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SU 1 February 7, 2022: UI testing of the Energy-Telecom Online Form

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  • #46
    1. After submiting all data(correctly) it giving message "Thank you for your participation!" which is not informative. Need to add to the message: information about helpdesk, time of response and that all this info will be sent to provided by user email.
    2. After submiting all data(correctly). Not any message on user email recieved, about partisipation. Not any contacts for supporting and information about time of response.
    3. After submiting page, user can go on previous page and submit exactly the same information again. Need to clear all data from the page after submittting in case user returned back.
    4. No State specific adjustment was made: during chosing state "AL" in "Contact Information"/"State" the option "Southern California Gas Co." in "7. Gas and Electric Services"/ "Current Provider" listbox stil available. State specific adjustment should be done for all states.
    5. There is no access to Database. Bug in Requirements
    6. No email (sales leads) was provided in the Requirements for checking generation of E-mail.
    7. "Contact Information"/ "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
    8. "Contact Information"/ "* Email:" required fields. Should be added to the list of required fields.
    9. No field with default input focus. Make the "First Name" field in "Contact Information" section as default input focus.
    10. Wrong Tab order in "Contact Information" section from "First Name" field moves to "Referred by" field, not to "Last Name"
    11. "Contact Information"/ "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
    12. "Contact Information"/ "Street Address" field accepts just 100 characters. Should be 255.
    13. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead 255
    14. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting all characters. Make to accept just "-@._" characters
    15. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting email with wrong standards. Should accept standards like:
    16. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has just 49 states instead 50.
    17. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "Others" need to be removed
    18. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox change "IND" on "IN"
    19. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "NV" option
    20. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "HI" option
    21. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "BC" need to be removed
    22. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "DC" option
    23. "Contact Information" section has no field for Cell phone, Skype, WhatsApp could be advantage for service clients.
    24. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" listbox doesn't has "Other" item.
    25. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepting letters. Should accept just numbers.
    26. "7. Gas and Electric Services" section in a "I am opento using different provider" check box change "opento" on "open to"
    27. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" look different.
    28. "Clear" button giving misleading message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
    29. "Clear" button doesn't clearing anything in the form.
    30. "Contact Information"/"Refered By" should be removed from the List of required fields.


    • #47
      1. Tab order: in "Contact information" change order from "First Name" field to "Last Name" field instead of "Referred by" field.
      2. Incorrect interface elements: in "1. Cell Phone Service" checkboxes for:
      "I am happy with my current provider"
      "I am open to using different provider"
      need to replace by radio buttons. We should choose only one option.

      3. Incorrect interface elements: in "1. Cell Phone Service" checkboxes for:
      "I like my handset"
      "I am interested in updating my handset"
      "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop"
      need to replace by radio buttons. We should choose only one option.

      4. No option: In "Cell Phone Service", we can't choose "others" in dropdown list "Correct provider" if we have another one.
      5. Misspelled: In "7. Gas and Electric Services" section, replace "opento" with "open to".
      6. Inconsistency: In the bottom of the page, buttons "Submit" and "Clear" have different style.
      7. Miss an indicate required field: in "Contact information" section, label "Referred by" don't have indicate required field.


      • #48
        For session 2
        1.In the section “Contact Information” field "First Name" has no default input focus.
        2.In the section “Contact Information” pressing TAB in the field "First Name" leads to the last field "Referred by".
        3.In the section “Contact Information” in the dropdown list "States" states should be in alphabetical order.
        4.In the section “Contact Information” in the labels "First Name" and "Last Name" it's possible to use numbers and special symbols.
        5.In the section “Contact Information” in the label "ZIP" it's possible to use the characters.
        6.In the section "Contact information" section wrong TAB order (after "Best Way To Contact Me:" it goes to "Current Provider:" instead of "Referred by:")
        7.In the section "Contact information" the name of the label “Best Way To Contact Me:” should be in one line, and not transferred to another.
        8.In the section "Contact information" text field "Referred by:" is required, but the sign * is missing.
        9.In the section "Contact information" in the dropdown list "States" point “Others” is in the middle of the list.
        10.In the section "Local/Long Distances/International Service" Tab order misses radio buttons "TV" and "Both"
        11.In the section "Local/Long Distances/International Service" Tab order misses radio buttons "No", "No", "No".
        12.In the section "3.High Speed Internet Service" "Wireless" point has a checkbox instead of radio button
        13.In the section "3.High Speed Internet Service" "Wireless" point should be on the same line with the other radio buttons
        14.In the section "3.High Speed Internet Service" label “Provider” should be under the label, not under the answer option
        15.In the section "3.High Speed Internet Service" text field “Provider” should be editable.
        16.In the section "3.High Speed Internet Service" Tab order misses radio buttons " Dial-Up" and "DSL"
        17.In the section "3.High Speed Internet Service" Tab order misses text field “Provider”.
        18.In the section "4.TV Service" Tab order misses radio buttons "Phone" and "Both"
        19.In the section "7.Gas and Electric Services" instead of the phrase “opento” it should be “open to”.
        20.In the section “8.Comments” when expanding the textarea, the section name goes beyond the boundaries of the form
        21.The button “Clear” doesn’t work and shows an incorrect error message "Error 17896"
        22.The "Clear" and “Submit” buttons are able even if the form is empty.
        23.The "Clear" and “Submit” buttons should be the the same size.
        Last edited by Artsiom Khimchanka; 02-13-2022, 08:55 AM.


        • #49
          Google Chrome - Version 98.0.4758.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)

          1. "Contact information" section/ "Last name" field: it should be no more than 31 elements. In fact, is 32.
          2. "Contact information" section/ "City" field: it should be no more than 50 elements. In fact, is 52.
          3. "Contact information" section: "Email" field: when you push the "Submit" button that form accepts your participation while the "Email" field was empty.
          4. "Contact information" section/ "Referred by" field should have an asterisk.
          5. Inconsistency in "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
          6. Default input button should start from "First name".
          7. "Contact information" section/ "State" list box: it offers only 49 states instead of 50.
          8. "Contact information" section/ "ZIP field: accepts letters instead of digits only.
          9. "Clear" button does not work correctly. All fields and list boxes are not cleared.
          10. "Cell phone service" section: In "Current provider" list box missing "Other".
          11. "Cell phone service" section: In "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" list box should be 12 months instead of 24.
          12. "Cell phone service" section: In "Months left on plan:" list box should be 12 months instead of 24.


          • #50
            1."First name" field assepts no mo than 30 characters instead of 31.
            2."Last name" field assepts no mo than 30 characters instead of 31.
            3."Street adress" field assepts no mo than 99 characters instead of 255.
            4."State" list box must have 50 states, but has 48 states, add states.
            5."State" list box remove "other" option from the list.
            6."State" list box delete "BC" state, it is not USA state.
            7."ZIP" text field do not accepts any LETTERS.
            8."Email" text field accepts mo than 255 characters.
            9."Phone" text field user can paste LETTERS.
            10. "TAB ORDER" not logical. Its do from "First name" text field, to "Referred by" text field.
            11."Email" text field is not reqired.
            12."State" text field is not reqired.
            13."Referred by" text field must not be reqired.
            14."Email" text field indicates "asterics" is not active.
            15."State" list box indicates "asterics" is not active.
            16."Cell phone service" : "Current provider" list box add "AT&T".
            17."Clear" button not clear the form.
            18."Clear" button invokes misleading error message.
            19."ZIP" text field does not validation "ZIP code" exist or not.
            20."Submit" and "Clear" button inconsistancy.
            21."Gas and Electric services" : in check box misspelling "opento" to "open to".
            22.Every text field the monetary input i can "paste" the letter.


            • #51
              Additional testing of the Energy-Telecom form (for compliance with the requirements)

              1. In section 6 there are no fields for data entry in case a person already uses the services of "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone".
              2. Discrepancy between section 5 and other sections. In section five there is a check box that the consumer does not use the service at all at the moment, whereas in other sections this option is not available.
              3. Mismatch between sections 1 and 7 and other sections. In sections 1 and 7 there is a check box that the consumer is ready to look for another provider, in other sections this is not asked.
              4. Discrepancy between section 1 and others. In section 1 there is a check box "I am happy with my current provider". There is no such thing in other sections.
              5. The "First Name:" field allows you to enter 30 characters instead of 31.
              6. The "Last Name:" field allows you to enter 30 characters instead of 31.
              7. The "Email" field allows you to enter more than 255 characters into it.
              8. "State" does not offer all 50 states in the list.
              9. In the "State" list, delete the "Other" position.
              10. The "ZIP" field accepts letters.
              11. You can insert more than 5 characters (numbers, letters, special characters) into the "ZIP" field using "copy-past".
              12. The "Street Address:" field allows you to enter only 100 characters instead of 255.
              13. The "Email" field is mandatory, but the form can be sent without filling it out.
              14. When submitting the form, an erroneous message appears that filling in the "Referred by" field is mandatory.
              15. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, add AT&T to the "Current Provider:" list.
              16. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, add "Other" to the "Current Provider:" list and allow you to enter the name of another provider.
              17. In the section "Cell Phone Service" in the list "Months left on current contract:" should be from "0" to "24".
              18. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, the "Number of phones on plan:" list should be from "0" to "5".
              19. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, the initial value of the Check box in "I am happy with my current provider" is not specified.
              20. The initial value of the Check box is not specified in the "Cell Phone Service" section, for example, in "I like my handset".
              21. In the "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, the initial value of the radio button is not specified – for example, on the value "Both".
              22. In the section "Local/Long Distances/International Service" on the questions "International calls included?", "Long distance included?", "I am interested in Unlimited Calling:" the initial values of radio buttons are not specified - for example, "Yes".
              23. In the section "High Speed Internet Service"/ "Type of service:" the initial value of the radio button is not specified.
              24. In the section "High Speed Internet Service"/ "Bundled with:" the initial value of the radio button is not specified.
              25. The initial value of the radio button is not specified in the "TV Service"/"Bundled with:" section.
              26. In the "TV Service"/"I currently have:" section, the initial value of the check box is not specified.
              27. When you click the "Clear" button, a message appears that is misleading and confusing.


              • #52
                #1. There is no field to fill in the form by default. Define the button field "First Name".
                #2. TAB order violation: From "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".
                #3. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form.
                #4. Confusing error message when user pushes the "Clear" button.
                #5. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not the same size.
                #6. "Contact Information" section: "Email" field is not working as a required field as it is supposed to.
                #7. Form get submitted with empty "Email" field.
                #8. "Contact Information" section: Remove "required field" status from "Referred by" field or put asterisk on it.
                #9. "Contact Information" section: "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                #10. "Contact Information" section: "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31.
                #11. "Contact Information" section: "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255.
                #12. "Contact Information" section: Remove "Other" in "State" list box.
                #13. "Contact Information" section: Remove "BC" in "State" list box.
                #14. "Contact Information" section: There is no alpabetical order in "State" list box.
                #15. "Contact Information" section: State "NV" is missing in "State" list box.
                #16. "Contact Information" section: Replace "IND" with "IN" in "State" list box.
                #17. "Contact Information" section: State "HI" is missing in "State" list box.
                #18. "Contact Information" section: "Zip" field accepts more than 5 characters when paste it.
                #19. "Contact Information" section: "Zip" field accepts more than non-digits when paste it.
                #20. "Contact Information" section: "Email" field doesn't accept "_" character if typed.
                #21. "Email" in the "Email" field without "@" get submitted by form.
                #22. "Cell Phone Service" section"/"Current Provider" list box: "AT&T" is missing.
                #23. "Cell Phone Service" section"/"Current Provider" list box: "Other" list item is missing.
                #24. "Cell Phone Service" section"/"Months left on current contract": should offer choices from 0 to 24, not 10 months.
                #25. "Cell Phone Service" section"/"My monthly bill is approximately": limit input to no more 4 digits.
                #26. "Cell Phone Service" section"/"My monthly bill is approximately": field accepts letters.
                #27. "Cell Phone Service" section"/"Number of phones on plan": the input should not be more than 5.
                #28. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section/"Current Provider": "T-Mobile" provider is missing.
                #29. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section/"My monthly bill is approximately": limit input to no more 4 digits.
                #30. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section/"Total Bill": limit input to no more 4 digits.
                #31. "Gas and Electric Services" section: Replace "Opento" with "Open to"
                #32. "Contact Information" section: "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead of 255.
                Last edited by Natallia Apalinskaya; 02-14-2022, 08:00 AM.


                • #53
                  1. "First Name:" field in "Contact Information"section accept only 30 characters above 31
                  2. "Last Name:" field in "Contact Information"section accept only 30 characters above 31
                  3. "Street Address:" field in "Contact Information"section accept only 100 characters above 255
                  4. "ZIP:" field in "Contact Information"section accept any characters above only digits
                  5. "State:" field in "Contact Information"section is not calculate county by ZIP
                  6. "Email:" field in "Contact Information" section accept more then 255 characters
                  7. "Email:" field in "Contact Information" section accept some special characters not only @ . – _
                  8. "Email:" field in "Contact Information" section is not realy required field, but has got an asterisk
                  9. "Referred by:" field in "Contact Information" section has got an asterisk, but behaves like required field
                  10. "Current Provider:" listbox in "Cell phone information" section has no option "Other"
                  11. "My monthly bill is approximately:" field in "Cell phone information" section accept letters
                  12. "Months left on current contract:" listbox in "Cell phone information" section has got options only from 1 to 10
                  13. Checkboxes in "Cell phone information" section have not reasonable initial values
                  14. Radio buttons in " Local/Long Distances/International Service" section have not reasonable initial values
                  15. "Provider:" field in "High Speed Internet Service" section can be replaced by listbox
                  16. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" of different sizes
                  17. "Clear" button does not lead to the desired result
                  18. "Clear" button causes the appearance of misleading error message


                  • #54
                    1)"Notification message": if the form is filled out incorrectly, the email field is not displayed as required field; email_1.pngemail_2.png
                    2)"Contact Information" section "Referred by" field: missing asterisk, it's required field;
                    3)"Contact Information" section "First Name" field: accepts up to 30 characters, in requirements up to 31;
                    4)"Contact Information" section "Last Name" field: accepts up to 30 characters, in requirements up to 31;
                    5)"Contact Information" section "Street Address" field: accepts up to 100 characters, in requirements up to 255;
                    6)"Contact Information" section "State" field: in the listbox BC is not USA;
                    7)"Contact Information" section "State" field: in the listbox missing state "NV";
                    8)"Contact Information" section "State" field: in the listbox missing state "HI";
                    9)"Contact Information" section "State" field: inconsistency state in the listbox;
                    10)"Contact Information" section "State" field: "Other" selection in the listbox is inconsistency;
                    11)"Contact Information" section "State" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    12)"Contact Information" section "State" field: it is possible to paste more than 5 digits;
                    13)"Contact Information" section "Email" field: accepts 1063 characters instead 255;
                    14)"Contact Information" section "Phone" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    15)"Contact Information" section "Phone" field: different spacing between text boxes;
                    16)"Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" field: in the listbox missing choice "Other";
                    17)"Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    18)"Cell Phone Service" section "Months left on current contract" field: a limited selection of 10 months, there is no "more" selection in the List Box;
                    19)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Primary Phone Number" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    20)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Primary Phone Number" field: different spacing between text boxes;
                    21)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    22)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Total Bill" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    23)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "International calls included" field: question mark looks illogical;
                    24)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "International calls included" field: when translating a web page into Russian using google translator the text of the "Yes" radio button changes its size;
                    25)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Long distance included" field: question mark looks illogical;
                    26)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Long distance included" field: when translating a web page into Russian using google translator the text of the "Yes" radio button changes its size;
                    27)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" field: when translating a web page into Russian using google translator the text of the "Yes" radio button changes its size;
                    28)"Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    29)"TV Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    30)"Home Security Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    31)"Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" table "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)"field: there is no indentation between the title and the field;
                    32)"Gas and Electric Services" section "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    33)"Gas and Electric Services" section "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field: it is possible to paste any characters;
                    34)"Gas and Electric Services" section "I am opento using different provider" field: misspelling in the word "Opento" > open to;
                    35)"Comments" table: the table element slides to the right when the "comments" window is stretched; Screenshot Comments.png
                    36)"Comments" table: the comment window can be stretched indefinitely;
                    37)Footer web page: "Submit" and "Clear" buttons are different in size;
                    38)Footer web page: after pressing the "Clear" button, an error appears "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!";

                    Last edited by Yelyzaveta; 02-14-2022, 09:57 AM.


                    • #55
                      1. No default button in the form
                      2. "Clear" button does not clear the form
                      3. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                      4. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                      5. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255
                      6. "State" list box have only 48 states instead of all 50 states
                      7. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste of more than 5 characters
                      8. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste of non digits characters
                      9. "Email" field accept more than 255 characters
                      10. "Email" field has an asterisk but it is not really required
                      11. "Email" field accept more than one "@" symbol
                      12. "Referred by" field behaves as a required field but it has not an asterisk


                      1. No default button in the form
                      2. "Clear" button does not clear the form
                      3. "First Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                      4. "Last Name" field accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                      5. "Street Address" field accepts no more than 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                      6. Remove Canadian state "BC" from the "State" list
                      7. "State" list box have only 48 states instead of all 50 states "HI" and "NV" states are missing
                      8. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste of more than 5 characters
                      9. "ZIP" field accept copy-paste of non digits characters
                      10. "Email" field accept more than 255 characters as per requirement
                      11. "Email" field has an asterisk but it is not really required
                      12. "Email" field accept more than one "@" symbol
                      13. "Referred by" field behaves as a required field but it has not an asterisk
                      14. "Phone" field accept copy-paste non digits characters
                      15. "Phone" field accept copy-paste special characters
                      Last edited by Sergei K.; 02-15-2022, 11:08 AM.

