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Energy-Telecom Bug report Sep 15 Homework

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  • #61
    1. “Clear” button at the end of the page has a misleading error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data…”
    2. Required field “Referred by“ doesn’t have an * sign.
    3. Buttons “Clear” and “Submit” at the end of the page have inconsistency in their appearance.
    4. “Last Name”, “First Name”text fields accepts only 30 characters, not 31.
    5. “Street Address” text field accepts only 100 characters, not 255.
    6. “Street Address” field has a menu button which doesn’t work.
    7. “Zip”field accepts letters.
    8. “State” list box provides only 49 states and is inconsistent regarding alphabet order, and inconsistent according a number of letters in states abbreviations.
    9. “City” field’s menu button doesn’t work.
    10. “Email”field accepts more than 255 characters.
    11. “Email” field doesn’t show up as a required field in the list of required fields.
    12. “Email” field has a different color of an * sign compare to other required fields.
    13. “Current Provider” list box in CellPhone Services section is missing all possible providers.
    14. “Current Provider:” list box in different sections of the page contains inconsistent options if to compare to list boxes options in other sections of the same page which we need to choose out from.
    15. Check boxes related to “Current Provider” field works with no selection made about the provider which is supposed to be related to.
    16. “My monthly bill” field box accepts letters.
    17. “My monthly bill” field boxes accepts 11 characters which doesn’t make sense for possible bill amount.
    18. “My monthly bill” field boxes do not have any data format provided.
    19. “Months left on current contract:” list box doesn’t include all 12 months.
    20. “Provider” text box in High Speed Internet Service section next to “Type of service” field is not active.
    21. “Current Provider:” list box in Home Security Service section is not active.
    22. “My monthly bill..”field in Home Security Service section is not active.
    23. “My monthly bill..”fields in Gas and Electric Services section doesn’t have any months under Winter and Summer periods of time specified.
    24. In Gas and Electric Services section in last check box name is a Typo “opento” to change to “open to”.


    • #62
      1. "State" list box": remove BC since it is a Canadian state, not US.
      2. "State" list box": HI state is missing.
      3. "State" list box": should be IN instead of IND.
      4. "State" list box": NV state is missing.
      5. "State" list box": remove "other" from the list of states.
      7."State" list box": remove "--" character from the list of states.
      8. "Zip" field accepts letters as digits.
      9. "Email" field has an asterisk assigned, but it's not required.
      10. "Current provider:" in "Cell Phone Service" section hasn't "AT&T' in a list.
      11. "Current provider:" in "Cell Phone Service" section: remove "Nextel" from the list. It was officially shut down.
      12."My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "Cell Phone Service" section accepts letters, but it's not correct for this field.
      13. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
      14. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
      15. "Clear" button looks far less than "Submit" button.
      16. "Zip" field accept pasting more than 5 characters.
      17. "Phone" in "Contact Information" section accept pasting characters other than digits.
      18. "Clear" button invokes misleading error message "Invalid Data".
      19. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section accepts pasting characters other than digits.
      20. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "High Speed Internet Servise" section accepts pasting characters other than digits.
      21. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "TV Service" section accepts pasting characters other than digits.
      22. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "Home Security Service" section accepts pasting characters other than digits.
      23. "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" and "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" fields in "Gas and Electric Services" section accept pasting characters other than digits.
      24. "Total Bill:" field in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section accepts pasting characters other than digits.


      • #63
        1. Text field “First Name” allows 30 characters by pasting instead of 31.
        2. Text field “First Name” allows 30 characters by typing instead of 31.
        3. Text field “Last Name” allows 30 characters by pasting instead of 31.
        4. Text field “Last Name” allows 30 characters by typing instead of 31.
        5. Text field “ZIP” allows more than 5-digit input by pasting in Chrome browser.
        6. Text field “ZIP” allows letter input.
        7. Text field “Referred by” acts like a required field.
        8. Text field “ZIP” input is not automatically verified in accordance with the input in Text field “Street Address”.
        9. Remove option “Other” from dropdown list box “State”.
        10. Text field “Street Address” allows 100-character input instead of 255.
        11. Text field “Email” accepts more than 255 characters by pasting.
        12. Text field “Email” accepts more than 255 characters by typing.
        13. The form is accepted without required completed “Email” text field.


        • #64


          Testing performed in Safari on MacOS

          #1 Remove BC from State list box since it is a Canadian state

          #2 HI,NV states and DC are missing from State list box

          #3 Replace IND with IN for state of Indiana

          #4 Remove “Other” option from State list box

          #5 “Street address” field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255

          #6 “First name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31

          #7 “Last name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31

          #8 “ZIP code” field accepts letter characters but should accept digits only

          #9 “ZIP code” field accepts special characters if “copy-paste” is used

          #10 “Phone” field accepts special characters and letters if “copy-paste” is used

          #11 “Zip code” field accepts invalid zip codes

          #12 “Email” text field accepts more that 255 characters

          #13 “Referred by” field behaves as it is a required field

          #14 “Minutes on plan” list box inconsistent minutes progression

          #15 “Month left on current contract” list box missing 11th and 12th months

          #16 “My monthly bill approximately” field behaves strange if using Double-click

          #17 “My monthly bill approximately” reduce amount of characters to 6

          #18 “Gas and Electric Services” label replace “ I am opento” with “ I am open to”

          #19 Remove “Digital Phone Service with Video Phone” label

          #20 Move “I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)” check box to “Cell Phone Service” label

          #21 “Local/Long Distances/International Service” label “Primary Phone Number” field accepts all characters if “Copy-paste” is used

          #22 “Clear” button doesn’t clear the form

          #23 “Clear” button invokes error message “Invalid Data….”

          #24 “Email” accepts all characters all characters check if this as intended

          #25 “High Speed Internet Service” label “Bundled with” radio buttons do not support unchecking

          #26 “High Speed Internet Service” label change “Provider” text field to list box

          #27 “High Speed Internet Service” label add “None” radio button to “Bundled with” field
          Last edited by Daniel.polyakov; 09-19-2022, 06:49 PM.


          • #65

            Energy Telecom Testing

            Testing performed in Safari on MacOS
            1. “Email” field is assigned a blue asterisk indicating that the field is optional
            2. “Referred by” is not a required field but behaves as it is required
            3. “First name” field accepts only 30 characters.
            4. “Last name” field accepts only 30 characters
            5. “Street Address” field accepts only 100 characters
            6. “Email” field accepts all special characters, check if this is as intended
            7. In the “State field” delete BC - nonexistent US state
            8. In the “State field” replace “IND” with IN
            9. In the “State field” “DC”, “HI” and “NV” are missing
            10. “Zip” field accepts letter characters when typed
            11. “Zip” field accepts special characters and letter characters when copy/pasted
            12. “Phone number” field accepts all characters when copy/pasted
            13. No error message is provided if “email” field has no input
            14. “Months left on current contract” add values 11 to 24 and “more”
            15. Cell Phone Service section “Current Provider “ field add “Other”
            16. Cell Phone Service section “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts typed letter characters
            17. Cell Phone Service section “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts special characters and letters when copy/pasted
            18. Local/Long Distances/International Service section “Bundled with” field add “none” radio button


            • #66
              #1. "First Name" text field, accepts 30 characters. Must take until 31.
              #2. "Last Name" text field, accepts 30 characters. Must take until 31.
              #3. "Street Address" text field, accepts 150 characters. Must take until 255.
              #4. "State" there is a state "Other". Check which state is missing from the list.
              #5. "ZIP"accepts letters, should accept digits only.
              #6. "Email" text field, accepts more than 255 characters. Check the expediency of such a number of characters.
              #7. "Referred by" not marked as "required field". Required fields when submitting the form "Referred by"


              • #67
                №1 Contact Information " First Name" the introduces 30 letter
                #2 Contact Information " Last Name" the introduces 30 letter
                #3 Contact Information " Street Address" the introduces 82 letter
                #4 Contact Information " City" the introduces 48 letter
                #5 Contact Information " ZIP" the introduces not only numbers
                #6 Contact Information " Emaile" not Required field
                #7 Contact Information " Emaile" GUI - blue colors
                #8 Contact Information " Referred by" Required field
                #9 Contact Information " State" select "other"
                №10 "Сlear" button does not clear the fields
                #11 "Сlear" button gives weird error
                #12 Contact Information “State”: Add state “NV” for Nevada.
                #13 Contact Information “State”: Add state “HI” for Hawaii.
                #14 Contact Information “State”: replace “IND” with “IN” for state Indiana.
                #15 Contact Information “State”: remove “BC” from the list, there is no state “BC” in USA.
                #16 "Phone" field accepts pasting letters.
                #17 "Email" field accepts pasting more than 255 characters.
                #18 "Email" field accepts all special characters. Please specify what "some special characters" means.


                • #68
                  #1. In the list box "State" there are the options "this", "me", "and", "with", "the", "of", "well", "we", "OUT". Delete these options. There are not the States
                  #2 In the list box State" the states go not in alphabetical order and a lot of states which represented are not existing states.
                  #3. Section # 4 "I currently have:" both check boxes can be check. HDTV and DVR
                  #4. Button "Clear" does not work. it does not clear, when you push the button "Clear" the erreor message appiars "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!".


                  • #69
                    Test Energy-Telecom Service Review:

                    1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                    2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                    3. "Street address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255.
                    4. Validation does not work in the input field "City" when entering more than 50 characters.
                    5. "State" list box: should be deleted "BC" state, it is not US state.
                    6. "ZIP" field accepts all characters instead of "only digits".
                    7. "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 digits as copied from another field.
                    8. "Email" field has an asterisk assigned but is not required field.
                    9. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters.
                    10. "Clear" button is not working.
                    11. "Clear" button gives us an invalid error message (error 17896).
                    12. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have a different size.
                    13. "Phone" field accepts all characters (letters, special symbols and white space) instead of digits.
                    14. "Months left on current contract" should contain 24 choices instead of 10.
                    15. "Referred by" field accepts digits, special symbols instead of only letters (the name of person).
                    16. "State" list box have incorrect state "IND", should replace IND with IN for state of Indiana.
                    17. Cell phone service": "Current Provider" list box needed option "Other".
                    18. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters, special symbol and white space) instead of digits.
                    19 "Referred by" field has not an asterisk, but it is a required field.
                    20. "State" list box should remove "Other" options from the list.


                    • #70
                      1. Fieled "Referred by:" is a required field, but there is no "*" sign next to it. Gives an error "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" if not filled.
                      2. No error msg if the field "Email" is empty. Should give something like: "* Please enter your Email".
                      3. After data was submitted by form, no confirmation was sent to the provided Email.
                      4. In section "1. Cell Phone Service" field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to enter letters, not only numbers as it is expected.
                      5. Field "First Name:" allows to enter only 30 characters while in requirements stated 31.
                      6. Field "Last Name:" allows to enter only 30 characters while in requirements stated 31.
                      7. Field "Street Address:" allows to enter 100 charachters, should allow 255 as per requirement.
                      8. In the drop down list next to "State:" field there is an option "BC". In the United States there is no state name which starts with "B" and no postal name for the state like "BC".
                      9. "ZIP:" field allows to paste more then 6 digits, should allow only 5 as per requirements.
                      10. "ZIP:" field allows to paste other then digit charachters, such as letters.
                      11. "ZIP:" field allows to paste other then digit charachters, such as special charachters.
                      12. "ZIP:" field allows to enter letters, but should allow only digites as per requirements.
                      13. "Email" field allows to enter both more and less then 255 charachters. Requirement says: "255 charachters".
                      14. "Email" field allows to enter special characters such as slash and backslash("/", ""), quotes(""""), at sign("@") which are not usually allowed to use for email accounts.
                      15. "Phone:" field allows to paste letters, although the field should only contain digits as per requirement.
                      16. "Phone:" field allows to paste special charachters, although the field should only contain digits as per requirement.


                      • #71
                        Hi everyone,
                        here I attached my test cases
                        Attached Files


                        • #72

                          #1. “First Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31

                          #2. “Last Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31

                          #3. “Street Address” field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255

                          #4. “State” list box: remove “BC” since it is a Canadian province, not a US

                          #5. “State” list box: HI and NV states are missing

                          #6. “State” list box: replace IND with IN for state of Indiana

                          #7. “State” list box: remove “Other” option from the list

                          #8. ZIP code field accepts letter characters

                          #9. “Referred By” field behaves as it is a required field

                          #10. “Email” field has an asterisk assigned but it does not behaves as it is a required field

                          #11. “Clear button” does not clear the form

                          #12. “Clear” button invokes a misleading error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data…”

                          #13. Inconsistency between GUI implementation in between “Clear” and “Submit” buttons

                          #14. No default button in the form

                          #15. Cell phone service Section: “Current Provider” list box is missing “AT&T”

                          #16. Cell phone service Section: “Current Provider” list box “Other” is needed

                          #17. “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts non-digits

                          #18. “My monthly bill is approximately” field in the “Cell Phone Service” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #19. “Number of phones on plan”: the input should not be more than 5

                          #20. “Months left on current contract”: should offer choices from 0 to 24, not 10 months

                          #21. “My monthly bill is approximately” field in the “Local/Long Distances/ International Service” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #22. “Total Bill” field in the “Local/Long Distances/ International Service” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #23. “Bundled with” field in the “Local/Long Distances/ International Service” section is missing “None” radio button

                          #24. “My monthly bill is approximately” field in the “High Speed Internet Service” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #25. Inconsistency in “Type of Service” field of the “High Speed Internet Service”: “Wireless Aircard” has a checkbox instead of a radio button

                          #26. “Bundled with” field in the “High Speed Internet Service” section is missing “None” radio button

                          #27. “My monthly bill is approximately” field in the “TV Service” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #28. “Bundled with” field in the “TV Service” section is missing “None” radio button

                          #29. “My monthly bill is approximately” field in the “Home Security Service” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #30. “My monthly bill is approximately” (summer) field in the “Gas and Electric Services” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #31. “My monthly bill is approximately” (winter) field in the “Gas and Electric Services” section: limit input to no more than 4 digits

                          #32. “I am opento using different provider” field ‘opento’ is wrongly merged. It should be written apart ‘open to’

                          #33. “Comments” section should have limited characters no more than xxx. In fact, it allows to paste unlimited text.

                          #34. “International calls included?” Label in “Local/Long Distances/ International Service” section: replace question mark with a semi-colon

                          #35. “Long distance included”? “Local/Long Distances/ International Service” section: replace question mark with a semi-colon


                          • #73
                            #1. "First Name" and "Last Name" fields accept only 30 characters instead 31
                            #2. "Street Address" field accept nomore than 100 characters instead 255
                            #3. "ZIP" field doesn't should accept characters
                            #4. "Email" field accepts endless number of characters instead of 255
                            #5. If you enter numbers in the "Phone" and "Primary Phone Number" fields using the numeric keypad, the cursor does not move to the next text field
                            #6. "Months left on current contract" field is needed to add more months (24 or more) instead of 10
                            #7. Cell Phone Service "Current Provider" field is needed to add to the listbox "Other" option
                            #8. TV Service "Months left on plan" field is needed to add to the listbox "More" option
                            #9. "Current Provider" fields in option "Other" in all sections are needed to add a field with the name of the provider.
                            #10. "Referred by" field is not required, but there is no possibity to submit the data without filling this field.
                            #11. The button "Clear" is not working and occurs an error
                            #12. The button "Clear" has a different size in comparison with button "Submit"
                            #13. The field "ZIP" accepts letters when pasting
                            #14. "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" field - there is a need to ask if a customer has already used this service, information about current providor, monthly bills.
                            #15. If you choose in any listbox an option "Other", there must be a possibility to type the item


                            • #74
                              ENERGY TELECOM.

                              1) First name.
                              Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                              Test#1: type "mmmqqqtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc1" (31 characters). Expected res: accepted Actual result: failed - no more than 30 characters in the field accepted - last 5 characters are cut off..
                              Test#2: type "@@12 qtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdcccc" (31characters). Expected res: accepted. Actual result: failed - no more than 30 characters in the field accepted - last 5 characters are cut off..
                              Test#3: type "@@12 qtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc" (30 charcters) Expected result: accepted. Actual result: accepted
                              Test#4: paste "Vmmmqqqtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc1" (31 character) Expected result: accepted Actual result: failed - no more than 30 characters in the field accepted - last 5 characters are cut off..
                              Test#5: paste "mmmqqqtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc". (30 charcters) ) Expected result: accepted. Actual result: accepted
                              Test#6: field left blank. Expected result: Required field. Actual result: "Please enter your First Name" msg.

                              2) Last name:
                              Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

                              Test#1: type "mmmqqqtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc1" (31 characters). Expected res: accepted Actual result: failed - no more than 30 characters in the field accepted.
                              Test#2: type "@@12 qtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdcccc" (31characters). Expected res: accepted. Actual result: failed - no more than 30 characters in the field accepted.
                              Test#3: type "@@12 qtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc" (30 charcters) Expected res: accepted. Actual result: accepted
                              Test#4: paste "Vmmmqqqtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc1" (31 character) Expected res: accepted Actual result: failed - no more than 30 characters in the field accepted.
                              Test#5: paste "mmmqqqtttwwwrrruuuoootttvvdccc". (30 charcters) ) Expected res: accepted. Actual result: accepted
                              Test#6: field left blank. Expected result: Required field. Actual result: "Please enter your Last Name" msg.

                              3) Street address.
                              Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.

                              Test#1: type: "jgjuyrtdngjtkudtsrwthnjhui85674njhytsdnvhturn ghti okmjhjkuytredfghytrhrytnjhyjdnbfrgtiyjuythetfgrthd t..." (255 characters)
                              Expected result: accepted Actual result: failed - no more than 250 characters accepted.
                              Test#2: type "jgjuyrtdngjtkudtsrwthnjhui85674njhytsdnvhturn ghti okmjhjkuytredfghytrhrytnjhyjdnbfrgtiyjuythetfgrthd t..." (250 characters)
                              Expected result: accepted. Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#3: paste :
                              Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% mjust" (255 charachters)
                              Expected result: accepted. Actual result: failed - no more than 100 characters accepted - last 5 characters are cut off.

                              Test#4: paste "Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210 nhys % Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys%Joaeiffjij1122354210nhys% "
                              Expected result: accepted. Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#6: field left blank. Expected result: Required field. Actual result: "Please enter your Street Address" msg.

                              4) City.
                              Requirements: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

                              Test#1: type "bfhyrthgtr54rtgfrt54gtjyiotnfrthyuhgtsbfredtn gtop lyhtnf" (55 characters) Expected result: accepted Actual result: failed - no more than 250 characters - last 5 characters are cut off.
                              Test#2: type "bfhyrthgtr54rtgfrt54gtjyiotnfrthyuhgtsbfredtn gto; p" (50 characters) Expected result: accepted Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#3: paste "bfhyrthgtr54rtgfrt54gtjyiotnfrthyuhgtsbfredtn gtop lyhtnf" (55 characters) Expected result: accepted Actual result: failed - no more than 50 characters accepted - last 5 characters are cut off.
                              Test#4: paste "bfhyrthgtr54rtgfrt54gtjyiotnfrthyuhgtsbfredtn gto; p" (50 characters) Expected result: accepted. Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#5: field left blank. Expected result: Required field. Actual result: "Please enter your City" msg.

                              5) State.
                              List Box offering 50 states. Required field.
                              Test#1: List Box shows non-us states (f.ex.: BC)
                              Test#2: Requirements incomplete: country is not specified.
                              Test#3: Remove option "other" from a list box.
                              Test#4: LO and NV states are missing in the list of states.

                              6) ZIP code.
                              Requirements: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
                              Test#1: Requirements incomplete: "Existing zip code is required" is missing.
                              Test#2: type "76588" Expected result: accepted Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#3: type "mjubv" Expected result: rejected Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#4: paste "mhiou" Expected result: rejected Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#5: type 7689 Expected result: rejected Actual result: "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" msg.
                              Test#6: type "**(86". Expected result: not accepted. Actual result: not accepted.
                              Test#7: paste "**(86". Expected result: not accepted. Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#8: no validation of existence of a zip code.
                              Test#9: type 00900 (non-existing zip) Expected result: N/A Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#10: mismatch between zip code relevant for the particular state chosen from a list box.
                              Test#11: field left blank. Expected result: Required field. Actual result: "Please enter a valid ZIP Code" msg.
                              7) Email.
                              Requirements: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field.
                              Test#1: Requirements incomplete - accepted special characters are not specified.
                              Test#2: Requirements incomplete: common email format is not specified.
                              Test#3: Type "123dd@nnn" Expected result: accepted Actual result: accepted.
                              Test#4: Type "123kiu" Expected result: accepted Actual result: accepted.- non-email format is accepted.
                              Test#5: Type " %%%nkiwe))))" Expected result: accepted Actual result: accepted - special characters other than permitted by the common email format are accepted..
                              Test#6: type "ngnghtyrujmkjuio98uytr54ew3edfrtgbhjytfdgrtyh uitn yhdvzcsdwerfdvethygtfsrvernhtdfrgesbfrgthnjuypl,mk iujhgvgtfdrsewdfcvfrtghhbjkuytrewqasdfghjklppoiuyt rewqasdfghjnhytgbvfredcfvbgthbgthybnjhbgtrfdvbhgtf mnbvcxzaswqerfcvdgty6789ijkmnbhytrdfresthgfredfrgt fvbgtrb;;" (267 characters)
                              Expected result: not accepted Actual result: accepted
                              Test#7: Email field left blank. Expected result: Required field. Actual result: accepted - behavior other than "Required field".

                              Last edited by KES; 09-20-2022, 12:50 PM.


                              • #75
                                ENERGY TELECOM
                                "First name " requirements: Expected result Actual result Bugs
                                - text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                Test 1: ertt%;12 Accepted Accepted 0
                                - accepts no more than 31 characters
                                Test 2:31 characters 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted 1
                                Test 3: 32 characters
                                -requaired field
                                Test 4: no input/empty field "Required field " message "Fill out..." message 2

                                "Last name" requirements":
                                - text field
                                - accepts all characters
                                - No more than 31
                                - Required field
                                Test1: qwe&12 Accepted Accepted 0
                                Test 2:31characters 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepted 1
                                Test 3: Paste more than 31 characters 31 characters accepted 30 characters accepte 0
                                Total: 1

                                "Zip code" field requirements:
                                - Text field
                                - Accepts 5 characters
                                -Accepts digits only
                                Test 1: 5 dugits,real(98028) accepted accepted 0
                                Test 2: 6 digits (980528) 98028 accepted accepted 0
                                Test 3: 4 digits (9802) "Please enter a valid..." " Please enter a valid..." 0
                                Test 4: Type letters (98o28) Letter is not accepted Same as expected 0
                                Test 5: Type Sp Char (98&28) Sp Char is not accepted Same as expected 0
                                Test 6: Paste 6 digits (980286) 98028 accepted 98028 accepted 0
                                Test7: Paste letter (98O28) Letter is not accepted Same as expected 0
                                Test8: Paste spec char * spec char is not accepted Same as expected 0
                                Format of page is changing after I post it.That is how it suppose to look.How can I keep this format?
                                Last edited by Iana Stoian; 09-21-2022, 12:18 AM.

