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Online class May 9, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #31
    Energy-Telecom Service bug report

    1 - Tab order (goes from fist name to reffered by and not to last name)
    2 - Data input field (in currency field you can't add cents)
    3 - Clear button (gives you an error and won't clear form)
    4 - Zip code (allows you to type after you copypasted letters)
    5 - Data input field (in currency field you can type letters)
    6 - Data input field (* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by and it's not required field)


    • #32
      Bug report on Energy-Telecom form:
      1. “First name” text field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
      2. “Last name” text field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
      3. “Street Address” text field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as required.
      4. “State” list box: remove “Other” from the list
      5. “State” list box: remove “IND” from the list
      6. “ZIP code” field accepts letters.
      7. Contact information: text “Best Way To Contact Me” should be written properly.
      8. Cell phone service: “Current Provider” list box doesn’t include “Other” option.
      9. Cell phone service: “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters.
      10. “Clear” button doesn’t clear the information.


      • #33
        1. The “Referred by:” field behaves as it is a required field.
        2. “First name” takes only 30 characters instead of 31
        3. “Last name” takes only 30 characters instead of 31
        4. “Street address” fields takes less then 225 characters
        5. “City” fields takes only 49 instead of 50 characters
        6. “Zip code” fields accepts any characters if you pase it
        7. “Zip code” fields accepts more than 5 digits if you pase it
        8. “Email” field assets more than 255 characters
        9. “Email” field behaves as optional field instead required
        10. “Email” asterisk doesn't change color from blue to red when the field not filled and the form submitted
        11. “Phone” field accepts any characters if you pase it
        12. “Clear” button doesn't clear the form
        13. In the “1. Cell Phone Service” section in “Current Provider” field is missing options “Other”
        14. In the “1. Cell Phone Service” section in “My monthly bill is approximately:” field accepted letters
        15. In the “1. Cell Phone Service” section in “My monthly bill is approximately:” field accepted any characters if you pase it


        • #34
          1. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
          2. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
          3. ''Street Address" doesn't accepts 255 characters as required.
          4. "State" list box: remove '' Other" option from the list.
          5. "Zip" field accepts non-digits.
          6. "Email" is marked with an asterisk but is not required.
          7. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form
          8. "Current Provider" list box - "Other" option is needed.


          • #35

            Bug report Energy - Telecom
            #1 . "ZIP" field accept letters and digits instead of digits only
            #2. no default input focus on the first field "First name"
            #3. "State" list box has state BC (incorerect)
            #4. "State" list box has state IND (more letters than other states = 2 LETTERS)
            #5. "Current Provider" field dont have provider T-Mobile
            #6. "Referred by" field dont have asterisk (*) and when you push "Submit" button appear Error message
            #7. "First name" field input is limited to 30 characters instead of 31 characters
            #8. "Last Name" field input is limited to 30 characters instead of 31 characters
            #9. "Street Address" field input is limited to 100 characters instead of 255 characters
            #10. "Email" field input 255 characters and more than 255 its max on the requirement
            #11. "State" list box have "Other" word on the middle. Look will be nice if we place it on the first.


            • #36
              Energy-Telecom Service Review bug report

              1. The TAB order goes from the "First Name" field to the "Referred by" field and then to the "Last Name" field, but it should go from the "First Name" field to the "Last Name" field.

              2. The "Email" field has an asterisk next to it, but it is not in the error message list of required fields when the user pushes the "Submit" button with incomplete required fields.

              3. The "Clear" button does not clear the fields if it is pushed, but it creates an error message.

              4. The "First Name" field accepts digits and special characters, but should only accept letters.

              5. The "Last Name" field accepts digits and special characters, but should only accept letters.

              6. The "City" field accepts digits and special characters, but should only accept letters.

              7. The "ZIP" field accepts letters, but should only accept digits.

              8. The "ZIP" field accepts any characters if they are pasted into it, but should only accept digits.

              9. The "Phone" field accepts any characters if they are pasted into it, but should only accept digits.

              10. The "Referred by" field accepts any characters if they are typed or pasted into it, but should only accept letters.


              • #37
                Bug report Energy-Telecom Web Form

                1. "Email" field has an asterisk but it's not required
                2. no asterisk for the required "Referred by" field
                3. "Clear" button does not clear the form
                4. "Clear" button envokes the misleading error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request."
                5. refreshing button does not clear the "system required field" advisory in the Chrome browser
                6. "First Name" text field accepts maximum 22 characters instead of 31
                7. "Last Name" text field accepts maximum 22 characters instead of 31
                8. "First Name" text field accepts digits
                9. "Last Name" text field accepts digits
                10. "State" list box has 46 states instead of 50
                11. "other" option is not at the bottom or at the top of the "State" list box
                12. "ZIP" list box accepts text
                13. "Phone" text fields accept inserting letters
                14. Web Form is not sent to the mentioned email from the "Email" text field
                15. Missing provider "AT&T" in the "Current Provider" list box
                16. no "other" option in the 1. Cell Phone Service "Current Provider" list box
                17. "Months left on current contract" list box should have from 0 to 23 digits option
                18. Local/Long Distances/International Service "Current Provider" list box is missing "T-mobile" provider
                19. High-Speed Internet Service "Provider" text field has unlimited characters input
                20. High-Speed Internet Service "Current Provider" is missing "T-mobile" provider
                21. High Speed Internet Service - misspelling in the work "High Speed". Should be "High-Speed"


                • #38
                  1. “Email” field’s asterisk is “blue” color instead of “red”
                  2. “Referred by” does not have asterisk, but incorrectly appear as required
                  3. “Months left on current contract” is not consistent with other dropdown menus, it has only 10 months, not 24
                  4. Cell phone provider list does not contain providers such "AT&T" and "Other" provider
                  5. After form is submitted money saving offer has not been offered as promised
                  6. When button " Clear" is pushed it does not clear content but gives the confusing and misleading message
                  7. “Referred by” accepts numbers as well
                  8. "First name" accepts numbers
                  9. "Last name" accepts numbers accepts numbers
                  10. "Zip" row accepts letters
                  11. "Cell phone service monthly bill" accepts letters


                  • #39
                    #1. Form submits without an Email provided (despite that "Email" is a required field).
                    #2. No warning that Email is not provided upon submitting the form.
                    #3. Asterisk near "Email" field doesn't change to red color after submitting invalid form without an Email provided.
                    #4. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                    #5. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                    #6. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
                    #7. "State" list contain only 49 states instead of 50.
                    #8. Why not to change the "Other" option in the "State" list on the actual missing state?

                    To be continued.
                    Last edited by Ilia_Evseev; 05-17-2022, 07:09 PM.


                    • #40
                      1. “First Name” text field accepts less then 31 characters
                      1. “Last Name” text field accepts less then 31 characters
                      1. “Street Address” text field should accept 225 characters, but its only accepting 100
                      1. “Zip” text field accepts characters and digits
                      “State” offering “49” state except of “50”
                      1. “Email” text field accepts more then 255 characters
                      1. In “Phone” user can copy paste any characters
                      1. “Referred by” text field don’t have an asterisk but it’s a required field
                      1. In “Current Provider” value list “Other/None” are not represent


                      • #41
                        1. “Email” field has an asterisk assigned but it’s not actually required
                        2. “Referred by” field does not have and asterisk, but it’s required when you push submit button
                        3. “First name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 required
                        4. “Last name” field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 required
                        5. “Street address” field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255
                        6. “States” list box - remove “others” from the list
                        7. “States” list box - replace IND with IN
                        8. “States” list box missing two states HI and NV
                        9. “States” list box - remove “BC” it’s not a state
                        10. “Zip” filed accepts letters instead digits only
                        11. “First name” field – doesn’t have default input focus
                        12. Tab order goes from “First name” field to “referred by” field. Make it left to right, top to bottom.
                        13. “Current provider” list box – add option “other”
                        14. “Current provider” list box – AT&T provider is missing
                        15. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letter instead of digits only
                        16. “My monthly bill is approximately” limit input digits to no more than 4
                        17. “Month left on current contract” drop box is missing 11th month
                        18. “My monthly bill is approximately” in “Local/Long Distances/International Service” box limit input no more that 4 digits
                        19. “Total bill” field – limit input to no more 4 digits
                        20. “My monthly bill is approximately” in “High Speed Internet Service” box limit input to no more 4 digits
                        21. “My monthly bill is approximately” in “TV service” box limit input to no more 4 digits
                        22. “My monthly bill is approximately” in “Home Security Services” box limit input to no more 4 digits
                        23. Replace “opento” with “open to” in check box name “I am opento using different provider
                        24. Make “Submit” button default button
                        25. “Submit” button and “Clear” button are not consistent with UI requirements
                        26. “Clear” button doesn’t clear anything
                        27. When you push “Clear” button it shows confusing error message “Invalid data request”


                        • #42
                          1. “First name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                          2. “Last name” field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                          3. “Street address” field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255
                          4. “State” list box, “HI” and “NV” states are missing
                          5. “State” list box, remove “BS” since it’s not a US state
                          6. “State” list box, remove “Other” from the list
                          7. “State” list box, inconsistency in alphabetical order of the list
                          8. “ZIP” field accepts letters
                          9. “ZIP” field allows pasting more than 5 characters, including letters and sp. characters
                          10. “ZIP” field accepts invalid ZIP code# “00000”
                          11. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters
                          12. “Email” field doesn’t accept typing an underscore sign “_”
                          13. “Email” has an asterisk assigned acts as a not required field
                          14. "Email" field has no format validation at all
                          15. “Phone” field allows pasting letters and sp. characters
                          16. “Referred by:” field doesn't have in asterisk but acts as a required field
                          17. Inconsistency in upper score first letters of the words throughout the form (“Best Way To Contact Me:” vs “Referred by:”)
                          18. “Clear” button doesn’t clear the form
                          19. “Clear” button invokes a misleading error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
                          20. Inconsistency between GUI implementation between “Clear” and “Submit” buttons
                          21. Cell Phone Service section, the radio buttons allow to check two options with contradicting meaning at once
                          22. Cell Phone Service section, "My monthly bill:":The text field accepts entering letters and pasting letters and sp. characters
                          23. Cell Phone Service section, "I last upgraded my phone": The radio buttons allow checking the contradicting checkboxes at once
                          24. Local/Long Distances/International Service, “Primary Phone Number”, "My monthly bill is approximately", “Total bill””
                            The text fields accept pasting letters and sp. characters
                          25. High Speed Internet Service section, “My monthly bill is approximately:” The text fields allows pasting letters and sp. characters
                          26. TV Service section, "My monthly bill is approximately": The text fields allow pasting letters and sp. characters
                          27. Home Security Service section, "My monthly bill is approximately":
                            The text fields allow pasting letters and sp. characters
                          28. Gas and Electric Services section, “My monthly bill is approximately (summer):”, “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):”
                            The text fields allow pasting letters and sp. characters
                          29. Gas and Electric Services section, Replace “I'm opento” with the” “I'm open to”
                          30. Inconsistent alignment of the text fields throughout the page.
                          31. Inconsistency in using checkboxes, list boxes, radio buttons throughout the page.
                          Last edited by t83272; 05-17-2022, 08:33 PM.


                          • #43
                            #1 Section "Contact Information": the TAB order is violated. After the "First Name" field the "Referred By" field goes instead of the "Last Name" field.
                            #2 Section "Contact Information": ZIP field accepts an input of letters.
                            #3 Section "Contact Information": into the "State" drop-down list "Other" should be at the end of the list.
                            #4 Section "1. Cell Phone Service": "$" field accepts an input of letters.
                            #5 Section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": the label "International calls included" ends up with a question mark instead of a colon ( character.
                            #6 Section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service": the label "Long distance included" ends up with a question mark instead of a colon ( character.
                            #7 Section "3. High Speed Internet Service": the string with "Wireless Aircard", check box, and "Provider" field should be aligned to the left side of the section.
                            #8 Section "4. TV Service": next to the "HDTV" and "DVR" labels should be used the radio buttons.
                            #9 Different sizes of the "Submit" and "Clear" buttons at the bottom of the page.
                            #10 "Clear" button doesn't work.


                            • #44
                              1. "First Name" and " Last Name" fields do not accept more than 30 characters it should be 31
                              2.suggestion for "First Name" and " Last Name" - this field accepting all characters, but usually it should be just letters
                              3. "State" field has 50 states including option "other" it's not a state it should be full list box
                              4. "ZIP" field accepts letters
                              5. suggestion for "Email" create an example for customers to get correct info


                              • #45
                                Bug report on Energy-Telecom Project

                                #1. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31
                                #2. Default input focus doesn't appear when opening the form
                                #3. Input tab switches from "First Name" to "Referred By" instead of "Last Name" according to the order.
                                #4. "State" field box: "BC" to be removed from the list which is not the USA state
                                #5. "State" field box: "Other" to be removed from the list of 50 USA states
                                #6. "State" field box is missing some states
                                #7. "Referred by" the required field: either it should have asterisk or to be removed as the required field
                                #8. "ZIP" field box accepts letters instead of digits only
                                #9. Section 7. Gas and Electric Services: misspell "opento" instead of "open to"
                                #10. Section 1. Cell Phone Services: "Current Provider" field box missing the "Other" provider
                                #11. "Street Address" field box accepts only 100 characters instead of 255 characters
                                #12. "Clear" button is looking different than "Submit" button: font size, box size, etc.

