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Online class February 7,2022 "Bug reports Taulia"

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  • #46
    Lesson 3

    Bug report

    Test stand:

    Environment: Desktop + Windows 10 pro (64) + Yandex Browser V (64-bit)

    1# The buttons "User Manager, Profile, Help, Logout, Home, Invoices, Purchase, Orders, Payments, My Details, Cash Planner, Your Customer" in the head of the site do not have a hyperlinks. Buttons are not opening.
    2# Authorized by default. The first time you visit the site, by default, you are logged in.
    3# Add the ability to weld the drop-down menu in the "Search my invoices" section by pressing the button "Hide serch parameters"
    4# Add other items in "Customer" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
    5# Add other items in "Invoice status" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
    6# Add other items in "Results per page" drop-down menu, in the "Search my invoices" section.
    7# Add the ability to choose date in both "Invoice date" forms, in the "Search my invoices" section.
    8# The "Search" button doesn't respond to pressing.
    9# The "Download list" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
    10# The "Refresh" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
    11# Swap data from columns "Due Date", "PO #" in the search results section.
    12# The input field "Invoice date" has a value from June to September. The search results have the October invoce.
    13# Add the ability to sort search results by the following elements: "Invoce #, Type, Inv. Date, Due Date, PO #, Amount, Status,Payment".
    14# The "Actions" button, in the search results, doesn't respond to pressing.
    15# The input field "Results per page" has a value "10", actually we have "11".
    16# The button for selecting a page with search results, in the search results section, doesn't respond to pressing.
    17# The label "Actions" is missing in the last line


    • #47
      1. Results table -„Amount“ column: From large to small sort is selected, results are shown from small to large
      2. „Results per page“ listbox - 10 results are selected, results table - 11 results are shown
      3. Results table: Link to page 5 is missing
      4. „Due Date“ column: values are not in common date format
      5. „PO#“ column: values are in date format instead of a common PO# format
      6. Results table: First row, Invoice # 1122339225 - „Status“ column: Rejected, grammar mistake „Rejcted“
      7. Results table: 11th row, „Actions“ button is missing
      8. „Search my invoices“ section. Inconsistency: only „From amount“ label has a colon. Should all of them has one, or non of them?
      9. „Search my invoices“ section. „From amount“ text fields has only „to“ instead of „from - to“
      10. „Search my invoices“ section. „Invoice date“ text fields has only „to“ instead of „from - to“


      • #48
        1. In "My Invoices" section "Invoice number" field is supposed letters, instead of numbers only.
        2. In "My Invoices" section "Purchase order" field is supposed letters, instead of numbers only.
        3. Section "Invoices" column "Invoce#": Replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice#
        4. There are links to 32 pages of the Search Results, which is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices
        5. "Showing invoices": replace "invoices' with the capital letter "Invoices"
        6. Links below search results table: link to page "5" is missing
        7. Action button is missing in row #11 of the Results Table
        8. "My Invoices" and 'Showing 422 invoices" sections: inconsistence look
        Last edited by Alexander Zauzolkov; 02-10-2022, 10:17 AM.


        • #49
          1. There are 11 results per page displayed, but "results per page" label shows 10.
          2. "Due date" label values format is not date type.
          3. Replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice #" in the leftmost column title.
          4. Inconsistent date format of "Invoice date" field vs "Inv. date" column.
          5. field "Invoice date" specify time range from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011". 7-th row of results field shows invoice with date out of specified range "1-oct-2011" to "31-oct-2011"
          6. Misspelled word in a first row of result field in "status" column.
          7. "Status" column replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
          8. "Showing 422 invoices" label shows we have 422 results. But we have 32 pages with 11 results per page. That means all the result do not fit into 32 pages
          9. The binocular icon is missing its tooltip
          10. There is number 5 missing in the list of pages down of the page
          11. Sorting order of "Amount" column is inconsistent . "22,376.00" should be above "22,409.37"


          • #50
            Bug reports for Telecom. February 10th
            1. Columns "name", "referred by", and "last name" allowed to use any characters and numbers. It should be letters only
            2. Column "street address" should check the address correctness
            3. Column "email" allows typing the incorrect email format
            4. Column "best way to contact me" should be written in one line format
            5. Column "Phone" parentheses should be inside the box.
            Bug reports for Taulia
            1. Give colon to each and every label in the "search my invoice" section
            2. Replace "Invoce" with "Invoice #" in the leftmost column title
            3. Inconsistent date format: "Invoice Date" field box vs "Inv. date" column
            4. Invoice dated "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range spesified in "Invoice date" fields: 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
            5. Status column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
            6. The binocular icon is missing its tooltip while other icons have one.
            7. Inconsistency: invoice number is shown as "number" in the label and as "#" in the column title.
            8. Inconsistency is sorting data at the " Amount column. "22376.00" should be above "22.409.37 not vice versa.
            9. Search order inconsistency in the "amount" column: it is Ascending while the error suggests the Descending order.
            10. Search results are presented in 11 rows instead of 10 as specified in results per page "field"
            11. Default input focus is missing.
            12. The 5th-page link is missing under the search results table.
            13. "Action" button missing in 11th row of the search results table.
            14. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
            15. Inconsistency between the total number of invoices in search results (422) and the number of invoices on 32 pages (32*11 = 352).


            • #51
              1. Headings unaligned with columns content.
              2. Table rows unnumbered.
              3. The logo in header doesn't contain the link to the homepage.
              4. Search parameters. Unreadable binocular icon.
              5. There is no link to the page 5 at the bottom of the table.
              6. Row 1 - Status. Misspelling in word "Rejected".
              7. "Search my invoices" section. The colon is only in "From amount:"
              8. Search parameters. Missing word "from" in "invoice date".
              9. The table header says "Showing 422 invoices", while actually 32 pages with 11 results cannot be more than 331.
              10. Table header. Misspelling in word "Invoice".
              11. There are set "10 results per page" while actually, 11 indicated.
              12. Row 11. "Actions" button missing.
              13. Row 7. The search result doesn't meet search parameters. "1-Oct-2011" is not in the search date range "6/5/2011- 9/30/2011".
              14. Amount column. The "up-down triangle" icon indicates descending order while actually there is ascending order.
              15. Rows 7 and 8 should be swapped: Search results are in amount ascending order, but Row 7 amount is bigger than Row 8 amount.
              Last edited by Aldina; 02-10-2022, 07:12 PM.


              • #52
                ***BUG REPORTS FOR TAULIA***
                #1. "Search my invoices" : "Invoice number" differ in colomn 1 "Invoce #"
                #2. "Search my invoices" : "Purchase order" absent title text "Search" on button "binoculars"
                #3. "Search my invoices" : "From amount" replace with "Amount from"
                #4. "Search my invoices" : "Invoice date" differ in colomn 3 "Inv.Date"
                #5. "Search my invoices" : "Results per page" 10 displayed for viewing 11
                #6. In title "Showing 422 invoices" : does not match the number of pages in "Pagination"
                #7. "Pagination" : incorrect name of the laste page "32" If in "Showing 422 invoices" and 10 invoice = mast be "42 ore 43 page"
                #8. "Showing 422 invoices" : all title of colomn mast be alignment on center
                #9. "Showing 422 invoices" : In colomn "Invoce #" : 11 page - mast be 10 page (Look "Results per page")
                #10. "Showing 422 invoices" : In colomn "Invoce #" : 1122339225 line "Status" line 1 : replace "Rejcted" on "Rejected"
                #11. "Showing 422 invoices" : "Amount" line 7 : sorting error by ascending. Must be "$22,376.00"
                #12. "Showing 422 invoices" : "Inv. Date": "29-Aug-2011" must visually match with "08/29/2011 in "Invoice date" in " Search my invoices"
                #13. "Showing 422 invoices" : 11 page missing buttom "Actions" in colomn 9
                #14. "Showing 422 invoices" : In colomn "PO #" incorrect information output
                #15. "Showing 422 invoices" : In colomn "PO #" must be informashion from colomn "Due Date"
                #16. "Showing 422 invoices" : In colomn "Due Date" must be informashion from colomn "PO #"
                #17. "Pagination" : missing page #5 in numbering page "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32"
                #18. "Showing 422 invoices" : no titles of colomn 9 = buttom "Actions"


                • #53
                  1. All time active button “Invoices” in the header
                  2. Colon is missing after every label in the “Search my invoices” section
                  3. Default input focus is missing
                  4. Different date formats: "Invoice date" field vs "Inv. Date" column
                  5. Misspelled word in first in the first colomn title "Invoce #"
                  6. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected" in “Status” column
                  7. Status Column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                  8. Inconsistency: search results are presented in 11 rows instead of 10
                  9. "Actions" button missing in 11th row of search results table
                  10. 5th page link is missing below search results table


                  • #54
                    1. Inconsistency between numbers of rows (10) in "Result per page" field and search result table (11)
                    2. Misspelled in the Status column: replace the first line word "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                    3. Almost all labels in the "Search my invoices" section are without colon
                    4. There is no link to the page 5 under the search results table
                    5. Inconsistency in the type of date format between "invoice date" input field in "Search my invoices" section and "invoice date" column in the search results table
                    6. Inequality between the number of invoices in search result table (422) and the multiplication of link`s number (32) under the search result table with the number in "results per page" field (10)
                    7. Replace the "Due date" column values with the "PO#" column values and opposite.


                    • #55
                      Bug report

                      Test stand:

                      Environment: Laptop + Windows 11 Home (64) + Google Chrome version 98.0.4758.82, (64 bit)

                      1. The logo in the header does not contain a link to the main page.
                      2. There is no link to page 5 at the bottom of the table.
                      3. Row 1 - Status. Misspelled "Refused".
                      4. Search options. Unreadable binoculars icon.
                      5. Section "Search for my accounts". The colon is only in "From the sum:"
                      6. Table header. Error in the word "Account".
                      7. Search results are presented in 11 rows instead of 10 as specified in the "Results per page" field
                      8. Discrepancy between the total number of accounts in search results (422) and the number of accounts on 32 pages (32*11 = 352)
                      9. Replace "Showing 422 accounts" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 accounts".
                      10. Search results for invoice dates should be limited to "06/05/2011 - 09/30/2011" and "1-Oct-2011" outside this range.
                      11. In the results section, the "Download" button is not active.
                      12. In the results section, the "Update" button is not active.


                      • #56
                        =======Bug report Taulia======

                        1#. Search my invoices: label "From amount:" has a colon, other labels don't/ either add it to the rest, or remove the existing one.
                        2#. Incorrect number of results per page: 11 not inconsistent 10/ according to the list on the page/fix the error
                        3#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice #": The letter "i" is missing/fix the error.
                        4#. Showing 422 invoices: "422/32=13,1875"/it turns out there are more invoices than pages/"32*11=352"/"422": an incorrect number of invoices has been declared.
                        5#. Showing 422 invoices: missing button ""Actions" on 11th invoice.
                        6#. Showing 422 invoices: "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32":the fifth page was missing.
                        7#. Showing 422 invoices: "Rejected": the letter "e" is missing.
                        8#. Showing 422 invoices: "Amount": indicated from more to less/in fact from less to more.
                        9#. Showing 422 invoices: "Amount": "$22,409.37" is higher than "$22,376.00"/it should be the other way around.
                        10#. Showing 422 invoices: "Due Date" swap with "PO".
                        11#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice # - 1122339225" in "PO": extra digit.
                        12#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice # -1122339302" in "PO" extra digit.
                        13#. Search my invoices: "Invoice date": "9/30/2011" change the date format to "30/9/2011"
                        14#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice #": "1122338089": "2011-1248": "1248": an incomprehensible set of numbers /to clarify/make it right.
                        15#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice #": "1122339044": "2011-1844": "1844": an incomprehensible set of numbers /to clarify/make it right.
                        16#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice #": "1122339135": "2011-2104": "2104": an incomprehensible set of numbers /to clarify/make it right.
                        17#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice #": "1122339134": "2011-2100": "2100": an incomprehensible set of numbers /to clarify/make it right.
                        18#. Showing 422 invoices: "Invoice #": "1122338095": "2011-1488": "1488": an incomprehensible set of numbers /to clarify/make it right.
                        19#. Showing 422 invoices: Above the button: "Actions": missing indicative value.


                        • #57
                          For lesson 2
                          1) In the section "Search my invoices" there are no colons in labels.
                          2) In the label "From amount" the pretext "from" is missing.
                          3) In the label " Invoice date" the pretext "from" is missing.
                          4) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” there is a spelling error in a column name "Invoce #".
                          5) The date greater than 09/30/2011 is present in the column "Inv.Date"
                          6) The dates greater than 09/30/2011 are present in the column "PO#"
                          7) There are numbers instead of dates in the column “Due Date”.
                          8) There are dates instead of numbers in the column “PO#”.
                          9) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” there is no button “Action” in row 11.
                          10) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” there is no page 5 below table.
                          11) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” the pages under the table have no links.
                          12) In the section "Search my invoices" dropdown list "Result per page" has a value of 10, but in the section “Showing 422 invoices” there are 11 rows.
                          13) There are 32 pages in the section “Showing 422 invoices”, which is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices.
                          14) In the first row in the column “Status” there is a spelling error in the word “Rejcted”.
                          15) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” in the column “Amount” rows 7 and 8 are not ordered in ascending order.
                          16) “Invoice date” in the section "Search my invoices" and “Inv. Date” in the section “Showing 422 invoices” have a different date format.
                          17) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” each column should be able to sort.
                          18) The text in the table in the section “Showing 422 invoices” should be centered.
                          19) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” there should be an ellipsis instead of 2 dots after page 10 under the table.
                          20) In the section “Showing 422 invoices” the arrow in the "Amount" column shows the descending order while the result shows ascending order.
                          Last edited by Artsiom Khimchanka; 02-14-2022, 03:25 PM.


                          • #58
                            1. Row 11 in the search results: no "Actions" button.
                            2. Mismatch between the total number invoices displayed (422) and the number of results possible to list according to the number of pages (32) by displaying 11 results per page (352).
                            3. Column "Status", first row: a typo ("Rejcted")
                            4. Align left the column titles (e.g. "Type") with the column content (items)
                            5. Typo in the column name: "Invoce"
                            6. Page numbers in the web page bottom: page 5 is missing
                            7. "Due Date" column: numbers instead of dates in the column below the title
                            8. "PO#" column: dates instead of numbers in the column below the title
                            9. Two buttons of the different design but the same functionality: a button in a form of binocular icon on a "purchase order" line and orange "Search" button right above the search results list.
                            10. The dates of invoices 1122338089 and 1122339546 (5-Jun-2011 and 1-Oct-2011) are out of the specified search range (from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).
                            11. Column "Amount": left alignment for the money amounts is confusing. Please apply the right alignment or
                            alignment around the dot sign.
                            12. Mismatch between the results per page specified in the search parameters (10) and the actual
                            number being displayed (11).
                            13. "From amount" search parameter: remove it from the parameter name title (leave just "Amount")
                            and place "from" right before the first "Amount" text input field
                            14. "Invoice date" search parameter: put "from" right before the first "Invoice date" text input field
                            15. Different date formats in the "invoice date" text input fields (6/5/2011) and in the "Invoice Date"
                            and "PO #" search result columns (28-Sep-2011).
                            16. Column "Amount": the value $22,376.00 is not inline with the ascending order applied for this column (the
                            previous value is $22,409.37 and the next one is $87,888.05)
                            17. No title for the column of "Actions" buttons
                            18. "Inv. Date" column: align right the search result dates in the column.
                            19. Formatting inconsistency in the search parameters titles: "From amount:" has the colon on the end while
                            other search paramentes (e.g. "Invoice number") do not.


                            • #59
                              1 Section "Search my invoices": Put down a colon after all labels execept label "From amount"
                              2 Section "Results per page": Fix output result in table beetven text field and Showing 422 invoices
                              3 Section "Showing 422 invoices": Fix a mistake in the word "invoce" in the up line of table "showing 422 invoices"
                              4 Section "Showing 422 invoices": Apply only one separator character in the numbers in the column "Amount" in the table "Showing 422invoices" dot or comma
                              5 Section "Showing 422 invoices": We have an ordered output of the values in the column "amaunt" in ascending order, except for the rows 1122339546 and 1122339134 to fix it.
                              6 Section "Showing 422 invoices": To fix a mistake in the word "Rejcted" to "Rejected" in the column "status" up line.
                              7 Section "Showing 422 invoices": Link to page #5 is missing below "Showing 422 invoices"
                              8 Section "Showing 422 invoices":To fix the bug of links below table "Showing 422 invoices" .they is do not activates when cursor is on them.
                              9 Section "Showing 422 invoices":To fux the bug of amount colymn . It is shows ascending order instead of selected descending order.

