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Online class May 9, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • Online class May 9, 2022 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

    1. Tab order problem. It’s not in the correct way: from “First Name” to “Referred by” instead of “Last Name”.
    2. Zip text field accept letters characters.
    3. Section 7 “opento” is spelling incorrectly.
    4. Button “clear” displays an error.
    5. “Referred by” does not have “*”, but after submitting it show as required field.
    6. The text field “my monthly bill is approximately” accept letters characters.
    7. “State:” list box offers 49 state instead of 50.
    8. “First name:” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    9. “Last name:” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    10. “City field:” accepts more than 50 characters.
    Last edited by Viktory01; 05-17-2022, 08:30 PM.

  • #2
    Energy-Telecom Service Review Page Bug Report.

    #1. Might want to add Default Input Focus.

    #2. Contact Information: Text Field "First Name" allows enter numbers and special characters instead of letters only.

    #3. Contact Information: Text Field "Last Name" allows enter numbers and special characters instead of letters only.

    #4. Contact Information: Text Field "Street Address" does not check if the address is existing; does not verify if the address correct format (does not check if there is a building number or not; allows inserting only numbers without Street name).

    #5. Contact Information: Text Field "City" does not check if the city is existing; allows insert numbers instead of letters only;

    #6. Contact Information: Text Fields "State" and "ZIP" do not have controls to verify if zip code entered relates to the state chosen;

    #7. Contact Information: Text Field "State" has "Other" option which is misleading as there are only 50 states in the U.S. Answer choice for Indiana is in incorrect format (3 letters instead of 2: "IND"). List of states is out of alphabetical order. BC is misspelling of DC.

    #8. Contact Information: Text Field "Email" allows enter inappropriate email format (without a dot symbol in;

    #9. Contact Information: Text Field "Referred by" allows enter numbers and special characters instead of letters only. Text Field "Referred by" is not marked with an asterisk symbol (yet currently the form cannot be submitted without it filled out).

    #10. Contact Information: Text Field "Best Way To Contact Me" might provide with a Default Value.

    #11. Contact Information: Wrong Tab order: after Text Field "First Name" the Tab button should lead the user to Text Field "Last Name" (not "Referred by") as the rest of the page is organized as left-to-right and from top-to-the-bottom.

    #12. Section 1. Cell Phone Service: Text Field "Current Provider" in "Cell Phone Service" does not provide with "Other" answer choice.

    #13. Section 1. Cell Phone Service: Text Field "My monthly bill is approximately" allows enter letters instead of numbers only.

    #14. Section 1. Cell Phone Service: Text Field "Months left on current contract" does not provide with "11" answer choice.

    #15. Section 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service: List "Provider" differs from List "Provider" in Section 1. Cell Phone Service. Might want to make them the same lists.

    #16. Section 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service: Wrong Tab Order: the Tab button does not move within the same question with multiple answer choices (in Text Fields "Bundled with" between "Internet/TV/Both" answer choices, "International calls included?", "Long distance included?" between "Yes/No" answer choices; "I am interested in Unlimited Calling:" between "Yes/No" answer choices).
    Last edited by ezadbaeva; 05-12-2022, 05:02 PM.


    • #3
      #1 "State" section: option "other" should be removed, because there are only 50 states in the USA.
      #2 "State" section has two mistakes. State "BC" should be removed, because it's not state of USA and states "HI" and NV" should be added.
      #3 "State" section: state "IND" should be replaced with "IN".
      #4 "ZIP" field: it is possible to write letters, it's necessary to leave writing only numbers.
      #5 TAB order issue. "First Name" field is followed by "Referred By". Instead, "First Name" should be followed by "Last Name".
      #6 Contact information section: before the line "REFERRED BY" there should be "*".
      #7 "First Name and Last Name" fields: it's possible to write numbers, it's necessary to leave writing only letters.
      #8 Cell Phone Service section: possibility of writing letters should be removed from "My monthly bill is approximately" field.
      #9 Cell Phone Service section: option "other" should be added in "Current Provider" field.
      #10 The "SUBMIT" button should be made the same size as "CLEAR".
      #11 When the "CLEAR" button is clicked it gives an error.
      Last edited by Darya2604; 05-12-2022, 03:50 PM.


      • #4
        Energy Telecom Bug Report
        1. "ZIP'field access letters
        2. All fields that require numbers access letters in copy-pass proccess
        3. in "Phone" field coursor doesn't jump automatically to the next field after it's filled
        4. After pushing "SUBMIT' button error massage shows "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by", that wasn't required by '* Indicates required field'
        5. After pushing "SUBMIT' button error massage "*' sign doesn't turn red near "* Email:"
        6. the "clear" buton is not functional, shows the error massage 'Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!'
        7. in the part 2. "Local/Long Distances/International Service", in the 'Primary Phone Number:' field coursor doesn't jump automatically to the next field after it's filled

        Taulia Bud Report
        1. Invoice "1122338095" is missing an "Action" button
        2. inconsistency in "Amount" column, between invoices "1122339044' and "1122339135"
        3. Missmatch in "Result per page"(10) with the ectual result shown (11)
        4. Numbers of page missing number 5
        5. The "Type" column is redundant, the result is always the same
        6. Missmatch shown in results in columns "PO #" and "Due Date"
        7. the column "Invoce #" is misspeld, replace with "Invoice #"
        8. inncorect tooltip in column status. Row 4 "Paid" shows "Approved"
        9. all dates are missmatching, choose one standart for the all dates.
        10. Provide all labels at the "Search my invoices" with colon character at the end
        11. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 invoices


        • #5
          Taulia Bug Report.
          1. The data in columns "Due Date" and "PO#" is swapped in between each other.
          2. The title of the first column "Invoce#" should be replaced with "Invoice#".
          3. Replace "rejcted" with "rejected" in the 1st line of "Status" column.
          4. There are 11 search results on the page instead of 10 per in "Results per page" list box.
          5. There is missing "Actions" button in the 11th row of the result table.
          6. Row of links to the pages: missing link to the page "#5".
          7. In the "Inv. Date" column there is date "1oct.-2011" which is out of current range.
          8. There is no colon after "Invoice number" list box.
          9. Replace "1000000" with "1,000,000.00" in the "From amount" list box.
          10. Inconsistency in Date format: in "Invoice Date" list box (6/5/2011) and "Inv. Date" column (29-Aug-2011).


          • #6
            1. Invoices shows one more "Invoice" per page then its supposed to. It's show "11" results instead of "10"
            2. Worlds "Invoice" and "Rejected" are misspelled
            3. "Due Date" and "PO#" column results are swapped
            4. Last Invoice don't have "Actions" button
            5. "Amount" column going in ascending order when ever it's supposed to go in descending order
            Energy Telecom
            6. State check box has not all states, and also "Other" should be at very end
            7.Tab order not observed
            8. Text field "ZIP" should not allow to write letters in it, or paste more then 5 numbers
            9. Text field "First Name" and "Last name" should not allow to write any numbers in it
            10. "Referred by" text field should be appear as Required Field


            • #7
              Energy Telecom bug report

              1. In the "Contact Information" the field "First Name" can accept all numbers instead of letters.
              2. In the "Contact Information" the field "Last Name" can accept all numbers instead of letters.
              3. The field "ZIP" misspelled, instead of "Zip Code".
              4. The field "ZIP" can accept invalid Zip Code.
              5. Functional inconsistency error. The field "Email" indicates as required field, however it is possible to submit this form without entering an Email.
              6. The field "Referred by" is missing "*" sign since it is required field, that must be filled out.
              7. The field "Referred by" can accept all numbers instead of all letters format.
              8. Inconsistency in the Tab order in the "Contact information". Tab order left to right doesn't work after the field "First Name".
              9. In the "1. Cell phone service", in the field "Months left on current contract" the drop box options only from 0 to 10 instead of 0 to 12. Also options "More" in this drop box is missing.
              10. Misspelling in the box "7. Gas and Electric Services" , in the field "I am opento using different provider".


              • #8
                Energy Telecom bug report.

                1. "Zip" field accepts alphabetic characters. And also I can copy something in the zip code field (symbols and letters).
                2. The field "Zip" misspelled, instead of "Zip Code".
                3. Button "clear" and button "submit" are not the same (different shape).
                4. If push the button "clear" nothing changes, nothing clear.
                5. Field "State" is "BC" (British Columbia).
                6. Field "State" there is "Other".
                7. Section 7 the word “opento” is misspelled.


                • #9
                  Taulia bug report
                  1. In search result column #11 is not button "Action"
                  2. In "Results per page" is 10 results instead of search results it is 11
                  3. "Invoice date" is limited by 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011, in search result column #7 it is "1-Oct-2011"
                  4.Mismatch of format date: "Invoice date" is "6/5/2011" and in search result column " Inv. date" is "29-Aug-2011"
                  5. In search results mistake in word "Invoce#" replace to "Invoice", "Rejcted" replace to "Rejected"
                  6. In column "Amount" is "$22,376.00" located behind to "$22,409.37"
                  7. In "Invoice status" in list box does not have any choice
                  8. There is not page 5 in search results
                  9. Rearrange column "Due Date" to column "PO #"
                  10. In search my invoice the most of all label do not have colon character at the end
                  Last edited by Dilara_doc; 05-12-2022, 01:56 PM.


                  • #10
                    Bugs report of Taulia: Search invoices (
                    1. Incorrect the first column name "Invoce#" in the spreadsheet should replace to "Invoice"
                    2. Eliminate the second "Type" column in the spreadsheet such we are in the folder "Invoices'
                    3. The content of "Due Date" column in the spreadsheet has not in format time
                    4. The name of "PO#" column in the spreadsheet replace to "PO" (bring into the same format with other names)
                    5. The content of "PO" column in the spreadsheet has date/time format should be in numerical
                    6. Add sorted function to columns: Invoice, Inv.Date, Due Date, PO, Status, Payment
                    7. The "Payment" column in the spreadsheet contains the wrong format
                    8. Replace the name of the field "Showing 422 invoices" with "Total invoices: 422"
                    9. To Fix the number of invoices per page must include 10 rows not 11 rows
                    10. Links of numbers of pages(left low corner) is inconsistency missed link page 5
                    11. Pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results, 10 results per page
                    12. Links of pages between the page 5 and 43 have not ellipsis
                    13."Inv.Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range specified "6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011"
                    14. To Fix sorted by ascending order in column "Amount", the amount in row 8 less than in row 7
                    15. Eliminate colon in the field "From amount:"
                    16. Amount in fields "From amount" bring to money standard format amount (10,000.00)
                    17. The column "Status" in the spreadsheet would be prefer to put after column "Payment"
                    Last edited by Ihor_K; 05-16-2022, 03:25 PM.


                    • #11
                      Bug Report Energy Telecom

                      1. TAB button is moving in a wrong order
                      2. First, Last Name and City fields are accepting number characters
                      Zip is accepting Letters and spelled in all Capital letters
                      3. in field Cell Phone Current Provider no option "Other"
                      4. Local/Long Distances/International Service default did not work for a Phone#
                      5. Field State has non-American location
                      6. In section Gas and Electric services
                      opento spelled as one word


                      • #12
                        Energy Telecom Service review
                        1. Text field is not following a logic order when is selected by pushing TAB button ( it goes from First Name to Referred by and then back to Last Name )
                        2. Under Gas and Electrical services, the last checkbox has a spelling error "opento"
                        3. The list box item for "State" is not having the states in alphabetic order
                        4. Zip code text field is allowing you to write letters
                        5. Under "Cell phone services" for"My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows user to write letters
                        6. Under "cell phone services" for current provider's list box the name of the providers are not in alphabetic order
                        7. Under "tv services" for current provider's list box , the name of the providers are not in alphabetic order
                        8. Under "Home security services" for current provider's list box, the name of the providers are not in alphabetic order
                        9. Under "Gas and electric services " for current provider's list box, the name of the providers are not in alphabetic order
                        10. when pushing "clear " button, the Error 17896 pops up
                        11. when pressing submit button , without filling up contact information, "Email" is not requested in red, even if it has an asterisk * symbol


                        • #13
                          Bug Report on Taulia
                          What a Mess!


                          • #14
                            Taulia bugs report:
                            1. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
                            2. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                            3. Incorrect number of search results (11 instead of 10 results per page).
                            4. "From amount" field is the only one that has colon (add colon to all other labels).
                            5. "Inv. Date" column has "1-Oct-2011" field while Invoice date is limited to 9/30/2011.
                            6. Two different date formats used for "Invoice date" (6/5/2011) and for "Inv. date" column (29-Aug-2011).

                            Energy-Telecom bugs report:
                            1. Tab Order problem: from "First Name" field goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name" field.
                            2. Remove "BC" item from "State" list box.
                            3. "Months left on current contract" field in "1. Cell Phone Service" part of the page does not let to select over 10 months option.
                            4. Replace "opento" with "open to" in "7. Gas and Electric Services" part of the page.
                            5. Bring "Submit" and "Clear" buttons to the same size.
                            6. Add "Other" as a selectable item to the "Current Provider:" list box in "1. Cell Phone Service" part of the page.
                            7. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN".


                            • #15
                              Energy-Telecom bug reports:
                              1) "First Name:" field accepts less then 31 characters.
                              2) "Last Name:" field accepts less then 31 characters.
                              3) "Street Address:" field accepts less then 255 characters.
                              4) "State:" list box accepts less then 50 states.
                              5) "ZIP:" field accepts non-digital characters.
                              6) "Email:" field accepts more then 255 characters.
                              7) "Email:" field accepts other then - @ . - _
                              8) "Email:" field has an asterisk but it is not a required field.
                              9) In "State:" list box are not in alphabetic order.
                              10) "1. Cell Phone Service": "Current Provider:" list box has no "Other" option.
                              Last edited by Margarita Tcherkas; 05-17-2022, 07:01 PM.

