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Online class May 9, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #16
    Online class May 9, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project
    1. Tab order problem –“ Contact information” it jumps from fields First Name to “Referred by” instead of Last name field.
    2. Tab order problem -2. Local/ - “Bundle with” – Internet field it jumps to next row instead of Tv than Both box.
    3. If you press “Clear button” for clear choices in the form system shows Error – invalid Data request instead of clear all data in all fields and boxes. After you push Button OK on the Error pop up window – all data stay inside box and field and form nor empty.
    4. Tab order problem – 2. Local/ - International calls Inc – from Yes box it goes to next row instead of “No” box
    5. Tab order problem – 2. Local/ - Login distance – from “Yes” box it jump to next row instead of “No” box
    6. Tab order problem – 2. Local/ - I am interested – from “Yes” box it jump to next row instead of “No” box
    7. "My monthly bill" field allow to put letters instead of only numbers.
    8. 1. "Cell phone.. - "Months left on current contract:" format brings only 10 month instead of 12.
    9 All list boxes "Current provider" list non-alphabetical order
    Last edited by allv13; 05-17-2022, 06:56 PM.


    • #17
      Online class May 9, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project
      1. Default input field - nice to have
      2. TAB order malfunction. From "First Name" field you move to "Referred by" field instead of "Last name" field
      3. TAB order malfunction. From "Referred by" you move to "Last Name" field instead of moving to "Current provider" listbox bellow
      4. TAB order malfunction. From " Best Way To Contact Me" field move to "Current provider" listbox instead of "Referred by" field
      5. Remove "BC" state from "State" listbox.
      6. Remove "D" letter from "IND" in "State" listbox
      7. Missing "NV" in "State" listbox
      8. Missing "DC" in "State" listbox
      9. Move "Other" item to the end of the listbox in "State" listbox to improve UX
      10. "ZIP" input field accepts letters
      11. Remove all the capital letters from "Best Way To Contact Me" label, exept "Best" word
      12. Add "*" to "Referred by" label, becouse you can't procced without it
      13. Add "Other" item to "Current Provider" listbox in "1. Cell Phone Service" section
      14. "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts letter, when there should be only digits
      15. "I am opento using different provider" label is missing "space" betwen "opento", in "7. Gas and Electric Services" section
      16. Make "Submit" and "Clear" buttons of the same size to improve UX
      17. After refreshing web page all data do not remove


      • #18

        1. Contact Information section, “State” drop-down list:
        a. List provinces of Canada first (official 2 letter codes, in alphabetical order), then list the states of the USA (official 2 letter codes, in alphabetical order)
        b. Place the menu option "Other" at the very end of the list

        2. Contact Information section, “ZIP”:
        The text field accepts pasting letters and sp. characters

        3. Contact Information section, “Phone”:
        The text field accepts pasting letters and sp. characters

        4. Contact Information section, “Best Way To Contact Me:”
        Replace the “Best Way To Contact Me:” with the ““Best way to contact me:”

        5. Cell Phone Service section,
        The radio buttons allow to check two options at once

        6. Cell Phone Service section, "My monthly bill:":
        The text field accepts entering letters and pasting letters and sp. characters

        7. Cell Phone Service section, "I last upgraded my phone":
        The radio buttons allow checking the contradicting checkboxes at once

        8. Local/Long Distances/International Service, “Primary Phone Number”, "My monthly bill is approximately", “Total bill””
        The text fields accept pasting letters and sp. characters

        9. High Speed Internet Service section, “My monthly bill is approximately:”
        The text fields allows pasting letters and sp. characters9. TV Service section, "My monthly bill is approximately":
        The text fields allow pasting letters and sp. characters

        10. Home Security Service section, "My monthly bill is approximately":
        The text fields allow pasting letters and sp. characters

        11. Gas and Electric Services section, “My monthly bill is approximately (summer):”, “My monthly bill is approximately (winter):”
        The text fields allow pasting letters and sp. characters

        12. Gas and Electric Services section,
        Replace “I'm opento” with the” “I'm open to”

        13. All sections.
        Inconsistent alignment of the text fields throughout the page.


        • #19
          Bug Report Energy Telecom:

          1) The cursor doesn't point to the text field by default
          2) Tab order should go step by step from left to right, top to bottom
          3) Field "State": in the dropdown list, all states are not displayed in alphabetical order
          4) Field "State": option -other- should be deleted
          5) Field "State": BC state should be deleted
          6) The "Zip" field: accepts letters
          7) The field "Zip" is misspelled, instead of "Zip Code"
          8) The field "Zip" accepts invalid zip code
          9) In the field Referred by no sign *
          10) The review can be submitted without an email


          • #20
            1. Input field "First name" accepts digits.
            2. Input field "Last name" accepts digits.
            3. "Zip" field accepts letter instead digits only.
            4. Field "My monthly approximately $" accepts letters.
            5. Field "Email" accepts not valid email, if you will wright only letters without "@", no errors after press "Submit".
            6. Tab order, after input field "Name" does not follow correct field "Last name". Follow field "Referred by".
            7. Drop-down menu options for field "State" can not include "Other".
            8. Field "First name" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
            9. Field "Last name" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
            10. Field "Street address" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
            11. Field "City" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".
            12. Field "Referred by" include special characters and no errors after press "Submit".


            • #21
              Bug report Energy Telecom:
              Contact info box
              1. Need to add default input focus in the first field "First Name"
              2. Text fields "First name" and "last name" accept digits and special characters
              3. TAB order needs to be done from left to right - from top to bottom - From "First name" to "Last name" tab to "Street address" tab to "City" tab and ect
              4. "Zip" field accepts letters instead of digits only.
              5. "Zip" field accepts nonexisting zip code
              6. "States" field has nonexisting states
              Cell Phone Service part
              7. Application allows checking both checkboxes "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using a different provider". Doesn't make sense.
              8. "My monthly bill is approximate $" field accepts letters.
              9. Referred by field doesn't indicate as a required field but when you push submit button it shows a message that this field needs to be filled out.


              • #22
                Bugs report of Energy Telecom - Service Review (
                ================================================== ================================================== =====================
                #1 The field text "First Name" not in range characters [0-30]
                #2 The field text "Last Name" not in range characters [0-30]
                #3 The field text "Street Address:"not in range characters [0-254]
                #4 The text field "Referred by:" in fieldset "contact Information" is not required field (no asterix "*") but when we do "Submit" we got red massage "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by"
                #5 The text field "ZIP" accepts letters
                #6 The list box of the text field "State" has the option "Other" should be removed not in the requirements
                #7 The text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" in fieldset"Cell Phone Service" accepts letters
                #8 value="I am opento using different provider" replace on: value="I am open to using different provider" in fieldset "Gas and Electric Services"
                #9 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset "Contact Information" the Tab ORDER is not consistent
                #10 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset2."Local/Long Distances/International Service:" the Tab ORDER missed input check box "Internet", "TV" and "No"
                #11 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset3."High Speed Internet Service" the Tab ORDER missed input check box "Dial-Up", "DSL", "Provider", "Phone", "Both"
                #12 TAB ORDER problem in fieldset4."TV Service" the Tab ORDER missed input check box "Phone", "Both"
                #13 Buttons "Submit"(style="width: 8em; font-size: 100%;") and "Clear"(style="width: 4em; font-size: 90%") has different style and font sizes
                #14 The button "Clear" if we are click on give us pop up window with text "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" instead of clear out this form.
                Last edited by Ihor_K; 05-17-2022, 06:28 PM.


                • #23
                  Energy-Telecom Service Review bug reports

                  #1. Default Input Focus should be added (“First Name” text field is recommended for Default Input Focus)
                  #2. Tab order issue in "Contact Information" section, goes from "First Name" text field, to "Referred by" text field, to "Last name" text field.
                  #3. Digits and non-letter characters can be written in the "First Name" field, should only allow letters.
                  #4. Digits and non-letter characters can be written in the "Last Name" field, should only allow letters.
                  #5. When the "ZIP" text field is completely filled with only zeros (00000) and "Submit" button is pushed, there is no red error message for the "ZIP" text field.
                  #6. No asterisk (*) in front of "Referred by" text field despite being a required field.
                  #7. Non-letter and non-digit characters (example: %!) can be written in "Street Address" text field.
                  #8. Some state abbreviations are missing in "State" list box.
                  #9. On the "1. Cell Phone Service" section, letters can be written in the "My monthly bill is approximately" text field, recommend to only allow digits.
                  #10. Digits and non-letter characters can be written in the "City" field, should only allow letters.
                  #11. In "State" list box, state abbreviation "BC" is not a U.S State and must be removed.

                  #12. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
                  #13. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
                  #14. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 characters.
                  #15. No error message appears for "Street Address" text field when invalid email is entered.
                  #16. "State" list box is missing Hawaii (HA), Nevada (NV), and Indiana (IN).
                  #17. In "State" list box, item "IND" should be removed.
                  #18. In "State" list box, item "Other" should be removed.
                  #19. "ZIP" text field accepts letters instead of only digits.
                  #20. "Email" text field accepts more than a maximum of 255 characters, instead it accepts maximum 1063 characters.
                  #21. "Email" text field, when left empty and "SUBMIT" button is pushed, does not show error message indicating it is a required field (such as "Please enter your Email").
                  #21. No error message appears for "Email" text field when invalid email is entered.
                  #22. Asterisk in front of "Email" text field is inconsistent color (blue) compared to the asterisks in front of other required text fields (red).
                  #23. "Phone" text field, when left empty and "SUBMIT" button is pushed, does not show error message indicating it is a required field (such as "Please enter your Phone number").
                  Last edited by DannyT; 07-19-2022, 03:29 AM.


                  • #24
                    1. "First Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                    2. "Last Name" field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                    3. "Street Address" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
                    4. "State" list box: Remove "Other" option from the list.
                    5. "State" list box lists only 48 states out of 50. Add HI and NV states.
                    6. "State" list box: "BC" is not a State.
                    7. "Zip" field accepts alphabetic characters. And also can copy something in the zip code field (symbols and letters).
                    8. The field "Zip" misspelled, instead of "Zip Code".
                    9. Email:" filed do not accept underscore "_" like special character
                    10. The field "Phone:" allows copy/paste letters (typing allows numbers only)
                    11. Button "clear" and button "submit" are not the same (different shape).
                    12. If push the button "clear" nothing changes, nothing clear.
                    13. Section 7 the word “opento” is misspelled.
                    14. Field "referred by" without indicates required.
                    Last edited by EkaterinaK93; 05-17-2022, 07:14 PM.


                    • #25
                      Testing Energy-Telecom page.
                      1. "First name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 characters as per requirements.
                      2. "Last name" field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 characters as per requirements.
                      3. "Street address" field accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
                      4. "State" list box shows 49 states instead of 50.
                      5. "State" list box is not on alphabetical order.
                      6. Remove "Other" item in "State" list box.
                      7. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of digits only.
                      8. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters instead of being limited of 255.
                      9. In "Contact information" section "Email" field behaves as not required field after pushing "Submit" button.
                      10. "Referred by" field should be marked with asterisk or make it not required.
                      11. "Cell Phone Service" section: in the "Current provider" list box the "Other" item should be added.
                      12. "Cell phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters.
                      13. "Cell phone Service" section: "Months left on current contract" list box should accepts up to 24 months.
                      14. "Gas and Electric Services" section: replace "opento" with "open to".
                      15. In the bottom of the page "Submit" button and "Clear" button have different Font format.
                      16. "Clear" button does not clear the page.
                      17. An "Error message" appears after pushing "Clear" button.
                      18. TAB order problem in the "Contact Information" section.


                      • #26
                        1. “Email” field behaves as not required
                        2. “Email” field asterisk stays blue when it left blank and submit
                        3. “Email” field accepts invalid email format
                        4. “Referred by” field behaves as required
                        5. In dropdown list option “other” in “State” filed should be at the bottom of the list
                        6. “ZIP” field takes non digit characters
                        7. “Clear” button does not clear the form
                        8. “Clear” button when click display misleading error message
                        9. “Clear” button in terms of GUI is not consistence with “Submit” button
                        10. Tab key shifts from “First Name” to “Referred by”
                        11. “ZIP” field takes more than 5 characters when data is entered using paste
                        12. “Phone” field takes non digit character when entered using paste
                        13. Under Cell Phone Service section, “My monthly bill is approximately” filed should not accept non digit character, or display error message
                        14. Under Cell Phone Service section, “ Number of phones in a plan” list box should have limit
                        15. Under Gas and Electric Services “I am opento using different provider” label has a typo, it should read as “I am open to using different provider”


                        • #27
                          #1 Text field “First Name” accepts only 30 characters not 31.

                          #2 Text field “Last Name” accept only 30 characters not 31.

                          #3 Text field “Street Address” accept only 104 characters not 255.

                          #4 Text field ”ZIP” accepts letters not only numbers.

                          #5 "State" list box: Remove "Other" option from the list.

                          #6 Text field “Email ” do not accept underscore "_" like special character.

                          #7 Text field "Phone:" allows copy/paste letters (typing allows numbers only)


                          • #28
                            1. Upon submitting empty form, the error message that appears doesn't state title "Email" listed as a required field
                            2. Upon the form being submitted the application does NOT generate an email (sales leads) with the information available in the form
                            3. Tab order doesn't work for all radio buttons in all sections
                            4. "First name" field is limited to only 30 characters
                            5. "Last name" field accepts only 30 characters
                            6. No specific data requirements for "referred by" field
                            7. list box "state" is not alphabetically arranged
                            8. Under "Cell phone service" table, one of the options "I am happy with my current provider / I am open to using different provider" control should be disabled due to controversy


                            • #29
                              Energy-Telecom bug report:

                              1. All input fields (“Name”, “Street Adrs”, “Email”, “Reffered”) are accepting whole digits format instead of letters or mix.
                              2. Phone field accepting letter if copy paste.
                              3. No default input focus.
                              4. ZIP code accepting letters if copy pasted.
                              5. ZIP code accepting unreal code.
                              6. All Monthly Bill input fields are accepting letters or unreal amounts.
                              7. State codes: IND must be IN for Indiana; BC doesn’t exist; AS, DC, GU, HI doesn’t show.
                              8. Button “Clear” don’t clear, shows “Error” message.
                              9. Tab jumped from First to Referred.
                              10. All amount fields accepting letters if copypaste.
                              11. “Submit” accepting all error contact info input as digits instead letters, letters instead of digits.

                              Thalia bug report:
                              1. No need Type column because all of documents are Invoices.
                              2. Invoice number and PO input fields are accepting letters.
                              3. Customer field not need drop-down if we have only one customer as GE
                              4. No options in such opened widows for Customer, Invoice status, Results per page.
                              5. Amount field doesn’t work for options, must be increasing and decreasing options.
                              6. Need switch Due date and PO# columns names.
                              7. “Rejcted” must be revised to “Rejected”
                              8. Last invoice on this page doesn’t have Actions button
                              9. Different date formats.
                              10. 11 invoices on page instead of 10
                              Last edited by SergiiCh; 05-17-2022, 04:37 PM.


                              • #30
                                Energy-Telecom bugs report:
                                #1 Text Field "ZIP" is allowing to write letters.
                                #2 Text field "Referred by: "behaves as like - a required field
                                #3 Text Field "My monthly bill is approximately:" is allowing me to write letters.
                                #4 Text Filed "First Name" after filling First Name Field, and pressing button TAB it switches to the wrong field "Referred by" instead of Field LAst NAme
                                #5 "Clear Button:" not clear a FORM
                                #6 After Pushing the "Clear Button" You see an issue: "Error 17896..."
                                #7 Column 7: Gas and Electric Services - mistake in a last sentence: I am opento using different provider - should be I am open to
                                #8 Text field email is required field , but if you don't complete a field - form will submit
                                #9 1. Cell Phone Service you can choose at the same time 2 сheck boxes.
                                #10 Section: "Contact Information" in text Fields First, Last Name, Street Address:, City - you can wright special symbols

