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Online class February 7,2022 "Bug reports Taulia"

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  • Online class February 7,2022 "Bug reports Taulia"

    1.Put colons in all labels in the "Search my invoices" section.
    2.In the label "From amount" the pretext "from" is missing.
    3.In the label "Invoice date" is missing pretext "from".
    4.In the table "Search result" in a column name "Invoice" missing letter "I" ( Invoce)
    5.There is inconsistency: the date greater than 09/30/2011 In the column "Inv.Date"
    6.There are dates instead numbers of invoice in the column "Due date" of the Result table.
    7.There is invoice number instead of dates in the column "PO#" on the Resuit Table
    8.There is inconsistency: a date greater than 09/30/2011 in the column "PO#"
    9.In column "Amount" sequence is broken: 22409,37 goes higher 22376
    10.Button "Action" is missing in row 11 on the Result Table.
    11.Link to page #5 is missing below Search Result Table.
    12.Inconsistency: in "Result per page" listbox given 10 lines, in "Result per page" 11.
    13.There are links to 32 pages on the "Search Results", which is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices.
    Last edited by MBVictoria; 02-08-2022, 09:12 AM.

  • #2
    1. Add columns to the labels in "search My Invoices" section
    2. Replace the name of the column "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
    3. Replace the status in the first search result line from "Rejcted" to "Rejected"
    4. Add filters to each column in the section "Showing 422 invoices"
    5. Lines 7 and 8 in column "Amount" are not filtered by ascending order
    6. Filter to "Invoice date" field is not applied: in Search results are shown invoice dated after 9/30/2011 (01-Oct-2022)
    7. Data in column "Due date" is not in date format
    8. Data in column "PO #" is in date format
    9. Dates in column "Payment" are in the incorrect format (do not state month and day) Ex. 2011-1248
    10. Incorrect number of search results per page: 11 instead of 10
    11. Add button "Action" to the last (11) line in Search results
    12. Different date format: "invoice date" field - 6/05/2011, and "Inv. date" column - 5-Jun-2011
    13. Links to the other pages with Search results are inactive
    14. Page no. 5 is missed in the number of pages with search results
    15. Inconsistency in the title of Search Results table "Showing 422 invoices" but showing 11 invoices
    16. Center the text of the columns in the section "Showing 422 invoices" to be right under the title of the table
    17. Add ellipses instead of 2 dots after page 15
    Last edited by Oksana_Sh; 02-10-2022, 08:40 AM.


    • #3
      1. In "Search my invoices" colon are not in every line.
      2. "Results per page" = 10, but there are 11 lines in results of searching.
      3. A mistake in "Invoce #".
      4. Different formats of detes in "Search my invoices" and results of searching.
      5. Colomn "Due Date" looks like "PO #".
      6. Colomn"PO #" looks like "Due Date" .
      7. There no point "Actions" in the 11th line.


      • #4
        1 After the "Actions" buttons is a gap.
        2 In the "Invoice#" before all invoice numbers are necessary add a folder sign for convenience to download only one invoice if it is necessary.
        3 In the "Invoice#" before all invoice numbers are necessary add a "checkbox" to chose the exact invoice to download.
        4 In the "Showing Invoice 422" information under "Status" shifted left sight.
        5 In the "Invoice" column Invoice numbers should include the currency in which payment was made. (Exp. 112233USD9225).
        6 Next to "Showing 422 invoices" in "Download list" instead of the disc should be signed with the arrows directed down.
        7 In "Inv. Date" and "Due Date" the wrong date format was used instead of MM/DD/YYYY it shows DD/MM/YYYY. The date format contradicts to "Invoice" label shown above.

        8 In the "Amount" column first 4 rows all amounts are written with the dot sign(100.10,110.00, 345.55, 899.45) and in the last 7 rows, all amounts are written with dots and commas (8,834.35,10,289.00, 22,493.27...97,544.98).

        9 In "Invoice date" it shows the date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 but in the 7-th row, there is "Inv. Date" from October 1/10/2011 to 30/10/2011. The wrong date order.
        10 In the "Payment" column all payment time is shown (if it is a time) like "2011 - 1248" inconvenient to read, change to "2011 - 12:48".
        11 The arrow on the "Amount" column is showing descending order but the result shows ascending order.
        12 The rows seven and eight should be replaced because the 22,376,00 is smaller than 22,409,37.
        13 PO# and Due Date should be replaced.
        14 In the second column "Type" repetition of the word "Invoice".
        15 In the header on the right sight above the "Cash Planner" and "Your Customer" (Label) instead of "User Manager" would better be "Customer Manager".
        16 In the first column "Invoice #" is misspelt.
        17 In the "Purchase Order" after the "textbox" would be better to remove "binoculars" and replace them with the "loupe".
        Last edited by Almaz; 02-09-2022, 11:31 PM.


        • #5
          #1 Result field: missing “Action” button
          #2 Missing name for column with "Actions" buttons
          #3 Links for the number of page from 2 to 32 of showing Invoices in not active
          #4 Misspelled word in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
          #5 First cell in "Status" colum: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
          #6 Replace the name of the column "Invoce #" on to "Invoice #"
          #7 In the section "Results per page" value specified is 10, actual result is 11 lines
          #8 List box of label "Invoice status" have only one choice "All"
          #9 List box of label "Results per page" have only one choice "10"
          #10 automatically place the cursor in the first data entry field


          • #6
            #1. "Search my invoice" section: all the labels should have a colon at the end.
            #2. Incorrect number of results per page: 11 instead of 10 (as "Results per page" listbox).
            #3. Inconsistency in date format: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) vs "Inv.Date" column (22-Aug-2011).
            #4. First cell in "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
            #5. In "Due Date" column numbers should replace with date format.
            #6. Label "Showing invoices" indicate incorrect number of invoices: 422 invoices presented when should be no more than 320.
            #7. The first cell of the first row of the table: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #".
            #8. Inconsistency in column "PO #": Date format (28-Sep-2011) instead purchase order number.
            #9 .Column "Amount" shows ascending order instead of selected descending order.
            #10.Inconsistency in "Amount" column: cell "$22,409.37" should go after "$22,376.00".
            #11.No link to page 5 on the last row of the table.
            #12.Label "From amount" incorrect field's input of amount 1000000 instead $1,000,000.00; $100 instead $100.00
            #13.Field "Purchase order" after text fields image binoculars. Remove it.
            #14.In "Search my invoice" section: no field that gets input focus by default.
            #15."Status" column/row 4 icon: the tooltip reads "Approved" instead of "Paid".
            #16.Inconsistency in the name of the label "Invoice status" and the name of the column "Status".
            #17.Inconsistency in the name of the label "Purchase order" and the name of the column "PO#".
            #18.In the "Inv.Date" column: data is not in chronological order.
            #19.Inconsistency in the name of the label "Invoice number" and the name of the column "Invoice #".
            #20."Search my invoice" section: "Invoice date" label missing word "From" before the first field.
            #21."Search my invoice" section: "From amount" remove "From" and input it before the first field.
            Last edited by Natallia Apalinskaya; 02-09-2022, 01:48 PM.


            • #7
              1. There are 11 search results instead of 10 in the list of search results on the page.
              2. Links below search result table: link to page “5” is missing
              3. There are links to 32 pages of the Search Result, which is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices
              4. Misspelled status in the first row: "Rejcted" vs "Rejected"
              5. Data in the Due Date column is not in a common date format
              6. Column name "PO#" has a non-standard name
              7. Inconsistent "Invoice date" format appears as M/D/YYYY, but search resalts format displays as DD/Mon/YYYY
              8. Status column, row #4: Tooltip text "Approved" instead of "Paid".
              9. "Amount" column: Sorting issue. "$22,376.00" breaks the sorting order
              Last edited by Lidmyla Oleshko; 02-10-2022, 09:56 AM.


              • #8
                1. In search parameters field not all labels has a characters ("From amount" has only.
                2. Labels "From amount" and "Invoice date" has not indicate "From". Means to "From"-"To".
                3. After search we have a 422 pages invoices results insted of some 320.
                4. In a table header first column name is not correct "Invoce". Means to "Invoice"
                5. Field search has a line 11 instead of 10 as specified in the parameters above.
                6. Incorrect sorting of the select parameter "Amount". The icon "triangle" directed from largest to smallest.
                7. The 11 line has not the button "Actions". Maybe line 11 is extra.
                8. The invoice number "1122339044" has "Paid" status. If we move the mouse on the "Paid"
                we get an "Approved" status in the additional field.
                9. The number of pages has incorrect order. The page 5 is missing.
                10. Incorrect ellipsis ".." in the number of pages field. Means to "..."
                11. Incorrect sorting by amount (broken sequence): Amount 22,409.37 greater than 22,376.00.
                12. Invoice data (1-Oct-2011) "1122339546" is greater than specified in search parameters (to: 9/30/2011)
                13. Date style different between search parameters and search results.
                For example: "6/5/2011" in search parameters and 29-Aug-2011 in search results.
                14. Mistake in word "Rejcted" in column "Status" in the search field.
                15. Label "From amount" has not a symbol "$" as a column "Amount" in the results field.
                16. Label "Purchase order" has incorrect name "PO#" in the result field.
                17. Columns "Due Date" and "PO#" mixed up in results field. Column "Due date" should has a date form,
                as column "PO#" should has a number 100444 for example.


                • #9
                  1) There is no field with default input focus
                  2) "Search my invoices" section: Label "Invoice number" should end up with the colon character.
                  3) "Search my invoices" section: Label "Customer" should end up with the colon character.
                  4) "Search my invoices" section: Label "Purchase order" should end up with the colon character.
                  5) "Search my invoices" section: Label "Invoice date" should end up with the colon character.
                  6) "Search my invoices" section: Label "Invoice status" should end up with the colon character.
                  7) "Search my invoices" section: Label "Results per page" should end up with the colon character.
                  8) Results section, first column, misspelled label "Invoce #" should be replaced with "Invoice #".
                  9) Results section: 5th page link is missing.


                  • #10
                    1. "Search my invoices" section: all labels should end up with colon character
                    2. "Search my invoices" section: date format 6/5/2011 differs from "Showing 422 invoices" section date format 29-Aug-2011
                    3. "Showing 422 invoices" section: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
                    4. "Showing 422 invoices" section: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                    5. "Showing 422 invoices" section: 11 search results per page instead of 10 as per " Results per page"
                    6. "Showing 422 invoices" section: "Due date" column has digits instead of date format
                    7. "Showing 422 invoices" section: "PO#" column has date format instead of PO numbers (digits)
                    8. "Showing 422 invoices" section: "Invoce #" column numbers do not have number consistency
                    9. "Showing 422 invoices" section: 11 search results per 32 pages results with 352 invoices, however showing results are 422
                    10. "Showing 422 invoices" section: page 5 is missed at the numbers of pages
                    Last edited by Sabit; 02-09-2022, 11:10 AM.


                    • #11
                      In the "Search my invoices" section, one of the search parameters is written with ":". The symbol can be either for all search parameters or nowhere.
                      In the line "From amount" in the Text Box, you can add number separators ".,". This will make the amount readable.
                      Waiting for result to see 10 results, actual result 11.
                      The header of the table of found invoices shows: Showing 422 invoices, but in fact we see 11 results. It would be more logical to indicate: Shown 11 of 422 invoices.
                      The column "Due Date" does not match its content.
                      Column "PO #" does not match its content.
                      In the "Amount" Column, the result does not follow growth.
                      The data was requested before 03.30.2011, in fact it was displayed until 10.31.2011
                      There is no Actions button in 11 invoice.
                      At the end of the table, page numbers are indicated, where page number 5 is omitted
                      There should be more than 32 pages. Provided that there are 422 invoices in total, 11 invoices per page.


                      • #12
                        1. All names of fields in "Search my invoices" section should have a colon at the end
                        2. There are no information about payment in some invoice cases
                        3. The column of Due Date have information of PO# column, so we should exchange them
                        4. result show us 11 invoice cases on every page, but it must be 10
                        5. In column Status, there is mistake in word "Rejcted", correct will be "Rejected"
                        6. Different date formats in Invoice date field and in Inv. Date column
                        7. There is no "Actions" button in one invoice case
                        8. There is no next button in the list of pages under the all invoice cases
                        9. There is no number 5 page in the list of pages under the all invoice cases
                        10. If we have on 1 page 11 invoice cases, 11*32 = 352 invoice cases,
                        but on the page we have the string, where is written, that there are 422 invoices


                        • #13
                          1. The 5 (fifth) page is missing from the page numbering.
                          2. Various date format.
                          3. The number of specified rows in the sheet does not correspond to the actual number.
                          4. The original date format does not match in the Due Date column.
                          5. The date format is original and does not match in the Payment column.
                          6. Showing 422 invoices does not match 32 pages.
                          7. Invoice number is missing from the page.
                          8. On the fourth line point to Paid shows Approved.
                          9. The last line on the page is missing Actions.
                          10. The Search button does not have a field for entering text.


                          • #14
                            Testing the Taulia website
                            1. There are no colons after the names of the fields "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Invoice status", "to", "to".
                            2. For 422 invoices of 10 pieces per page, there should be 43 pages in the end, whereas it is indicated that there are only 32 pages.
                            3. The fifth page is skipped.
                            4. Sorting should be in descending order, whereas, on the contrary, it is done by increasing the amount of the invoice.
                            5. The header shows the date format month / date /year, while invoices are displayed in a different format date / month / year.
                            6. The letter i is missing in the word invoice.
                            7. In the word rejected, the letter e is omitted after the letter j.
                            8. Score from 1 October 2011 goes beyond the specified period (from 5 June 2011 to 30 September 2011).
                            9. Accounts are sorted in order of increasing amount, however, account for a smaller amount ($22,376.00) after the invoice is for a large ($22,409.00).
                            10. Instead of 10 on the accounts page displays 11.
                            11. Opposite the last page of the invoice is not given button”Actions”, which is the opposite of all previous invoices.
                            12. The "Payment" column contains data from which it is not clear what it is at all – a date or some number?
                            13. The "Due date" column should indicate the maturity date, whereas there is no date specified, but some figures are given.
                            14. Dates should not be indicated in the "PO#" column, whereas, on the contrary, they are there. Numbers should be indicated in this column, but they are not there, respectively.


                            • #15
                              1. Showing 11 invoiced instead 10
                              2. There is a mistake in name of column "Invoce" instead of "Invoice"
                              3. Infomation in column "Due date" should be in column "PO#"
                              4. Infomation in column "PO#" should be in column "Due date"
                              5. Mixed amounts in invoices 1122339546 and 1122339134
                              6. Mistake in the "status" column on the 1st line: "Rejcted" instead of "Rejected"
                              7. Missing button "Action" on the last line for 1122338095 invoice
                              8. Missing page number 5 in page numbering
                              9. Incorrect number of pages for 422 invoices: shows only 32 while should be 43 pages (10 invoices in every 1 page)
                              10. Different formats of dates: in header "Invoice date" used month/date/year however in column "Inv Date" used date/month/year

