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SU 1 February 7, 2022: UI testing of the Energy-Telecom Online Form

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  • SU 1 February 7, 2022: UI testing of the Energy-Telecom Online Form


    1. Give to the "First Name" field default inputs focus
    2. Fix TAB order. Pressing TAB in the field "First Name" leads to the last field "Referred by" and then to the field "Last Name"
    3. Make "Provider" field editable.
    4. Move "Provider" field to the next line after "Type of services"
    5. "Wireless" option has a checkbox instead of radio button
    6. Replace the phrase “opento” with "open to" in Section 7
    7. Make buttons "Submit" and "Clear" of the same size
    8. Rank states alphabetically in dropdown list "States"


    1. "First Name" text field accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31
    2. "Last Name" text field accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31
    3. "Street Address" field accepts maximum 100 characters instead of 255
    4. "State" list box: remove "BC" as it is not US state
    5. "State" list box: add states "HI" and "NV"
    6. "State" list box: replace state "IND" with "IN"
    7. "State" list box: remove option "Other" from the list
    8. "ZIP" field accepts letters
    9. Make "Email" field required. It has asterisk but is not required field.
    10. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters
    11. "Phone" field accepts non-digits by copy-paste
    12. The page considers "Reffered by" field as required but it has no asterisk assigned
    13. "Clear" button does not clear the form
    14. After pushing "Clear" button appears Error: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
    15. Inconsistency between the size of buttons "Clear" and "Submit"
    16. Section 1 "Cell phone service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters
    17. Section 1 "Cell phone service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field does not accept dot(.) but other fields for amount accept
    18. Section 1 "Cell phone service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts non-digits by copy-paste
    19. Section 2 "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "Primary Phone Number" field accepts letters by copy-paste
    20. Section 2 "Local/Long Distances/International Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field and "Total Bill" field accept letters by copy-paste
    21. Section 3 "High Speed Internet Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts non-digits by copy-paste
    22. Section 4 "TV Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts non-digits by copy-paste
    23. Section 5 "Home Security Service": "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts non-digits by copy-paste
    24. Section 7 "Gas and Electric Services": "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field accepts non-digits by copy-paste
    25. Section 7 "Gas and Electric Services": "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field accepts non-digits by copy-paste
    26. Section 1 "Current Provider" list box: add option "Other" as there are more than 4 providers in US
    27. Section 1 "Current Provider" list box: add option "None"
    28. Section 1 "Months left on current contract" field: add option "More"
    29. Section 2 "Bundled with" field: add radio button "None"
    30. Section 4 "Bundled with" field: add radio button "None"
    31. No Default button in the form
    32. Add limit for digits in "My monthly bill is approximately" field
    Last edited by Oksana_Sh; 02-14-2022, 10:38 PM.

  • #2
    1. In a lable "First Name" it's possible to use numbers and simbols.
    2. In a lable "Last Name" it's possible to use numbers and simbols.
    3. In a lable "ZIP" it's possible to use numbers and simbols.
    4. The button "Submit" is able even if the form is empty.
    5. The button "Clear" is able even if the form is empty.
    6. In Sectons 1-4 there no point "I do not have ... services today, but I am interested in getting more information".


    • #3
      Tab order 13 bugs

      Not logical tab order and miss some fields
      1)tab order from text field "first name" move to "Referred by"
      2)section "2.Local/Long Distances" Tab order miss "TV" and "Both"
      3)section "2.Local/Long Distances" Tab order miss "No" "NO" "NO" answers
      4)section "3.High Speed Internet Ser", line 3, Tab order miss "Dial-Up" and "DSL" answers
      5)section "3.High Speed Internet Ser", line 4, Tab order miss Text field "Provider"
      6)section "3.High Speed Internet Ser", line 5, Tab order miss "Phone" and "Both" answers
      7)section "4.TV Service", line 3, Tab order miss "Phone" and "Both" answers

      16 bugs
      1 Plate - Contact information
      1)Text field "Referred by" have no *, but is nessesery field
      2)Text fiels "First Name"," Last Name", "Street Address", "City", "Referred by" accept number. And a form will submited
      3)Zip code field accept curracters
      4)Text field "phone" accept invalid phone numbers
      5)select text "State" - position "Others" is in a mid of the list

      section "3.High Speed Internet Ser", 4 line - wrong position of the line (not in the mid)
      section "3.High Speed Internet Ser", 4 line - wrong sign (not a dot)

      Clear button doesnt work and show a error message "Error 17896"

      error message of "Clear" button is not correct - no need to restart computer

      "Clear"button size deffect (button is smaler, text)
      Last edited by VaSem; 02-08-2022, 07:51 AM.


      • #4
        1) No field with default input focus.
        2) Section 7: Misspelled "opento" should be replaced with "open to".
        3) "Contact information" section: wrong TAB order(After "First Name:" it goes to "Referred by:" instead of "Last Name:")
        4) "Contact information" section: wrong TAB order(After "Best Way To Contact Me:" it goes to "Current Provider:" instead of "Referred by:")
        5) "Contact information" section: wrong TAB order(After "Referred by:" it goes to "Last Name:" instead of "Current Provider:")
        6) Footer: "Submit" button size and font is bigger than "Clear" button. They should be equal.


        • #5
          #1. Remove "Other" in "State" list box.
          #2. Remove "BC" in "State" list box.
          #3. There is no alphabetical order in "State" list box.
          #4. In "State" list box state NV is missing.
          #5. Replace "IND" for "IN" "State" list box.
          #6. "Zip": field accepts copy-paste of more than 5 characters limit (by requirement).
          #7. "Zip": field accepts non-digits when paste it.
          #8. "Referred by:" Label is not marked with an asterisk, although it is a required field.
          #9. Implementation of Default Input Focus requested.
          #10."Submit" and "Clear" buttons are not consistent in their look and dimension.
          #11.Tab order violation: from "First Name" it goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".
          #12."Email" field has no validation for multiple "@" characters.


          • #6
            1. No Field with default input focus
            2. Contact Information section 'First Name' field accepts numbers and characters
            3. Contact Information section from 'First Name' field after pressing TAB going to 'Referred by' field, wrong Tab order
            4. Contact Information section 'Last Name' field accepts numbers and characters
            5. Contact Information section 'City Name' field accepts characters which is not using in city names.
            6. Contact Information section 'Email' field name wrong should be E-mail
            7. Contact Information section 'Email' field accepting accepting e-mail adress without extention (*.com)
            8. Contact Information section 'Email' field accepting accepting e-mail adress without '@' character
            9. Contact Information section 'State' field listedjust 49 states
            10. Contact Information section 'State' field has name in a list 'others', but no field to write
            11. Contact Information section 'ZIP' field has place just for 5 characters only but could be 9
            12. Contact Information section has no field for Cell phone, Skype, WhatsApp could be advantage
            13. Cell Phone Service section 'Current Provider' field doesn't has in a list AT&T
            14. Cell Phone Service section 'My monthly bill is approximately' field accepting letters
            15. Cell Phone Service section 'My monthly bill is approximately' field has 'others' option in a list but doesn't has place to write.
            16. Gas and Electric Services section in a 'I am opento using different provider' field written 'opento' instead 'open to'


            • #7
              1.Text Filds “Firs Name”, “Last Name” ,”City” accepts numbers and symbols
              2. Text Fild “ZIP”accepts letters
              3.Text Fild “Email” is not a required field.
              4.Text Fild “Referred by” is a required field.
              5. When you press the Tav button, the cursor is displayed on the field “Referred by”
              Block 1
              6. “Cell Phone Service”. In checkboxes, it is possible to select all conditions at the same time.
              7.Text Fild My monthly bill is approximately: “$” accepts letters.
              8. Text Fild “Months left on current contract:” only 10 month.
              Block 2
              9. Local/Long Distances/International Service”. W
              hen choosing “Other” there is no field to fill in the name of the operator.
              10. Press the button" Clear" does not clear the form. An error is thrown Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!
              Last edited by Lidmyla Oleshko; 02-08-2022, 09:09 AM.


              • #8
                1. In chapter "Contact Information" the Tab order sequence is broken.
                2. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "Fist name" accepts digital values
                3. In chapter "Contact Information" the text field "First name" accepts specific characters;
                4. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "Last name" accepts digital values
                5. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "Last name" accepts characters
                6. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "City" accepts digital values
                7. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "City" accepts characters
                8. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "Street Address" accepts characters
                9. Text field "ZIP" accepts any sets of numbers unrealistic ZIP
                10. Text field "Email" accepts any Information without @.
                11. Text field "referred by" is mandatory, but the sign * is missing
                12. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "Referred by" accepts characters
                13. In chapter "Contact Information" the Text field "Referred by" accepts digital values
                14. In chapter 1 "Cell Phone Service" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts copied text
                15. In chapter 2 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts copied text.
                16. In chapter 2 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" the text field "Total Bill:" accepts copied text.
                17. In chapter 3 " High Speed Internet Service" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts copied text.
                18. In chapter 3 "High Speed Internet Service" the text field "Provider" accepts characters.
                19. In chapter 4 "TV Service" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts copied text.
                20. In chapter 5 "Home Security Service" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately" accepts copied text.
                21. In chapter 6 "Gas and Electric Services" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" accepts copied text.
                22. In chapter 6 "Gas and Electric Services" the text field "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" accepts copied text.
                23. Button "Submit" larger that button "Clear".

                Inconsistency: button "Submit" larger that button "Clear".
                Last edited by MBVictoria; 02-10-2022, 09:18 AM.


                • #9
                  1. Missing asterisk (*) before "Referred by" required field
                  2. "Referred by" field accepts digits.
                  3. ZIP code field accept non-existent ZIP code 00000
                  4. "Other" in list box "State" is in the middle of the list
                  5. When choose "Other" in list box "State" it not showing a full text of word "Other" in field (Safari browser issue)
                  6. When click or Tab on "My monthly bill is approximately:" it become contact information field
                  7. Contact information fields accept Cyrillic letters and digits.
                  8. When the page opens cursor doesn't place in the first data input field. No default input focus.
                  9. Data entry field are not cleared after page refresh. To get empty form you need to open new tab.
                  10. "Submit" and "Clear" buttons is active when the form is empty.
                  11. Form was submitted without filling the required field "*E-mail:"
                  12. "*E-mail" field isn't requirement
                  13. TAB order not logical. From the field "First name:" moves to field "Referred by:"
                  14. TAB order misses:
                  -Section 2 Local/Long Distances/International service
                  "Bundled with:" missed 2 radio button "TV" and "Both"
                  "International calls included?" tab missed radio button "NO"
                  "Long distance included?" tab missed radio button "NO"
                  "I am interested in Unlimited Calling:" tab missed radio button "NO"
                  -Section 3 High speed internet service
                  "Type of service:" tab missed radio buttons "Dial up", "DSL", "Phone", "Both"
                  -Section 4 TV service
                  "Bundled with:" missed 2 radio button "TV" and "Both"
                  15. Section 7 misspell error "I am opento using different provider"
                  16. "Clear" button doesn't work
                  17. After push "Clear" button shows incorrect error message
                  18. Position of "Minutes on plan:" and "Number of phones on plan:" fields is non consistent with other fields in Section 1 "Cell phone services"

                  Last edited by dtritenko; 02-08-2022, 09:57 AM.


                  • #10
                    Table: Contact Information
                    -Tab order is out of order. "First Name" > "Referred by"
                    -Tab order is out of order. "Referred by" > "Last Name"
                    -There is no pointer (as * ) in the "Referred by" field
                    -In the "Phone" field there are no indents between the Tex Boxes

                    Table: Cell Phone Service
                    -In the "Months left on current contract" field in the List Box, a limited selection of 10 months, there is no "more" option

                    Table:Local/Long Distances/International Service
                    -In the field "Primary Phone Number" large gaps, between Tex Boxes
                    -There is a question mark in the "International calls included" and "Long distance included" fields. There is no logic
                    -There are radio buttons (Yes / No) opposite the "International calls included", "Long distance included" and "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" fields. It will look better with a toggle
                    -When translating a web page into Russian using google translator, opposite the "International calls included", "Long distance included" and "I am interested in Unlimited Calling" fields, the text of the "Yes" radio button changes its size

                    Table: High Speed Internet Service
                    -There is a large accumulation of buttons in the table, indents are not maintained, the chaotic arrangement of fields, buttons. In general, the table does not look attractive.

                    Table: TV Service
                    -There are 3 radio buttons in the "Bundled with" field. It is more logical to use Check Box
                    -In the "Months left on plan" field, the Listbox has a limited selection of 24 months, there is no "more" option

                    Table: Digital Phone Service with Video Phone
                    -There is no indentation between the title and the field "I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)"

                    Table:Gas and Electric Services
                    -There is a text error in the "I am opento using different provider" field. Opento" > open to
                    -In the field "I am opento using different provider" there is a Check Box, it is more logical to use the Radio Button

                    Table: Comments
                    -The table element slides to the right when the "comments" window is stretched
                    -The comment window can be stretched indefinitely
                    -Selector missing at the end of the form, privacy link

                    -There is no selector at the end of the form for consent to data processing
                    -Submit and Clear buttons are different in size
                    -When you click on the Clear button, an error appears: Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!


                    • #11
                      1. The sequence of TAB actions is not correct, after "First Name" field,
                      it goes to "Referred by", instead of "Last Name"
                      2. In "First Name" field we can use digits too
                      3. In "Last Name" field we can use digits too
                      4. In "ZIP" field we can use letters
                      5. Different sizes of buttons "Submit" and "Clear"
                      6. Button "Submit" is enable even if the all fields are empty
                      7. In "Cell Phone Service" seсtion, in field "My monthly bill is approximately:" we can use letters too
                      8. Button "Clear" is enable even if the all fields are empty
                      9. In "Contact Information" section sentence "Best way to contact" and "me" is locating on different levels
                      10. In "Contact Information" section, in "State" field, BC is extra name
                      11. In "Gas and Electric Services" section, replace "opento" to "open to"


                      • #12
                        1. Field "First Name" should have the default input
                        2. From the field "First Name" after tab active field become "reffered by" instead of "Last Name"
                        3. "Clear" button is enabled before we start to fill out the form
                        4. "Clear" button is not working properly. It returns error
                        5. in the number field "zip" we can input character
                        6. Text fields "First Name", "Last Name" , "reffered by", "My monthly bill" in "Cell phone service" accept numbers and characters


                        • #13
                          Bug reports for

                          1) Search result page - column name "Invoice" has grammatic mistake: "invoce" instead "invoice".
                          2) Search result page - the invoices 1122339500, 1122339546 and 1122339302 are out of search scope, from October month. The invoices must be only from 6/5/2011 up to 9/30/2011
                          3) Search result page - the quantity of invoices per page 11 instead declared 10.
                          4) Search result page - names of columns are not centered in the cell.
                          5) Search result page - the 11th invoice don't have an action button.
                          6) Search result page - the number of search result page is 32, the number of invoices 422. 422 invoices can not accommodate on the 32 pages.
                          7) Search result page - the names of column does not assign properly: Due Date and PO#
                          8) Search result page - links to Search result pages - missed page #5.
                          9) Search result page - column "Amount" - the sums better to align by right side.
                          10) Search result page - column "PO#" - PO (purchase order) is a unique, can not be assign to different invoices.


                          • #14
                            1. "Contact information"/"Email" field have asterisk but is not required field.
                            2. "Clear" button is not working.
                            3. "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone"/"I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" check box is not in center.
                            4. Give to the "First Name" field the Default Input Focus.
                            5. Tab order: From "First Name" field it moves to "Refund by" field instead of "Last Name".
                            6. "Contact information"/"Refund by" field: either give asterisk to the field OR it should not behave as a required field.
                            7. Different sizes of buttons "Submit" and "Clear".


                            • #15
                              1. Tab order from "First Name" text field moves to "Referred by" instead of "last Name".
                              2. "State" list box: replace "IND" to "IN".
                              3. "State" list box: remove "BC".
                              4. "ZIP" text field accepts letters instead of digits only.
                              5. Do "Email" text field behavior as required field or remove "*" in front of field label.
                              6. Remove "*" in front of "Referred by" text field label or make its behavior as required field.
                              7. "Cell Phone Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accepts letters pasted instead of digits only.
                              8. "Phone" edit boxes accept letters pasted instead of digits only.
                              9. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "Primary Phone Number" text field accepts letters pasted instead of digits only.
                              10. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accepts letters pasted instead of digits only.
                              11. "High Speed Internet Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accepts letters pasted instead of digits only.
                              12. "Gas and Electric Services" section replace "opento" with "open to".
                              13. Inconsistency in "Submit" and "Clear" buttons style.

