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Energy-Telecom Bug report Sep 15 Homework

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Uke View Post
    #1. *First name*text field accept 30 characters instead 31 as required
    #2. *Last name* text field accept 30 characters instead 31 as required
    #3. *City* text field allow type in text field instead choose from list box
    #4. * Email* text field accept more that 255 characters instead 255 as required
    #5. *Email* text field accept all special characters
    #6. All required (except *Phone* , *state* , *zip* ) fields accept other languages instead English only
    #7. *state* list box includes BC ( British Columbia )
    #8. *state* list box are missing Nevada (NV), Hawaii (HI) from the list box
    #9. State of Indiana mark as *IND* instead *IN* in the list box
    #10. Other in *state* list box are on the bottom of the list instead of being on top
    #11. *Street Address* text field accept all special characters
    #12. *street Address* text field accept only 100 characters instead of *No more than 255* as required
    #13. *Phone* text field accept characters through copy/paste
    #14. *Phone* text field accept special characters through copy/paste
    #15. Error message do not shows *Email* text field as required field
    #16. Error message indicates *Referred by* text field as required although it is not
    #17. *ZIP* text field accept not valid zip codes
    #18. *City* text field allows type numbers
    #19. *First name* text field allows type numbers
    #20. *Last Name* text field allows type numbers
    #21. *ZIP* text field accept characters through copy/paste
    #22. There is no Default Button Assignment
    #23. TAB button is not subject to a logical process ( in *Contact Information* section is just from 1st selected text field than goes to the last one, than in *Local/Long Distances/International Service section in not select *TV*, *Both*, *No* )
    #24. *Current Provider* in *Cell Phone Service* section are missing *Other* from list box
    #25. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allows type 11 characters in text field
    #26. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allows type letters
    #27. *Number of phones on plan:* in *Cell Phone Service* section allow to choose up to 100 on list box, but no one in the USA is not offering more than 30 total in 1 phone plane
    #28. *Primary Phone Number:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
    #29. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in the text field
    #30. *Bundled with:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section are not allows to uncheck from check box
    #31. *Bundled with:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section are missing *None* check box
    #32. *Total Bill:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
    #33. *Total Bill:* in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
    #34. *International calls included?* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box
    #35. *Long distance included?* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box
    #36. * I am interested in Unlimited Calling:* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box
    #37. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
    #38. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
    #39. *Type of service:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section are not allows to uncheck the check box
    #40. *Bundled with:* in *High Speed Internet Service* section are not allows to uncheck the check box
    #41. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *TV Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
    #42. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *TV Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
    #43. *Bundled with:* in *TV Service* section are not allows to uncheck the check box
    #44. *Months left on plan:* in *TV Service* section are missing *other* on list box
    #45. *Current Provider:* in *Home Security Service* section are missing *None* from the list box
    #46. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Home Security Service* section allows to paste characters in text field
    #47. *My monthly bill is approximately:* in *Home Security Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
    #48. *My monthly bill is approximately (summer):* in *Gas and Electric Services * section allows to paste characters in text field
    #49. *My monthly bill is approximately (summer):* in *Gas and Electric Services * section allows to type 11 numbers
    #50. *My monthly bill is approximately (winter):* in *Gas and Electric Services * section allows to paste characters in text field
    #51. *My monthly bill is approximately (winter):* in *Home Security Service* section allows to type 11 numbers in text field
    #52. *I am opento using different provider* in *Gas and Electric Services* section has a misspelling
    #53. *Comments* section accept other language besides English
    #54. *Clear* button is different size from *Submit* button
    #55. *Clear* button is not working. When push the button Error message pops up (Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!)
    #56. Error message *Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!* ( when pushing *clear* button) has no Phone number to call
    Great report!

    However I cannot reproduce at least these 2 on my machine:

    #34. *International calls included?* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box
    #35. *Long distance included?* check box in *Local/Long Distances/International Service* section do not allows to uncheck check box

    Could you specify steps?


    • #17
      1. Label "First Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31.
      2. Label "Last Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
      3. Label "Street address" text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
      4. Label "State" should not have option "other" in the list box.
      5. Label "State" all the states in the list box should go in the alphabetical order.
      6. Label "State" there are 49 states in the list box instead of 50.
      7. Label "State" Indiana is misspelled. Replace IN instead of IND.
      8. Label "ZIP" accepts letters as well as digits. It doesn't meet the requirements.
      9. Label 'Email' field capacity 1063 characters vs 255 in requirements.
      10. Label "PHONE" field accept "Special characters, letters "copied from another field. "PHONE" field accept "Special characters, letters "copied from another field.


      • #18
        1. Email field not in the least of “required field”
        2. Email field behaves as is a not required field
        3. “Referred by” field is missing asterisk “ required field”
        4. “Referred by” field behaves as a required field when push the button “submit”
        5. Email field accept more than 255 characters
        6. Zip code field allow copy paste more than 5 digits
        7. Zip code field allow copy paste characters but Specific Data Requirements ask is only digit
        8. State field remove from least box “Other”
        9. Street address field accept no more than 100 characters
        10. First name field accept no more than 30 characters
        11. Lust name accept no more than 30 characters
        Last edited by Alimp; 09-18-2022, 09:31 PM.


        • #19
          Energy-Telecom Requirements and Functionality Bug Report. Testing WEB Forms

          1."First Name" label: text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.

          2."Last Name" label: text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.

          3."Street Address" label: text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.

          4."State" label should not have "Other" in the list box.

          5."State" label: state BC should be removed from the list box.

          6."State" label: state Indiana is misspelled. Replace IND with IN.

          7."State" label: state Hawaii(HI) is missing in the list box. Add HI to the list box.

          8."State" label: state Nevada(NV) is missing in the list box. Add NV to the list box.

          9."ZIP" label: accepts letters as well as digits.

          10."ZIP"label: accepts pasting.

          11."ZIP" label: accepts more than 5 digits when pasting.

          12."ZIP" label: accepts pasting letters.

          13."ZIP" label: accepts pasting characters.

          14."ZIP" label: accepts non-existing zip code.

          15."Email" label: accepts any data entered instead of email format(

          16."Email" label: accepts all special characters. Please specify what some "special characters" are considered.

          17."Email" label accepts more than 255 characters.

          18."Phone" accepts special characters through pasting.

          19."Phone" accepts letters through pasting.

          19.Incorrect logic of selector with TAB button(from "First Name" label goes to "Referred" instead of from "First Name" to "Last Name").

          20."Cell Phone Service" section: "Current Provider" label should have "Other" in the drop box list option.

          21."Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to put more than 10 digits.

          22."Cell Phone Service" section: "Months left on current contract" in drop box shows incorrect amount of months ( 0-10, instead of 0-12).

          23."Comments": "Clear" button doesn't clear the field.

          24."Comments": after pressing "Clear" button the misleading message shows up.

          25."Gas and Electric Services": typo in "I am opento using different provider". Please replace "opento" with "open to".

          26."Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type letters.

          27."Cell Phone Service" section: "Number of phones on plan" allows to choose 100 and more.

          28."Local/Long Distances/International Services": "Primary Phone Number" allows to paste characters in the text field(should be digits

          29."Local/Long Distances/International Services": "Total Bill" allows to paste characters (letters) in the text field.

          30."Local/Long Distances/International Services": "Bundled with" doesn't have option "None".

          31."Local/Long Distances/International Services": "Total Bill" label in the text field allows to type up to 11 characters.

          32."High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type 11 characters in the text field.

          33."High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to paste special characters.

          34."High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to paste characters.

          35."High Speed Internet Service": "Type of service" doesn't allow to uncheck the options.

          36."High Speed Internet Service": "Bundled with" doesn't allow to uncheck the options.

          37."TV Service": "My monthly bill approximately" allows to paste characters.

          38."TV Service": "My monthly bill approximately" allows to paste special characters.

          39."TV Service": "Bundled with" label doesn't allow to uncheck checked options.

          40."TV Service": "My monthly bill approximately" allows to type 11 characters.

          41."TV Service": "My monthly bill approximately" allows to paste characters.

          42."TV Service": "My monthly bill approximately" allows to paste special characters.

          43."Home Security Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type 11 characters.

          44."Home Security Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to accept (paste) characters.

          45."Home Security Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to paste (special) characters.

          46."Gas and Electric": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type 11 characters.

          47."Gas and Electric": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to accept (paste) characters.

          48."Gas and Electric": "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to accept (paste) special characters.
          Last edited by Yekaterina; 09-19-2022, 01:20 PM.


          • #20
            BY REQUIREMENTS:

            1. “ Clear” button does not clear the form.

            1.1. Misleading alert message shows up (Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!)

            2. “Last name” field accepts less than 31 character. (Accepts 30 characters instead of 31).

            3. “First name” field accepts less than 31 character. (Accepts 30 characters instead of 31).

            4. “City” field accepts less than 50 characters. (Accepts 49 characters instead of 50).

            5. “State” list box is missing one state. Provided only 49 states.

            6. “State” list box: remove “Other” option.

            7. “Referred by” field behaves as required field. Please remove “Referred by” error message from the error table.

            8. “Email” field must behave as required field.

            9. “Email” field asterisk should be highlighted in red when not provided.

            10. “Email”: error message about required email should be present on error table.

            11. “Contact Information” section: TAB key does not move in order.

            12. “Zip code” field accepts non digit characters.

            13. “Zip Code” field accepts non valid Zip code. (Ex: “00000”)

            14. “Zip Code field”: The error message about invalid Zip code should be present in the Error table, asterisk should be highlighted in red.

            15. “Zip Code field”: typing over selected text is disabled. (Unable to type in Zip code input, when current text is selected)?

            16. Inconsistency between “Clear” and “Submit” buttons.

            17. “Phone” field accepts pasting non digit characters.

            18. “Email” field does not type underscore “_” character.

            19. “Contact Information” section: “State” list box contains expired version of state abbreviation “IND” for Indiana. Please change to “IN”.

            20. “Contact Information” section: “State” list box missing “HI” for Hawaii state.


            1. “Cell Phone Service” section: “Current Provider” list box is missing AT&T provider.

            2. “Cell Phone Service” section: Please include “Other” option in “Current Provider” list box.

            3. “Cell Phone Service” section: checkboxes for “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” should be changed to radio buttons.

            4. “Cell Phone Service” section: “My monthly bill is approximately” input field accpets non digit characters.

            5. “Local/Long Distance/ International Service” section: My monthly bill is approximately: accepts letters on copy/paste and saves this value on “Submit”.


            1. GUI is not responsive.

            2. No padding on the left side of each blue header.

            3. Buttons’ height and font size of “Submit” and “Clear” is not consistent.

            4. “Gas and Electric Services” section: checkbox “I am opento using different provider” has a typo. Please change to “I am open to using different provider”.


            • #21
              1. "First Name" text field accepts up to 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirement
              2. "Email" field is implemented not as a required field as fond out by requirements
              3. "Email" field doesn't accept the underscore character ( _ ) when type, only when paste.
              4 "Email:" accepts 430 characters, instead of 255 characters.
              5. " Referred by" field has an asterisk.
              6. "Clear button doesn't work. When push the button the Error misleading message pops up:
              1 error.JPG

              7. "Last Name" text field accepts up to 30 characters
              8. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
              9. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
              10. "State" list box: "HI" and NV" are missing
              11. Remove Canadian state from the "State" list (British Columbia)
              12. Cannot type over the selected text in "ZIP" field.
              13. "Zip" field accepts typing/pasting of letters and pasting of special characters instead of being digits only as per requirement.
              14. "Zip field" calculate rather than ask for input
              15. "Phone" field accepts pasting of letters and pasting of special characters instead of being digits only as per requirement.
              16. "Gas and Electric Services" : space is missing in "opento"
              17. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are differ in the font style and the size.
              18. Contact information" form: Label “Best Way To Contact Me” is misaligned. All words should be written on one line. Word "Me" might be not needed at all.
              19. "High Speed Internet Service" section "Type of Service" label: "Wireless Aircard" put radio button instead of a check box to make it consistent.
              20. "Contact information" section: TAB jumps is not in order, it jumps from "First Name" input box to "Referred by" input box, and then jumps back.


              • #22

                #1. ,,First Name” field accepts 30 characters , not 31 as required.
                #2. ,,First Name” field accepts special characters.
                #3. ,,First Name” field accepts only digits.
                #4. ,,Last Name” field accepts 30 characters, not 31 as required.
                #5. ,,Last Name” field accepts special characters.
                #6 ,, Last Name” field accepts only digits.
                #7. ,,Street Address” field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 250 as pe
                #8. ,,Street Address” field accepts only digits and special characters.
                #9. ,,Email “ field accepts all special characters ,not just as ,,-@.-_”
                #10. ,,City ” field accepts all special characters.
                #11. ,,State” field contains only 48 States not 50 as is required.
                #12. ,,State” field drop dawn list box options contains a State of another Country ,,BC’ -1st line.
                #13. ,,State” field one of the drop down list box options ,,Other’ =37th line, does not match
                requirement .
                #14. ,,State’ field missing State ,, Hawaii ” (HI).
                #15. ,,State” field missing State ,Nevada”(NV).
                #16. ,,State” field contains State ,,IND” instead of ,,IN” -14th line.
                #17. ,, Email” field is required but does not show error when is not filled out.
                #18. ,, Referred by “ is not required (does not have the asterisk) but is asked in proceeding to
                ,submit “
                #19. ,,Self Phone Service” - the field ,, My monthly bill is approximately” does not accept ,,comma”,
                #20. ,,Self Phone Service”- the field ,, Months left on current contract” has mismatch the number of
                month 10 instead of 12.
                #21. ,,Self Phone Service”- the field ,,Months left on current contract” the drop down list box
                contains ,, 0 “ - 2nd line, numbering should go from 1 to 24.
                #22. ,,Gas and Electric Services ” -,,I am opento using different provider' -,,opento “ should be
                written separate ,,open to”.
                #23. ,,Phone” field consists of three parts ,cursor not jump from one part to the next when it was
                #24. ,,Me" field does not have the asterisk but is required when submitting.
                #25 ,, Referred by" field does not have the asterisk but is required when submitting.
                Last edited by Irina Smorodin; 09-19-2022, 10:54 AM.


                • #23
                  Energy-Telecom Bug reports

                  1. "First Name" accept only 30 characters instead of "31"
                  2. "Last Name" accept only 30 characters instead of "31"
                  3. "Street Address" accept only 100 characters instead of "255"
                  4. "ZIP" accept litters instead of "(digits only)"
                  5. "Email" accept all characters
                  6. "Email" accept 1063 characters instead of "255"
                  7. "State" list box shows 48 states instead of "50"
                  8. "BC" in text field "State" is not a state
                  9. "Other" in text field "State" is not a state
                  10. Key "TAB" doesnt work correctly
                  11. Non-complance with the requirments after submitting the form, nothing comes to email
                  12. "3-3-4" in the text field "Phone" the fields do not switch automatically in the order in which the number is written. Please make sure this is intended
                  13. After selection anything in text fields and pressing any key the selected word stay untouched. Please make sure this is intended
                  14. Text field "Phone" saves the phone number separately in every "3-3-4" fields
                  15. Text field "Street address" saves other links that are not address
                  16. Text field "Phone" doest'n save last two fields "3-4"
                  17. After pushing button "Clear" appears window "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                  18. Window "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" doesnt copy
                  19. "Referred by" option doesnt have an asterisk
                  Last edited by Andrii Kiselov; 09-19-2022, 06:37 PM.


                  • #24
                    #1. "Street Address:" field accepts only 99 chars instead of 255
                    #2. "First Name:" field accepts only 30 chars instead of 31
                    #3. "Last Name:" field accepts only 30 chars instead of 31
                    #4. Add state "NV" (Nevada) into "State:" listbox
                    #5. Change list name "IND" to "IN" inside of "State:" listbox
                    #6. Show "Other" list at the end of "State:" listbox
                    #7. Remove "BC" from "State" listbox
                    #8. "ZIP:" field accepts next value - "00000"
                    #9. "ZIP:" field allows type other data types(char)
                    #10. "ZIP:" field allows Paste other data types(char)
                    #11. "Email:" field allows type more than 255 chars.
                    #12. "Email:" field allows Paste more than 255 chars.
                    #13. "Email:" field accepts improper e-mail format value. Example: ""
                    #14. Webpage doesn't require to fill "Email:" field if its submitted empty
                    #15. "Phone:" first field allows Paste other data types(text)
                    #16. "Phone:" second field allows Paste other data types(text)
                    #17. "Phone:" third field allows Paste other data types(text)
                    #18. "Referred by:" field is required by. (its not requred)
                    #19. "Current Provider:" listbox into area "1. Cell Phone Service" needs to add option - "other"
                    #20. After pushing "TAB" button into "First Name:" input it jumps to "Referred by:" input
                    #21. Input mismatch between "ZIP:" and "State:" fields are accepted by Submit. Example: "State:" is "NY" and "ZIP:" is "90012" (California)


                    • #25
                      1."First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                      2."Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                      3. "Zip Code" field accepts letters and special characters
                      4. "Zip Code " field accepts PASTE more than 5 characters (instead of 5 digits only)
                      5. "Zip Code" field accepts PASTE letters and special characters
                      6. "State" list box should accept only US states from the Post Office source
                      7. "Email" field does work as empty field (by req: is * Indicates required field )
                      8. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters (instead of 255 characters only)
                      9. "Email" field accepts all special characters (instead of some special characters)
                      10. "Phone" field accepts PASTE letters and special characters


                      • #26
                        #1. Field “Email:” has *, not in a list of required fields.
                        #2. Field “Referred by:” doesn’t have*
                        #3. Error message not provided if field “Email:” has no input.
                        #4. Fields “First Name:” and” Last Name:” accept no more than 30.
                        #5. Field “Street Address:” accepts no more than 100.
                        #6. State List Box includes the list of 48 states.
                        #7. State List Box remove BC province in Canada.
                        #8. The option “Other” in State List Box placed not in the end.
                        #9. Field “ZIP CODE” accepts also letters, not only digits.
                        #10. Field “Email:” accepts more than 250 characters.
                        #11. Cell phone service: “Current Provider” list box is missing “AT&T”
                        #12. Cell phone service: “Current Provider” list box is missing “Other” option.
                        #13. Local/Long Distance/International Service: “Current Provider” list box is missing “T-Mobil”
                        #14. Field “Local/Long Distance/International Service” has mistype Distances.
                        #15. Cell phone service: “My monthly bill is approximately:” accepts not only digits.
                        #16. Cell phone service: “My monthly bill is approximately:” consist of more than 4 digits.
                        #17. Cell phone service: “Minutes on plan:” not 60 minutes format.
                        #18. Cell phone service: “Months left on current contract:” number of months should be 24.
                        #19. Cell phone service: “Number of phones on plan:” the number of phones should be 12.
                        #20. Tab index of the Field “First Name” is in a wrong order. After Field "First name:" it switches to Field "Referred by:" instead of "Las name:"
                        #21 Local/Long Distance/International Service: “Primary Phone Number:” doesn’t have *.

                        #22 Local/Long Distance/International Service: “Primary Phone Number:” only when you enter invalid phone number and push on Submit button, shows up error message: * Please enter a valid Primary Phone Number for Local/Long Distances/International Service and after that * shows up near “Primary Phone Number:”
                        Last edited by Oksana Pashko; 09-20-2022, 08:45 PM.


                        • #27
                          1. "First Name:" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                          2. "Last Name:" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                          3. "Street Address:" text field accepts 100characters instead of 255
                          4. "State:" list box has an incorrect "BC" menu item. It must be removed it. BC is a district of Canada, not a state of the USA
                          5. "State:" list box is missing the menu item "HI" (Hawaii) state. He needs to be placed after "GA" menu item.
                          6. "State:" list box is misspelling "IND" menu item. Replace on IN (Indiana) menu item
                          7. "State:" list box is missing the menu item "NV" (Nevada) state
                          8. "State:" list box has the menu item "Other" in the middle of the options list. Must be placed at the end of the menu item
                          9. "ZIP:" text field accepts letters.
                          10. " Email:" text field accepts more than 255 characters
                          11. "Phone:" 3 text fields accept pasted letters and characters
                          12. In "1. Cell Phone Service" heading "Current Provider:" list box didn't have a complete list of providers
                          13. In "1. Cell Phone Service" heading "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts letters
                          14. In "1. Cell Phone Service" heading "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field when entering amount does not display numbers in a specified format or in a more legible way $0,000,000
                          15. In "1. Cell Phone Service" headining "Minutes on plan:" list box contain confusing, misleading time dat
                          16. In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" heading "Primary Phone Number:" 3 text fields accept pasted letters and characters
                          17. In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" heading "Bundled with:" label, when you click on the radio button "Both" doesn't show both selections
                          18. In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" heading "Primary Phone Number:" label by the requirements is a Required field and should be marked with "*"

                          Last edited by estanovsky; 09-19-2022, 09:06 AM.


                          • #28
                            1. “Last Name” field accepts no more than 30 characters, instead of 31
                            2. Zip field allows letters instead digits only
                            3. “My monthly bill is approximately” field in cell phone cervice chapter accepts letters instead digits only
                            4. “Email” field does’t accept “_”character
                            5. “Current Provider” dropdown menu in 1. Sell phone cervice chapter does’t have “At&T” option
                            6. “Current Provider” dropdown menu in 1. Sell phone cervice chapter does’t have “other”
                            7. “Street Address” field capacity 100 characters vs 255 in requirements
                            8. “Street Address” text field accept all special characters
                            9. “State” list box misspelling ‘IND' instead of ' IN '
                            10. “State”list box missing HI state


                            • #29
                              1. “First Name” field , accepts “30” characters max instead of “31”
                              2. Verify required field message , if it is left empty
                              3. “First Name” field, Tab order is inconsistent, it should go to the next field “Last Name” instead of last field “Referred by”
                              4. “Last Name” field , accepts “30” characters max instead of “31”
                              5. “Street Address” field , accepts “100” characters max instead of “255"
                              6. “State” list box field, list of all 50 states should be in alphabetical order
                              7. “State” list box field, state code “IND” should be of 2 character instead of 3
                              8. “State” list box field, state code “other” is invalid
                              9. “State” list box field, replace “other” with the missing state code
                              10. “Zip” field is allowing alphabets
                              11. "Zip" field allowing more than 5 digits if copying & pasting
                              12. “Email” field is a required field, but no error message if left empty
                              13. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters
                              14. “Phone” field accepts alphabets and special characters if copying & pasting
                              15. “Referred by” field is not a required field but showing error message if left empty
                              16. “Section 1” 1st letter of all the words in the labels are in upper case except label “Referred by”
                              17. Clear button does not clear the fields and giving invalid error message
                              18. Section 2 “Local/Long Distances/International Service”, replace label “International calls included?” with “International calls included:”
                              19. Section 2 “Local/Long Distances/International Service”, replace label “Long distance included?” with “Long distance included:”
                              20. Section 7 “Gas and Electric Services” label “I am opento using different provider” provide space between “open and to”
                              21. “Submit” and “Clear” button at the bottom should be of the same size
                              Last edited by deepskhandelwal; 09-19-2022, 09:49 AM.


                              • #30
                                Operating System: Windows 11 Pro, Version 21H2, OS Build 22000.856.
                                Browser: Microsoft Edge, Version 105.0.1343.42 (Official build) (64-bit).
                                1. After entering a name in the “First Name” field, hitting the Tab key on the keyboard shifts the cursor to the Referred by Field instead of the Last Name field.
                                2. Leaving the “Referred by” field blank results in an error message despite the field not containing an asterisk.
                                3. When the “Best Way to Contact Me” me field is selected, hitting the Tab key advances the cursor to the “1. Cell Phone Service, Service Provider” field instead of the “Referred by” field.
                                4. When all required fields except “E-mail Address” are populated, a “Please enter your e-mail address” message is not generated.
                                5. When all required fields except “E-mail Address” are populated and the “Referred by” field is populated, the form accepts the user inputs and responds with a “Thanks you for your participation!” message.
                                6. Hitting the “Clear” button does not clear the form.
                                7. Hitting the “Clear” button at the bottom of the form results in a “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” message.
                                8. The “Submit” and “Clear” buttons at the bottom of the form are inconsistent in size.
                                9. The “Submit” and “Clear” buttons at the bottom of the form appear inconsistent in font type/size.
                                10. A confirmation e-mail was not received following submission of all required fields of data.
                                11. The “State” list box contains the incorrect entry “BC”.
                                12. The “State” list box is missing “DC” for the District of Columbia.
                                13. The “State” list box is missing “HI” for Hawaii.
                                14. The entry for Indiana in the “State” list box should be changed from “IND” to “IN”.
                                15. The “State” list box is missing “NV” for Nevada.
                                16. The “State” list box is missing “PR” for Puerto Rico. This assumes territories should also be included. Ignore the comment if not.
                                17. The “State” list box is missing “VI” for Virgin Islands. This assumes territories should also be included. Ignore the comment if not.
                                18. In the “State” list box, the “other” selection should be removed.
                                19. In the Cell Phone Service section, remove “Nextel” from the “Current Provider” list box.
                                20. In the Cell Phone Service section, remove “Sprint” from the “Current Provider” list box.
                                21. In the Cell Phone Service section, add “AT&T” to the “Current Provider” list box.
                                22. In the Cell Phone Service section, add “other” to the list box.
                                23. In the Cell Phone Service section, the “$” field accepts alphabet characters.
                                24. In the Cell Phone Service section, the list box for the “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:” field should be followed with “months ago” instead of “months”.
                                25. In the Cell Phone Service section, the number of numeric values accepted by the “$” field should be limited to five (or another more reasonable value).
                                26. Change the word “Distances” to “Distance” in the Local/Long Distances/International Services section header.
                                27. In the Local/Long Distances/International Services section, once you selected an option for “Bundled With”, you cannot unselect all fields.
                                28. Replace the words “High Speed” with “High-Speed” in the High Speed Internet Service section header.
                                29. In the High-Speed Internet Service section, at “Satellite” to the “Type of Service” options.
                                30. In the Gas and Electric Services section, replace the words “opento” with “open to”.
                                31. Separate the Gas and Electric Services section into two separate sections.
                                32. There is no default button on the form.
                                33. The Local/Long Distances/International Services section is very out-of-date. Rework section to reflect the current realities how most people use their mobile phones and the Internet to attain these services.
                                34. The Digital Phone Services with Video Phone section is very out-of-date. Rework section to reflect the current realities how most people use services like ZOOM and Google Meet to attain these services.

