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Online class September 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • Online class September 6, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

    Energy Telecom Bugs:

    1. Tab order violation: "Last Name" field should take input focus after press Tab key in the "First Name" field. Actually "Referred by" field takes input focus
    2. Suggestion: "First Name" field should have default input focus
    3. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons have different appearance
    4. "Referred by" field behaves as a required field
    5. "ZIP" field accepts non digit characters
    6. "ZIP" field allows to paste more than 5 characters
    7. "State" listbox contains wrong "BC" item
    8. "State" listbox should not have "Other" item
    9. "Email" field accepts 1063 characters, not 255 as required
    10. "Email" field accepts non valid email address with more than one @ character
    11. "Email" field accepts non valid email address without @ character
    12. "Phone" text fields allow to paste non digit characters
    13. "Cell Phone Service": "Current Provider" should have "Other" item
    14. "Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to type non digit characters
    15. "Cell Phone Service": "Months left on current contract" listbox should have "11" item
    16. "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
    17. "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "Total Bill" field allows to paste non digit characters
    18. "High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
    19. "TV Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
    20. "Home Security Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non digit characters
    21. "Gas and Electric Services": Misspelled word "opento" should be replaced with "open to"
    22. "Comments" text field has no limit for user input text length
    23. The error message shown after press "Clear" button. Form is not cleared
    24. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters, not 31 as required
    25. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters, not 31 as required
    26. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters, not 255 as required
    27. Incosistency: In the "State" listbox replace "IND" item with "IN"
    28. "Email" field dosn't behave as a required field
    Last edited by skorb; 09-19-2022, 01:34 PM.

  • #2
    Bug Reports: Energy-Telecom Project

    ID Description
    1 “Please enter/select” error message in the “errorTable” needs to replace by "Required field" message – Requirement violation
    2 "Referred by" text field: behave as required, but it’s not by requirements – need to remove from “errorTable” or add to requirements
    3 “Email” text field: behave as not required, error message in the “errorTable” is missing
    4 “State” List Box include only 49 states and “Other” selection - list should be taken from the US Post Office API
    5 “First Name/Last Name” test fields do not accept 31 characters as required, only 30.
    6 “Street Address” text field do not accept 255 characters as required, only 100.
    7 “Email” text field: do not accept 255 characters as required, only 100.
    8 “Email” text field: accept characters different from required for Email field


    • #3
      1. Tab order is not from top to bottom. When in First Name field and press tab, next active field appears as "referred by" instead of "Last name".
      2. State tab: States are not in alphabetical order.
      3. "Months left on current contract:" When press on "select" tab, only 10 months appear instead of 12.
      4. Email field: required format not maintained (@)


      • #4
        Browser Chrome OS Windows
        1.Load page
        2.Scroll down to "submit" "clear" buttons.
        3.Push "clear" button
        Observe: browser reports: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
        1.Submit form without "referred by" field
        Observe: Browser reports: "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
        This field should be marked as required or form should be excepted without it.
        1.Scroll to "Contact Information"
        2.Focus into Zip Code field
        3.Type low case or upper case letters
        Observe: Allows to type letters.
        1.Scroll down to "Contact Information"
        2.Open "State" drop box
        Observe: there is no BC as a state. IND should be abbreviated as IN. "Other" should be at the end of the list.
        1.Go down to "7.Gas and Electric Services"
        Observe: Grammar mistake "I am opento using different provider" should have space "open to"
        1.Submit form without an email
        Observe: Submits without an email even if it's a required field
        1. Go down to "1. Cell Phone Service"
        2.Open "Current Provider" drop box
        Observe: Missing "Other" option
        1.Go down to "2.Local/Long Distances/International Service"
        Observe: "International calls included?" and "Long distance included?" both have question marks at the end. Should have colon mark instead
        1.Go down to "1. Cell Phone Service"
        2.Open "Months left on current contract:" drop box
        Observe: Only 10 months showing. Should be "more" added
        1.Scroll down to "1.Cell Phone Service"
        2. "My monthly bill is approximately:"
        Observe: allows to type low case and upper case letters
        1. Open page
        2. Select any numeric field. For example "My monthly bill is approximately:" you cannot type letters or special characters.
        3.Copy paste letters or special characters
        Observe: Value accepted


        • #5
          1. Provide "Referred by" field with an asterisk.

          2. "First Name" field accommodates only 30 characters.

          3. "Last Name" field accommodates only 30 characters.

          4. "Street Address" field accommodates only 100 characters.

          5. "State" list box: delete “BC” (since it’s Canadian zip code) and “Other” (since it’s non-exist zip code) from List Box.

          6. "State" list box: misspelled state IN - replace "IND", with "IN".

          7. "State" list box is missing 2 states.

          8. "ZIP" field is shown in capital letters, unlike other fields' headers.

          9. "ZIP" field accepts letters.

          10. "ZIP" field: paste menu is enabled.

          11. "Email" field accommodates strings of more than 255 characters.

          12. "Email" field doesn't accept the "_" special character.

          13. "Email" field is acting as an optional field.

          14. "Street Address", "City", "State", and "ZIP" fields accept non-exist information as the right one.

          15. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form.
          Last edited by TatianaG; 09-19-2022, 06:27 PM.


          • #6
            1. “State” field must be in alphabetical order, but at the list box the first option starts with letter B not A.
            2. “State” field does not have all 50 states as needed, instead of the 50th state it has the field “Other”.
            3. Field “ZIP” accepts letters and special characters and must accept only numbers.
            4. Field “Email” accepts not an email format that must end with an example (
            5. “Phone” field accepts copy pasted letters and special characters.
            6. “Phone” field doesn’t pass from field to field while you delete information.
            7. “Best way to contact me” field better rephrase to “Preferred method to contact”.
            8. “Referred by” field accepts numbers and special characters must accept only letters.
            9. Better to rephrase “Indicates required field” to “required field”.
            10. “Referred by” it is appear like a required field, but it is not supposed to be required.
            11. 1st table “Cell phone service” under “Current provider” has 2 options to choose from, they are contradictory and you need to choose only one, but we can choose both.
            12. 1st table“Cell phone service”, field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters and copy pasted special characters, supposed to accept only numbers.
            13. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Minutes on plan” have too many options to choose from and need to be reduced.
            14. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Months left on current contract” supposed to have only numbers in options, but we see there is a word “Prepaid”.
            15. 1st table “Cell phone service” field “Months left on current contract” must have at least 12 numbers, but there are only 10.
            16. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Number of phones on plan” has too many options, there must be limitations on how many phones could be on plan.
            17. 1st table “Cell phone service”, options “I like my handset” and “I am interested in updating my handset” are contradictory and cannot be chosen together at the same time.
            18. 2nd table”Local/Long distance/International service”, “Cell phone” field accept copy pasted special characters and letters supposed to accept only numbers.
            19. 2nd table”Local/Long distance/International service”, “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts copy pasted letters and special characters, supposed to accept only numbers.
            20. 2nd table”Local/Long distance/International service”, “Total bill” field accepts copy pasted letters and special characters, supposed to accept only numbers.
            21. 7th table “Gas and electric services”, field “Current Provider” when we choose in a list box options “Others” suppose to appear another field to write, by inserting name from the keyboard, name of the other provider.
            22. 7th table “Gas and electric services”, change “I am opento using different provider” to “I am open to using different provider”.
            23. 8th table “Comments” suppose to have a limit on inserted characters, but it is unlimited.
            24. “Email” field is supposed to be required, but while we do not enter any data it doesn't come up with a message of requirement.
            25. “Clear” button near the “Submit” doesn’t look the same, they are inconsistent.
            24. “First name” field can accommodate only 30 symbols, instead of 31.
            25. “Last name” field can accommodate only 30 symbols, instead of 31.
            26. “Street address” field can accommodate 100 symbols instead of 255.
            27. When we push the “Clear” button it doesn't clear the page but comes up with an error message.


            • #7
              1.First Name Label:Text field accept no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
              2.Last Name Label:Text field accept no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
              3.Street Address Label:Text field accept only 100 characters instead of 255.
              4.Label State:The state are not in alphabetic order
              5.Label State: has ,,other" in the list which is not support to be there
              6.Label State: das BC state witch doesn't exist should be delete
              7.Label State:NV(Nevada,HI(Hawaii) missing from the list box. Indiana has the wrong spelling (IND) replace IN
              8.Label ZIP:Accept latters and numbers, doesn't meet the requirements
              9.Current Provider: doesn't have ,,other'' in the list
              10.My monthly bill is approximately:accept copy paste ,,letters" supposed to accept only numbers
              11.Months left on current contract:supposed to have (0-12) but has only 10, prepaid should be removed
              12.Number of phones on plan:to many options, should be no more than 5
              13.Clear buttom it come with message errors
              14.I am ,,opento'' using different provider: misspelling ,,opento" ned to be fixed
              15.,,Submit" bottom has different size than ,,Clear"bottom need to be fixed


              • #8
                TEST CASE Energy Telecom - Service Review requirements

                ID Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs

                Test 1 First name 31 character 30 character 1

                Test 2 Last name 31 character 30 character 1

                Test 3 Street Address 255 character 100 character 1

                Test 4 City 50 character 50 character 0

                Test 5 State List of all 50 states 1-st state in the list 1
                BC does not exist

                Test 6 State List of all 50 states State Hawaii (HI) is 1
                missing from the list

                Test 7 State List of all 50 states State Nevada (NV) is 1
                missing from the list

                Test 8 State List of all 50 states The line "Other" must be 1
                removed from the list

                Test 9 ZIP Accepts 5 characters Paste 6 and more digits 1

                Test 9 Email 255 character 300 characters and more 1

                Test 10 Phone Accepting 3-3-4 chars Accepting 3-3-4 chars 0
                (digits only) (digits only)


                • #9
                  BUG reports:

                  Energy-Telecom - Service Review

                  OS Windows 7, Chrome browser

                  #1. If you click the "Submit" button on a completely blank form, the required Email field is missing from the "required field" list.
                  #2. Field "First name" field holds 30 characters.
                  #3. Field "Last name" field holds 30 characters.
                  #4. Field "Street Address" field holds 100 characters.
                  #5. In list-box "State" state - BC does not exist.
                  #6. In list-box "State" states Hawaii (HI), Nevada (NV) is missing from the list.
                  #7. In list-box "State" state - "Other" must be removed from the list.
                  #8. In field "ZIP" paste 6 and more digits.
                  #9. Field "Email" field holds 256 and more characters.
                  #10. After field "First Name" TAB order of tabs is broken.
                  #11. Button "Clear" in the end of the form does not working (Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please...).


                  • #10

                    Bug Reports

                    1. "First Name" and "Last Name" text fields accept 30 characters MAX instead of 31 as per requirements.
                    2. When required field is empty the pop-up window says "Fill out..." instead of "Required field".
                    3. "Referred by" field needs and asterisk.
                    4. "ZIP code" accepts letters both typed and pasted
                    5. "ZIP code" accepts more than 5 digits when paste.
                    6. "ZIP code" accepts special characters both typed and pasted.
                    7. Pop-up error messages are confusing and misleading when user pushes "Clear" button
                    8. "Clear" and "Submit" buttons are inconsistent.
                    9. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts pasted special characters and letters
                    10. Data in the "ZIP code" field does not match with "State" field (e.x. 20136 is a real ZIP code, but not in PA state)
                    11. In "Cell Phone Service" "Current Provider" needs more options (e.x. AT&T, Mint)
                    12. "Number of phones on plan" list box should have MAX number 10.
                    13. "ZIP code" accepts non existing ZIP code
                    14. "State" list has "Other" - not applicable
                    15."State" list should not have BC
                    16."State" list is missing HI, NV.
                    17."State" fields for Indiana should be IN instead IND.
                    18. Required field "Email" accepted invalid email address (e.x. without
                    19."Phone" field accepts pasting letters.
                    20. "Current provider " list box should include "Other" option.
                    21."Email" text box has asterisk, but doe not behave as required field.
                    22. TAB order is not logical ("First Name" - "Referred by"- "Last Name")


                    • #11
                      Energy-Telecom Functionality Testing (BUG REPORTS)

                      1. The "Asterisk" symbol in the "Referred by" text field is missing
                      2. State letter symbols are replaced by the "other" button in the "State" text field
                      3. The text in the "State" text field is not sorted alphabetically
                      4. The "Email" section's "Asterisk" doesn't indicate that a field is required
                      5. The "ZIP" code field will accept the copy-paste of six characters or more.
                      6. Pushing the "Clear" button causes a confusing or misleading error message to appear.
                      7. Different-sized buttons are used for "Submit" and "Clear."

                      Energy-Telecom requirements
                      Title/Description Expected Result Actual Result Bugs
                      The "First Name" text field Accepts all characters Accepted 0
                      The "First Name" text field No more than 31 characters 30 characters accepted 1
                      The ”Last Name” text field Accepts all characters Accepted 0
                      The ”Last Name” text field No more than 31 characters 30 characters accepted 1
                      The “Street Address” text field Accepts all characters Accepted 0
                      The “Street Address” text field No more than 255 characters 100 characters accepted 1
                      The “City” text field Accepts all characters Accepted 0
                      The “City” text field No more than 50 characters Accepted 0
                      The “State” text field List of all 50 states Has a list of 49 states 1
                      The “Zip” text field Should have 5 characters Accepted 0
                      The “Zip” text field Should have digits only Accepts letters and digits 1
                      The “Email” text field accepts digits, letters, special characters Accepted 0
                      The “Email” text field No more than 255 characters Unlimited characters accepted 1
                      The “Phone” text field 3 text fields Accepted 0
                      The “Phone” text field Accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only) Accepted 0


                      • #12
                        Energy-Telecom Bug report

                        1#. First name field should accept 31 characters iso 30 ones.
                        2#. Last Name field should accept 31 characters iso 30 ones.
                        3#. Street Address should accept 255 characters iso 100 ones.
                        4#. State field should show two-letter state abbreviation by default, e.g. Indiana state should be produced as IN iso IND.
                        5#. State field is supposed to be in alphabetical order.
                        6#. State field is supposed to put in relevant order, so *Other* should be placed at the end of the State list.
                        7#. State BC doesn't exist and should be removed from the State field.
                        8#. State field should be added with "NV" and "HI" states.
                        9#. ZIP code field accepts letters iso digits only.
                        10#. ZIP code field accepts more than 5 characters if using copy-paste keyboard keys.
                        11#. Email field should accept no more than 255 characters.
                        12#. Email address should consist of a username, an @ sign, and a domain name.
                        13#. *Referred by* field should be marked as required field if it is supposed to be so.
                        14#. In Cell Phone Service subtitle, Current Provider field is missing the well-known providers in USA, such as e.g. AT&T, Comcast.
                        15#. Current Provider field should be provided with the option "Others" which follows to one more additional text field for typing one's own Provider (optional).
                        16#. Number of phones on plan should be reduced to 5.
                        17#. In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" subtitle in "Current Provider" when choosing option "Others" no additional text field is proposing to a customer.
                        18#. Primary Phone Number field allows to copy/paste special characters iso digits only.
                        19#. "My monthly bill is approximately" field in contains an enormous quantity of characters, and not only digits in " Cell Phone Service" subtitle.
                        20#. "Number of phones on plan" may contain not more than 5 numbers.
                        21#. The field "Primary Phone Number" in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" allows to copy/paste special characters.
                        22#. While choosing an option "Others" in "Current Provider" field no additional text field is proposed by default.
                        23#. Error 17896 occurs when clicking on "Clear" button.
                        Last edited by EMax; 09-22-2022, 04:19 PM.


                        • #13
                          7. “Best way to contact me” field better rephrase to “Preferred method to contact”.
                          8. “Referred by” field accepts numbers and special characters must accept only letters.
                          9. Better to rephrase “Indicates required field” to “required field”.
                          10. “Referred by” it is appear like a required field, but it is not supposed to be required.
                          11. 1st table “Cell phone service” under “Current provider” has 2 options to choose from, they are contradictory and you need to choose only one, but we can choose both.
                          12. 1st table“Cell phone service”, field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters and copy pasted special characters, supposed to accept only numbers.
                          13. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Minutes on plan” have too many options to choose from and need to be reduced.
                          14. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Months left on current contract” supposed to have only numbers in options, but we see there is a word “Prepaid”.
                          15. 1st table “Cell phone service” field “Months left on current contract” must have at least 12 numbers, but there are only 10.
                          16. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Number of phones on plan” has too many options, there must be limitations on how many phones could be on plan.
                          17. 1st table “Cell phone service”, options “I like my handset” and “I am interested in updating my handset” are contradictory and cannot be chosen together at the same time.
                          18. 2nd table”Local/Long distance/International service”, “Cell phone” field accept copy pasted special characters and letters supposed to accept only numbers.
                          19. 2nd table”Local/Long distance/International service”, “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts copy pasted letters and special characters, supposed to accept only numbers.
                          20. 2nd table”Local/Long distance/International service”, “Total bill” field accepts copy pasted letters and special characters, supposed to accept only numbers.
                          21. 7th table “Gas and electric services”, field “Current Provider” when we choose in a list box options “Others” suppose to appear another field to write, by inserting name from the keyboard, name of the other provider.
                          22. 7th table “Gas and electric services”, change “I am opento using different provider” to “I am open to using different provider”.


                          • #14
                            1. “State” field must be in alphabetical order, but at the list box the first option starts with letter B not A.
                            2. “State” field does not have all 50 states as needed, instead of the 50th state it has the field “Other”.
                            3. Field “ZIP” accepts letters and special characters and must accept only numbers.
                            4. Field “Email” accepts not an email format that must end with an example (
                            5. “Phone” field accepts copy pasted letters and special characters.
                            6. “Phone” field doesn’t pass from field to field while you delete information.
                            7. “Best way to contact me” field better rephrase to “Preferred method to contact”.
                            8. “Referred by” field accepts numbers and special characters must accept only letters.
                            9. Better to rephrase “Indicates required field” to “required field”.
                            10. “Referred by” it is appear like a required field, but it is not supposed to be required.
                            11. 1st table “Cell phone service” under “Current provider” has 2 options to choose from, they are contradictory and you need to choose only one, but we can choose both.
                            12. 1st table“Cell phone service”, field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters and copy pasted special characters, supposed to accept only numbers.
                            13. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Minutes on plan” have too many options to choose from and need to be reduced.
                            14. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Months left on current contract” supposed to have only numbers in options, but we see there is a word “Prepaid”.
                            15. 1st table “Cell phone service” field “Months left on current contract” must have at least 12 numbers, but there are only 10.
                            16. 1st table “Cell phone service”, field “Number of phones on plan” has too many options, there must be limitations on how many phones could be on plan.
                            17. 1st table “Cell phone service”, options “I like my handset” and “I am interested in updating my handset” are contradictory and cannot be chosen together at the same time.


                            • #15
                              1. Street Address should accept 255 characters iso 100 ones.
                              2. State field should show two-letter state abbreviation by default, e.g. Indiana state should be produced as IN iso IND.
                              3. State field is supposed to be in alphabetical order.
                              4. State field is supposed to put in relevant order, so *Other* should be placed at the end of the State list.
                              5. State BC doesn't exist and should be removed from the State field.
                              6. State field should be added with "NV" and "HI" states.
                              7. ZIP code field accepts letters iso digits only.
                              8. ZIP code field accepts more than 5 characters if using copy-paste keyboard keys.
                              9. Email field should accept no more than 255 characters.
                              10. Email address should consist of a username, an @ sign, and a domain name.
                              11. *Referred by* field should be marked as required field if it is supposed to be so.
                              12. In Cell Phone Service subtitle, Current Provider field is missing the well-known providers in USA, such as e.g. AT&T, Comcast.
                              13. Current Provider field should be provided with the option "Others" which follows to one more additional text field for typing one's own Provider (optional).
                              14. Number of phones on plan should be reduced to 5.
                              15. In "Local/Long Distances/International Service" subtitle in "Current Provider" when choosing option "Others" no additional text field is proposing to a customer.
                              16. Primary Phone Number field allows to copy/paste special characters iso digits only.

