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Tell me about yourself - Sept 6, 2022

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  • #46
    My name is Yurii!
    I graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Kyiv, Ukraine). My second education is music - I graduated from the Academy of Music (Kyiv, Ukraine)
    In the USA for the last 3 years I owned a logistics company and worked as a driver.
    After three years on the roads of the USA and Canada, I decided to stop and do what I always wanted to do - QA and IT technology, but did not dare to start because I thought that my English level was not sufficient.
    In my opinion, the easiest way to get into QA is without much experience in IT and a very good start for an IT career. Besides, I always liked to find any bugs in the software - I think this job is for me!
    I really want to develop my career in IT technologies and I will do my best to be higher than what I am planning now in 5 years!


    • #47
      Hello, my name is Tatiana.

      I have bachelor degree in accounting, audit and analysis.
      I have great experience (more than 10 years) as an accountant, chief accountant and auditor.
      I used to work in different companies, I worked as independent accountant, as a team leader – chief accountant and also as an auditor. I used to work with different accounting software and ERP systems. I have very good communications skills, I can lead the people, I like to take responsibility, I’m very accurate and attentive to details.

      In 2019 I came to USA. I was looking for my professional way. My friend told me about a profession QA engineer (tester). He told me that this profession would be very interesting for me, because its very similar with the profession auditor - they both about quality, about improving thing for the better – verifying, checking data. For both professions the person needs to be hard working, persistent, patient, have an attentiveness to details, sense of perfection and to desire to change thing for the better. I do have all these qualities.

      I watched couple of videos on You tube about the new profession and I really liked it. I took the course at “Portnov computer School”. And now I do not see my life without testing. I love it. In this profession I can fully utilize my knowledge, previous background and there is a lot of thing that I can learn (I love to learn new things and I'm a quick learner) and I can grow in my career. So far I participated in the projects: A. B. C. ..... We worked with the following tools: A. B. C....
      In my future career I see myself as a successful QA engineer who can help the company to solve the difficult issues and in 5 years I would like to be a team leader of a successful QA team, because I can use my previous experience as a team leader.
      P.S. My question to the teacher: "Michael, should I tell about my accounting work experience in USA or better to avoid it?"


      • #48
        My name is Irina Smorodin
        I live on Miramar Beach Florida. I came to USA from Moldova 5 years ago, here live my two wonderful daughters, who inspired me to take this step.
        My education has nothing to do with IT sphere (Soviet pedagogical).My job depends on season and i would like to have another more stable job. The life has shown us that we have to keep up with the times and IT field is perfect for it. I love challenging myself, i know that for to achieve smth we have to get out of our comfort zone. In 5 years i want to gain enough experience and become at least Software development engineer in test.

        Last edited by Irina Smorodin; 09-20-2022, 06:59 PM.


        • #49
          My name is Marina.
          I have a master's degree in radiophysics.
          There is some experience in research in my field.
          Due to immigration, I need a change of profession.
          I studied programming a little at the university, but a lot of time has passed since then. QA I hope will be my start.
          I would like to implement my startup in the IT field, which was difficult to implement in my homeland.


          • #50
            I'm Tatiana.

            I have a university degree in Biology.

            Latest 4 years I have been working in the trucking industry. Nothing wrong with my profession and I like it.

            The world is changing so fast, there's so much new stuff around me and it's so interesting.. and the other thing is the difference in pay in QA makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong things and that I'm in the wrong place.

            I started searching for QA more and found it so exciting and useful for people and so on. All this inspires me. I feel I can grow in this area and bring more benefit to myself and the people around me, including the industry in which I'm working now.

            Today it is difficult for me to say where I see myself in 5 years. But definitely in QA. For sure I can say I want to have lots of skills and build big luggage of knowledge that would allow me to choose my own way in the QA industry.
            Last edited by TatianaG; 09-17-2022, 03:04 PM.


            • #51
              Hello everyone!
              My name is Max. I'm 26 years old.
              I graduated from law university and received a bachelors degree.
              I was working 3 years in lawyer company. I was lawyer.
              I moved in USA and then i get interesting about IT way.
              After time i decided to study in IT QA school and get new profession because IT way is the future and the future already begin.
              I see myself in during 5 years in IT world, whole my time i will spend trying to get new knowledge.


              • #52
                Hi. I am Aleksandra.

                1. I have an engineering background in the railway industry.

                2. I worked in my specialty for 2 years.

                3. I decided to change my profession after immigration.

                4. I believe that the future belongs to the sphere of IT. I like documentation and I can do it well.

                5. I see myself as an expert in my field. I plan to improve my knowledge and experience without stopping there.


                • #53
                  Hi all.
                  My name is Yura. I am 34 years old. I am from Ukraine. Since 2019 I live and work in Las Vegas.
                  I have a bachelor's degree from a technical university.
                  My life and work were closely connected with sports. Since 1994 I started doing gymnastics, after seven years I switched to acrobatics, since the gymnastics school was closed.
                  In 2005, I got into the adult national team of Ukraine in acrobatic jumping.
                  Since then, my life has completely changed!
                  I started doing various international competitions, meeting new people, seeing other countries and I loved it.
                  After the end of my career, I continued to travel only not as an athlete, but as an artist in the Cirque du Soleil. We traveled almost all over the world, an interesting, incomparable life!
                  After the birth of my daughter, I made the decision to move to Las Vegas for a stationary show.
                  To my deep regret, we are not getting younger and the body has its own resource, which does not always depend on our desire.
                  In my understanding, testing has the same privileges:
                  -Meeting new people.
                  - Possibility to work in different countries.

                  Thank you.
                  Last edited by Yuraakro; 09-10-2022, 06:58 PM.


                  • #54
                    I'm Barbara.
                    I got a Master's Degree in Management at Saint-Petersburg State University.
                    Recently, I got an Associate Degree in Computer Information Systems at LATTC.

                    I worked as a sales manager in an international retail company. I communicated with vendors and customers, analyzed data, and made reports and orders. It was important to me to provide goods and services that meet customer expectations. I became an employee training manager to ensure that our company creates the highest quality product. I solved issues to make cooperation between vendors and final customers the most satisfying.

                    I moved to the US and did not have work authorization. I see how quickly technologies expand, and I went to college to get new skills and knowledge in this field.

                    One of my professors told me about the QA tester profession because he saw my passion for creating the perfect UI and usability of programs for users. I am passionate about making any program or application more convenient and finding hidden imperfections before a product goes to the market.

                    I see myself working with a team who creates and tests different products to improve life for as many people as possible. I have enough knowledge and experience to understand and solve an issue fast, using all the necessary tools and technologies.
                    Last edited by Barbara Shor; 09-20-2022, 02:23 PM.


                    • #55
                      My name is Anusha Ramamurthy. I graduated with my bachelor and master degree in Computer Applications from India. I started my career as Computer Lab assistant and teacher. I was teaching Java, HTML, C to high school students and also managed the computer lab for the school. I couldn’t continue the teaching job due to marriage and family reasons, this made a big gap in my career.

                      Now I am in a better situation on the personal life to start my professional career back again. Since I have the prior Java development & teaching experience and my education background is in computer field, I wanted to focus on building my career in the IT field instead of teaching this time. I want to become a QA engineer, because it provides the unique opportunity to apply different perspective to identify bugs and improve the final product quality.
                      It motivates and feel satisfactory when I am able to contribute on the betterment of the products/applications. It also excites me due to the opportunity it provides in the automation space.

                      I am a person that always want to learn new things and challenge myself so definitely after 5 years I can do many in automation side and become as a successful QA manager .


                      • #56
                        Hi there. I'm Denis.

                        My "IT journey" started back in 1996 when I was 13, when I got my first PC. Despite It was '96 I still had to deal with DOS/WIN3.11 I don't know if you remember those times how HARD it was to get some games to GOD DAMN TURN ON. I won't dig into detail its very extensive topic. Such a warm memories. And would say that it was my first kinda "QA experience" because a had to go through configs (and not only) to make things work! And since that times everything related to computers quickly developed to a passion.
                        School times... My Computer technologies teacher became my friend... I became his favorite student because I knew ahead all of the course materials.

                        Long story short..

                        I've started my University education with Faculty of Computer Technologies and Automated Systems. And again I remember that days when internet came into my life. “How does it work? What makes that pages to be dynamic? Hey, I want to create my own chart!...” And I had to dig all the information by myself because it's not what they taught at university. Few years after because of specific circumstances I couldn’t graduate from that university, I switched to a different one and graduated with economics bachelor's degree and after that started my career with international sales of drugs (you know that sugar is the most dangerous and strong drug? Right?).

                        No, I didn’t quit my passion. Meanwhile, one of my hobbies was creating websites. And I practiced skills on my projects (BTW one of them WAS widely known around Indian developers )) )

                        In 2014 when I saw that market is dying, I quit my main job and started freelance career. As individual freelancer I was making meticulously crafted websites for my clients, small and medium sized businesses.

                        I don’t think im changing a career. I think it’s a great start of doing what I did before but in truly professional way.

                        5 years… I have an idea, and looking around at startups market I think it is a worthy idea. I just only need human resources! And specific knowledge in the industry. I hope its going to happen sooner! 5 years is too much…

                        Come on. It’s an endless story… won’t keep writing but I probably have a lot to say to HR. With all the respect. Sorry, uncle Mike
                        Last edited by digorev; 09-19-2022, 08:23 PM.


                        • #57

                          Hi, My name is Daria.

                          I have university degree in Business.

                          I worked as healthcare manager in hospital where I planned and supervised all medical services, monitored budgets and worked with patients as well. It was a lot of responsibility but I really liked my job.

                          Since we moved in USA I want to try myself in new area, learn something new and get new profession, where I can challenge myself.

                          My husband works for a long time as developer and he told me about QA, which I think is good path for me, because its innovative and interesting job where I can apply my analytical and organization skills.

                          In 5 years I would like to become a senior QA engineer


                          • #58
                            My name is Olena, I'm from Ukraine .
                            I have a bachelor's degree in /Textile Technologist.
                            I have been working manager of the Restaurant about 10 yers .
                            It was an interesting job, but I wanted something more.
                            QA is very new for me I want to try and I know I can do this
                            In 5 years ,I'd like to be project manager


                            • #59
                              My name is Oksana. I have a law degree obtained in Ukraine. My education was related to studying at a specialised university, after which I worked in the police. I worked in the police for 10 years. Over the past few years, I have worked with many databases and often encountered different software. Then I started to get interested Software Quality. In 2016 , my husband and I moved to the USA. I understood that it would be very difficult for me to get a law education in America, and that’s why I decided to try myself in another direction, which I also really liked. I decided to direct myself to Software Testing. I like this direction. I am one of those people who like to work in a team, look for mistakes, and I am calm about routine work. In the next five years I want to be someone who makes the difference in Software Testing.


                              • #60
                                Dear All I'm Rita,
                                My professional development can be divided into three parts. I received my bachelor's degree in sociology and criminology from Bar Ilan University (Israel). During my studies, I began to be curious about the field of public opinion. After graduating I started my journey at research institute that specializes on public opinion researches. Over the 8 years, I progressed from junior assistant to senior researcher. During my work there, I set up a goal to finish my master's degree. In 2014 I received master's degree in Sociology specialization on marketing data analysis from Tel Aviv University. Same year my spouse and I moved to Atlanta Georgia where he started his postdoc research and I started my next career phase.

                                Shortly after arriving I started working at Consulate General of Israel which is part of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a project manager. Currently, I work at the Ministry and am planning the third phase of my career as a software quality assurance tester. The decision to change my career path was made out of a desire to be a part of multicultural international community.

                                Additionally to bachelor's and master's degrees over the past years of my carrier I have participated in a few professional development courses and bootcamps. These studies among other things have expended my knowledge in such fields as Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc. Those skills in addition to the desire to explore and learn new fields can assist me in becoming a successful software quality assurance tester and move up the ranks in this profession.

