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Online class May 9, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #46
    Energy Telecom

    1. No default input focus
    2. Incorrect TAB order functionality
    3. More then 5 characters allowed at "ZIP:" input data field, using the PASTE command.
    4. List box "State:" have no alphabetic order
    5. List box "State:" have nonexistent state "RI"
    6. List box "State:" has 3 letters state "IND" instead of 2
    7. "First Name" and "Last Name" text input fields accept digits
    8. "Best Way To Contact Me:" text field took double lane space
    9. Text input field "ZIP:" accepts letters
    10. Section 1 "Cell Phone Service" - checkbox wrong order
    11. "My Monthly bill is approximately:" - accepts none digits
    12. "Months left on current contract:" - missing 11th/12th month
    13. Check boxes answers might be contradictory
    14. List box "Current Provider:" - has wrong menu item "Nextel"
    15. Section 2 - List box "Current Provider:" - have wrong menu item "Comcast"
    16. "Primary Phone Number:" input text field accepts none digits, using PASTE command
    17. "My Monthly bill is approximately:" input text field accepts none digits using PASTE command
    18. "Total Bill:" input text field accepts none digits using PASTE command
    19. "Provider:" input text field not activated by default
    20. "Wireless Aircard:" check box icon is different then other ones
    21. Section 7 "I am opento using different provider:" misspelled "open to"
    Last edited by Dmeetry; 05-20-2022, 04:22 PM.


    • #47
      Energy-Telecom Service Review _ bug report:

      1 "First name" field accepts less than 31 characters
      2 "Last name" field accepts less than 31 characters
      3 "Street adress" field accepts less than 255 characters
      4 "State" field has less than 50 States
      5 "State" field is not in alphabetic order
      6 "ZIP" field accepts non-digital characters
      7 "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 characters
      8 "Email" field does not accept underscore
      9 "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
      10 "State" field is not required
      11 "Email" field is not required
      12 "Reffered by" field is requirred
      13 Tab order problem: from "First name" it goes to "Reffered by" field
      14 On the bottom of the page, buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have different sizes
      15 "Current provider" field does not have option "other"
      16 Last block "Cas and Electric services" spelling mistake "I am opento"
      17 Block Cell Phone Service field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letters
      18 Block Cell Phone Service field "Months left on current contract" has up to 10 months options
      19 Block 3. High Speed Internet Service option "Wireless Aircard" has a square
      20 Block 4. TV Service field "Months left on plan" has up to 24 months
      21 Block 4. TV Service field "I currently have" lets choose both options
      22 Button "Clear" does not clear the input data


      • #48
        Energy Telecom Bug Report

        Section "Contact information"
        1. Default input focus missing.
        2. TAB order missing: after pressing "Enter" no focused box.
        3. Select box "State":
        - 48 states;
        - "BC" is to be removed;
        - option "Other" is in the middle of the list.
        4. Text field"ZIP": possible to input more than 5 copypasted letters and characters.
        Section 1
        1. Select boxes "I am happy with my current provider", "I am open to using different provider": no selected choice.
        2. Text field"$": accept printed letters and characters.
        3. Select box "Months left": 11 months
        4. Select boxes "I like my handset", "I am interested in updating my handset", "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop": no selected choice.
        Section 2, 3, 5
        Text fields"$": accept copypasted letters and characters.
        Section 4
        1. Text field"$": accept copypasted letters and characters.
        2. Select box "I currently have:" no selected choice.
        Section 7
        1. Text field"$": accept copypasted letters and characters.
        2. Text field "I am open to": space missing between "open" and "to".
        Push Button "Clear": doesn't clear form.
        Push button "Submit" filled form: non-existing ZIP accepted;
        Push button "Submit" non-filled form: section "Contact information": text field "Email" showed as non-required to be filled (blue *), but select box "Me" offer "email" option.


        • #49
          1) Submit button is not disabled, when field are not empty.
          1. go to "" page
          2. press "submit" button

          2) Clear button is not disabled, when field are not empty.
          Submit button is not disabled, when field are not empty.
          1. go to "" page
          2. press "clear" button

          3) No field gets default input focus

          4) Tab order is incosistent

          5) Label "International calls included?" end up with "?" instead of ":"

          6) Label "Long distance included?" end up with "?" instead of ":"

          7) Required field should be indicated with asterisk. "email" filed is indicated with asterisk, but information can be submitted without filling "email" form.

          8) "referred by" field expected to be "required" field, but it is not marked with asterisk.

          9) "Zip code" field expected to accept digits only, but it accepts letters as well.

          10) "Zip code" field expected to accept digits only, but sp.char cany be inserted.

          11) "Zip code" field expected to accept 5 digits only, but more thatn five can be insrted (copy pasted)

          12) "Zip code" field expected to accept existing digits only, but non existent zip code can be typed.

          13) "Phone" field expected to accept existing digits only, but letters can be inserted.
          14) "Phone" field expected to accept existing digits only, but sp.char. can be inserted.

          15) "Primary Phone Number" field expected to accept existing digits only, but sp.char. can be inserted.
          16) "Primary Phone Number" field expected to accept existing digits only, but letters can be inserted.

          17) "My monthly bill is approximately" field expected to accept existing digits only, but sp.char. can be inserted.
          18) "My monthly bill is approximately" field expected to accept existing digits only, but letters can be inserted.

          19) "Total Bill:" field expected to accept existing digits only, but sp.char. can be inserted.
          20) "Total Bill:" field expected to accept existing digits only, but letters can be inserted.


          • #50
            1. "First Name" text field allows to input only 30 characters, not 31.
            2. "Last Name" text field allows to input only 30 characters, not 31.
            3. "Street Address" text field allows to input only 100 characters, not 255.
            4. "State" listbox contains wrong "BC" option.
            5. "State" listbox inconsistency: Replace "IND" with "IN"
            6. "ZIP" text field allows to input non-digit characters
            7. "ZIP" text field allows to paste more than 5 characters
            8. "Email" text field does not behave as required field
            9. "Email" text field allows to input more than 255 characters
            10. "Email" text field allows to input special characters: * & ^ % $ # ! { } | [ ] / \
            11. "Email" text field allows to input email without @ character
            12. "Number of phones on plan" listbox should have values adjustment based on the value in the "State" listbox
            13. "First Name" should have default input focus
            14. Tab order violation: When hit Tab key in the "First Name" text field the "Referred by" text field gets input focus instead of "Last Name"
            15. "Gas and Electric Services": Replace misspelled text "opento" with "open to"
            16. "Comments" text field does not have limit for the text input length
            17. "Cell Phone Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows to input non digit characters
            18. "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows to paste non digit characters
            19. "High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows to paste non digit characters
            20. "TV Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows to paste non digit characters
            21. "Home Security Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows to paste non digit characters
            22. "Home Security Service" section: "Current Provider" listbox gets focus when mouse pointer points outside the listox
            23. "Gas and Electric Services": "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" text field allows to paste non digit characters
            24. "Gas and Electric Services": "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" text field allows to paste non digit characters
            25. The error message is shown after pushing the "Clear" button
            26. The form is not cleared after pressing the "Clear" button
            27. "Phone" text fields allow to paste non digit characters
            28. "City" text field allows input that consists only digits
            29. Inconsistency: "Clear" button looks inconsistent with "Submit" button
            30 "High Speed Internet Service": "Provider" text field should be a listbox
            31. "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "Primary Phone Number" allows to paste non digit characters
            32. "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "Total Bill" text field allows to paste non digit characters
            Last edited by skorb; 07-30-2022, 11:07 AM.

