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Energy Telecom Bug report

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  • Energy Telecom Bug report

    1.Tab order directly switches from First name field to
    Referred by field
    2.First & Last name text fields should accept no more than
    31 instead of 30
    3.Street address field accepts only 109 characters instead
    of 255
    4.Inconsistency on number of states(should be 50 states
    instead of 49 in State text field
    5.On State text field instead of IND should be IN ,
    BC shouldnt be on US states list
    6.ZIP text field should accept only digits but not letters
    7.Email text field shouldnt consist more than 255 characters
    8.Clear button doesnt work,misleading Error message pops up
    on the screen
    9.Referred by field should appear on the list of Required
    10.'My monthly bill is approximately' text fields shouldnt
    accept letters, but digits only.
    11.'Months left on current contract:' select box shouldnt
    have Prepaid option
    12."My monthly bill is approximately:" text field should
    accept digits only

  • #2
    1) Field "Referred by:" is a required field, however doesn't have an "*" next to it
    2) Section "Email:" field has an "*" as being required; however, the form can be submitted with it being blank
    3) Section 7, change "I am opento using..." to "I am open to using..."
    4) Section 7 e-mail field accepts entries without "@" symbol
    5) Section 2 dropdown for "Current Provider" please add "AT&T" and "Other"
    6) Section 2 seems redundant with "My monthly bill" and "Total Bill" fields
    7) Section 4 for dropdown under "Months left on plan", consider adding "Other" or "More than 24"


    • #3
      Energy Telecom Bug Report
      1. Mismatching between expected list of required fields and actual list when user pushes "Submit" button with all empty fields: in actual list placed "Referred by" field instead of "E-mail" field. "Referred by" is not required field;
      2. Field "Last Name" doesn't allow to write more than 30 characters instead of 31;
      3. There are only 49 states instead of 50 in "State" field;
      4. Field "ZIP" accepts not only digits: letters are allowed also


      • #4
        Energy-Telecom bug reports:
        1) "First Name:" field accepts less then 31 characters.
        2) "Last Name:" field accepts less then 31 characters.
        3) "Street Address:" field accepts less then 255 characters.
        4) "State:" list box accepts less then 50 states.
        5) "ZIP:" field accepts non-digital characters.
        6) "Email:" field accepts more then 255 characters.
        7) "Email:" field accepts other then - @ . - _
        8) "Email:" field has an asterisk but it is not a required field.
        9) In "State:" list box are not in alphabetic order.
        10) "1. Cell Phone Service": "Current Provider:" list box has no "Other" option.


        • #5
          “First Name” text field accepts less then 31 characters
          “Last Name” text field accepts less then 31 characters
          “Street Address” text field should accept 225 characters, but its only accepting 100
          “Zip” text field accepts characters and digits
          “State” offering “49” state except of “50”
          “Email” text field accepts more then 255 characters
          “Email” text field has an asterisk but its now work as requirement field
          In “Phone” user can copy paste any characters
          “Referred by” text field don’t have an asterisk but it’s a required field
          In “Current Provider” value list “Other/None” are not represent
          After pressing “Clear” button user gets confusing error massage


          • #6
            Energy Telecom bug report :
            1) Not every required information field has asterisks.
            2)Phone number text field excepts letters and special characters.
            3)States are not listed in alphabetical order
            4) On the field "Months left on current contract" the numbers of the month go only till 10.


            • #7
              Energy-Telecom bug report:
              1. There is no default input focus.
              2. There are required fields marked with different color of asterisks. Labels First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, State, ZIP, and Phone marked red color of asterisk. But label Email marked by asterisk of blue color.
              3. Label Email looks like required field for customer perspective, because it marked by asterisk. But this field is not required on a web site.
              4. Label Referred by looks like not required field from user perspective. It isn't marked by any color by asterisk, but it is the request of web site.
              5. There is no default button. It would be good to have it.
              6. Field State has options not in A, B, C order.
              7. Field State has "BC" option. The USA doesn't have state which has abbreviation BC.
              8. Field State contains option "Other". Other shouldn't be there, because is not a state.
              9. Field State contains IND. It is not correct abbreviation of Indiana state. The correct version of Indiana state is IN.
              10. Field State doesn't contain NV which is abbreviation of Nevada state.
              11.Field State doesn't contain VI which is abbreviation of Virgin Islands. It is the territory of the USA.
              12. Field Current Provider hasn't enough options with name of providers. There are only 4 providers. There are absent main providers in US such as AT&T, Visible and others. Should add options Other.
              13. Field My monthly bill is approximately: in section #1 Cell Phone Service aloud to put not only numbers, but letters too.
              14. Field My monthly bill is approximately: in section #4 TV Service offers default price $233
              15. Field My monthly bill is approximately: in section #5 Home Security Service still looks like active numbers in field after mark label of "I do not have home security services today, but I am interested in getting more information." Numbers is black color and it looks like active filed
              16. Field My monthly bill is approximately: in section #5 Home Security Service offers default price $456
              17. Label "I am opento using different provider" in section #7 Gas and Electric Services has mistake. "Open to" write separate.
              18. You complete the form and after if you click the button "Clear" the information in this form still be there. Information not deleted. Instead user are getting popup which say Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!
              19.Tab order in not logical. Tab input focus jump from field First Name to field Referred by instead Tab focus should go to field Last Name.
              20. Tab focus on the label Best Way To Contact Me: jump in not logical order to label Current Provider: which in section #1Cell Phone Service. Instead Tab focus should go to Referred by.
              21. Tab focus moves from Field "Internet" of label Bundled with: in section #2 to field Total Bill. Instead it has to go to field TV and then to field Both.
              22. Tab focus move from label International calls included? field Yes to bottom to label Long distance included? field Yes. Instead Tab focus has to move to field No of label International calls included?
              23. Rest of the form Tab order is not logical.


              • #8
                Energy-Telcom Bug Report:
                1. "Email" has asterisks but it is not a requirement
                2. "Referred by" is a requirement although, it does not consist of an asterisks
                3. There are only 49 states instead of 50 in "State" field
                4. “Email” text field accepts more then 255 characters
                5. Letters are allowed in the "Zip" field
                6. "Last Name" text field doesn't allow to write more than 30 characters instead of 31
                7. Section 1 "Cell Phone Services" add "AT&T" or "Other" to current provider dropdown
                8. In contact info, State dropdown, "BC" is not a State in the United States.


                • #9
                  Energy-Telecom Bug Reports:
                  1. No default button exists
                  2. Default input focus is not established
                  3. Tab order is not logical, many fields are being skipped.
                  4. "Phone #" fields need to have a Tab functionality enabled instead of using a mouse.
                  5. Section 7 checkbox label is misspelled ("Opento" needs to be replaced with "Open to")
                  6. "Referred by" field is not marked with an asterisk which would show a user it is a required field. Once the "Submit" button is pushed, there is an error message showing that requires "Referred by" field filled out.
                  7. "Email" field is marked as required, however the form can be successfully submitted without providing the email address.
                  8. The required field mark (asterisk) is not appearing consistent in color. Make "ZIP" field asterisk Blue.
                  9. "State" filed drop down list items are not sorted alphabetically.
                  10. Change "IND" state abbreviation to "IN" to follow the standard guidelines of state abbreviation.
                  11. Remove "BC" as a list item from the State drop down since it is not a US state.
                  12. Add "VI" and "NV" as two more list items in the "State" drop down list.
                  13. Remove the "Other" list item from "State" list item drop down list.
                  14. Section 1 doesn't provide default value in the "My monthly bill is approximately" field, while other sections do provide it once clicked inside the field.
                  15. Section 1 "Current Provider" doesn't have enough list items in the drop down. Either add more Provider names or add another list item "Other" and an additional field to specify the name.
                  16. "Clear" button is not functioning. Error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" is displayed.
                  17. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent in size. Make "Clear" button appear larger to match the "Submit" button.
                  18. The form itself is very tedious to fill out and is loaded with options and questions, it is not easy to work with. It would be better if this questionaire would appear in a form of a wizzard or another more interactive method should be used.


                  • #10
                    Energy-Telecom UI bugs:
                    1. No default input focus.
                    2. "First name" field accepts digits instead of letters.
                    3. "Last name" field accepts digits instead of letters.
                    4. "City" field accepts digits instead of letters.
                    5. "State" dropdown has BC(British Columbia), supposed to have only US states.
                    6. "State" dropdown has "other" option in the middle of the list, supposed to be at the end of this list.
                    7. "ZIP" field allows me to paste letters in that field.
                    8. "ZIP" field accepts nonexistent zip code.
                    9. "Referred by:" field is a required field, but it doesn't marked properly.
                    10. "Phone" field marked with red "required field" sign instead of blue.
                    11. "Street Address:" field accepts non existing address.


                    • #11
                      Energy - Telecom bug report (Requirements):

                      1. "First name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      2. "Last Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      3. "Street Address" accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
                      4. "State" dropdown listbox offering 48 us states instead of 50.
                      5. "State" dropdown listbox has "Other" option in the middle instead of to be in the end of the list.
                      6. "State" dropdown listbox offering BC(British Columbia, Canada) state instead of accepting only US states.
                      7. "Zip" text field accepts letters and digits instead of accepting only digits.
                      8. "Email" text field is not required instead of to be required.
                      9. "Email" text field has blue asterisk instead of red asterisk.
                      10. "Email" text field has more than 255 characters instead of 255.


                      • #12
                        1. The text field for "First Name" allows to type in numbers. It should be changed to letters only.
                        2. The text field for "Last Name" allows to type in numbers. It should be changed to letters only.
                        3.The text field for "ZIP" allows to type in letters. It should be changed to numbers only.
                        4. The text field for "City" allows to type in numbers. It should be changed to letters only.
                        5. The text field for "Referred by" allows to type in numbers. It should be changed to letters only.
                        6. The text field for "My monthly bill is approximately" allows to type in letters. It should be changed to numbers only.
                        7. The list box for "Months left on current contract" allows to choose only 10 months max. Needs to be added more than 10.
                        8. The list box for "Minutes on plan" gives the exact numbers. It would be better to give range of minutes option.
                        9. The list box for "Months left on plan" gives an option to choose up to 24 months. More than 24 months needs to be added.
                        10. The section "I currently have" allows to check both "HDTV" and "DVR" boxes.
                        11. The check box for "Wireless Aircard" is square while the above check boxes are round.
                        12. The check boxes for "HDTV" and "DVR" are square while the above check boxes are round.
                        13. The check box for " I do not have home security services today, but I am interested in getting more information" is square while the above check boxes are round.
                        14. The check box for " I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" is square while the above check boxes are round.
                        15. The check box for " I am opento using different provider" is square while the above check boxes are round.
                        16. The word "opento" is misspeled. It needs to be corrected to "open to".
                        17. The phrase "I am opento using different provider" is missing an "a" before "different provider".
                        18. The size of letters is different on "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
                        19. "Referred by" indicates required field but not marked with the *.
                        20. "BC" should not be listed in the list box for "State".
                        21. "Other" should not be listed in the list box for "State".
                        22. The "IND" is not a correct abbreviature for state of Indiana. The correct one is "IN".
                        23. The * for required fields are different colors (blue and red) on different labels. Should be changed to either red or blue color.
                        24. TAB order does not perform correctly. Needs to be left-right / top-bottom / logical.
                        ​​​​​​​25. The default value is not offered.


                        • #13
                          * The completed form is submitted successfully. - Pass

                          1.“First Name” text field does not have the default input focus.
                          2. “First Name:” accepts only 30 characters not 31 as per reqs.
                          3. “Last name” text field is not respecting the logical Tab order.
                          4. “Last Name:” accepts only 30 characters not 31 as per reqs.
                          5. “Street Address:” text field accepts only 100 characters, not 255 as per reqs.
                          6. “State:” list box inconsistent data: “BC” not a US state, please remove “BC”.
                          7. “State:” list box inconsistent data: “Other” option is irrelevant.
                          8. “State:” list box misspelling state “IND” – correct form “IN” for the Indiana state.
                          9. “State:” list box inconsistent data: US state missing, only 48 states.
                          10. “ZIP:” inconsistency as it allows typing non-digit characters.
                          11. “ZIP:” inconsistency as it allows Copy/Paste non-digit characters.
                          12. “ZIP” inconsistency as it allows Copy/Paste more than 5 digits.
                          13. “ZIP” inconsistency as it allows Copy/Paste more than 5 non-digit characters.
                          14. “Email:” text field should behave as a required field as per reqs.
                          15. “Email:” text field has a blue “*”, should be a red “*” after submitting an empty email field.
                          16. “Email:” field is inconsistent with requirement as it allows more than 255 characters.
                          17. “Phone:” field allows Copy/Paste letters and special characters.
                          18. “Referred by:” inconsistent with reqs. as it behaves as a required field.
                          19. “Current Provider” list box from “Cell Phone Service” section is missing AT&T.
                          20. “Current Provider:” list box from “Cell Phone Service” section is missing “Other”.
                          21. “My monthly bill is approximately:” text field from “Cell Phone Service” section allows typing letters.
                          22. All “My monthly bill is approximately:” text fields allow Copy/Paste non-digit characters.
                          23. “Months left on current contract:” list box has only 10 months, should have 24 months.
                          24. “Months left on current contract:” list box should have “More” option.
                          25. “Number of phones on plan:” list box has too many options, should have no more than 10.
                          26. “Primary Phone Number:” text field allows Copy/Paste letters and special characters.
                          27. “TV” checkbox from the “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section is not respecting the logical Tab order.
                          28. All “Both” checkboxes from the “Bundle with” labels are not respecting the logical Tab order.
                          29. All “No” checkboxes are not respecting the logical Tab order.
                          30. “Dial-up” checkbox label is not respecting the logical Tab order.
                          31. “DSL” checkbox is not respecting the logical Tab order.
                          32. “Provider” text field is not respecting the logical the Tab order.
                          33. All “Phone” checkboxes are not respecting the logical Tab order.
                          34. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are different in size.
                          35. “Clear” button is not working-it doesn’t clear typed data.
                          36. “Clear” button has a misleading msg when pushed – “Invalid data request….call tech support or restart computer.”
                          37. The “Total Bill” text box allows Copy/Paste non-digit characters.
                          38. In the “Gas and Electric Services” section the word “opento” is misspelled.
                          39. After submitting the completed form, the browser's "Back" button should not permit returning to the page.
                          40. Wild cards should be disabled in all required fields.
                          41. "Phone" text field should have Tab order by default; it should automatically go to the next field of the phone #.
                          42. Text fields should have upper case functionality by default when pressing the "Tab" or "Enter" key.
                          43. "Email" field should have the "Invalid format" error msg functionality when valid email format not respected.
                          44. The form can be submitted without the "@" symbol in the "Email" text field.
                          45. The form can be submitted with more than 1 of the "@" symbol in the "Email" text field.
                          46. The form can be submitted without the "." symbol in "Email" text field.
                          47. Please verify the acceptance of the "_" symbol in "Email" text field.
                          48. Please verify the acceptance of the "-" symbol in "Email" text field.
                          49. My monthly bill is approximately:” text fields should have no more than 4 digits.
                          50. The labels in the "Contact Information" section are misaligned. Please align all the labels from the "Contact Information" section to the right of the form.
                          Last edited by malinabadica; 09-19-2022, 11:09 AM.


                          • #14
                            1) In the "Contact Information" section "First Name:" text field accepts 30 characters
                            2) In the "Contact Information" section "Last Name:" text field accepts 30 characters
                            3) In the "Contact Information" section "Street Address:" field only accepts 100 characters
                            4) In the "Contact Information" section "State:" List Box only shows 49 States
                            5) In the "Contact Information" section "BC" option in the "State:" List Box is not an abbreviation that exists for any of the 50 states
                            6) In the "Contact Information" section the option for the state of Hawaii is missing, following the consistency of the other "State:" List Box options, the expected option for Hawaii is "HI"
                            7) In the "Contact Information" section the option "IND" does not follow the two-letter consistency of the other options within the "State:" List Box
                            8) In the "Contact Information" section the option for the state of Nevada is missing, following the consistency of the other "State:" List Box options, the expected option for Nevada is "NV"
                            9) In the "Contact Information" section the option "Other" in the "State:" List Box is in the middle of the list, and would be better placed at the very bottom of the "State:" List Box options
                            10) In the "Contact Information" section "ZIP:" text field accepts lowercase letters and numbers
                            11) In the "Contact Information" section "ZIP:" text field does not allow the user to highlight existing text, and type over it. You have to delete all existing characters than are allowed to type
                            12) In the "Contact Information" section "Email:" text field accepts more than 255 characters
                            13) In the "Contact Information" section "Phone:" text field does not allow the user to highlight existing text, and type over it. You have to delete all existing characters than are allowed to type
                            14) "None", "Less than", and "Over" are not present in any field
                            15) There is no "DATE" field anywhere in the form
                            16) There is no "TIME" field anywhere in the form
                            17) Above the "Contact Information" section "Referred by:" is not a required field to fill out yet when left blank, after clicking the "Submit" button, an error message that says "Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" among the error list
                            18) In the "Contact Information" section "Email:" text field has an asterisk "*" and is an expected required field to fill out but when clicking the "Submit" button while it is left blank, there is no error message displayed
                            19) The asterisk "*" next to the "Email:" text field does not turn red when left blank after clicking the "Submit" button
                            20) "Clear" button at the bottom of the form when clicked, displays a Browser error text box that says "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                            21) Under the "1. Cell Phone Service" section "I am open to using a different provider" check box label contains improper use of grammar, and should be replaced with "I am open to using a different provider"
                            22) Under the "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field does not allow the "." character to specify a decimal point for an exact amount
                            23) Under "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract:" List box needs a "More" option
                            24) "Current Provider:" List box needs an "Other" option
                            25) Under the "4. TV Service" section "Months left on plan:" List box is missing a "More" option
                            26) Starting from the "First Name:" text field, pressing tab goes to the "Referred by:" text field instead of the "Last Name:" text field


                            • #15
                              1. Error message "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" should not appear after submitting a form with empty field "Referred by".
                              2. Error message should appear when empty "Email" field is submitted as it is a required field.
                              3. Invalid TAB order from the text field "First name". Cursor should move to the text field "Last name".
                              4. Invalid TAB order from the text field "Referred by". Cursor should move to the text field "Current Provider" of the section #1.
                              5. Invalid TAB order in the field "Bundled with" of the section #2. From the radio button "Internet" tab should move to the radio button "TV", then to the radio button "Both" and then to the text field "Total Bill".
                              6. Invalid TAB order in the fields "International calls included?", "Long distance included?", "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" of section #2. From the radio button "Yes" tab should move to the radio button "No" and the then to the next field.
                              7. Sort ascendingly the values in the list "State".
                              8. Exclude "Other" value from the list "State".
                              9. Add the "Other" value to the list "Current Provider" of section #1.
                              10. Sort ascendingly the values in the list "Current Provider" of the section #1.
                              11. Sort ascendingly the values in the list "Current Provider" of the section #4.
                              12. Sort ascendingly the values in the list "Current Provider" of the section #5.
                              13. Sort ascendingly the values in the list "Current Provider" of the section #7.
                              14. Make sure that the list "Number of phones on plan" of the section #1 contains correct values.
                              15. Align the check box "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" of section #6 with check boxes of sections #5 and #7.
                              16. Add a radio button "Other" to the field "Type of service" of the section #3.
                              17. It's impossible to type into the field "ZIP" when characters in this field are selected.
                              18. "First name" field doesn't accept more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                              19. "Last name" field doesn't accept more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                              20. "Street address" field doesn't accept more than 100 characters instead of 255.
                              21. "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 characters when pasted.
                              22. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of digits.
                              23. "Phone" field: all three text fields accept pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              24. "Clear" button invokes a pop-up error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" that is confusing.
                              25. Inconsistency in fields naming: "Months left on current contract" and "Minutes on plan" don't imply unit of measure while "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" field has unit of measure "month".
                              26. "My monthly bill is approximately" of the section #1 accepts letters typing instead of digits. It also accepts pasting of special characters and letters.
                              27. "Primary Phone Number" field of the section #2: all three text fields accept pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              28. "My monthly bill is approximately" field of section #1 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              29. "My monthly bill is approximately" field of section #2 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              30. "Total Bill" field of section #2 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              31. "My monthly bill is approximately" field of section #3 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              32. "My monthly bill is approximately" field of section #4 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              33. "My monthly bill is approximately" field of section #5 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              34. "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field of section #7 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              35. "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field of section #7 accepts pasting of letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                              36. Replace "opento" with "open to" in the label "I am opento using different provider" of the section #7.
                              37. Inconsistency between "Submit" and "Clear" buttons size.

