1. Section "International calls" input field "phone number" allows you to enter letters.
2. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "first name" allows you to enter numbers.
3. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "last name" allows you to enter numbers
4. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "Contact phone namber" allows you to enter letters.
5. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "Contact email address" allows you to enter invalid characters (?&%+=)
6. By clicking on the "Learn More" button in the "How Much Can You Save With PhonePower?" you can enter a non-existent zip code of 6 digits "142701" the program does the calculation.
7. By clicking on the "See all of our Features" button, then by clicking on the "See less Features" button, the program jumps to the "International Calling" section.
8. Section "International Calling" input field "prefix" allows you to enter letters.
9. Section "International Calling" input field "country code" allows you to enter letters.
10. Section "International Calling" input field "phone number" allows you to enter letters.
11. In the section "International "Find rates" is not active.
2. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "first name" allows you to enter numbers.
3. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "last name" allows you to enter numbers
4. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "Contact phone namber" allows you to enter letters.
5. Section "Service Sign-Up" input field "Contact email address" allows you to enter invalid characters (?&%+=)
6. By clicking on the "Learn More" button in the "How Much Can You Save With PhonePower?" you can enter a non-existent zip code of 6 digits "142701" the program does the calculation.
7. By clicking on the "See all of our Features" button, then by clicking on the "See less Features" button, the program jumps to the "International Calling" section.
8. Section "International Calling" input field "prefix" allows you to enter letters.
9. Section "International Calling" input field "country code" allows you to enter letters.
10. Section "International Calling" input field "phone number" allows you to enter letters.
11. In the section "International "Find rates" is not active.