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Online class May 9, 2022 - Test GUI, usability, functionality of Orange HRM

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  • Olha Baklytska
    Test GUI, usability, functionality of OrangeHRM:

    1. "PIM"/"Employee list" field "Employee name" accepts digits
    2. "PIM"/"Employee list" field "Employee supervisor" acceprts digits
    3. "PIM"/"Employee list"/"Add" button redirect to the page where Full Name consists from three different fields: first name, middle name and last name
    4. "PIM"/"Add employee" (push the green button "add" on the main page) does not require fields: confirm password and status, even though they have asterics which means that they should be required
    5. "PIM"/"Employee list"/"Delete" button allows to delete a record if it is chosen, should it be like this?
    6. "PIM"/"Employee list" column "Id" filters based on the value of first digit, not number itself, should it be this way?
    7. "PIM"/ "Reports" the option "Selected Criteria Include" is not required, but it has asterics
    8. "PIM"/"Employee list" field "id" accepts letters, not just digits
    9. "Performance"/"Reviews" in the field Job Title is not valid data
    10. "Performance"/"Copy KPI" in the field "Copy from" there is not valid data
    11. "Performance"/"Copy KPI" button "reset" does not reset
    12. "Performance"/"Copy KPI" incorrect order of tab button
    13. "Performance"/"Copy KPI" field "reviewer" accepts digits
    14. "Performance"/"Copy KPI" field "employee" accepts digits
    15. "Performance"/"Copy KPI" field "sub division" has just HR and All options, should it be like this?
    16. "Performance"/"Add review" field "Employee name" accepts digits and special characters
    17. "Performance"/"Add review" field "Reviewer name" accepts digits and special characters
    18. "Performance"/"Add KPI" "Reset" button does not work
    19. "Admin"/"Organization"/"General information" does not have required fields, even though field "Organization name" has an asterics
    20. "Admin"/"Organization"/"General information" field phone has just one field
    21. "Admin"/"Organization"/"General information" field ZIP Code accepts letters and special characters
    22. "Admin"/"Organization"/"General information" field TAX ID accepts letters and special characters
    23. "Admin"/"Organization"/"General information" field "Registration number" accepts letters and special characters
    Last edited by Olha Baklytska; 05-25-2022, 10:11 PM.

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  • VadimKay
    Test GUI, usability, and functionality of Orange HRM
    1. The "Orange HRM" logo at the top of the page should be a link to the home page
    2. The "Username" field character limit is too high
    3. The "Username" text in the "Username" field disappears when it's cleared out or selected
    3. The "Password" text in the "Password" field disappears when it's cleared out or selected
    4. Both "Username" and "Password" text in the "Username" and "Password" fields disappears when either field is selected
    5. The default focus is not on the "Username" field

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  • allv13
    Test GUI, usability, and functionality of Orange HRM
    1. main page "password" field Tab order should drop to the "submit" button
    2."Password" field icon "bag" looks confusing, should be a "Key" icon
    3. Orange HRM logo should be able to click and transfer to the corporate website.
    4. Main page "Linkedin" icon does not transfer to LinkedIn company page - should contain proper web-link.
    5. After loginning admin should be at "Admin" tab not at the "PIM" tab

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  • shablouskaya
    Test GUI, usability, functionality of Orang HRM.
    1. "PIM"/"Employee list": "Id" field accepts letters, sp. characters instead of digits.
    2."PIM"/"Employee list": replace "Id" with "ID".
    3. "PIM"/"Employee list": "Id" column has ascending icon while data is represented in the descending order.
    4. "PIM"/"Employee list": put colon after name of each text fields and list boxes.
    5. "PIM"/"Employee list": "Employee Name" field should have length limitation.
    6. "PIM"/"Employee list": "Supervisor Name" field should have length limitation.
    7. "PIM"/"Employee list": "Id" field should have length limitation.
    8. "PIM": "Add Employee" menu item does not highlighted.
    9. "PIM"/ "Add Employee": "Employee Id" field accepts letters and sp. characters instead of digits only.
    10. "Performance"/"Reviews": in the "Job Title" list box there are incomprehensible data.
    11. "Performance" / "Copy KPI": in the "Copy From" list box there are incomprehensible data.
    12. "Performance"/ "KPI List": in the "Job Title" list box there are incomprehensible data.
    13. "My info"/ "Personal Details": "Driver's License Number" field accepts sp. characters instead of digits and letters.
    14. "My info"/ "Personal Details": "SSN Number" text field accepts letters and sp. characters instead of digits only.
    15. "My info"/ "Personal Details": replace "SSN Number" with "SSN".
    16. "My info"/ "Personal Details": "SIN Number" field accepts letters and sp. characters instead of digits only.
    17. "My info"/ "Contact Details": "ZIP/Postal Code" field accepts letters and sp. characters instead of digits only.
    18. "My info"/ "Contact Details": "ZIP/Postal Code" field allows to input 10 characters instead of 5 only.
    19. "Recruitment"/"Candidates": "Vacancy" list box should have all data starting with capital letter.
    20. "Recruitment"/"Vacancies": "Vacancy" list box should have all data starting with capital letter.
    21. "Recruitment"/"Vacancies": page lost interface design.
    22. Pushing "Orange HRM Community" button shows an error such as "404"- page not found".

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  • Skonovalova
    #1. The OrangeHRM logo isn't following users on the home page.

    #2. Employee information":: "ID" text field accept letters

    #3. ”Employee information": "ID" text field accept special characters

    #4. ”Add Employee" : "Last Name" text field accept digits

    #5. ”Add Employee" : "Last Name" text field accept special characters

    #6. ”Add Employee" : "First Name" text field accept digits

    #7. "My info", "SSN number" field accept letters and specific characters, instead of being nine-digits only

    #8. Field "SSN Number" schould accept 9 digits instead of 30 accepted.

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  • Nariman
    1. Website Navigation is not familiar and complicated.
    2. Layout is not intuitive.
    3. Pushing "Join Orange HRM Community" button leads to page that does not exist
    4. "Admin"/"User Management"/"System Users"/ admin row does not have box to check
    5. "Time"/"Time Sheet"/Add Timesheet" does not add new timesheet, just replaces old with new
    6. "PIM": abbreviation is not clear
    7. "PIM"/"Reset" button is greyed out but functions.
    8. "PIM"/" Employee List"/" Employment Status" list box does not have "Other" status

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  • Online class May 9, 2022 - Test GUI, usability, functionality of Orange HRM

    Orange HRM Community button gives an error message "Page not found"
    Orange HRM home page focus button "PIM" instead of "Admin"
    Orange HRM "PIM" page focus button "Employee List" instead of "Configuration"

    "Admin"/"User Management" doesn't need to have drop down list as "Users" folder as is the only folder
    "Admin"/"User Management"/"Users"/"Admin" user checkmark box is missing
    "Admin"/"User Management"/"Users"/"Add User"/"Confirm Password" field doesn't give an error "Required" when push "Save" button

    "Admin"/"Job"/"Pay Grades"/"Add Pay Grade"/"Name" text field accepts more than 50 characters
    "Admin"/"Job"/"Pay Grades"/"Add Pay Grade"/"Add Currency"/"Min/Max Salary" text fields accepts more than 52 characters
    "Admin"/"Job"/"Employment Status"/"Add Employment Status"/"Name" text field accepts more than 50 characters
    "Admin"/"Job"/"Job Categories"/"Add Job Category"/"Name" text field accepts more than 50 characters
    "Admin"/"Job"/"Work Shifts"/"Add Work Shift"/"Name" text field accepts more than 50 characters
    "Admin"/"Job"/"Work Shifts"/"Add Work Shift"/ add all and remove all options are missing

    "Admin"/"Organization"/"Locations"/"Edit location"/"State/Province", "City", "Address", "Zip/Postal Code" accepts non-existing information
    "Admin"/"Organization"/"Locations"/"Add Location"/"Name" text field accepts more than 100 characters
    "Admin"/"Organization"/"Locations"/"Add Location"/"State/Province"/"City" text field accepts more than 50 characters
    "Admin"/"Organization"/"Locations"/"Add Location"/"Zip/Postal Code"/"Phone"/"Fax" text field accepts more than 30 characters
    "Admin"/"Organization"/"Structure"/add unit "Name" field doesn't have an asterisk, but behaves as required field

    "Admin"/"Qualifications"/"Skills", "Education", "Licenses", "Languages"/choose record/confirmation "Delete Records?" message doesn't appear while pushing "Delete" button
    "Admin"/"Qualifications"/"Membership"/"Add Membership"/"Name" text field accepts more than 50 characters

    "Admin"/"Configuration"/"Localization"/"Language" drop down list give inconsistent information. Replace "Oromo" with "Oromo - Ethiopia" or "Oromo - Kenya", "Indonesian" with "Indonesian - Indonesia"
    "Admin"/"Configuration"/"Localization"/"Language" replace drop down list error "Vietnamese - Viet Nam" with "Vietnamese - Vietnam"

    "PIM"/"Configuration"/"Reporting Methods", "Termination Reasons"/choose record/confirmation "Delete Records?" message doesn't appear while pushing "Delete" button