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Taulia bug reports, homework

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  • 1. Inconsistent sorting in column "Amount": "$22,376.00'' is less than "$22,409.37"
    2. wrong arrow in sorting column "Amount"
    3. mismatch between associating "download list" with icon disketta
    4. not provide go to the home page by click on logo
    5. "binocular" icon hasn't tooltip.
    6. mismatch between tooltip ("approved") and text "paid" on the 4th row of column "status"
    7. space between "1 2" in search result pages is bigger than between other pages
    8. missing one dot in search results pages links "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32"
    9. missing "next" button in the search result pages links
    Last edited by Espehara; 09-23-2022, 05:42 AM.


    • #1. Inconsistency in amount formats. In “Amount” column numbers are given with period and comma characters “$10,289.00” while in “Search my invoices” section in “From amount” row - without ( “1000000”)
      #2. Inconsistency in amount formats. In “Amount column” numbers are given with currency symbol “$100.10” and in “Search my invoices” section in “From amount” row - without (“100”)
      #3. “Due Date” column: number “40988” is recurrent
      #4. “Due Date” column: number “30998” is recurrent
      #5. “Due Date” column: numbers “100444” and “101302” consist of 6 digits, the rest of numbers consist of 5 digits. Please make sure it is the way it should be.
      #6. Data in “Amount” column is not sorted according to the descending arrow.
      #7. Numbers in “Amount” column are sorted from small to big except $22,409.37” and “$22,376.00”
      #8. Replace the header “Inv. Date” with “Invoice Date” for user convenience
      #9. In “Search my invoices” section”, in “Invoice date” row insert drop down calendar with a date picker for user convenience
      #10. “Search my invoices” section: “Purchase order” row is in “Invoices” folder tab instead of being in “Purchase Orders” folder tab . Please make sure it is the way it should be.
      #11. “Search my invoices” section: replace “Invoice date” with “Invoice date range”
      #12. “Search my invoices” section: In “Invoice date” row label “from” is missing
      #13. Column “Payment” is in search results for “Invoices” folder tab instead of being in “Payments” folder tab . Please make sure it is the way it should be.
      #14. Column “PO#” is in search results for “Invoices” folder tab instead of being in “Purchase Orders” folder tab . Please make sure it is the way it should be.
      #15. Copyright sign is missing at the bottom of this application
      #16. Contact Us link is missing
      #17. Use 3 dots instead of 2 in page links “1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32”
      #18. In “Search my invoices” section, “Customer” row is in the “Invoices” folder tab instead of being in “Your Customer” folder tab . Please make sure it is the way it should be.
      #19. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected" in the first row of "Status" column
      #20. Replace ”Invoce#" with ”Invoice#" in the header of the first column
      #21. Remove column "Type”, because the user already knows that there will be only invoices by choosing “Invoices” folder tab.
      #22. Link to the page "5" of search results is missing
      #23. "Search my invoices" section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon character at the end
      #24. According to ”Results per page”in the listbox there must be 10 rows instead of 11
      #25. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011)
      #26. Date ”1-Oct-2011” in “Inv.Date” column goes beyond "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range specified by user
      #27. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
      #28. Data in "Due Date" column is not provided in a common date format
      #29. Data in "PO #" column is provided in a common date format. Please make sure it is the way it should be.
      #30. Inconsistency between "422" invoices found and “32” pages. More pages are needed to accommodate that many invoices.
      #31. “Amount” column is the only column that had a sorting arrow icon
      #32. “ "Search my invoices" section: search button is too far from searching parameters section
      #33. “Next” and “Previous” buttons are missing near page links “1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32”
      #34. Inconsistency in dates formats. In "Search my invoices" section, in “Invoice date” row the order is month/day/year and in search results - day/month/year
      #35. “Logout” in the top right corner indicates that the user logged in. Please add a greeting with the user's name, to indicate that the user logged in
      #36. Search results section: Button "Refresh" is redundant since it duplicates the same action as "Search" button in "Search my invoices" section.
      #37. "Search my invoices" section, "Invoice number" textfield accepts letters and special characters
      #38. "Search my invoices" section, "From amount" row textfields accept letters and special characters
      #39. Inconsistency between pronouns in folder tabs : " My Details" and "Your Customer".
      #40. "Search my invoices" section, "Purchase order" row: remove binocular icon.
      #41. Logo "Taulia" in the header of the application is not active when being navigated over by mouse pointer or pushed on.
      #42. "Search my invoices" section, "Invoice date" row: textfields "6/5/2011" and "9/30/2011" do not accept any new data input.
      #43. "Search my invoices" section: List boxes "Customer", "Invoice status" and "Results per page" offer only one option each.
      #44. Search results section: Headers are misaligned with columns
      #45. Search bar is missing in this application
      #46. “Hide search parameters” in “Search my invoices” section is not active when being navigated over.
      #47. “Search my invoices” section: “Search” button is inactive
      # 48. Search results section: pages links “1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32” are not active when being navigated over.

      Last edited by Tetiana Naumovych; 10-11-2022, 10:47 AM.


        1. In the first row of the “Status” column, replace the word “Rejcted” with the correct version, “Rejected”.
        2. In the “Due Date” column the input date is inconsistent with the general data format.
        3. In the “PO #” column the input data is inconsistent with the format, please verify if that is the intended format.
        4. In the “Amount” column, there is inconsistency between the selected descending order and the results in ascending order.
        5. In the row #7 the invoice date is out of the selected invoice date range, as “1-Oct-2011” comes after “9/30/2011).
        6. In the “Amount” column there is an order violation as “$22,409.37” belongs below “$22,376.00”.
        7. The “Type” column makes no sense, as all the entries are invoices in the “Invoices” folder.
        8. In the links with page results, the link for page 5 is missing.
        9. The “Showing 422 Invoices” is inconsistent, as only 10 results per page is selected.
        10. 32 pages are not enough for the “422 invoices” considering 10 results per page.
        11. "Payment" column has an inconsistent/out of the ordinary data format.
        12. In the #9 column the column header/title is missing.
        13. In the "Status" column, the status "Approved" is inconsistent with "Paid", "Rejected," or "In process" status.
        14. Change alignment of columns headers, as they are all misaligned with the rows below.
        15. Inconsistency in folder tab name: "My Details" and "Home", as pronoun "My" is irrelevant. Please verify if that is the intended folder tab name.
        16. Folder tab name: "Your Customer" is not common for folder names. as pronoun "Your" it is irrelevant. Please verify if that is the intended folder tab name.
        17. Eliminate "Search my invoices" field as t it redundant as the "Search" button is present.
        18. Eliminate "Binocular" button next to the "Purchase order" label as the "Search" button is present.


          1. Mismatch between “422” invoice found and 32 pages not being enough to accommodate that many invoices
          2. The column “PO#” provides the data in a common date format, please confirm that is the expected way of showing.
          3. The “amount column” is specified as descending showing. However it reflects the date in ascending showing
          4. Data in the “due date” column is not provided in a common date format, please confirm that is the expected way of showing.
          5. Replace “showing 422” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
          6. October results in the “Due Date” (or if confirmed the “PO#” date showing is correct), should not get into search results for 6/5/11 to 9/30/11
          7. Remove column “type” since it is redundant. It repeats what user already knows about the invoice “invoices folder”
          8. “Search my invoices” section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing the colon character at the end.
          9. Link to the page “5” of search results is missing
          10. Change “search my invoices” with “search”, since it is already specified as an invoice section
          11. The 11 row is missing “action” button, however the 11 row is not supposed to be showing at all. Please double check
          12. The column “9” is missing the header.Please confirm that is the expected way of showing
          13. Remove The “icons” in the “status” column , since they repeat the definitions of the status name and make it hard to read the data
          14. Align the header of each column to the left
          15. Change “Inv.Date”name to “Start Date”


          • 1. Mismatch between date format. Date format (6/5/2011) in the field "Invoice date" looks differently as in invoice date (29-Aug-2011) Row #3
            2. The column "Type" is unnecessary, in the second column.
            3. The information of "showing 422 invoices" is incorrect. There are 11 invoices showing on the page.
            4. The "due date" in the column 4 is not real date (looks like number 100444).
            5. The "PO#" in the column 5 is not looks like a number (28-Sep-2011)
            6. The increase of amount in the column #6 called "Amount" is not observed in the row#7.
            7. The "Amount" in column #6 ($100.00) and in the block "Search my invoices From amount:" (100) has a different view.
            8. The word "Logout" in the top right corner has incorrect spelling (Log out).
            9. The last row (#11) doesn't have button "Action".
            10. Mismatch between number of invoices (11 row) with result per page (10).
            11. Mismatch between "INV DATE" in the column #3 row #7 (1-Oct-2011), and given parameters in the search blocks (from 6/5/11 to 9/30/11).
            12. The word "rejected" in the column #7 has incorrect spelling (Rejctded).
            13. The word "Invoice#" has incorrect spelling in the table header row#1 (Invoce).
            14. Page #5 was skipping at the bottom of the page.
            15. There is showing 32 pages of results. Per search block it should be 10 results per page. 32*10=320. Per header information: "Showing 422 invoices".
            16. The button "Action" should be inactive if status: "Paid"
            17. The name of the column #8 "Payment" isn't showing the meaning of the column (payment #, or check #)
            18. Column titles in the header of the tablet and content are not centered in line with each others.
            19. Not every names of search has colon sign ":" in the search block.
            20. The buttons "Search" and "Refresh" are duplicated each others on the right site of page.
            21. The "Search my invoices" could be changed to "parameters" or "search of invoice" on the header of the page.


            • # 1. The upper row. "Logout" button.Who should logout? The user name/login is not displayed.

              # 2. Leftmost column title: Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".

              # 3. First row of the "Status" column. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".

              # 4."Search my invoices" section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon characters at the end.

              # 5. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices.

              # 6."Type" column is redundant and uninformative, since all the search results are the same type.

              # 7. Mismatch between date formats in "Invoice date" text field (6/5/2011) and search result table (5-Jul-2011)

              # 8. "Date of time" column. Data in the column is not provided in a common date format.

              # 9. "PO #" column. The data in the column is provided on the date format. Need to check.

              #10. "Amount" column. Mismatch between the actual sorting of data in the column (ascending) and the direction of the arrow to the right of the label (descending).

              #11. "Amount" column. Row with data "$22,409.37" should be below that of "$22,376.00".

              #12. 11th row of search results table. "Actions" button is missing.

              #13. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11.

              #14. If 1 page of the results table includes 10 rows=10 invoices, 32 pages is not enough to show 422 invoices.

              #15. Enumeration search results of pages: Link to page 5 is missing.

              #16. "1-Oct-2011" invoice should not be shown in search results for "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range.

              #17. “Amount” column. All data is left-aligned, not in currency format.

              #18. Add the “Previous” button in front of the link for page “1” from the links with page results section.

              #19. Add the “Next” button after the link for the last page from the links with page results section.

              #20. "Payment" column has an inconsistent/out of the ordinary data format.

              #21. 9th column. The column header/title is missing.

              #22. "Download list" button. Incorrect icon for download.

              #23. Invoice #1122339044 row. When the mouse cursor is pointing over the status of the invoice message pops up saying "Approved" which is a mismatch with "Paid" status of that invoice.
              Last edited by Ildarm20; 10-04-2022, 12:37 AM.


              • #1. Search results are given in 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Result per page" listbox
                #2. First row of "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                #3. The word "Invoce #" is misspelled in the header of the first column
                #4. Link to the page "5" of search result is missing
                #5. "Search my invoices" section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon character at the end
                #6. Inconsistency in date formats: "invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011)
                #7. Remove column "Type" since it is redundant. It repeats what user already knows about the "Invoices" folder
                #8. "1-Oct-2011" invoice should not get into search results for "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range
                #9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                #10. Data in the "Due Date" column is not provided in a common date format
                #11. Data in "PO #" column is provided in a common date format. Please make sure it is the way it should be
                #12. Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages not being enough to accommodate that many invoices
                #13. "Amount" column sorted from the lowest to highest amount, but the sort arrow is pointing in the opposite direction
                #14. In "Amount" column lines 7 and 8 are not sorted like the rest lines. The lowest amount should be ahead of a large one
                #15. The icon of "Download list" is incorrect. Use the right icon for download button.
                #16. Info in "Payment" column is not clear. Please check what info should be there
                #17. "Inv. Date" column alignment not correlated in column title.
                #18. "Due Date" column alignment not correlated in column title.
                #19. "PO #" column alignmtent not correlated in column title.
                #20. "Amount" column alignment not correlated in column title.
                #21. "Status" column alignment not correlated in column title.
                #22. "Payment" column alignment not correlated in column title.
                #23. Add "Next" button to go to the next search page
                #24. Add "Previous" button to go to the previous search page
                #25. Remove search icon since it repeats "Search" button
                #26. Inconsistency in amount formats: "From amount:" text field (100 to 1000000) and the search results table ($10,289.00)
                #27. Replace "Inv. Date" column title with "Invoice Date"


                • Taulia bug report 10/05/2022

                  1. In "Search my invoices" section add option to search by "Due date" range.
                  2. In "Search my invoices" section the order of the fields for search need to be changed to have logical flow with the "Search results" section.
                  Invoice number, Customer, Invoice date, Purchase Order, Due date, Amount, Status, Payment date.
                  3. In the header the word "Payment" needs to be changed to "Payment date".
                  4. Data in the "Payment" column is clear. If its a date format-need to be corrected to common data format.
                  5. In the main menu of the page "My details" needs to be change to "Details".
                  6. In the main menu of the page "Your Customer" needs to be located between "Invoices" and "Purchase Orders".
                  7. In the main menu of the page "Your Customer" needs to be change to "Customers".

