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Online class February 7,2022 "Bug reports Taulia"

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  • #16
    1. Add colon to the end of "Invoice number" label.
    2. Add colon to the end of "Customer" label.
    3. Add colon to the end of "Purchase order" label.
    4. Add colon to the end of "Invoice date" label.
    5. Add colon to the end of "Invoice status" label.
    6. Add colon to the end of "Results per page" label.
    7. Inconsistency in date format in "Invoice date" text field and search results section.
    8. Search results section: replace "Invoce #" to "Invoice #".
    9. Search results section: it is 11 results instead of 10.
    10. Search results section: inconsistency in "Amount" sorting order "$22,376.00" goes after "$22,409.37" instead of "$87,888.05".
    11. Search results section: "Actions" button missed in the end of last record.
    12. Search results section: inconsistency in alignment between labels and search results.


    • #17

      1. The information inputs in columns under the labels “ due date” and “PO#” are not matching the labels. These two labels probably have to be switched between each other.
      2. Inconsistency of number inputs in columns “invoice number “, “invoice date”, “due date” and “amount”. It might be nicer if one of the column will be assigned as the leading where numbers would be arranged in ascending order. The best candidates for that seems would be “invoice number” or “date” column that will help to archive information.
      3. The numbers in a column “amount” have to be lined up to set decimal points in one line under each other.
      4. In a column “payment “ not all labels look active and allow access.
      5.The input in a colon “Payment” that is active (red color) ,when clicked, sends confusing message about call.
      6. Replace “Invoce #” column title in the Search Results table with “Invoice#”.
      7. Links below search results table: link to page "5" is missing.
      8. Links below search results table: the buttons for links “next” and “back”are missing.
      9. Replace ".." with "..." between links to page 10 and page 12 below search results table
      10. There are links to 32 pages of the Search Results, which is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices.
      11. "Amount" column sorting order is ascending instead of being descending as per arrowhead in the column title.
      12. Button “Action” is missing in the last colon for last (11th invoice) row.
      13. In menu bar of website page exchange “Logout” with “Log out”
      14. "Search my invoices" section: most of the labels are missing colon character at the end.
      15. Non typical Tooltip with a picture of binoculars instead of magnifying glass after “purchase order input box”.
      16. Invoice dates search results should be limited to "06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011", while "22-Oct-2011", “ 13-Oct-2011“ and “31-Oct-2011“ are outside of that range.
      17. The column label “Inv.Date” is unnecessarily shortened. There is enough space and it probably would be nicer to write a full words “Invoice Date” for user convenience.


      • #18
        1)Header: company logo is not clickable;
        2)"Search my invoices" section: title background design blends into the background of the web page;
        3)"Search my invoices" section "From amount" field: either remove the colon or assign all fields to the section;
        4)"Search my invoices" section "From amount" field: in the second text box add number separators;
        5)Search results section: table shows 11 results instead of 10;
        6)Search results section: the header of the table of found invoices shows "Showing 422 invoices", but in fact we see 11 results. It would be more logical to indicate: Shown 11 of 422 invoices;
        7)Search results section "Status" column: the first invoice status "Rejcted" has a lexical mistake;
        8)Search results section "Due Date" column: does not match its content;
        9)Search results section "PO #" column: does not match its content;
        10)Search results section "Amount" column: the result is inconsistency;
        11)Search results section "Inv. Date" column: requested data before 03.30.2011, in fact it displays until 1-Oct-2011;
        12)Search results section: contains a different format dd /mm /yyyy than in search parameters;
        13)Search results section, 11 search result/invoice: missing "Actions" button;
        14)Search results section: 32 pages found where 5 page is missing;
        15)Search results section: pages miscalculation.There should be more than 32 pages. Provided that there are 422 invoices in total, 11 invoices per page.


        • #19
          1. "Search my invoices" section: Add to all labels the colon character or remove it from "From amount"
          2. "Search my invoices" section: Inconcistent dates format with Search results table
          3. Search results table: Misspell. Replace "Invoce #" column title with "Invoice #"
          4. Search results table: Misspell. Replace "Rejcted" status name with "Rejected"
          5. Search results table: 11 invoces are shown instead of 10 as chosen in "Results per page" drop box
          6. Search results table: Replace next columns titles with each other "Due Date" and "PO #"
          7. Search results table: Link to"5" page of the results is missing
          8. Search results table/"Amount" column: Results are showen from smallest to largest instead of from largest to smallest as chosen
          9. Search results table/"Amount" column: Sorting problem for the next invoices "1122339546" and "1122339134"
          10. Search results section: Not all of 422 founded invoices can be showen. There are only 32 pages with 10 invoices per page
          Last edited by Ilnur Gatin; 02-09-2022, 11:53 PM.


          • #20
            1. In "Search my invoices" colon are not after every lable.
            2. "Results per page" = 10, but there are 11 lines with results in spreadsheet.
            3 In title of spreadsheet there is a misspel in word "Invoce #" instead "Invoice #".
            4. Different formats of detes in field "Search my invoices" and in "Inv. Date" colomn.
            5. "Due Date" looks like "PO #".
            6. "PO #" looks like "Due Date" .
            7. In "Amount" colomn amounts should go from big to small, but they go from small to big.
            8. Change oder in "Amount" colomn: "$22,376.00" should be bellow "$22,409.37"/
            9. In field "Invoice date - to" there is date 9/30/2011, but in "Inv. Date" colomn on the 7th line there is date "1-Oct-2011".
            10. There no link to the 5th page in a line under spreadsheet.


            • #21
              1. Inconsistency in date formates : "Invoice date" field and "Inv. Date", "PO #" columns
              2. link to page 5 is missing under the search results table
              3. In 11 row the button "Action" is missing
              4. "Due Date" column is not in a common date format
              5. "PO #" column has inconsistent format
              6. Lable "from" is missing in "Invoice date" field: from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011
              7. Navigate mouse: Digitals in Search result table are not active
              8. Navigate mouse to "Paid" in 4 row - appeared "approved", must be "paid"
              9. Not all fields have listbox


              • #22
                Bug reports for

                1) Search result page - column name "Invoice" has grammatic mistake: "invoce" instead "invoice".
                2) Search result page - the invoices 1122339500, 1122339546 and 1122339302 are out of search scope, from October month. The invoices must be only from 6/5/2011 up to 9/30/2011
                3) Search result page - the quantity of invoices per page 11 instead declared 10.
                4) Search result page - names of columns are not centered in the cell.
                5) Search result page - the 11th invoice don't have an action button.
                6) Search result page - the number of search result page is 32, the number of invoices 422. 422 invoices can not accommodate on the 32 pages.
                7) Search result page - the names of column does not assign properly: Due Date and PO#
                8) Search result page - links to Search result pages - missed page #5.
                9) Search result page - column "Amount" - the sums better to align by right side.
                10) Search result page - column "PO#" - PO (purchase order) is a unique, can not be assign to different invoices.


                • #23

                  1. "Search my invoices"/"Hide search parameters" button not active.
                  2. In "Search my invoices" section All Labels should have colon ':'
                  3. "Invoice date" field can not be changed
                  4. "Invoice status" listbox has just one option. Need to add: "Pair", "Approved" and etc.
                  5. "Results per page" listbox has just one option 10. Should be 10, 20, 30...
                  6. "Results per page" listbox chosed 10, but it is showing 11 results per page.
                  7. "Search" button is not active.
                  8. In results section "Download" button is not active. No any window for downloading.
                  9. In results section "Refresh" button is not active.
                  10. In results section column "Invoce #" change to "Invoice #"
                  11-18. All column name not active
                  19. In result section swap the column name "Due Date" "PO #"
                  20. Buttons "Actions" for each invoice are not active
                  21. Invoice 1122338095 doesn't has "Actions" button
                  22. Invoices filtering bu "Amount" should be swaped 1122339546-$22,409.37 1122339134-$22,376.00
                  23. The "Binocular" button near "Purchase order" field is removing numbers from field "Invoice number" and "Purchase order". My Suggest to remove it. No need to search button.
                  24. Two different Date format. Better to use format like: 12-Feb-2011
                  25. Better to make Tabfolder "Invoices" solid with whole page contour.


                  • #24
                    1. There are no colons after field names in "Search my invoices"
                    2. The number of results is over then 10 wich is specified in "Results per page"
                    3. The 422 in "Showing invoies" is not equal to the sum of 32 pages
                    4. Format of date number in "Invoice date" is not correct
                    5. Colomns Inv.Date and PO# needs to be changed
                    6. Format of values in lines in colomn Amount is different
                    7. The word "Rejcted" in colomn Status is should be writing as "Rejected"
                    8. There is no button "Actions" in 11 line
                    9. There is no number 5 in line of numbers of pages
                    10. The word "Invoce" in first colomn in results tab is should be writing as "Invoice".


                    • #25
                      1. Most labels are missing cola at the end of the "Search my invoices" section

                      2. In the search results table, replace the column name "Invoce " with "Invoice

                      3. The "Results per page" list box contains 10 search results instead of 11

                      4. The button in row 11 of the results table is missing

                      5. There are links to 32 search results pages, far less than 422

                      6. Links below the search results table: There is no link to page "5"

                      7. The order of the "Amount" columns is ascending, not descending, as indicated by the arrowhead in the column heading

                      8. Invoice dates are '06/05/2011 to 09/30/2011' but '1-Oct-2011' is out of range

                      9. Date format mismatch: Compare the 'Invoice date' fields to the 'Inv. Date' column

                      10. The fourth Line in the "Status" column: The tooltip for the icon tool is "Approved" instead of "Paid"


                      • #26
                        Bug report for Taulia website

                        #1. Invoice search result list. Misspell in column name. Replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice#".
                        #2. Invoice search result list. Misspell in "Status" word. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                        #3. Invoice search result list. Shown 11 search result instead of 10.
                        #4. Invoice search result list. Invoice 1122339546. Shown invoice from 10/1/2011. While the last required date is 9/30/2011.
                        #5. Invoice search result list. Column "Due Date" and "PO#" swapped.
                        #6. Invoice search result list. Numbers of the invoices page is not a linked text. Make it linked.
                        #7. Invoice search result list. In search results missed page 5 in numbering.
                        #8. Invoice search result list. List name "Showing 422 invoices". "invoice" word should be written from the capital letter "I".
                        #9. Search parameters list. List name "Search my invoice". "invoice" word should be written from the capital letter "I".
                        #10. Search parameters list. "Search my invoice" parameter label "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page" has no colons. Place colons.

                        Bug report for Taulia website

                        #1. Header. Replace "Logout" with "Log out".
                        #2. "Search my invoice" parameters. Tab order miss "Find" icon.
                        #3. "Search my invoice" parameters. Tab order miss button "Search".
                        #4. "Search my invoice" parameters. No default input focus.
                        #5. "Search my invoice" parameters. Label should be write from capital letter. Replace "Invoice number" with "Invoice Number", "Purchase order" with "Purchase Order",
                        "From amount" with "From Amount", "Invoice date" with "Invoice Date", "Invoice status" with "Invoice Status".
                        #6. "Search my invoice" parameters. Date format is different from date format in result list. Set same format.
                        Last edited by dtritenko; 02-10-2022, 09:16 AM.


                        • #27
                 the header of the site, the "Invoice" button is different from the appearance of the buttons "Home", "Purchase Orders "Payments", "My Details", "Cash Planner", "Your Customer" make them the same
                          #2. Search my invoices" section: missing colon character at the end
                          #3. The section "Search my invoices": "Results per page" has a filter of 10 lines, but in the results table it shows 11 lines
                          #4. Date Format Mismatch: Compare Invoice Date fields and Invoice Date column
                          #5. Replace "Invoce #" column title in the Search Results table with "Invoice#"
                          #6. "Action” button is missing in row #11 of the Results Table
                          #7. In the column "Inv.Date" discrepancy, found a date greater than 09.30.2011
                          #8. There is invoice number instead of dates in the column "PO#" on the Resuit Table
                          #9. In the "due date" column of the results table, dates are shown instead of invoice numbers.
                          #10.In the column "Amount" the sequence is broken: 22409.37 goes above 22376
                          #11.The sort order of the "Amount" column is ascending, not descending according to the arrow in the column heading.
                          #12.Links below search results table: link to page "5" is missing
                          #13.Links below the search results table: add a "next" and "previous" button


                          • #28
                            1) Search parameters: no characters are supposed in the "Invoice number" field, numbers only.
                            2) Search parameters: no characters are supposed in the "Purchase order" field, numbers only.
                            3) Search parameters: no characters are supposed in the "From Amount" and "To" fields, numbers only.
                            4) Search results: the headers of "PO#" and "Due Date" columns are mixed up.
                            5) Search results: "Invoice #" column header is misspelled. Should be "Invoice" instead of "Invoce".
                            6) Search results: the number of table rows is 11 instead of 10 specified in the "Results per page" droplist.
                            7) Search results: the "Results per page" droplist is supposed to have multiple values instead of single.
                            8) Search results: "Amount" column is sorted ascending while sorting direction icon assumes descending sorting order.
                            9) Search parameters: only "From amount" field name has a colon ":" at the end.
                            10) Search parameters: data in the "Invoice date" fields can not be changed.
                            11) Search results: pagination is missing page 5.
                            12) Search results: the word "Rejected" is misspelled in the "Status" column.
                            13) Search parameters: the "Invoice status" droplist has only one filtering parameter.
                            14) Search results: columns' data is misaligned with columns' headers.
                            15) Search results: mismatch between found invoices number and search results pages number.


                            • #29
                              /1/ Column "Invoice#": change name "Invoice#" to "Invoice".
                              /2/ Column "PO#": change name "PO#" with "PO".
                              /3/ Column "Payment": incorrect data of time.
                              /4/ Label "From amount" and "to": Exclude letter input.
                              /5/ Label "From amount" and "to": add "$" (currency sign) before the input field.
                              /6/ Label "From amount" and "to": add "." (number format) to the input field.


                              • #30

                                1. Сolumn name "Invoice": Mistake. Missing letter "i"
                                2. Column "Due Date": the data format is not suitable
                                3. Column "PO#": the data format is not suitable
                                4. Column "Amount": the data is not arranged in decreasing order
                                5. Column "Status": "Rejected": misspelled word. Missing letter "e"
                                6. Button "Actions": missing in the last line
                                7. 11 rows in the table instead of 10
                                8. Insufficient number of pages in the table. 422 orders will not fit on 32 pages
                                9. There is no link to page "5"
                                10. The data in the table does not correspond to the specified period: "Inv. Date": "1-Oct-2011" not included in the period from 5/6/2011 to 9/30/2011
                                Last edited by Irarus; 02-10-2022, 06:26 AM.

