Hawaii is missing, following the consistency of the other "State:" Combo Box options, the expected option for Hawaii is "HI"
                            7) In the "Contact Information" section the option "IND" does not follow the two-letter consistency of the other options within the "State:" Combo Box
                            8) In the "Contact Information" section the option for the state of Nevada is missing, following the consistency of the other "State:" Combo Box options, the expected option for Nevada is "NV"
                            9) In the "Contact Information" section the option "Other" in the "State:" Combo Box is in the middle of the list, would be better placed at the very bottom of the "State:" Combo Box options
                            10) In the "Contact Information" section "ZIP:" text field accepts lowercase letters and numbers
                            11) In the "Contact Information" section "ZIP:" text field does not allow the user to highlight existing text, and type over it. You have to delete all existing characters then are allowed to type
                            12) In the "Contact Information" section "Email:" text field accepts more than 255 characters
                            13) In the "Contact Information" section "Phone:" text field does not allow the user to highlight existing text, and type over it. You have to delete all existing characters then are allowed to type
                            14) "None", "Less than", and "Over" are not present in any field
                            15) There is no "DATE" field anywhere in the form
                            16) There is no "TIME" field anywhere in the form
                            17) Above the "Contact Information" section "Referred by:" is not a required field to fill out yet when left blank, after clicking "Submit" button, an error message that says "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" among the error list
                            18) In the "Contact Information" section "Email:" text field has an asterisk "*" and is an expected required field to fill out but when clicking "Submit" button while it is left blank, there is no error message displayed
                            19) The asterisk "*" next to "Email:" text field does not turn red when left blank after clicking "Submit" button
                            20) "Clear" button at the bottom of the form when clicked, displays a Browser error text box that says "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                            21) Under "1. Cell Phone Service" section "I am open to using different provider" check box label contains improper use of grammar, should be replaced with "I am open to using a different provider"
                            22) Under "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field does not allow the "." character to specify a decimal point for an exact amount
                            23) Under "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract:" List box needs a "More" option
                            24) "Current Provider:" List box needs a "Other" option
                            25) Under the "4. TV Service" section "Months left on plan:" List box is missing a "More" option
                            26) Starting from "First Name:" text field, pressing tab goes to the "Referred by:" text field instead of "Last Name:" text field


                            • #89
                              1.text field "First Name:" accepts 30 characters expected result 31 characters
                              2.text field "Last Name:" accepts 30 characters expected result 31 characters
                              3.text field "Street Address:"accepts 100 characters expected result 255 characters
                              4.Combo box "State:" offers the list of 41 States expected result 50 States.Missing States:AS, DC, GU, HI, NV, TT, VI, PR,CM should be added to the Combo box of "State:" M
                              5.Combo box "State:" misspelled the abbreviation of Indiana State IND expected result IN.
                              6. In Combo box "State" pops up word "other" in the middle of alphabetical order of the states expected result move the world "other" to the bottom after the last State "WY"
                              7.section "ZIP" text field accepts type lowercase letters and numbers.
                              8.text field "Email:" accepts more than 255 characters
                              9. text field "ZIP:"does not allow the user to highlight existing text, and type over it.
                              10. "Clear" button not working properly ."Clear" button does not clear the form.
                              11."Contact information" list TAB order is not correct


                              • #90

