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SU 1 February 7, 2022: UI testing of the Energy-Telecom Online Form

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  • #31
    1. Section "Cell Phone Service": there is not Default input focus
    2. Section "Cell Phone Service": TAB is not in a logical order
    3. Section "Cell Phone Service": Field "ZIP" allowed to enter letters instead of numbers
    4. Section "Local/Long Distances/International Service": Field "My monthly bill is approximately" allowed to enter letters instead of numbers
    5. Section "Gas and Electric Services": "I am opento using different provider". Mistake "opento" instead of "open to"
    6. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" of different sizes
    7. Section 'Cell Phone Service": Field "E-mail" has an asterisk but is not a required field. The form is sent with an empty E-mail field
    8. The button "Clear" does not lead to the desired result
    9. Clicking the button "Clear" causes a pop-up window with incorrect recommendations appears
    Last edited by Irarus; 02-10-2022, 06:21 AM.


    • #32
      #1. TAB order error : in “First name” field sends to “referred by”.
      #2. Give the default input focus to “FIRST NAME”.
      #3. Contact information/ “State” drop down list/ replace “IND” with “IN”.
      #4 Contact information/ fields “FIRST NAME”, “LAST NAME” accepts digits and special characters.
      #5. List box “state” does not have 50 states in there.
      #6. List box “state” has option “other”.
      #7 Field “ZIP” accepts both letters and digits instead of digits only.
      #8 Button “CLEAR” shows error “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”, while pushing it.
      #9. Buttons “SUBMIT” and “CLEAR” are enabled when all fields are empty.
      #10. Section 1 “Cell Phone Service” field “My monthly bill is approximately:” accepts letters and special characters.
      #11. Section 7: The word “open to” is misspelled. Replace "opento" with “open to “.
      Last edited by Andrei_1; 02-10-2022, 05:27 AM.


      • #33
        1. Contact information section: in the field “ZIP-code” is possible to enter letters.
        2. Contact information section: Tab order is inconsistent. The cursor moves from “First name” field to the “Referred by” field.
        3. “Local/Long distance/International service” section, “Bundled with” line: Tab order is inconsistent. The cursor moves from the field “Internet” to the field “Total bill”.
        4. Cell phone service section: in the field “My monthly bill is approximately” is possible to enter letters.
        5. Cell phone service section: in the drop-down list “Current provider” add a line Other.
        6. Gas & Electric service section: in label “I am opento using different provider” add a space in the word opento.


        • #34
          #1 Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (how it’s stated in the listbox "Results per page")
          #2 The Dropdown list “Customer” has only one choice (General Electric): add other options.
          #3 The Dropdown list “Invoice status” has only one choice (all): add 4 options (Paid, In process, Rejected, Approved)
          #4 The first cell in the "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
          #5 Dropdown list “Results per page” has only one choice (10): add other options.
          # 6 The 11th line doesn't have the button “Actions”.
          # 7 Incorrect name of the first column: replace " Invoce" with "Invoice".
          # 8 The invoice 1122339546 from October the 1st is out of search scope. The Invoice date must be from 6/5/2011 up to 9/30/2011.
          # 9 Incorrect amount of the showing invoiced (422): there are 32 pages with 11 results per page (no more than 352 invoices).
          # 10 The page №5 is missed in the Pagination: add the 5th page.


          • #35
            1. Move item "Other" below in the State dropdown list
            2. We can use letters in the Zip field
            3. We can copy and paste more characters than 5 in the Zip field.
            4. Section 1: The item "Other" is missed in "Current Provider" field.
            5. Section 1: We can input letters in "My monthly bill is approximately" field.
            6. Section 1: We can choose just 10 months instead 12.
            7. Section 2: We can copy and paste letters and other characters in "My monthly bill is approximately" field.
            8. We can copy and paste letters and other characters in "Phone" field.
            9. Section 4: The item "More" is absent in "Months left on plan" field.
            10. Add space between "open" and "to" in Section 7
            11. Section 8: The "Submit" button is bigger than the "Clear" button.
            12. Please, change the point "IND" on "IN" in the State dropdown list.


            • #36
              #1. Buttons "Clear" and "Submit" inconsistent look
              #2. "Gas and Elecric Services" typo in the word "opento". Replace with "open to".
              #3. "Clear" button gives error 17896 after pressing.
              #4. "Comments" input field can be over-expanded and overlaps the UI.
              #5. "ZIP Code" can be pasted more then 5 digits inside form.
              #6. "Referred by" field: should not behave as a required field
              #7. "Cell Phone Service" section \ "Months left on current contract" have only 10 months maximum to choose.
              #8. "Cell Phone Service" section \ "Number of phones on plan" give the input field instead of 100 choices in the dropdown menu.
              #9. "Cell Phone Service" section \ "Current provider" can choose two options "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" at the same time.
              #10. Give to the "First Name" field the Default Input Focus


              • #37
                1. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" different button sizes and different font sizes.
                2. The "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters, accepts any characters except letters.
                3. The "First Name" field accepts 30 characters, accepts any characters except letters.
                4. In section 7, the inscription "Opento" should be changed to "Open to".
                5. In section 3 "Dial-up" technology is outdated today and is no longer used. Needs to be revised and replaced.
                6. The "ZIP" field accepts both numbers and letters, and should only accept numbers.
                7. There is no asterisk above "Referred by", but this field is in fact mandatory.
                8. The fields "First Name", "Referred by" accept for filling an incorrect combination of characters excluding letters.
                9. In section 3, the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" after the period accepts 7 digits.
                10. In section 1, the symbols opposite the inscriptions "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" may
                be taken simultaneously, even though they are mutually exclusive statements.


                • #38
                  1."Contact Information", dropdown list "State": remove the "Other" item
                  2."Contact Information", dropdown list "State": remove the "BC" item
                  3."Contact Information", dropdown list "State": add items "HI" and "NV"
                  4."Contact Information", dropdown list "State": replace "IND" to "IN"
                  5."Contact Information", field "First name": when press the TAB button, the cursor moves to "Referred by:" field instead of "Last name" field
                  6."Cell Phone Service": dropdown list "Current Provider:" has no item "Other"
                  7."Cell Phone Service": convert checkboxes "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" into radiobuttons
                  8."Cell Phone Service": convert checkboxes "I like my handset", "I am interested in updating my handset" and "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop" into radiobuttons
                  9."High Speed Internet Service": convert checkbox "Wireless Aircard" into radiobutton
                  10."Digital Phone Service with Video Phone": add dropdown list "Current Provider:" and field "My monthly bill is approximately:"
                  11."Gas and Electric Services", checkbox "I am opento using different provider": replace "opento" with "open to"
                  12. Click on the Clear button appears an information window indicating the Error 17896


                  • #39
                    1) Give to the "First Name" field the Default Input Focus.
                    2) Section 7: Replace "opento" with "open to".
                    3) TAB order: from "First Name" field it moves to "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name".
                    4) TAB order: from "Best Way To Contact Me" field it moves to "Current Provider" field instead of "Referred by".
                    5) TAB order: from "Referred by" field it moves to "Last Name" field instead of "Current Provider".
                    6) "Submit" and "Clear" buttons: inconsistent size and font. Make them equal.
                    7) "Contact Information"/"State" list box: remove "Other".
                    8) "Contact Information"/"State" list box: remove "BC".
                    9) "Contact Information"/"State" list box: replace "IND" with "IN".
                    10) "Referred by" field: Either provide an asterisk to the field, OR it should not behave as a required field.
                    11) Section 2/"International calls included?"checkbox name: replace question (?) character with colon character.
                    12) Section 2/"Long distance included?" checkbox name: replace question (?) character with colon character.


                    • #40

                      Google Chrome 97.0.4692.99 on macOS Monterey 12.0.1 was used major during performing the task.

                      1. Page title doesn't have an icon.
                      2. Any field of the form doesn't have the default input focus.
                      3. Tab order using Safari browser: It skips all of the checkboxes, radio buttons, "High Speed Internet Service" / "Provider" field, "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
                      4. Tab order: from "First Name" field it moves to "Referred by" field instead of "Last Name" field.

                      5. "Contact Information" / All the text fields: After typing double space appears point.
                      6. "Contact Information"/"Referred by" field: either give asterisk to the field or it should not behave as a required field.
                      7. "Contact Information"/"Zip code" field: It accepts non-existent ZIP code 00000.
                      8. "Contact Information"/"State" list box: Replace "IND" with "IN".
                      9. "Contact Information"/"State" list box: Move "other" to the end list box.
                      10. "Contact Information"/"State" list box: If we select the "other" we have seen not the entire word.
                      11. "Contact Information"/"State" list box: If we scroll list box, it grows on the all page.
                      12. "Contact Information"/"Email" field: It accepts any Information without @.
                      13. "Contact Information"/"Email" field: It accepts any Information in Russian, Ukraine languages.

                      14. "Cell Phone Service" / "Current Provider" list box: Missing the "Other" item.
                      15. "Cell Phone Service" / "My monthly bill is approximately" field: It accepts any English language character. Change it text type to type of number.
                      16. "Cell Phone Service" / "Months left on current contract" list box: Change it to an input field with type of number.
                      17. "Cell Phone Service" / "Minutes on plan" list box: Change it to an input field with type of number.
                      18. "Cell Phone Service" / "Number of phones on plan" list box: Change it to an input field with type of number.
                      19. "Cell Phone Service" / "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" list box: Change it to an input field with type of number.
                      20. "Cell Phone Service" / "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" list box has word "months". Add "(months)" to the label.

                      21. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" / "My monthly bill is approximately" field: Pressing and holding one of the keys e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n appears additional characters which give the ability to type text instead of the number. Change it type of text to type of number.
                      22. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" / "Total Bill" field:Pressing and holding one of the keys e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n appears additional characters which give the ability to type text instead of the number. Change it type of text to type of number.

                      23. "High Speed Internet Service" / "My monthly bill is approximately" field: Pressing and holding one of the keys e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n appears additional characters which give the ability to type text instead of the number. Change it type of text to type of number.
                      24. "High Speed Internet Service" / "Provider" field: Add the functionality of field clearing after selecting"High Speed Internet Service" / "Wireless Aircard" checkbox.
                      25. "High Speed Internet Service" / "Provider" field: After typing double space appears point.

                      26. "TV Service" / "My monthly bill is approximately" field: Pressing and holding one of the keys e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n appears additional characters which give the ability to type text instead of the number. Change it type of text to type of number.
                      27. "TV Service" / "Number of receivers" list box: Change it to an input field with type of number.
                      28. "TV Service" / "Months left on plan:" list box: Change it to an input field with type of number.

                      29. "Home Security Service section" / "My monthly bill is approximately" field: Pressing and holding one of the keys e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n appears additional characters which give the ability to type text instead of the number. Change it type of text to type of number.
                      30. "Home Security Service section": If select "Home Security Service section" / "Current Provider" list box or/and enter "Home Security Service section" / "My monthly bill is approximately" field and then select "Home Security Service section" / checkbox we can see their volumes yet. Add the functionality of field clearing after selecting this checkbox.

                      31. "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" / checkbox: "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section doesn't have "fieldset" html element. Add "fieldset" html element to "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section or padding/margin to "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" / checkbox.

                      32. "Gas and Electric Services" / "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field: Pressing and holding one of the keys e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n appears additional characters which give the ability to type text instead of the number. Change it type of text to type of number.
                      33. "Gas and Electric Services" / "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" field: Pressing and holding one of the keys e, y, u, i, o, a, s, l, z, c, n appears additional characters which give the ability to type text instead of the number. Change it type of text to type of number.
                      34. "Gas and Electric Services" / checkbox: Replace "opento" with "open to".

                      35. "Comments" text field: This field has a character limit of 1024. But using Ctrl+V (Paste) the field doesn't have any limits.

                      36. "Submit" button: After click on the "Submit" button appears a block with errors. One and the "Contact information" block are inconsistent looks.
                      37. "Submit" button: After click on the "Submit" button appears a block with errors. Asterisks of the "Contact Information" block are changing their color from blue to red, but an asterisk of the "Contact Information" / "Email" label doesn't change its color.
                      38. "Submit" button: After click on the "Submit" button appears a block with errors. One doesn't have an error about "Email" field. Whatever, the "Email" label has an asterisk. Either remove the asterisk from the "Email" label or it should behave as a required field.

                      39. "Clear" button: After click on the "Clear" button, show up error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                      40. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons: inconsistent look.
                      41. "Enter" keyboard: After pushing "Enter" on the keyboard nothing happens.
                      Last edited by Gregory; 02-11-2022, 06:00 AM.


                      • #41
                        1. After loading the page, there is no field to fill in the form by default. It is preferable to define the default field "First Name".
                        2. In the "First Name" field, pressing the "Tab" button leads to the "Referred by" field instead of the "Last name" field.
                        3. In the section "Months left on current contract:" there are no numbers "11" and "12" in the drop-down list, although they are needed.
                        4. Pressing the "Clear" button does not clear the form and leads to a pop-up message in the browser, which confuses the user.
                        5. The "Submit" and "Clear" buttons look different, although they should be similar.
                        6. When you click the "Submit" button, a message appears that filling in the "Referred by" field was mandatory, although there is no asterisk there.
                        7. There is an asterisk next to the "E-mail" field, but the form can be sent without filling in this field.
                        8. The form is sent despite the fact that the e-mail is entered without the @ symbol.
                        9. The form is sent, although numbers and special characters are entered in the "First Name" field.
                        10. The form is sent, although numbers and special characters are entered in the "Last Name" field.
                        11. The form is sent, although numbers and special characters are entered in the "Street Address" field.
                        12. The form is submitted, although numbers and special characters are entered in the "Referred by" field instead of letters.
                        13. In the drop-down list in the "Cell Phone Service"/"Current Provider" section, add "Other", which is in the drop-down lists in other sections of the form.
                        14. You can enter letters in the "ZIP" field, although there can only be numbers.
                        15. In section 7 "Gas and Electric Services" replace "opento" with "open to".
                        16. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, no question is asked before the "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider" checkboxes. And you can put two checkboxes at the same time.
                        17. In the section "Cell Phone Service"/"Months left on current contract:" the position "Prepaid" should not be in the drop-down list, only the number of months.
                        18. In the "Cell Phone Service" section, no question is asked before the checkboxes: "I like my handset", "I am interested in updating my handset", "I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop". Checkboxes are not mutually exclusive.
                        19. In the section "High Speed Internet Service", the phrase "Wireless Aircard" should be designated as a label or enter another label.
                        20. In the "TV Service" section, in the "Months left on plan:" position, in addition to numbers, "Prepaid" appears in the drop-down list, which is unacceptable.


                        • #42
                          ====Bug Reports Energy-Telecom====
                          1#. Contact Information "First Name"/ accepts any values numbers and symbols/replace only with letters.
                          2#. Contact Information "Last Name"/ accepts any values numbers and symbols/replace only with letters.
                          3#. Contact Information "Street Address"/ accepts 101 values including characters/ need to limit quantitative input to on "letters and numbers only"
                          4#. After page refresh/ the "clear" button is missing/need to fix.
                          5#. After page refresh/ " State"/ incorrect "IND" becomes correct "IN"/fix to a constant value of "IN"/in regardless of page refresh.
                          6#. Contact Information "State" /"has only 48 loyal states"
                          7#. Contact Information "State"/ 2 states are missing: "NV" and "HI".
                          8#. Contact Information "State"/1 district "DC" is missing (where the US capital is located).
                          9#. Contact Information "State"/"BC" invalid value/fix.
                          10#. Contact Information "State"/ "Other" located in the middle of the list/fix/ move to the beginning or end of the list.
                          11#. Contact Information "State"/Takes the incorrect value "BC"/ correct.
                          12#. Contact Information "Last Name"/"First Name"/Accepts Russian and Ukrainian languages/correct to English only.
                          13#. Contact Information "Referred by" It is not a required field/after submitting the form, it requires filling it in/Fix.
                          14#. Contact Information "Referred by"/Accepts numbers and symbols in the amount of 99 values/ correct/ only letters/limit the quantitative value.
                          15#. Contact Information "Referred by"/Accepts Ukrainian and Russian languages/correct/ English only.
                          16#. Contact Information "Street Address"/Accepts just a name in Russian or Ukrainian/ fix English only.
                          17#. 1. Cell Phone Service/ "My monthly bill is approximately:"/Accepts an incorrect payment amount of 89129839587 $/correct for a limit.
                          18#. 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service/"My monthly bill is approximately: $43436765678"/Accepts an incorrect payment amount/Fix.
                          19#. 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service/"Total Bill: $78586746753"/Accepts an incorrect payment amount/Fix.
                          20#. 3. High Speed Internet Service/"My monthly bill is approximately: $86796875464"/Accepts an incorrect payment amount/Fix.
                          21#. 3. High Speed Internet Service/"Provider:"/Accepts Russian and Ukrainian languages, symbols, numbers and it's all together./fix only English and only valid characters.
                          22#. 4. TV Service/"My monthly bill is approximately: $90786757676
                          "/"Accepts an invalid invoice amount/correct for an acceptable possible one"
                          23#. 5. Home Security Service/"My monthly bill is approximately:$
                          67564534234"/Accepts an invalid invoice amount/correct for an acceptable possible one.
                          24#. 7. Gas and Electric Services/"My monthly bill is approximately (summer):$65643456789"/Accepts an invalid invoice amount/correct for an acceptable possible one.
                          25#.7. Gas and Electric Services/ "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):$45676754567"/Accepts an invalid invoice amount/correct for an acceptable possible one.
                          26#. 8. Comments/Accepts Russian and Ukrainian languages/correct to English only.
                          27#. Button "Clear" not work/Shows an error 17896/fix.
                          28#. Buttons "Sabmit" and "Clear"/Do not match the same size and font/fix.
                          29#. Contact Information/ Button "Tab"/When you click "* First Name:" does not go to "* Last Name:"/Goes to "Referred by:"/fix.


                          • #43
                            =====Bug report for Energy-Telecom=====

                            Google Chrome Version 98.0.4758.80 (Official Build) (arm64)

                            #1. "Contact Information" section, "First Name:" field. Field accept 30 symbols instead of 31.
                            #2. "Contact Information" section, "Last Name:" field. Field accept 30 symbols instead of 31.
                            #3. "Contact Information" section, "Street address:" field. Field accept 100 symbols instead of 255.
                            #4. "Contact Information" section, "State:" list box offering less than 50 states. Add "HI" to the list box.
                            #5. "Contact Information" section, "State:" list box offering less than 50 states. Add "NV" to the list box.
                            #6. "Contact Information" section, "State:" list box misspell. Replace "IND" with "IN".
                            #7. "Contact Information" section, "ZIP:" field, accepts more than 5 characters.
                            #8. "Contact Information" section, "ZIP:" field, accepts letters and special symbols.
                            #9. "Contact Information" section, "Email:" field, accepts "Space" symbol.
                            #10. "Contact Information" section, "Email:" field, doesn't accepts "Underscore" symbol.
                            #11. "Contact Information" section, "Email:" field, accepts more than 255 characters.
                            #12. "Contact Information" section, "Email:" field, is not a required field.
                            #13. "Contact Information" section, "Phone:" field, accepts special symbols % ˆ "
                            #14. Upon the form being submitted the application doesn't generates an email with all the information available in the form.
                            #15. "Contact Information" section, "Email:" field. No error message provide for empty required field.
                            #16. "Cell phone services" section, "Current Provider:" list box. Option "Other" missed.
                            #17. "Cell phone services" section, "Months left on current contract:" list box. Missed digits from 11 to 24.
                            #18. "Cell phone services" section, "Months left on current contract:" list box. Option "More" is missed.
                            #18. "Cell phone services" section, "Number of phones on plan:" list box. List box should contain digits from 1 to 5 only.
                            #19. "TV Service" section, "Months left on plan:" list box. Option "More" is missed.
                            #20. "Cell phone services" section, "My monthly bill is approximately:" data input field accepts letters.
                            #21. "Cell phone services" section, misslogical, "My monthly bill is approximately:" data input field accepts 11 digits.
                            #22. "Cell phone services" section "misslogical, "Total Bill:" data input field accepts 11 digits.
                            #23. "Hight Speed Internet service" section misslogical, "My monthly bill is approximately:" data input field accepts 11 digits.
                            #24. "TV Service" section, misslogical, "My monthly bill is approximately:" data input field accepts 11 digits.
                            #25. "Home Security Service", misslogical, "My monthly bill is approximately:" data input field accepts 11 digits.
                            #26. "Gas and Electric Services", misslogical, "My monthly bill is approximately, summer)" data input field accepts 11 digits.
                            #27. "Gas and Electric Services", misslogical, "My monthly bill is approximately, winter)" data input field accepts 11 digits.
                            #28. Footer. "Clear" button. After push "Clear" button it comes a confusing and missleading error message.


                            • #44
                              1. "First Name:" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                              2. "Last Name:" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31
                              3. "Street Address:" text field accepts 100 characters instead of 255
                              4. "State:" list box: remove "BC", remove "other", replace "IND" with "IN", add "HI", add "NV"
                              5. "ZIP" text field allows to input letters instead of digits only
                              6. "Email:" text field accepts more then 255 characters instead of 255 only
                              7. "Email:" text field behaves not as required field
                              8. "Phone:" text field allows to paste letters in the field instead of digits only
                              9. "Referred by:" text field behaves as required field
                              10. Inconsistency in labels alignment in "Contact Information" section vs other sections
                              11. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Current Provider:" list box add "other"
                              12. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts letters
                              13. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Months left on current contract:" should be 0 - 24 months
                              14. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Number of phones on plan:" should be 1 - 5
                              15. No default button assigned. Assign "Submit" button as default button
                              16. No default input focus assigned. Assign "First Name:" text field as default input focus
                              17. TAB order violation: input focus moves from "First name" field to the "Referred by" field ("Last Name" expected)
                              18. "Clear" button do not clear the form, button pushing leads to confusing and misleading error message
                              19. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts any pasted characters
                              20. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Total Bill" text field accepts any pasted characters
                              21. "High Speed Internet Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts any pasted characters
                              22. "TV Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts any pasted characters
                              23. "Home Security Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" text field accepts any pasted characters
                              24. "Gas and Electric Services" section: "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" text field accepts any pasted characters
                              25. "Gas and Electric Services" section: "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" text field accepts any pasted characters
                              26. Inconsistency in "Submit" and "Clear" buttons style


                              • #45
                                Energy-Telecom reqs and functionality testing

                                #1 - Contact Information - First Name Field - only 30 characters possible to add instead 31
                                #2 - Contact Information - Last Name Field - only 30 characters possible to add instead 31
                                #3 - Contact Information - City Field - allow to add only 100 characters instead 255
                                #4 - Contact Information - State Field - have only 49 states instead 50
                                #5 - Contact Information - State Field - the 'other' state must be at the end of the list
                                #6 - Contact Information - State Field - there is no island Puerto Rico
                                #7 -
                                Contact Information - ZIP Field - allow to paste letters
                                #8 - Contact Information - E-mail Field - is not set as required (while pressing submit without filling)
                                #9 - Contact Information - E-mail Field - allow to add 1063 characters, instead 255
                                #10 - Contact Information - Phone Field - allow to paste letters
                                #11 - Contact Information - Referred by Field - allow to add only 100 characters instead 255

