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Online class February 7,2022 "Bug reports Taulia"

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  • #31
    List of all invoices area.
    #1. Typo in the column "Invoce #".
    #2. In the column "Amount" sorting arrow doesn't work.
    #3. Column buttons looks like clickable buttons, but it's just a text. Recommended to remove underscore.
    #4. Buttons "Download list", "Refresh" and "Actions" doing nothing after click on those buttons.
    #5. Pagination not working.
    #6. Column "PO #" shows date instead of number.
    #7. At the column "Status" there is a typo in the word "Rejcted" .
    #8. There are 11 (eleven) invoices total in the result, but only 10 results per page should be shown.
    #9. Invoice number "1122338095" doesn't have "Actions" button.
    #10. Column "Due date" not showing date.


    • #32
      #1 Section “Search my invoices” six out of seven labels doesn’t have a colon sign in the end. Add “:” to the rest.
      #2 The page shows 11 invoices when the option “results per page” is set to 10.
      #3 Search results table/column “invoce#” / the word invoice is misspelled. Replace “invoce” with invoice.
      #4 Search results table/ column “Status” / the word Rejected is misspelled. Replace “Rejcted” with Rejected.
      #5 Log out button is misspelled. Replace “LOGOUT” with log out.
      #6 Section “Search my invoices”/ field “From amount:”/ Possible to use characters and special characters.
      #7 Search results table/ there is no “Actions” button for last invoice on the page.


      • #33
        1. Search result table: the letter i is omitted in the name "Invoce".
        2. Search result table, the “Status” column: in the label “Rejcted” omitted the letter e.
        3. Search result table: add line numbering.
        4. Search result table: the contents of the “Due Date" column are in the “PO#" column.
        5. Search result table: the contents of the “PO#” column are in the “Due Date” column.
        6. Search result table: 11 results on the page instead of 10.
        7. Search result table: in the page numbering there is no number 5.


        • #34
          1. Columns in "Due Date" and "PO#" are mixed up in the table.
          2. Dates must be displayed on the site in the same format.
          3. In the "Inv. Date" column, all dates must be synchronized according to the calendar.
          4. Тhere are 11 rows in the table, but "Results per page" says 10.
          5. The title of the table says "Showing 422 invoices", but there are only 32 pages, it's not logical.
          6. In the "Payment" column, not every line contains numbers.
          7. Вuttons at the top "Home" "Invoices" "Purchase" "Orders" "Payments" "My Details" "Cash Planner" "Your Customer" should be better placed in a more logical order by size and purpose.
          8. There is a mistake in the first line in the word "Rejcted".
          9. In the headings of the table, the heading "Amount" is more logical to replace with "Order cost".
          10.The "Action" button is missing from the last row of the table.


          • #35
            1. Labels under "Search my invoice" should have colon at the end.
            2. Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (mm.dd.yyyy) and column "Inv.Date" (dd-month-yyyy)
            3. Incorrect number of results at the page: 11 instead of 10 as per "Result per page" listbox
            4. Misspell under "Showing 422 invoice": replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice #"
            5. Misspell under "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
            6. Incorrect view of date format under "Due Date" column
            7. Incorrect view for "PO#" column
            8. Swap the labels of column "Due Date" and "PO#"
            9. In column "Inv.Date" data "1-Oct-2011" is outside of scope in fields "Invoice Data", (6/5/2011)-(9/30/2011)
            10. In "Amount" column: the amounts should be presented in descending order
            11. 32 pages of 10 rows is not enouph for 422 results


            • #36
              1. The 5 (fifth) page is missing from the page numbering.
              2. Various date format.
              3. The number of specified rows in the sheet does not correspond to the actual number.
              4. The original date format does not match in the Due Date column.
              5. The date format is original and does not match in the Payment column.
              6. Showing 422 invoices does not match 32 pages.
              7. Invoice number is missing from the page.
              8. On the fourth line point to Paid shows Approved.
              9. The last line on the page is missing Actions.
              10. The Search button does not have a field for entering text.


              • #37
                BUG REPORTS of TAULIA:

                1. First cell in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejcted"
                2. Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (6/52011) vs Inv. Date Column (22-Aug-2011)
                3. Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (as per "Results per page" listbox)
                4. In "Search My Invoices" section all the labels should have a colon at the end
                5. Column titles "Due Date" do not represent the nature of the column data. They are confusing
                6. Data in the "PO #" column looks like being in date format rather than PO # format
                7. "Amount" column: ascending order is broken $22,376.00 goes before $22,409.37
                8. In the table "Amount" column the sorting sign is in descending order, in fact the data is sorted in ascending order
                9. Replace "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices" with "Showing 422 invoices"
                10. Search results table: Link the 5th page is missing
                Last edited by ARTEM-IS; 02-10-2022, 12:15 PM.


                • #38
                  1) Mismach between nubers of results (422) and numbers of pages - it should be 43 (if 10 results per page)
                  2)Results table, Line-numbers of pages = put "5" page button
                  3)Search bug - Results for "Payment" column incorrect = put a real date data
                  4)Search bug - Results for "Payment" column - results not for all invoices = input data for all existing painments
                  5)Search bug - Results table - "Due Data", "PO" - wrong tab place = replace/exchange tabs names
                  6)Search bug - "1122339546 invoice" is out of searching period = it shouldnt be in a results
                  7)Result table - 11 result should have a push button "Actions"
                  8)Result table displays 11 results instead 10 = make 10
                  9)Result table - Tab line - "invoce#" instead = "invoice"
                  10)Result table - Tab line - "PO#" instead = "PO"


                  • #39
                    #1. Set default input focus to "Search my invoices" folder/"Invoice number" field.
                    #2. "Search my invoices" folder/"Purchase order" field: lost input focus by press "Tab" key.
                    #3. "Search my invoices" folder/"Results per page" field: lost input focus by press "Tab" key.
                    #4. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Invoice number" label.
                    #5. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Customer" label.
                    #6. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Purchase order" label.
                    #7. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Amount to" label.
                    #8. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Invoice date" label.
                    #9. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Invoice date to" label.
                    #10. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Invoice status" label.
                    #11. Add the finish colon to "Search my invoices" folder/"Results per page" label.
                    #12. Set "Search my invoices" folder/Amount "from", "to" fields as editable.
                    #13. Show total invoices count in "Table" folder header.
                    #14. "Table" folder columns: correct "Invoce #" column title spelling.
                    #15. "Table" folder pagination: inconsist paging, missed 5 page after search.
                    #16. "Table" pagination - mismath total count with paging for 10 results per page.
                    #17. "Table"/"Amount" column values sorted by ascending for descending column mode.
                    #18. Logo image is unclickable.


                    • #40
                      1. "PO#" column: not a common format.
                      2. "Due date" column: not a common date format.
                      3. Under the "Showing 422 invoices" table: link to page 5 is missing.
                      4. "Amount" column: results are not in descending order.
                      5. Last column, last row in the "Showing 422 invoices" table : no action button.
                      6. "Showing 422 invoices" table: 11 rows are showed instead of 10.
                      7. "Showing 422 invoices" table: 422 rows are more than 32 pages with 10 results.
                      8. "Status" column, 1st row: misspelling. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                      9. "Showing 422 invoices" table, 1st column, 1st row: misspelling. Replace "Invoce" to "Invoice".
                      10. "Search in my voices" section: all labels should have a colon.


                      • #41
                        1. Column "Invoce #": change "Invoce" with "Invoice"
                        2. "Search my invoices" section: tab order after "Purchase order" field goes nowhere instead of to "From amount:" field
                        3. "Purchase order" field need to be only for a data (establish a calendar for data selection)
                        4. Data format in "Invoice date" (only numbers format) and data format in the column "Inv. Date" (numbers and letters) are inconsistent
                        5. Status of the invoice 1122339225: Change " Rejcted" with " Rejected"
                        6. There are 11 search results on the page instead of 10 when in "Results per page" field chosen 10.
                        7. "Invoice number" field: put colons after the name of the field
                        8. "Customer" field: put colons after the name of the field
                        9. "Purchase order" field: put colons after the name of the field
                        10."Invoice date" field: put colons after the name of the field
                        11. "Invoice status" field: put colons after the name of the field
                        12. "Results per page" field: put colons after the name of the field
                        13. "Invoice status" listbox: item "Rejcted" is missing
                        14. "Invoice status" listbox: item "Paid" is missing
                        15. "Invoice status" listbox: item "In process" is missing
                        16. "Invoice status" listbox: item "Approved" is missing


                        • #42
                          1. Invoice date should be from "06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011", while "1-Oct-2011" is outside this range.
                          2. Link "5" is missed below the search results table.
                          3. Results per page should be 10 instead of 11.
                          4. Button "Actions" is missed in 11 results on "search results table".
                          5. Invoice date should be from "06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011", while "1-Aug-2011" is outside this range.
                          6. Please, add space between "Log" and "to" in Menu.
                          7. Inconsistency format date in Invoice date field and Inv. Date search results table.
                          8. 32 link pages are not enough for 422 invoices


                          • #43
                            1. Ivoises button looks like pointed
                            2. Column's names are shifted
                            3. 'Download' button has icon like 'Safe'
                            4. 5th page is missing
                            5. There showing 422 invoises but last page number is 32
                            6. There should be 'Amount' insted 'From amount'
                            7. It's not clear what 'Payment' column about
                            8. Rrepeated numbers in the 4th column
                            9. Date columns must have sorters


                            • #44
                              1) Give to the "Invoice number" field the Default Input Focus.
                              2) "Search my invoices": Label "Invoice number" requires colon character at the end.
                              3) "Search my invoices": Label "Customer" requires colon character at the end.
                              4) "Search my invoices": Label "Purchase order" requires colon character at the end.
                              5) "Search my invoices": Label "Invoice date" requires colon character at the end.
                              6) "Search my invoices": Label "Invoice status" requires colon character at the end.
                              7) "Search my invoices": Label "Results per page" requires colon character at the end.
                              8) Results section/first column: replace misspelled label "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
                              9) Results section: 5th page link is missing.
                              10) Results section/"Amount" column: wrong amount order between "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00".


                              • #45
                                1.11 results are shown on one page of the table instead of 10 indicated in the dropdown list "Results per page"
                                2.In the pagination of the table is missing page 5
                                3.The results in the Amount column are not sorted in ascending order
                                4.When you hover the cursor over the Actions buttons in the table, the cursor takes the form of a Text Pointer, not a Link Pointer
                                5.The Actions button is missing in the invoice number 1122338095
                                Last edited by Olga_T; 02-10-2022, 11:27 AM.

