1. After submiting all data(correctly) it giving message "Thank you for your participation!" which is not informative. Need to add to the message: information about helpdesk, time of response and that all this info will be sent to provided by user email.
2. After submiting all data(correctly). Not any message on user email recieved, about partisipation. Not any contacts for supporting and information about time of response.
3. After submiting page, user can go on previous page and submit exactly the same information again. Need to clear all data from the page after submittting in case user returned back.
4. No State specific adjustment was made: during chosing state "AL" in "Contact Information"/"State" the option "Southern California Gas Co." in "7. Gas and Electric Services"/ "Current Provider" listbox stil available. State specific adjustment should be done for all states.
5. There is no access to Database. Bug in Requirements
6. No email (sales leads) was provided in the Requirements for checking generation of E-mail.
7. "Contact Information"/ "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
8. "Contact Information"/ "* Email:" required fields. Should be added to the list of required fields.
9. No field with default input focus. Make the "First Name" field in "Contact Information" section as default input focus.
10. Wrong Tab order in "Contact Information" section from "First Name" field moves to "Referred by" field, not to "Last Name"
11. "Contact Information"/ "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
12. "Contact Information"/ "Street Address" field accepts just 100 characters. Should be 255.
13. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead 255
14. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting all characters. Make to accept just "-@._" characters
15. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting email with wrong standards. Should accept standards like: someonename@example.com
16. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has just 49 states instead 50.
17. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "Others" need to be removed
18. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox change "IND" on "IN"
19. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "NV" option
20. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "HI" option
21. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "BC" need to be removed
22. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "DC" option
23. "Contact Information" section has no field for Cell phone, Skype, WhatsApp could be advantage for service clients.
24. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" listbox doesn't has "Other" item.
25. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepting letters. Should accept just numbers.
26. "7. Gas and Electric Services" section in a "I am opento using different provider" check box change "opento" on "open to"
27. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" look different.
28. "Clear" button giving misleading message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
29. "Clear" button doesn't clearing anything in the form.
30. "Contact Information"/"Refered By" should be removed from the List of required fields.
1. After submiting all data(correctly) it giving message "Thank you for your participation!" which is not informative. Need to add to the message: information about helpdesk, time of response and that all this info will be sent to provided by user email.
2. After submiting all data(correctly). Not any message on user email recieved, about partisipation. Not any contacts for supporting and information about time of response.
3. After submiting page, user can go on previous page and submit exactly the same information again. Need to clear all data from the page after submittting in case user returned back.
4. No State specific adjustment was made: during chosing state "AL" in "Contact Information"/"State" the option "Southern California Gas Co." in "7. Gas and Electric Services"/ "Current Provider" listbox stil available. State specific adjustment should be done for all states.
5. There is no access to Database. Bug in Requirements
6. No email (sales leads) was provided in the Requirements for checking generation of E-mail.
7. "Contact Information"/ "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
8. "Contact Information"/ "* Email:" required fields. Should be added to the list of required fields.
9. No field with default input focus. Make the "First Name" field in "Contact Information" section as default input focus.
10. Wrong Tab order in "Contact Information" section from "First Name" field moves to "Referred by" field, not to "Last Name"
11. "Contact Information"/ "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31
12. "Contact Information"/ "Street Address" field accepts just 100 characters. Should be 255.
13. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepts 1063 characters instead 255
14. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting all characters. Make to accept just "-@._" characters
15. "Contact Information"/ "Email" field accepting email with wrong standards. Should accept standards like: someonename@example.com
16. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has just 49 states instead 50.
17. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "Others" need to be removed
18. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox change "IND" on "IN"
19. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "NV" option
20. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "HI" option
21. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox has option "BC" need to be removed
22. "Contact Information"/ "State" listbox need to add "DC" option
23. "Contact Information" section has no field for Cell phone, Skype, WhatsApp could be advantage for service clients.
24. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "Current Provider" listbox doesn't has "Other" item.
25. "1. Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepting letters. Should accept just numbers.
26. "7. Gas and Electric Services" section in a "I am opento using different provider" check box change "opento" on "open to"
27. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" look different.
28. "Clear" button giving misleading message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
29. "Clear" button doesn't clearing anything in the form.
30. "Contact Information"/"Refered By" should be removed from the List of required fields.