Lesson 3
Bug report
Test stand: http://www.taulia.portnov.com/
Environment: Desktop + Windows 10 pro (64) + Yandex Browser V (64-bit)
1# The buttons "User Manager, Profile, Help, Logout, Home, Invoices, Purchase, Orders, Payments, My Details, Cash Planner, Your Customer" in the head of the site do not have a hyperlinks. Buttons are not opening.
2# Authorized by default. The first time you visit the site, by default, you are logged in.
3# Add the ability to weld the drop-down menu in the "Search my invoices" section by pressing the button "Hide serch parameters"
4# Add other items in "Customer" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
5# Add other items in "Invoice status" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
6# Add other items in "Results per page" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
7# Add the ability to choose date in both "Invoice date" forms, in the "Search my invoices" section.
8# The "Search" button doesn't respond to pressing.
9# The "Download list" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
10# The "Refresh" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
11# Swap data from columns "Due Date", "PO #" in the search results section.
12# The input field "Invoice date" has a value from June to September. The search results have the October invoce.
13# Add the ability to sort search results by the following elements: "Invoce #, Type, Inv. Date, Due Date, PO #, Amount, Status,Payment".
14# The "Actions" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
15# The input field "Results per page" has a value "10", actually we have "11".
16# The button for selecting a page with search results, in the search results section, doesn't respond to pressing.
17# The label "Actions" is missing in the last line
Bug report
Test stand: http://www.taulia.portnov.com/
Environment: Desktop + Windows 10 pro (64) + Yandex Browser V (64-bit)
1# The buttons "User Manager, Profile, Help, Logout, Home, Invoices, Purchase, Orders, Payments, My Details, Cash Planner, Your Customer" in the head of the site do not have a hyperlinks. Buttons are not opening.
2# Authorized by default. The first time you visit the site, by default, you are logged in.
3# Add the ability to weld the drop-down menu in the "Search my invoices" section by pressing the button "Hide serch parameters"
4# Add other items in "Customer" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
5# Add other items in "Invoice status" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
6# Add other items in "Results per page" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
7# Add the ability to choose date in both "Invoice date" forms, in the "Search my invoices" section.
8# The "Search" button doesn't respond to pressing.
9# The "Download list" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
10# The "Refresh" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
11# Swap data from columns "Due Date", "PO #" in the search results section.
12# The input field "Invoice date" has a value from June to September. The search results have the October invoce.
13# Add the ability to sort search results by the following elements: "Invoce #, Type, Inv. Date, Due Date, PO #, Amount, Status,Payment".
14# The "Actions" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
15# The input field "Results per page" has a value "10", actually we have "11".
16# The button for selecting a page with search results, in the search results section, doesn't respond to pressing.
17# The label "Actions" is missing in the last line