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SU 1 February 14, 2022: Testing WEB form Energy-Telecom Online Form

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  • #31
    1. It impossible to input more than 30 caracters in "First Name" field
    2. It impossible to input more than 30 caracters in "Last Name" field
    3. It impossible to input more than 100 caracters in "Street Address" field
    4. The "State List Box" is not offering the list of all 50 states
    5. "ZIP" text field accepts not digits only
    6. "Email" text field accepts unlimited number of characters
    7. "Email" field kan be passed without filling


    • #32
      1. After submiting all data(correctly) it giving message "Thank you for your participation!" which is not informative. Need to add to the message: information about helpdesk, time of response and that all this info will be sent to provided by user email.
      2. After submiting all data(correctly). Not any message on user email recieved, about partisipation. Not any contacts for supporting and information about time of response.
      3. After submiting page, user can go on previous page and submit exactly the same information again. Need to clear all data from the page after submittting in case user returned back.
      4. No State specific adjustment was made: during chosing state "AL" in "Contact Information"/"State" the option "Southern California Gas Co." in "7. Gas and Electric Services"/ "Current Provider" listbox stil available. State specific adjustment should be done for all states.
      5. There is no access to Database. Bug in Requirements
      6. No email (sales leads) was provided in the Requirements for checking generation of E-mail.
      7. "Contact Information"/ "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
      8. "Contact Information"/ "* Email:" required fields. Should be added to the list of required fields.
      9. No field with default input focus. Make the "First Name" field in "Contact Information" section as default input focus.
      10. Wrong Tab order in "Contact Information" section from "First Name" field moves to "Referred by" field, not to "Last Name"
      11. "Contact Information"/ "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
      12. "Contact Information"/ "Street Address" field accepts just 100 characters. Should be 255.
      13. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead 255
      14. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting all characters. Make to accept just "-@._" characters
      15. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting email with wrong standards. Should accept standards like:
      16. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has just 49 states instead 50.
      17. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "Others" need to be removed
      18. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox change "IND" on "IN"
      19. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "NV" option
      20. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "HI" option
      21. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "BC" need to be removed
      22. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "DC" option
      23. "Contact Information" section has no field for Cell phone, Skype, WhatsApp could be advantage for service clients.
      24. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" listbox doesn't has "Other" item.
      25. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepting letters. Should accept just numbers.
      26. "7. Gas and Electric Services" section in a "I am opento using different provider" check box change "opento" on "open to"
      27. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" look different.
      28. "Clear" button giving misleading message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
      29. "Clear" button doesn't clearing anything in the form.
      30. "Contact Information"/"Refered By" should be removed from the List of required fields.


      • #33
        1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters only.
        2. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters only.
        3. There are only 49 states in the "State" listbox.
        4. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of being digits only.
        5. There is no error message when "Email" field is not filled.
        6. There is a possibility to paste words in "Fone" field.
        7. Required "Fone" field not marked with an asterisk.
        8. "Phone" field and "State" listbox are marked with an blue asterisks (there are red asterisks on ofher required fields).
        9. There are only 10 month (ensted 12) in the "Months left on current contract" field .


        • #34
          #1 - Contact Information - First Name Field - only 30 characters possible to input instead 31
          #2 - Contact Information - Last Name Field - only 30 characters possible to input instead 31
          #3 - Contact Information - City Field - allow to input only 100 characters instead 255
          #4 - Contact Information - State Field - have only 49 states instead 50
          #5 - Contact Information - State Field - the 'other' state must be at the end of the list
          #6 - Contact Information - State Field - there is no island Puerto Rico
          #7 -
          Contact Information - ZIP Field - allow to paste letters
          #8 - Contact Information - E-mail Field - is not set as required (while pressing submit without filling)
          #9 - Contact Information - E-mail Field - allow to input 1063 characters, instead 255
          #10 - Contact Information - Phone Field - allow to paste letters
          #11 - Contact Information - Referred by Field - allow to input only 100 characters instead 255
          Last edited by Leonid Anisimov; 02-14-2022, 12:35 PM.


          • #35
            First test: Happy Path testing

            #1 Mismatch of requirements.
            Field "Referred by:" behaves as a required field.
            Section "Contact Information".
            (The bug found after Happy Path testing)

            Because Happy Path testing has found a bug, is there any point in running further tests?
            Or does this rule not apply in this case?

            #2 Mismatch of requirements.
            Field "E-mail" behaves as a not required field.
            Section "Contact Information".

            #3 Broken order in the list.
            Element "Other" move to the end of the list in the List "State:".
            Section "Contact Information"/ Dropdown list "State:".

            #3' Broken alphabetical order / Section "Contact Information"/ Dropdown list "State:".

            If the alphabetical sequence in the "State" list is broken, is it necessary to write a separate bug report for each incorrect pair, or is it enough to write 1 bug report with the general phrase "Alphabetical sequence is violated ...", and the programmer will correct it as needed?

            #4 The list is not complete.
            List "Current Provider:" is missing value "Other".
            Section “1. Cell Phone Service.

            #5 The list is not complete.
            List "Current Provider:" is missing value "AT&T".
            Section “1. Cell Phone Service.

            #6 The list is not complete.
            List "Months left on current contract:" must have maximum value 24.
            Section “1. Cell Phone Service.

            #7 Mismatch of values in the list.
            List "Number of phones on plan:" must have maximum value 5.
            Section “1. Cell Phone Service.

            #8 Missing default button.
            Give the "Submit" button a Default Button Function.

            #9 Logical contradiction.
            You can check the check boxes "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" at the same time.
            Section “1. Cell Phone Service.

            #10 Mismatch of requirements.
            Field "ZIP CODE" takes later.
            Section "Contact Information".

            #11 Mismatch of requirements.
            Field "ZIP:" accepts more than 5 elements if pasting copied text.
            Section "Contact Information".

            #12 Feature disabled.
            Field "Phone:": Disabled Paste Copied Text.
            Section "Contact Information".

            #13 Mismatch of requirements.
            Field "Email:" accepts more than 255.
            Section "Contact Information".

            #14 Feature disabled.
            Field "City": Feature of determining the city by ZIP number is disabled.
            Section "Contact Information".

            #15 The button "Clear" is not doing its job.
            Push the button "Clear" - get error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!".
            Last edited by ILYA Kudryashov; 02-15-2022, 12:08 AM.


            • #36
              1 Fill out the form press the "Submit" button message "Thank you for your participation!"
              2 Submit empty form (error message * Please enter, select ...)
              3 "Contact Information" label should be replaced out of the required field.
              4 "Contact Information" no default input focus
              5 "Contact Information"/"*First Name:" after pressing TAB have to replace the first letter with the capital(a-A).
              6 "Contact Information"/"*First Name:" field accept 30 letters
              7 "Contact Information"/"*First Name:" field accept special characters confusing
              8 "Contact Information"/"*First Name:" field accept digits confusing
              9 Press the TAB button to change focus to the "*Last Name:" instead it goes to "Referred by:"
              10 "Contact Information"/ "*Last Name:" field accept 30 letters
              11 "Contact Information"/ "*Last Name:" field accept special characters confusing
              12 "Contact Information"/ "*Last Name:" field accept digits confusing
              13 "Contact Information"/ "*Street Address:" accepts first 100 characters only
              14 "Contact Information"/ "*Street Address:" accepts special characters like(@!{}][><?)confusing
              15 "Contact Information"/ "*City:" accepts 42 characters
              16 "Contact Information"/ "*City:" accepts digits (confusing)
              17 "Contact Information"/ "*City:" accepts special characters(confusing)
              18 "Contact Information"/ "*State:" "BC" does not US state
              19 "Contact Information"/ "*State:" "HI" not represented
              20 "Contact Information"/ "*State:" "NV" not represented
              21 "Contact Information"/ "*State:" "DC" not state but should represented
              22 "Contact Information"/ "*State:" replace "IND" to "IN"
              23 "Contact Information"/ "*State:" necessary add a field with the "County or Borough"
              24 "Contact Information"/ "ZIP:" code field does not have a link to "*City" field
              24 "Contact Information"/ "*Email:" signed as required but it not
              25 "Contact Information"/ "*Email:" accepts ( (confusing)
              26 "Contact Information"/ "*Email:" accepts all invalid email addresses:

              Invalid email addresses
     (no @ character)
     (only one @ is allowed outside quotation marks)
              a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k] (none of the special characters in this local-part are allowed outside quotation marks)
              just"not" (quoted strings must be dot separated or the only element making up the local-part)
              this is"not\ (spaces, quotes, and backslashes may only exist when within quoted strings and preceded by a backslash)
              this\ still"not\\ (even if escaped (preceded by a backslash), spaces, quotes, and backslashes must still be contained by quotes)
              12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 (local-part is longer than 64 characters)
              i_like_underscore@but_its_not_allowed_in_this_part (Underscore is not allowed in domain part)
              QA[icon]CHOCOLATE[icon] (icon characters)

              27 "Contact Information"/ "*Phone:" does not have a link to "*City" to provide a phone code
              28 "Contact Information"/ "Best Way To Contact Me:" should be the required field for the convenience of the customer
              29 "Contact Information"/ "Referred by:" should have an asterisk.


              • #37
                1."Contact Information" section: "Email" field has an asterisk but it behaves as not required field.
                2."Clear button" doesn't work.
                3.After pressing the "Clear button" a misleading error message pops up.
                4."Clear" and "Submit" buttons have inconsistent look.
                5."Contact Information" section: no aterisk before "Referred by" field which behaves as a required one.
                6. No input focus.
                7."Contact Information" section: "ZIP" field accept non-digits.
                ​​​​​​8."Contact Information" section: wrong Tab order. After "First Name" goes "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".
                9."Contact Information" section: "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                10."Contact Information" section: "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                11."Contact Information" section: "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255.
                12."Contact Information" section: "Email" field accepts no more than 1063 characters instead of 255.
                13."Contact Information" section, "State listbox: "BC" is not an American state.
                14."Contact Information" section, "State listbox: NV state is missing.
                15."Contact Information" section, "State listbox: HI state is missing.
                16."Contact Information" section, "State listbox: "IND" instead of "IN".
                17."Contact Information" section, "State listbox: no need for "other" option.
                18."Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" listbox: add "other" option.
                19."Cell Phone Service" section, "Months left on current contract" listbox: add "more" option.
                20."Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts non-digits.
                21."Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Bundled with" field: add "none" option.
                22. "High Speed Internet Service" section, "Bundled with" field: add "none" option.
                23. "TV Service" section, "Bundled with" field: add "none" option.
                24. "High Speed Internet Service" section, "Type of service" field: "Wireless Aircard" is a checkbox instead of radio button.
                25. "Gas and Electric Services" section: replace "opento" with "open to".


                • #38
                  1. Give default input focus to "First Name" field
                  2. TAB order: pressing TAB in the "First Name" field leads to "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name:" field
                  3. "Cell Phone Service" section: In list box "Current Provider:" add option "Other"
                  4. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" accept letters
                  5. "Gas and Electric Services": replace " opento" with "open to"
                  6. "Contact Information": "Referred by" field is required field but it has no asterisk assigned
                  7. "Contact Information": "ZIP" field accepts letters
                  8. "Contact Information": "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 characters using copy-paste
                  9. "Street Address" field accept only 100 characters instead of 255
                  10. "Email" fields accept more than 255 characters
                  11. "State" listbox: option "Other" should be at the end of the list
                  12. "State" listbox has just 49 states instead of 50.
                  13. "State" listbox: option "BC" has to be after option "AR"
                  14. "State' listbox: option "HI" is missing
                  15. "State" listbox: replace option "IND" with "IN"
                  16. "State" listbox: option "NV" is missing
                  17. Pressing "Clear" button leads error warning "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


                  • #39
                    1.Contact Information/"First Name": accept 30 characters instead of 31
                    2.Contact Information/"Last Name" :accept 30 characters instead of 31
                    3.Contact Information/"Street Address": accept 100 characters instead of 255
                    4.Contact Information/"State": BC-province of Canada. We need to remove it.
                    5.Contact Information/"State": List box offering only 48 state instead of 50
                    6.Contact Information/"ZIP" : accept letters instead of accepting only digits as required
                    7.Contact Information/"Email": Text field accept more characters then 255 as required.
                    8.Contact Information/"Email": text field doesn't accept special character -underscore ( _ )
                    9.Button "Clear" doesn't clear anything
                    10.Confusing Button "Clear" - after pushing the button it shows a error 17896 -invalid data request. Please call your technical support or restatr your computer
                    11Sell Phone Service/"Current Provider: List box missing "Other"
                    12.Contact Information/"Referred by": missing asterisk


                    • #40
                      #1. There is no default button in the form
                      #2. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                      #3. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                      #4. "City" text field: only 49 characters allowed instead 50
                      #5. "State" list box: remove "BC" since it is Canadian state, not US
                      #6. "State" list box: HI and NV states are missing
                      #7. "State" list box: replace IND with IN for state Indiana
                      #8. "State" list box: remove "Other" option from the list
                      #9. "Street Address" field accepts more than 100 characters instead of 255 per requirement
                      #10. "Referred By" field behaves as it is a required field
                      #11. "Email" field has an asterisk assigned but it is not really required
                      #12. "Clear" button does not clear the form
                      #13. "Clear" button invokes misleading error message "Invalid data...."
                      #14. Inconsistency between GUI implementation in "Clear" and "Submit" buttons
                      #15. "ZIP code" field should accept digits only
                      #16. "ZIP code" field accepts non-digits
                      #17. "Current Provider" list box is missing "AT&T"
                      #18. "Current Provider" list box is missing "Other" option is needed
                      #19. "My month bill is approximate" field should be limit input to more 4 digits
                      #20. Section 1: "My monthly bill is approximately:" accept letters instead of digits
                      #21. "Number phones on plan: the input should not be more than 5
                      #22. "Months left on current contract" should offer choices from 0 - 24, not 10 months
                      #23. Section 7: replace "opento" with "open to"
                      #24. TAB order: after “First Name” field goes to “Referred By” instead of “Last Name”
                      #25. "Phone:" text field: accepts copy/paste in it


                      • #41
                        1. "ZIP:" field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters limit (by requirements).
                        2. Implementation of Default Input Focus requested.
                        3. "Referred by" field: Either provide an asterisk to the field, OR it should not behave as a required field.
                        4. "Phone": field accepts copy-paste of letters and special Characters (by requirements).
                        5. "Primary Phone Number": field accepts copy-paste of letters and special Characters (by requirements).
                        6. Button "Clear" is not in operation
                        #1 Run new Energy-Telecom form
                        #2 Type "Trump" into the "Last Name" field
                        #3 Push the "Clear" button
                        #4 Observe:
                        - the content of the "Last Name" field is nor cleared
                        - misleading/confusing error message pops up - "Error 17896 - Invalid data request..."
                        7. "My monthly bill is approximately" field in "1. Cell Phone Service" section: field accepts letters instead of digits only.
                        8. "ZIP": field accepts letters (by requirements).
                        9. "First Name": field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 (by requirements).
                        10. "Last Name": field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 (by requirements).
                        11. "Street Address": field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 (by requirements).
                        12. "Email": field accepts up to 1063 characters instead of 255 (by requirements).
                        13. "State" Listbox - Remove "Other" menu item from the list.
                        Last edited by Artem Akopyan; 02-15-2022, 09:58 AM.


                        • #42
                          #1. "First Name" field accepts no more then 30 characters instead of 31.
                          #2. "Last Name" field accepts no more then 30 characters instead of 31.
                          #3. "Email" field is behaving like it's not a required field despite having an asterisk.
                          #4. "Referred by" field is considered as required field by the app, while it shouldn't.
                          #5. "Street Address" accepts no more then 100 characters instead of 255.
                          #6. "State" field offering the list of 49 states and "other" option instead of just all 50 states.
                          #7. "ZIP" field accepts letters and digits instead of digits only
                          #8. "Email" field accepts more then 255 characters.
                          #9. "Comments" field allows to copy and past infinite number of characters in it.
                          #10. In case of pushing "Clear" button a pop-up message appears with "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" text in it instead of clearing the form.


                          • #43
                            Specific Data Requirements
                            1. The "first name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
                            2. The "last name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 characters.
                            3. The " street address' text field accepts 100 characters instead of 250.
                            4. The "city" text field accepts 95 characters instead of 50.
                            5. When typing more than 50 characters to the "city" text field Internal Server Error appears.
                            6. The "state" list box doesn't require choosing the state but has to be required.
                            7. The "state" list box has 49 states instead of 50.
                            8. In the "state" text field list box bc should be excluded from the list.
                            9. In the "state" text field list box should include HI (Hawaii) and NV (Nevada) abbreviations.
                            10. In the "state" text field list box IND should be replaced with IN abbreviation.
                            11. In the "state" text field list box "other" option should be excluded.
                            12. The "email" text field should be required, but it is not.
                            13. The "email" text field accepts the email without @.
                            14. The "email" text field doesn’t accept underscore.
                            15. The "email" text field accepts any amount of characters instead of 255.
                            16. The "index" text field allows you to copy past any characters of any amount.
                            Testing WEB Forms
                            1. The "Referred by" text field should have an asterisk
                            2. The "email" text field doesn't have an error message provided when field has no input.


                            • #44
                              Energy-Telecom Functionality Testing (Bug Reports)

                              #1. "Email:" field is implemented not as a required field as defined by requirements
                              #2. The "First name" text field accepts up to 30 characters, instead of 31 as per requirements
                              #3. "ZIP'' field accepts typing/pasting of letters & pasting of special characters instead of being digits only
                              #4. Basic validation of email format requested (Severily = Suggestion)
                              #5. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                              #6. "State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN"
                              #7. "State" list box: "HI" and "NV" states are missing
                              #8. ''State" list box: on MAC computers the list has no dimensions specified if user scrolls the list box
                              #9. When value is selected in the "ZIP" field, it is not possible to print new value
                              #10. Cannot type over the selected text (1. Type 94040 into the "ZIP" field; 2. Selected the typed string; 3. Type 9 to the "ZIP" field over the selected string)
                              #11. "Email" field doesn't accept typing of the underscore (_) character
                              #12. Misleading/Confusing error message when push the "Clear" button
                              #13. Remove canadian states from the "State" list


                              • #45
                                #1 "Contact Information" section/"First Name": accepts 30 characters instead 31.
                                #2 "Contact Information" section/"Last Name": accepts 30 characters instead 31.
                                #3 "Contact Information" section/"State": listbox includes 49 states instead 50.
                                #4 "Contact Information" section/"State": listbox: exclude "other".
                                #5 "Contact Information" section/"ZIP" field: accepts more than 5 characters if use copy paste operation.
                                #6 "Contact Information" section/"ZIP" field: accepts letters.
                                Last edited by dimtest; 02-25-2022, 03:06 AM.

