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SU February 18, 2022:Test GUI, usability, functionality of OrangeHRM

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  • SU February 18, 2022:Test GUI, usability, functionality of OrangeHRM

    1. In "My info", "Contact details", in "Gender", there is no "other" radio button.
    2. In "My info", "Contact details", in "Nationality" list box, there is no "other" in list box.
    3. In "My info", "Contact details", in "Country" list box, there is no "other" in list box.
    4. In "Organizations", "Location", in "Country" list box, there is no "other" in list box
    5. on "Login" page, there are no boundaries(text input range) for input in "Login/Password" fields.
    6. on "Login" page, user can copy and cut the symbols in "Password" field.
    7. on "Login" page, "Login" button is active, whenever "Login/Password" fields is empty.
    8. on "Login" page, there is no autofocus on "Login" field, when entering the page.
    9. on "Login" page, there is no "Remember me" button.
    10. on "Login" page, there is no "Password recovery" button.
    11. on "Login" page, there is no "Create a new account" button.
    12. on "Login" page, when user select "Login" field, there aren't any input tips under this field.
    13. on "Login" page, "LOGIN panel" is extra field.(my opinion)
    14. on "Login" page, "Login" button should be located on the central part of its string.
    15. In "My info", "Personal details", "Driver's license number" field accepts all the characters instead of digits only.
    16. In "My info", "Contact details", "State/Province" field accepts all the characters instead of letters only.
    17. In "Admin", "Organization", "Zip Code" field accepts letters.
    18. In "Admin", "Organization", "Zip Code" field accepts more than 5 symbols.
    19. In "Organizations", "Location", in "Country" list box, there is a mistake with the name of country, replace “Iran, Islamic of” with “Islamic of Iran”
    20.In "Organizations", "Location", in "Country" list box, there is a mistake with the name of country, replace “Korea, Democratic People’s republic of” with “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ”
    21. In "Organizations", "Location", in "Country" list box, there is a mistake with the name of country, replace “Congo, the democratic republic of the” with “Republic of the Congo”
    22. In "Organizations", "Location", in "Country" list box, there is a mistake with the name of country, replace “Korea, republic of” with “Republic of Korea ”
    23. In "Organizations", "Location", in "Country" list box, there is a mistake with the name of country, replace “Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of” with “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ”
    25. In "PIM", when user will try to select the subsection, it would be always "Employee list" section chosen.
    26. In "Recruitment", "Vacancies" section, design of the site part is uncompleted.
    27. In "My info", "Emergency contacts", "Name" field accepts all the characters instead of letters only.
    28. In "My info", "Emergency contacts", "Relationship" field accepts all the characters instead of letters only.
    29. In "My info", "Dependents/Name" field accepts all the characters instead of letters only.
    30. In "My info", "Contact details", "Zip Code" field accepts all characters instead of digits only.
    31. In "My info", "Personal details", "SSN number" field accepts all characters instead of digits only.
    32. In "My info", "Personal details", "SIN number" field accepts all characters instead of digits only.
    33. In "My info", "Personal details", "First name" field accepts all characters instead of letters only.
    34. In "My info", "Personal details", "Second name" field accepts all characters instead of letters only.
    35. In "My info", "Personal details", "Last name" field accepts all characters instead of letters only.
    36. In "My info", "Personal details", "Employee id" accepts all characters instead of digits only.
    37. In "My info", "Personal details", "Other id" accepts all characters instead of digits only.
    38. In "My info", "Personal details", "Nick name" field accepts all characters instead of letters only.
    39. In "My info", "Contact details", "City" field accepts all characters instead of letters only.
    40. In "My info", "Personal details", "Zip/Postal Code" field accepts all characters instead of digits only.
    Last edited by Taymaz; 02-21-2022, 10:07 AM.

  • #2
    #1. OrangeHRM logo should link to the homepage
    #2. PIM/Employee List/ - No default input focus
    #3. Join Orange HRM Community button linked to the page: that doesn't found (Error 404)
    #4.My Info/Personal Details/Gender: Other is missing
    #5.My Info/Personal Details/Nationality: Other is missing
    #6.My Info/Personal Details/Date of Birth: should be a valid date in the past
    #7.My Info/ Personal Details/ Driver's License Number field accepts all the characters instead of digits only
    #8. My Info/ Personal Details/ SSN Number field accepts all the characters instead of digits only
    #9. My Info/ Personal Details /SSN Number/
    field accepts more than 9 symbols
    #10.My Info/ Contact Details/ State/Province field accepts all the characters instead of letters only
    #11. My Info/ Contact Details/ Country: Other is missing
    #12. My Info/ Emergency Contacts/Name accepts all the characters instead of letters only
    #13. My Info/ Emergency Contacts/Relationship accepts all the characters instead of letters only
    #14. My Info/ Dependents/Date of Birth: should be a valid date in the past
    #15. My Info/ Dependents/Name accepts all the characters instead of letters only
    #16. My Info/ Immigration/Issued By: Replace “Iran, Islamic of” with “Islamic of Iran”
    #17.My Info/ Immigration/Issued By: Replace “Korea, Democratic People’s republic of” with “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ”
    #18.My Info/ Immigration/Issued By: Replace “Congo, the democratic republic of the” with “Republic of the Congo”
    #19.My Info/ Immigration/Issued By: Replace “Korea, republic of” with “Republic of Korea ”
    #20.My Info/ Immigration/Issued By: Replace “Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of” with “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ”


    • #3
      1) In "Firefox" browser "Cut" menu item on "Password" isn't disabled.
      2) In "Firefox" browser "Copy" menu item on "Password" isn't disabled.
      3) PIM:Employee List:"Personal Details": "Licence Expiry Date" and "Date of Birth" have no limitations (e.g. 1900-2100) when enterig the year.
      4) PIM:Employee List:"Personal Details": SSN Number field accepts letters and special characters instead of numbers.
      5) PIM:Employee List:"Personal Details": SIN Number field accepts letters and special characters instead of numbers.
      6) PIM:Employee List:"Personal Details": Driver's Licence Number field accepts letters and special characters instead of numbers.
      7) PIM:Employee List:"Personal Details": "Gender" radio button is missing "Other" value.
      8) PIM:Employee List:"Personal Details": Tab order stops working after "SIN Number" field.
      9) PIM:Employee List: ID column is handled as text instead of number. This causes incorrect sorting order (14619668 goes before 167218).
      10) PIM:Employee List: Empioyee ID search field doesn't work with partial ID's.
      11) PIM:Employee List: ID search field accepts letters and special characters instead of numbers.
      12) PIM:Employee List: ID search field: Enter key does not start search (default focus if not defined to the "Search" button).


      • #4
        1 - search filter section - employee name field - incorrect work auto substitution and search, when input 'an', searching all connection through the word, not only first and last name start position of letters (or it works as design)
        2 - search filter section - reset button - must clear only input forms, but it clears the search results too
        3 - country list box - admin - organization - general information - unreal country Antarctica
        4 - general information - zip/postal code filed - accepts more than 5 digits
        5 - general information - zip/postal code filed - accepts letters and special characters
        6 - Personal Details - Driver's License Number - accepts special characters
        7 - Personal Details - Other id field - accepts special characters
        8 - Personal Details - Inconsistency of dates of 'License Expiry Date' and 'Date of Birth' - coworker's license expired early than day of birth - functional error
        9 - Personal Details - First and Last Name fields accept digits and special characters
        Last edited by Leonid Anisimov; 02-18-2022, 12:32 PM.


        • #5
          1. Logo "OrangeHRM" should lead to the Home Page
          2. In PIM/Employee List in Search section "Employee Name" filed accepting infinite numbers of characters
          3. In Tab "My info"/"Personal Details" "SSN Number" accepting all characters. Should accept just numbers.
          4. In Tab "My info"/"Personal Details" "SIN Number" accepting all characters. Should accept just numbers.
          5. In Tab "My info"/"Personal Details" "Nationality" listbox missed option "Others"
          6. In Tab "My info"/"Contact Details" "Country" listbox missed option "Others"
          7. In Tab "Performance" in Search section "Review"/ "Job Title" List box Multipple Mistakes special characters in options.
          8. Confusing in meaning In Tab "Leave"/"Apply" section. After creating account not possible to Apply to any Leave. Should be called "Balance" (on present date). Or added function to Apply.
          9. Slang usage In Tab "Time"/ drop down menu "Attendance"/"Punch In/Out" option. Confusing option called "Punch In/Out" (Punch in the face or punch out from the office)
          10. For new created account. In Tab "Time"/ "Timesheets" drobdown menu with one options "My Timesheets" not needed. "Timesheets" option sould be active.
          11. Created account deleted from the system for some reason. Duration of working account approximatelly 30 min. 3 times with the same result.


          • #6
            1. Section "My info": "Driver's License Number" field accepts letters.
            2. Section "My info": "Driver's License Number" field accepts spetial characters.
            3. Section "My info": "SIN Number" field accepts letters.
            4. Section "My info": "SIN Number" field accepts spetial characters.
            5. Section "My info": "License Expiry Date" field accepts expired dates.
            6. Section "My info": "Date of Birth" field accepts future dates.
            7. Section "My info": "Select File" field is missing asterisk.
            8. Tab logo doesn't lead to home page.
            9. Section "Leave": in "Leave list" menu "Pending Approval" item is selected by default.
            10. Section "Leave": "Leave list" menu
            - Select "Leave list" menu,
            - In "Show Leave with Status" select "All" radio button.
            - Tab "Reset" button.
            Observe: "Pending Approval" item stay selected.
            11. Section "Leave": in "Reports" menu select the second page above the spreadsheet. Observe: "50-100 of 74".
            12. "LOGIN Panel" is missing "Remember me" button.
            13. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "Full Name" field accepts spetial characters.
            14. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "Full Name" field accepts digits.
            15. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "Last Name" field accepts spetial characters.
            16. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "Last Name" field accepts digits.
            17. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "Middle Name" field accepts digits.
            18. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "Middle Name" field accepts spetial characters.
            19. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "SIN Number" field accepts letters.
            20. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "SIN Number" field accepts spetial characters.
            21. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "Date of Birth" field accepts future dates.
            22. Section "PIM": select "Employee List" menu. "License Expiry Date" field accepts expired dates.
            23. "Join to OrangeHRM Community" leads to error "404 Sorry, it seems you were trying to access a page that doesn't exist. Please check the spelling of the URL you were trying to access and try again".


            • #7

              1. Home page: Give Default input to the "Username" text field
              2. Inconsistency: "My Info" menu has no options inside
              3. Add link to the home page under the logo of Orange HRM
              4. "Admin", "System users" section: add check box to the leftmost column for the line, username "admin"
              5. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" with "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo"
              6. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Iran, Islamic Republic of" with "Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran"
              7. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of" with "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea"
              8. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Korea, Republic of" with "Korea, Republic of Korea"
              9. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of" with "Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia"
              10. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Micronesia, Federated States of" with "Micronesia, Federated States of Micronesia"
              11. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Moldova, Republic of" with "Moldova, Republic of Moldova"
              12. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" with "Palestinian Territory, Occupied Palestinian Territory"
              13. "Admin", "Organization" section, "Country" drop box: replace "Tanzania, United Republic of" with "Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania"
              14. Add search line for "Nationalities" section in "Admin" section
              15. "PIM", "Employee List" section: No drop box for Id field
              16. When open "Add Employee" section the title of the section on bar menu is not highlighted
              17. "Recruitment", "Candidates" section: "Keywords" field accepts words separated not only by comma but it states "Enter comma separated words..."
              18. When select menu item "Vacancies" in "Recruitment" section the interface of the website changes
              19. "My info" "Qualifications" section: No list of languages in Language list field


              • #8
                1. In "Home page Orange HRM" in the field "Username" the "Copy" and "Cut" function isn't disabled
                2. In "Home page Orange HRM" in the field "Password" the "Copy" and "Cut" function isn't disabled
                3. In section "My info", "Personal Details" in the text fielf "Middle Name" accepts digits and special characters instead of letters.
                4. In section "My info", "Personal Details" in the text fielf "Employee ID" accepts letters and special characters instead of digits.
                5. In section "My info","Personal Details" in the text fielf "Other ID" accepts letters and special characters instead of digits.
                6. In section "My info","Personal Details" in the text fielf "Driver's License Number" accepts letters and special characters instead of digits.
                7. In section "My info","Personal Details" in the text fielf "SNN Number" accepts letters and special characters instead of digits.
                8. In section "My info","Personal Details" in the text fielf "SIN Number" accepts letters and special characters instead of digits.
                9. In "My Info" / "Contact Details"/ in the text field "City" accepts digits and special characters instead of letters.
                10. In "My Info" / "Contact Details"/ in the text field "State/Province" accepts digits and special characters instead of letters.
                11. In "My Info" / "Contact Details"/ in the text field "ZIP/Postal Code" accepts letters and special characters instead of digits.
                12. In "My Info" / "Contact Details"/ in the text field "ZIP/Postal Code" accepts "0000000000"
                13. In "My Info" / "Emergency Contacts"/ in the text field "Name" accepts digits and special characters instead of letters.
                14. In "My Info" / "Emergency Contacts"/ in the text field "Relationship" accepts digits and special characters instead of letters.
                15. In "My Info" / "Dependents"/ in the text field "Name" accepts digits and special characters instead of letters.
                16. In "My Info" / "Immigration"/ in the text field "Number" accepts letters and special character instead of digits.
                17..In "My Info" / "Immigration"/ in the text field "Eligible Review Date" you can set the date later today.For example,04-16-2098
                18 .In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ Add Work Experience in the text field "Company" accepts digits and special character instead of letters.
                19. In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ Add Work Experience in the text field "Job Title" accepts digits and special character instead of letters.
                20. In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ Add Education in the text field "Institute" accepts digits and special character instead of letters.
                21..In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ Add Education in the text field "Major/Specialization" accepts digits and special character instead of letters.
                22. In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ Add Education in the text field "GRA/Score" accepts letters and special character instead of digits.
                23. In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ in the text field "start Date" you can set the date later today.For example,02-16-2078
                24. In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ "Add Language" in the listbox "Language" is empty
                25. In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ Add License in the text field "License Number" accepts letters and special character instead of digits.
                26. In "My Info" / "Qualifications"/ Add License in the text field "Issued Date" you can set the date later today.
                27. In "My Info" / "Memberships"/ in the text field "Subsription Commence Date" in the text field "Issued Date" you can set the date later today.
                28. In "Performance"/Copy KPI/Copy Key Performance Indicators/ in the listbox "Copy From" delete unnecessary data (with "Deleted)"
                29. In "Performance"/Review/ in the listbox "Job Title" delete unnecessary data (with "Deleted)"


                • #9
                  1 click the hyperlink"Join OrangeHRM Community" "error 404" crash
                  1 "Admin"/"User Management"/"System Users"/Username field no length limitation.
                  2 "Admin"/"User Management"/"System Users"/Employee Name field bo length limitation.
                  3 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"Zip/Postal Code" field accepts 30 characters
                  4 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"Zip/Postal Code" field accepts 30 letters
                  5 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"Zip/Postal Code" field accepts 30 scpecial characters
                  6 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"Phone" accepts 30 characters "ambiguous"
                  7 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"Email" field accepts 100 characters only
                  8 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/ "Address Street" field acepts 30 characters
                  9 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"City" field accepts only 30 chracters
                  10 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"Phone" should be devided by dashes
                  11 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"State/Province" replace with "Country"
                  12 "Admin"/"Organization"/"General Information"/"Address Street 1"/"Address Street 2" accepts 100 chaacters
                  13 "PIM"/"Configuration"/"CSV Data Import"/"Select File"/"Выберите фаил" message not in English
                  14 "PIM"/"Configuration"/ choose the "Optional Fields" it higlites "Employee List"
                  15 "PIM"/"Employee Name" field should have length limitation
                  16 "PIM"/"Id" field should have length limitation
                  17 "PIM"/"Supervisor Name" field should have length limitation
                  18 "PIM"/"Add Employee" menu item does not highlighted
                  19 "PIM"/"Add Employee"/"Photograph"/ "Выберите фаил" "message written not in English"
                  20 "Recruitment"/"Candidates"/"Vacancies" crash.
                  21 "My INfo"/"Contact Details"/"Address Street1"/"Address Street2" accepts 70 characters ambiguous
                  22 "My Info"/"Contact Details"/"City" field accepts 70 characters ambiguous
                  23 "My Info"/"Contact Details"/"Country" two different countries "Serbia and Montenegro"
                  24 "My Info"/"Contact Details"/Attachments"/"ADD"/"Select File"/"Выберите фаил" message not in English
                  25 "My Info"/"Contact Details"/"ZIP" field accepts 10 characters instead of 5
                  26 "My Info"/"Contact Details"/"Home Telephone"/ acceptes 50 digits
                  27 "My Info"/"Contact Details"/"Mobile"/ accepts 50 digits
                  28 "My Info"/"Contact Details"/"Work Telephone"/ accepts 50 digits
                  29 "My Info"/"Emergency Contacts"/"Home Telephone" accepts 25 digits "ambiguous"
                  30 "My Info"/"Emergency Contacts"/"Mobile" accepts 25 digits "ambiguous"
                  31 "My Info"/"Emergency Contacts"/"Work Telephone" accepts 25 digits "ambiguous"
                  32 "My Info"/"Emergency Contacts"/"Assigned Emergency Contacts"/"Select File" "Выберите фаил" message not in English
                  33 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency"remove "Argenitina Pesos" leave "Argentine Peso"
                  34 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency" instead of "Estonian Krona"/"Euro"
                  35 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency" instead of "Latvian Lats"/"Euro"
                  36 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency" instead of "Lithuanian Litas"/"Euro"
                  37 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency" "New Zaire" add "The democratic Republic of the Congo"
                  38 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency" remove "Russia Rubles"
                  39 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency" change the "Sudanese Dinar" to the "South Soudan pound"
                  40 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add"/"Currency" remove "Yugoslavian Dinar" and "Yugoslav Dinar"
                  41 "My Info"/"Membership"/"Assigned Memberships"/"Add Attachment"/"Select File"/"Выберите фаил" message not in English


                  • #10
                    #1. “Recruitment” folder/ Vacancies/ Page opens in HTML format.
                    #2. Login page/ Give default input to “Login” field.
                    #3. “Admin” folder/ “System users” / “Employee name” field accepts digits and special characters.
                    #4. All folders/ text fields have no input restrictions.
                    #5. “PIM” folder/ Employee List/ Employee information/ “Employee name” field accepts digits and special characters instead of letters only.
                    #6. “PIM” folder/ Employee List/ Employee information/ “Id” field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #7. “PIM” folder/ Employee List/ Employee information/ “Supervisor name” field accepts digits and special characters instead of letters only.
                    #8. “PIM” folder/ Add Employee/ First Middle and Last name fields accept digits and special characters instead of letters only.
                    #9. “Time” folder/ Timesheets/ “Select Employee” accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #10. “Recruitment” folder/ Candidates/ “Candidate name” field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #11. “Recruitment” folder/ Vacancies/ Page opens in HTML format.
                    #12. “Performance” folder/ Add Review/ Add Performance review/ “Employee name”/field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #13. Performance” folder/ Add Review/ Add Performance review/ “Reviewer Name” field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #14. “Performance” folder/ Reviews/ Search Performance Reviews/ “Employee” and “Reviewer” fields accept letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #15. Login page/ Give default input to “Login” field.
                    #16. “My info” folder/ Contact details/ “Home Telephone” field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #17. “My info” folder/ Contact details/ “ZIP/Postal Code” field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #18. “My info” folder/ Contact details/ “ZIP/Postal Code” field accepts 10 digits instead of 5.
                    #19. “My info” folder/ Contact details/ “Mobile” field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #20. “My info” folder/ Contact details/ “Work Telephone” field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                    #21. “My info” folder/ Personal Details/ “First Middle and Last name” field accepts letters and special characters instead of letters only.


                    • #11
                      Test GUI, usability ,functionality of OrangeHRM.

                      Admin section:
                      1.Section "User Managerment" field "Username" ,"Employee Name" accept all characters insted letters only.
                      2.Field "Username" ,"Employee Name" accept limitless amount of characters. Should be limit.
                      3.Section "Organizaation"/list box "Locations".Fields "Location Name" and "City" accept all characters insted letters only.
                      4.Section "Qualifications"/list box "Languages" not offers any. Schould exist a list of languages or remove this option.

                      "PIM" section,
                      "Employee List":
                      1.Field "Employee Name", "Supervisor Name" accept over 1000 letters. Better have limit.
                      1'.Field "Employee Name", "Supervisor Name" also accept limitless digits and sp.characters. It shoud not accept at all.
                      2.Field "Id" accept digits,letters,sp.characters insted digits only.
                      2'.Field "Id" accept limitless all characters.Should be limit.
                      3.In the row of counting pages being on second page arrow "Next" and "Last" ia available. Schould have unavailable function.
                      4.In the head of cell colom "Id" counts is not ascending/desanding. Should have some order or Id have to be 6 digits olny.
                      5.In colom "First(& Middle) Name" is no filled just one first name.Should add middle name or remove "(& Middle)" out of title.
                      6.For employee "Admin" not filled coloms "Job Title" and "Employment Status".
                      7.On top of cell button "Add" opened Add Employee page. Field "Employee Id" accept 10 digits, letters, sp.characters insted 6 digits only(as in cell).
                      8.On top of cell button "Add" opened Add Employee page. Field "Firs Name" ,"Middle Name", "Last Name" accept digits, letters, sp.characters insted letters only.

                      "Configuration" list box:
                      9.Field "Field Name" accept all characters insted of letters only.
                      10.Field "Field Name" accept 250 characters. Should be limit with less characters.

                      11.Field "Report Name" accept all characters instend of letters only.

                      "Perfomance" section
                      12.Fields "Employee", "Reviewer" accept over 1000 characters. Should have limit.
                      13.Fields "Employee", "Reviewer" accept digits, numbers and not supposed to.
                      14.Fields "Employee", "Reviewer" have list box with names(during typing). Add a arrow to this fields.

                      "My Info" section
                      15.Fields "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name" accept all characters instead letters only.
                      16.Field "Employee Id", "Other Id" accept all characters instead digits only.
                      17.Field "Other Id"(30total) accept on 20 characters more than "Employee Id"(10 total).
                      18.Field "Driver's License Number" accept all characters instead digits only.
                      19.Field "SSN Number", "SIN" accept all characters instead digits only.
                      19'.Field "SSN Number" schould accept 9 digits instead of 30 accepted.
                      19''.Field "SIN Number" schould accept 21 digits instead of 30 accepted.
                      20.Field "Military Service" accept all characters instead digits only.
                      21.Tab order missed fields "Gender", "Marital Status", "Nationality". Should be include in Tab order too.


                      • #12
                        1. Section “Recruitment”, select “Vacancies”, interface playback error.
                        2. “Orange HRM” logo located in the upper left corner, should lead to the start page.
                        3. Push a button “Join to OrangeHRM Community”, leads to 404 error.
                        4. “Admin”, “Organization”, “General Information”, “Country” list: specified Antarctica, defunct country
                        5. “Help & Training” list, “Support”, sends to the home page of the website
                        6. “Help & Training” list, “Add-Ons”, sends to the home page of the website


                        • #13

                          1."Employee information":: "ID" text field accept letters
                          2."Employee information": "ID" text field accept special characters
                          3."Employee information": "Include": with the selection of the value "Past Employees Only" in the dropdown list the result is -No Records Found
                          4."Employee information": "Employee Name" dropdown list box has only 9 Employees instead of 74
                          5."Add Employee" : "Middle Name" text field accept digits
                          6."Add Employee" : "Middle Name" text field accept special characters
                          7."Add Employee" : "Last Name" text field accept digits
                          8."Add Employee" : "Last Name" text field accept special characters
                          9."Add Employee" : "First Name" text field accept digits
                          10."Add Employee" : "First Name" text field accept special characters
                          11."Add Employee" : "Employee Id" text field accept letters
                          12."Add Employee" : "Employee Id" text field accept special characters
                          13."Personal Details": "SIN Number" accept letters
                          14."Personal Details": "SIN Number" accept special characters
                          15."Personal Details": "Nationality" dropdown list box doesn't have "Other"
                          16."Personal Details": "License Expiry Date" accept letters
                          17."Personal Details": "Date of birth " cannot be in the future


                          • #14
                            #1 Default input focus is not assigned to any text field.
                            #2 "Employee ID" field in all tab accept letters and specific characters, but should't
                            #3 "My info"; "Date of birth" field accept non-existent date
                            #4 "My info", "SSN number" field accept letters and specific characters, instead of being nine-digits only
                            #5 Buttons "Search" and "Clear" must be default button when there are no any request in the filds


                            • #15
                              1. Inconsistent The Vacancies page and other pages
                              2. The OrangeHRM logo isn't following users on the home page
                              3. Inconsistent "Add Employee" button doesn't highlight as per other buttons
                              4. All fields are not available on the "Leave Period" page (Leave - Configure - Leave Period)
                              5. All checkboxes are not available on the "Configure PIM" page
                              6. Inconsistent: The point "Optional Field" in the menu bar "Configuration" follow users on the "Configure PIM" field
                              7. The "Employee Id" field should be empty in The "Employee List"

