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Online class May 9, 2022 Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • #16
    Tulia Bug Reports
    May 12, 2022

    1)Change “Invoce”to “Invoice”.

    2)The last line is missing the “Actions”button.

    3)Each page should have “10 lines”lines, and there are “11” of them.

    4)”Due date”column date is not in a common date format

    5)Page”5”is missing in the and of the table.

    6)Headers “Due date”and “PO#”are reversed with each other.

    7)The “Payment”column does not display data in all rows.

    8)The table contains an incorrect date in line “7”

    9) Replace "422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"


    • #17
      1. There is no link to the homepage on the Taulia logo in the header.
      2. The cursor is not changed to the hand when you hovering Actions button.
      3. The cursor is not changed to the hand when you hovering numbers links in the search pages below the table.
      4. Invoice dates are limited from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. But in search results there is an invoice which is not in this limit (row #7 with date 1-Oct-2011).
      5. In the Due Date column there are only numbers instead of dates
      6. In PO # column there are dates instead of numbers
      7. There are 11 rows instead of 10 regarding search parameters "Results per page"
      8. There are missing Actions buttons in 11 rows
      9. There is a missing number 5 link in the search pages below the table.
      10. Replace in Status column on first row status "Rejcted" with "Rejected"


      • #18
        Taulia bug report
        #1 Folder "Search my invoices" missing six ":" colons
        #2 Page 5 of the search results is missing
        #3 User gets 11 search results instead of 10
        #4 Text field "Showing 422 invoices" incorrect when "10" requested in search
        #5 Misspelled word " Invoce #" vs "Invoice #"
        #6 Misspelled word "Rejcted" vs "Rejected"
        #7 Missing page number "5" below search
        #8 "Action" button missing at line 11 in search field
        #9 "Due date" and " PO # need trade places with each other
        #10 "32" pages cannot contain 422 invoices, pages number "32" need to be "42"
        #11 Replace ".." with "..." between links to page 10 and 32
        #12 "Amount" is filtered not in descending order
        #13 Invoice dates should be limited to "06/05/2011" to "09/30/2011", while "1-Aug-2011" is outside of the range
        #14 Inconsistency in date formats "22-Sep-2011" vs "09/22/2011"
        #15 Inconsistency in spealing "Inv. Date" vs "Invoice Date"


        • #19
          Taulia Bug Report.
          #1. No Default Input Focus.
          #2. Search my invoices labels: There are missing colon characters after all labels names besides from "From amount:".
          #3. Search Results table: Replace misspelled "Invoce #" column title with "Invoice #".
          #4. Search Results table: Replace misspelled "Rejcted" status in "Status" column with "Rejected".
          #5. There are 11 search results on the page instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox.
          #6. Search Results table: an Action button is missing in 11th search result on the page.
          #7. "Due Date" column: Data in "Due Date" column is not in a common date format.
          #8. Pages numbers navigation: Next and Previous buttons in pages navigation might be added under the Search Results table.
          #9. Pages numbers navigation: Replace ".." with "..." between links to page 10 and page 12 below Search Results table.
          #10. Pages numbers navigation: the link to page 5 is missing under Search results table.
          #11. Column Amount: Sorting order violation in rows #7 and #8. Sorting order is incorrect (descending/ascending).
          #12. Search Results Quantity error: 422 results cannot be shown in 32 pages as per 10 "Results per page" listbox.
          Last edited by ezadbaeva; 05-12-2022, 08:15 PM.


          • #20
            Taulia page
            Page Invoices
            1. “From amount: to ” should be “Amount from to”
            2. The name of the first column has mistake “Invoce #” instead of Invoice #
            3. Column “Due Date” shows purchase number
            4. Column “PO #” shows date
            5. Column “Payment” doesn’t show payment
            6. Mistake of the sorting algorithm in column “Amount” from low to high. Line 7, after 10,289.00 there is 22,409.37 and then 22,376.00
            7. It should be 10 results per page, but we see 11 instead of 10.
            8. User is looking for invoices from May to September. At the final list there is one invoice from 1-Oct-2011 (line 7)


            • #21
              1. 32 pages with 10 results per page is not sufficient for 422 invoices.
              2. Word “Invoce” is misspelled in Column Invoice
              3. Word “Rejcted” is misspelled in Column “Status”
              4. Invoice dates are not in the ascending or descending order
              5. Due date column format is incorrect values
              6. PO # column has incorrect values
              7. “Payment” has incorrect values
              8. There 11 results on the page when should be only 10
              9. 11th row does not have “Actions” as all above rows
              10. Column “Type” is unnecessary and redundant
              11. Column “Payment” is unnecessary here
              12. The values in Column “amount” are not in consistent order
              13. The values in Column “amount” should be descending while it is ascending
              14. Link to page 5 is missing


              • #22
                Taulia bugs report

                1. All labels need to have the colon character
                2."Invoice number" field accepts letters instead of digitals only
                3. "Purchase order" field accepts letters instead of digitals only
                4. "From amount" field accepts letters instead of digitals only
                5. "Invoice date" field doesn't allow to make changes
                6. "Invoice status" field doesn't give any choice except "All"
                7. "Results per page" field doesn't give any choice except "10"
                8. Typo in the name of the first table column "Invoce" instead "Invoice"
                9. "Invoice #" column indicate 11 rows instead 10 as the search request
                10. "Due Date" and "PO#" column results are swapped
                11. "Payment" column name needs to be changed to "Payment date"
                12. Typo in the Status name "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected"
                13. 11th invoice information on the very bottom doesn't have the button "Actions"
                14. On the bottom line that shows a number of pages, the number 5 page is missing
                15. All tabs on the top "Home", "Invoices", "purchases" and ect don't work


                • #23
                  Bugs report of Energy Telecom - Service Review (
                  ================================================== ================================================== =====================
                  #1 The field text "First Name" not in range characters [0-30]
                  #2 The field text "Last Name" not in range characters [0-30]
                  #3 The field text "Street Address:"not in range characters [0-254]
                  #4 The text field "Referred by:" in fieldset "contact Information" is not required field (no asterix "*") but when we do "Submit" we got red massage "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
                  #5 The text field "ZIP" accepts letters
                  #6 The list box of the text field "State" has the option "Other" should be removed not in the requirements
                  #7 The text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" in fieldset"Cell Phone Service" accepts letters
                  #8 value="I am opento using different provider" replace on: value="I am open to using different provider" in fieldset "Gas and Electric Services"
                  #9 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset "Contact Information" the Tab ORDER is not consistent
                  #10 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset2."Local/Long Distances/International Service:" the Tab ORDER missed input check box "Internet", "TV" and "No"
                  #11 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset3."High Speed Internet Service" the Tab ORDER missed input check box "Dial-Up", "DSL", "Provider", "Phone", "Both"
                  #12 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset4."TV Service" the Tab ORDER missed input check box "Phone", "Both"
                  #13 Buttons "Submit"(style="width: 8em; font-size: 100%;") and "Clear"(style="width: 4em; font-size: 90%") has different style and font sizes
                  #14 The button "Clear" if we are click on give us pop up window with text "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" instead of clear out this form.
                  Last edited by Ihor_K; 05-17-2022, 06:29 PM.


                  • #24
                    ==================PROBEM BUG REPORTS FOR TAULIA===================

                    1. Header menu buttons not responding to the mouse click command.

                    2. Navigation menu buttons are not responding to the mouse click command.

                    3. ‘’Hide search parameters’’ not responding to the mouse click command.

                    4. All text fields, list boxes, and combo boxes on ‘’the search my invoices’’ menu are not responding to the search.

                    5. The binocular button next to the ‘’purchase order’’ text field acts as a home page button, which brings to the same main page link ‘‘’’ after a mouse click.

                    6. “Search” button on the “search invoices menu” is not functional.

                    7. ‘’Showing 422 invoices’’ counted number “422” Inconsistency between a number of result pages.

                    8. ‘’Download list’’ button is not functional.

                    9. “Refresh button’’ button is not functional.

                    10. “Status column 1st row” misspelled word, instead of Rejected.

                    11. ‘’Due Date’’ column: the cells result not in the correct format.

                    12. ‘’PO#’’ column: the cell result is not in the correct format.

                    13. ‘’Amount” column: the cell's amounts sorting is not matching with the arrow button next to the Amount.

                    14. “arrow’’ button next to the ‘’amount’’ column is not functional.

                    15. ‘’Actions” buttons next to search results are not functional.

                    16. 11 results instead of ‘’10 results per page’’ as selected.

                    17. ‘’Page #5’’ is missing from the results.

                    18. ‘’Page number results” are not functional.


                    • #25
                      Taulia gug report

                      1 - Tab order (after order goes somewhere else and completele broken. Won't go to invoices)
                      2 - Data input field (in invoice number field you can type letters and simbols)
                      3 - Drop down box (only 1 option can't select anything else)
                      4 - Data input field (invoice date can't chose dates)
                      5 - Drop down box (Results per page no other options and result shows a lot more)
                      6 - Button (Actions is not actually button)


                      • #26
                        1. "Invoice number" data input field, under "Search my invoices" title - accepts none digits.
                        2. "Search" button at "Search my invoices" title - located far right instead of far left.
                        3. 11 lines at search result list, instead of 10 in "Result per page" list box.
                        4. Column "Status" have misspelled word "Rejcted"
                        5. Columns "PO #", "Inv.Date", "Due Date" violate the sorting order
                        6. "PO #" and "Due Date" needs to be switched
                        7. "Showing 422 invoices" title have incorrect amount of invoices
                        8. Only "Amount" column have sorting arrow icon
                        9. "Paid" text field at "Status" column at 4th line - showing "Approved" under static cursor selection
                        10. Link to the 5th page at page results is missing.
                        Last edited by Dmeetry; 05-20-2022, 04:14 PM.


                        • #27
                          Taulia bug report:
                          1. Replace column name misspelled "Invoce" to correct "Invoice"
                          2. Shows 11 results per page when should be 10
                          3. 32 pages with 10 results per pages should produce 320 invoices not 422
                          4. Link to page 5 is missing
                          5. "Type" column does not bring any value
                          6. "Inv. Date" column contains one date 1- Oct -2011 which is out of the range
                          7. " Invoice date" format in the search is not consistent with "Inv. Date" column format
                          8. " Due Date" column has incorrect values
                          9. " Amount" column contains one amount $22,409.37, which is not consistent with descending order per arrow
                          10. " Status" column: replace misspelled "Rejcted" with " Rejected"
                          11. 11th row does not have " Actions" button
                          12. " PO #" column has wrong date format
                          13. " Payment" column has wrong format
                          14. "PO #" has two dates out of range
                          15. I would recommend to re-order columns from left to right: 1-PO#, 2- Amount, 3-Invoice, 4-Invoice date, 5-Due date, 6- Payment, 7-Status.
                          16. "PO#" dates normally precede "Invoice dates"


                          • #28
                            Energy-Telecom Service Bug report:
                            1. "First name" field: accepts only 30 char, not 31
                            2. " Last name" field: accepts only 30 char, not 31
                            3. "Street address" field: accepts only 100 char, not 255
                            4. "State" list box: has more than 50 states
                            5. "State" list box: has "Other" which is not a state
                            6. " State" list box: replace incorrect "IND" with correct "IN"

                            7. "State " list box: remove " BC" which is not US state
                            8. "Zip" field: accepts letters, which it should not
                            9. " Zip" field: accepts sp. chars if pasted
                            10. "Zip" field: accepts more than 5 chars if pasted
                            11. " Email" field: does not act as required
                            12. "Email" field: asterisk is blue color, not red as it should be
                            13. "Email" field: accepts more than 255 char
                            14. "Phone" field: accepts letters and sp char if pasted


                            • #29
                              Taulia bug report

                              1. Fields "Invoice number", "Customer", " Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page" do not have colon in the end
                              2. "Invoce #" has a spelling mistake, should be "invoice"
                              3. On the main line button "Invoice" has a frame
                              4. Field "Invoice number" accepts letters
                              5. Field "Customer" has just one provided customer
                              6. Field "Invoice status" has just "all" opportunity
                              7. Results per page says 10, but shows 11
                              8. In total there are 32 pages, which is not enough for 422 invoices
                              9. Invoice date provided in the chart has different style than in the search field
                              10. Field "Due date" provides digits, shoukd it be this way?
                              11. Field PO# provides dates, should it be this way?
                              12. Field "Amount" has filter, all other fields in this row do not have it
                              13. In column "Status" spelling mistake in word "rejected"
                              14. Column "Payment" does not provide data for all the fields
                              15. There is no "Action" button for the last row
                              16. Page 5 is missing


                              • #30
                                1. Columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are reversed.
                                2. Misspelling of the word "Rejected" in status on the first line.
                                3. Missing button "Actions" on the last line.
                                4. Missing page 5.
                                5. Unable to select type of status in the searching table.
                                6. Unable to change invoice date in the searching table.
                                7. Unable to change the number of results in the searching table.
                                8. There should be 10 results on the page, but 11 are shown.
                                9. There is no option to sort search results by date in "".
                                10. There is no option to sort search results by date in "Due date".

