#1 Notifications about required fields above contact infomation table if to push button submit with empty required fields.
#2 Asterisk has collor blue instead of red of " email label" in the contact information table if to push button submit with empty required fields.
#3 There is no notification about email required field in the Notifications table if to push button submit with empty required fields.
#4 Contact Information section: First Name field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
#5 Contact Information section: Last Name field acceptsc only 30 characters instead of 31.
#6 Contact Information section: Street Address field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
#7 Contact Information section: State list box has the word "other" in the middle of the column names of states, should be remove.
#8 Contact Information section: State list box has IND instead of IN.
#9 Contact Information section: State list box has only 49 names of states instead of 50.
#10 Contact Information section: ZIP text field accepts 5 characters by typing, if to use method copu paste it's accepts more characters then 5.
#11 Contact Information section: ZIP text field the same way accept all leters.
#12 Contact Information section: Email text field accept more characters (digital,leters,special character) then 255.
#13 Cell Phone Service : Current Provider dropdown list has no option "other"
#14 In the all sections below section of "Contact Information section" all Checkboxes can be selected by button of "tab" but not activetet by button of "enter", only click mouse
#15 The button "submit" is more then button "clear", should be equals.
#2 Asterisk has collor blue instead of red of " email label" in the contact information table if to push button submit with empty required fields.
#3 There is no notification about email required field in the Notifications table if to push button submit with empty required fields.
#4 Contact Information section: First Name field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
#5 Contact Information section: Last Name field acceptsc only 30 characters instead of 31.
#6 Contact Information section: Street Address field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
#7 Contact Information section: State list box has the word "other" in the middle of the column names of states, should be remove.
#8 Contact Information section: State list box has IND instead of IN.
#9 Contact Information section: State list box has only 49 names of states instead of 50.
#10 Contact Information section: ZIP text field accepts 5 characters by typing, if to use method copu paste it's accepts more characters then 5.
#11 Contact Information section: ZIP text field the same way accept all leters.
#12 Contact Information section: Email text field accept more characters (digital,leters,special character) then 255.
#13 Cell Phone Service : Current Provider dropdown list has no option "other"
#14 In the all sections below section of "Contact Information section" all Checkboxes can be selected by button of "tab" but not activetet by button of "enter", only click mouse
#15 The button "submit" is more then button "clear", should be equals.