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Taulia bug reports, homework

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  • #61
    1. In The invoice search result table: "PO#" column is showing the same purchase order number "40988 an "30998" for multiple times. PO number must be unique.
    2. In the invoice search result table: "Payment" column is not indicated as what exactly it supposed to be. Please clarify if this should be an amount "$" or payment "#".
    3. The column with "Actions" button doesn't have a title.
    4. In the search result table the column "Actions" has to have drop down arrow (chevron) as it is pointing to multiple actions by the word in plural.
    5. In the header very top right corner the "Logout" link is misspelled. As an action it suppose to be two separate words - Log Out.
    6. In the table's top blue bar: "Download list" text should be fixed to "Download table".


    • #62
      #1. Inconsistency in date formats: "From amount:" text fields (1000000) and the search results table "Amount" ($22,409.37)
      #2. Sorting in column "Amount" works incorrectly. Line 7 ($22,409.37) and 8 ($22,376.00) should be switched.


      • #63
        Taulia bug report, homework
        1. Search result table: misspelled in the word "Rejcted" in the first cell of the "Status" column
        2. Inconsistency with the number format of the date in the "Inv. Date" column. Replace "d-m-y" with "m-d-y"
        3. Data does not match query in "Due Date" column
        4. Data does not match query in " PO #" column
        5. "Search my invoices" section: "Search" button is not active
        6. The "NEXT" button is missing from the first page.


        • #64
          1) The "Due Date" column should be switched with the "PO #" column.
          -When this is done, the "PO #" column needs to be updated. "40988" and "30998" appear multiple times.
          -The numbers are not consistent. There are 5 digits and 6 digits.
          2) The space between Page 1 and Page 2 needs to be lessened to match the space between all of the pages.
          3) The page shows 11 results, instead of 10, which is what the "Results per page" is set to.
          4) Row 11 is missing the "Actions" button.
          5) In the "Status" column, "Rejcted" should be replaced with "Rejected."
          6) "Download list" button is not working.
          7) "Refresh" button is not working.
          8) The "Search" button is not working.
          9) Cannot look at the pages after one. The pages are not clickable.
          10) Downward arrow next to the "Amount" column is not working.
          11) "Hide Search Parameters" is not working.
          12) "Payment" column dates are not in correct format. Format is as follows: YYYY-MM-DD


          • #65
            1. "Invoice" menu selected and no need for "Type" column
            2. In the columns "Due Date" and "PO" the information has inconsistency with the name of this columns.
            3. Column names are not aligned to the left vertical
            4. In the "Amount" column, all amounts are arranged in ascending order, but the 8th line shows a result less than the 7th


            • #66

              Assignment 1
              TAULIA Page UI Testing

              Bug Report

              #1. Page design doesn’t look responsive. Make sure the page stretches/shrinks appropriately when resizing.
              #2. Upper right menu: the page doesn’t show who [user name] is logged in.
              #3. Upper right menu: make sure "User Manager” label makes sense.
              #4 Upper right menu: “Profile” label doesn’t say whose profile it is linked to. Make sure “Profile” label is as intended.
              #5. Main menu: replace "Your Customer” with “Your Customers”.
              #6. "Search my Invoices” section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon character at the end of their names
              #7. "Search my Invoices” section: empty fields. Make sure it is the way it should be.
              #8."Search my Invoices” section: label “Customer” reads “General Electric”. Make sure it is the way it is supposed to.
              #9. "Search my Invoices” section, label “Purchase order”: binoculars icon is confusing. Make sure it is the way it is supposed to.
              #10. "Search my Invoices” section: replace label “From amount” with “Amount” and add “from" before the text field with the lowest amount.
              #11. "Search my Invoices” section label “Amount”: add the currency.
              #12. "Search my Invoices” section label “Amount”: add money format.
              #13. "Search my Invoices” section label “Invoice date”: add “from” before the starting date text field.
              #14. Search results show 11 rows instead of 10 as per “Results per page” listbox choice.
              #15. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with ” Showing 1-10 out of 422 invoices”.
              #16. Mismatch between “422” invoices found and 32 pages of search result not being enough to accommodate that many invoices.
              #17. Replace “Invoce #” with “Invoice #”.
              #18. Remove column “Type” as redundant. It repeats what user already knows about “Invoices” page.
              #19. Inconsistency in date formats: “Invoice date” text field (6/5/2011) in Search block and the search results table (5-Jul-2011).
              #20. Search results table: Date format the search results table (5-Jul-2011) is in dd/mm/yyyy format. Make sure it is as intended.
              #21. Search results table: Due Date data is not provided in a common date format.
              #22.Search results table: “PO #” columns provided in a common date format. Make sure this is as intended.
              #23. Search results table, row 1, “Status” column: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.
              #24. “1-Oct-2011” invoice doesn’t fall into the search results for “6/5/2011” to “9/30/2011” range.
              #25. Search results table: row 11 misses “Action” button.
              #26. Link to page “5” in search results is missing.
              #27. Search results table: pages of search results show “..” instead of “…”
              #28. Search results table: make sure the table columns are aligned appropriately.
              #29. Search results table: “Amount’ column sorting sign doesn’t correspond to the ascending results in the column.
              #30. Search results table: row 7 and row 8 in “Amount’ column do not show the consistency of sorting results.
              #31. Inconsistency between naming ”Invoice number” in “Search my invoices” and search results table “Invoice #” column.
              #32. Inconsistency between naming ”Invoice date” in “Search my invoices” and search results table “Inv. Date” column.
              #33. Inconsistency between naming ”Purchase order” in “Search my invoices” and search results table “PO #” column.
              #34. Search results table: “Actions” buttons column does not have a header. Make sure this is by design.


              • #67
                Bug reports on Taulia.

                #1. The top buttons do not always appear in a full rectangle when hovering over them.
                #2. In the upper right corner, the words "user" and "manager" are not separated by "|".
                #3. In the "Amount" column, there is no active button for the drop-down list.
                #4. The "Actions" column has no title.
                #5. The "Actions" button on line 11 is missing.
                #6. In "Invoice number", "Purchase order", "From amount:" there is no limit on the number of input characters.


                • #68
                  1. Inconsistent label names in "Search My Invoices" section above and column titles in the table below. E.g.: Invoice number = Invoice # (full match), but Purchase Order = PO # (Is word "number" missing?); Invoice status = Status (Is word "Invoice" missing?).

                  2. Inconsistent data format in "From amount:" label text field (no $ sign, no decimal points) vs "Amount" column in the table below ($, decimal points).

                  3. "Invoice date" filter is not working as expected: selected data range "to 9/30/2011", but invoice # 1122339546 in the table below is dated 1-Oct-2011, which is outside selected range.


                  • #69
                    Bugs founded in the class:

                    1. Search results are 11 instead are given 10 as per "Results per page" list box.
                    2. First row of "Statues" column has misspelling mistake: replace "Rejected with "Rejected".
                    3. In the header of the first column the word "Invoice" is misspelled.
                    4. In the page search results Link to page #5 is missing.
                    5 . In the "Search my invoices" section8 of 9 labels are missing colon character.
                    6. Invoice dates format in the "Search my invoices", "Inv. date" search column and search "Due date" column have inconsistent dates formats.
                    7. "Type" column looks redundant.
                    8. "1-Oct-2011" in "Invoice date " column out of "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" given range.
                    9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                    10. "Due date" header and "PO#" header needs to be swapped.
                    11. Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages not enough to accommodate that many invoices.

                    Bugs founded after the class. (H/W)

                    1. "Taulia" logo is not clickable element. To make it clickable might help a user to navigate to the homepage.
                    2. In the "Amount" column there is sorting order violation - "$22,376,00" does below "$22,409,37".
                    3. In the header "Amount" the drop-down menu item might be eliminated if the dollar is only currency used for an accounting transactions.
                    4. in "From amount" text fields ("Search my invoices" section) there are currency symbol is missing.
                    5. Links to Page searches from 1 to 32 are not clickable.
                    6. The column #9 does not have a header name. Suggestion: name it "Action".
                    7. Rows names in column #9 are repetitive. Replace rows fields "Action" with drop down menu with different user options.
                    8. "Advanced search " button is missing.
                    9. Columns need to be aligned.
                    10. The space after the Column #9 is not needed, looks like additional column.
                    11.Date format looks questionable in "Payment" column.
                    12. PO# have the same number, the 3rd. column.
                    Last edited by Yulia Davis; 09-12-2022, 03:35 PM.


                    • #70
                      1. Data in "PO #" column and data in "Due Date" column should be swapped.
                      2. In "Due Date" column purchase order # "40988" repeats 7 times and "30998" repeats 2 times.
                      3. In top navigation container first link "User Manager". Please make sure it's not "User Settings".
                      4. Search result header arranged to the right, but all other data in columns arranged center.
                      5. Between buttons 10 and 32 should be 3 dots instead of 2 dots.
                      Last edited by Volodia; 09-12-2022, 06:44 AM.


                      • #71
                        #13. Add some information to the page about site purpose to give unique look and feel
                        #14. Replace "Invoice Date" text fields with Date drop-down box
                        #15. Remove the binoculars as it is redundant with the Search button
                        #16. Make all 7 columns active for sorting ascending and descending like "Amount" column
                        #17. Provide link on page that leads to the page specially designed for people with disabilities if applicable
                        #18. Highlight Folders "Home", "Invoices", "Purchase Orders", "Payments", "My Details", "Cash Planner" and "Your Customer" with shape and color to have more distinctive look
                        #19. Move button "Refresh" near to the "Search" button for convenience
                        #20. Move "Hide search parameters" under the search parameters, so when the parameters are hidden this button is hidden as well
                        #21. Highlight "Search my invoices" button so it is clear that it is a button (because when search parameters are hidden there should be a button to call it)
                        #22. Make a copy of buttons "Download list" and "Refresh" in the bottom of the search results, in case User use a great amount of results per page
                        #23. Rename "Refresh" button to "Clear results" for better understanding the purpose of the button
                        #24. Leave one of the "User Manager" or "Profile" link if it leads to the same information about account
                        #25. Underline "Manager" in "User Manager" if it is account name for better understanding
                        #26. Rename "invoices" in "Showing 422 invoices" for "Search results", because it is a search result from the total amount of invoices that could be much bigger before filters
                        #27. Rename Inv.Date for "Invoice Date"
                        #28. In column "Amount" use only dots without commas in numbers as a money sum local standard
                        #29. Make buttons "Actions" as a Drop down menus
                        #30. Align all columns with its names


                        • #72
                          1. Data in the " From amount: " text field accepts letters
                          2. "Results per page" in the list box doesn't give us a choice of different results per page
                          3. Replace the abbreviation in column " Inv. Date ". It is not understandable for users.
                          4. Data in the " Amount " column should be aligned to the right.
                          5. The dropdown arrow in the " Amount " column shows the opposite sort direction.
                          6. The 9th column header is missing.
                          7. The "Due Date" and "PO #" columns is swapped.
                          Last edited by estanovsky; 09-12-2022, 10:06 PM.


                          • #73
                            1. Inconsistency in number formats: comma and decimal comma are absent in “From amount” text fields (ex.1000000), while it is present in “Amount” column (ex. 87,888.05)
                            2. “Search” button and the button next to “Purchase order” text field: please, check does both of them have the same function and give the same results in “Search results” table.
                            3. Inconsistency if number format in the “Due date” column: different fonts are used for 100444, 101302 compared to 40988.
                            4. Column headers in the search results table are not aligned with the content of column.
                            5. Please, check “Logout” in the top right corner of the page. Should be replaced with “Log out”
                            6. Extra space between pages “1” and “2” should be removed.


                            • #74
                              1. Disparity in the number of invoices; the number of invoices shown in the blue bar above the table (422) does not equal the number indicated below the table to the left (320 – 32 pages, each with ten invoices, are viewable); ensure that both locations equal the correct number of invoices resulting from the search.
                              2. Confusing language; the blue bar says it is “showing 422 invoices”; recommend changing the text to read “422 invoices found.”
                              3. Suboptimal icon; the icon used for “rejected” in the first line is an envelope; recommend changing “rejected” icon to a red x.
                              4. Unclear values; the values in the Payment column are incomprehensible; change the format of the entries to readily convey the parameter we are listing in the Payment column, i.e., if it’s a date, make it match the date format used elsewhere and change the column header to read “Payment Date.”
                              5. Unclear language; “Search my invoices” at the top left of the page does not clearly indicate the function of the page; recommend including information at the top of the page that clearly indicates who issued the invoices, who is being invoiced, and who “my” is.


                              • #75
                                1. Invoice of day October 1 should not be showing because the invoice dates are from June 5 to September 30
                                2. Type column should be removed because all of them show that they are invoices
                                3. Row 11 shouldn’t be shown because our policy of results per page is 10 .
                                4. Amount column arrow shows that it should go from greatest to least not least to greatest
                                5. In the amount column price 22,409.37 goes first instead of 22,376.00 as a increasing order
                                6. Last column doesn’t have a title or any information and should be removed
                                7. Due Date and Po# columns should be swapped
                                8. Customer field doesn’t have any other options then “General Electric “ and should be removed
                                9. Invoice status field only have one option “all” and should be removed
                                10. Results per page field only have option of 10 and should be removed
                                11. If correctly showing 10 invoices for 32 pages it won’t show all 422 invoices but only 328 so more pages should be added
                                12. Page #5 is missing

